The smirky MRA douchebag thingsarebad didn’t win a lot of friends when he used to comment here. Ironically, it seems that he’s not doing that much better over on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, where his comments tend to garner about as many downvotes as upvotes. Yes, it is possible to be too much of a douche for even the highly douche-tolerant Men’s Rights subreddit.
Anyway, all that is a sort of rambling prelude to my main point here, which is: thingsarebad has figured out that whole “lesbian” thing, and wants to share his results with the world. Also, feminism. His science is tight.
Confused a bit by that explanation? Would you like a much, much longer explanation, replete with fake statistics he’s “mentated” out of his ass? Well, prepare yourself a stiff drink and take a look at this megacomment of his from earlier in that same thread.
We’ll just wait here while you digest all that.
Done? Share your thoughts below, or check out the ShitRedditSays discussion of it all.
Or just watch this video of a rather portly cat climbing into a vase.
Hey, I promised a kitty video to someone in the comments here a couple of days ago. I may be a little slow sometimes, but I am a man of my word.
While I’m at it, here’s a bonus vid of a kitty and a Kleenex box.
Jeez, has this idiot ever actually spoken to a gay person of either sex? Or someone who simply doesn’t think of themselves as straight, bisexual or gay at all?
Maybe if he had a respectful, friendly conversation with one he might learn something useful about human sexuality, but I doubt that he could manage the “respectful” or the “friendly” part.
Again we’re back to the Brandon idea of “if I don’t fit your/someone’s mental profile of a total loser that means that my ideas must be valid”. It’s weird. It’s such an adolescent way to look at things.
David, did you know that mocking people who you depict as unloved and unstable is a tool in your social justice arsenal? I love how you like to have your cake and eat it too – we’re unstable crazies who will become the next Marc Lepine any second now but we need to be mocked and derided to forward social justice. You cannot actually believe both of these things at the same time unless you are a psychotic and malicious bastard. I think that you just have a pathological attraction to the feminist movement because of experiences in your life and can only see it as something good and pure.
But enough speculation. Is your type of incongruity the reason that feminist men like yourself earn less for the same work? Or is it because every man who makes more money is evil and cruel and has to do it at the expense of someone else?
*as something good and pure, and a cause which must be forwarded by any means possible, deception included.
Fun fact: I am not David Futrelle, and my goals and methods. don’t necessarily have anything to do with his.
Your continued inability to read for comprehension is nobody’s problem but your own.
Strawmen for 500, Alex.
I think I got to this one, he keeps desperately trying to use what I said against feminism XD
That’s nice, Rutee. Did you get that out of your system?
Maybe. Ya actually gonna respond to a word anyone says, or just keep trying to lob fruit from under your bridge? ^.^
FactFinder versus Strawfeminist, round one.
Strawfeminist wins by default since it’s hard to get a really good hit in on something that only exists in your head.
Surely not you, my question was not even addressed to you and you still think you’re entitled to a sizable chunk of my time.
That’s cute, you’re acting like that was your first post here! But do you have any better tricks?
Wow, this troll is even more boring than Brandon.
OK I’ve locked in only 45 minutes of MRA blog reading today, hundreds of comments and dozens referring to, again, Islam as its coming saviour and an example of a religion “doing it right”.
An example;
Escoffier says:
November 12, 2011 at 12:33 pm
Interestingly, there is (scattered) anecdotal evidence of Western women in Europe, the UK and to a lesser extent in the US falling for orthodox Muslim men, wearing the veil, going to mosques, etc. and some of what they say is along the lines of “These Muslims are real men.” Islam is inherently more masculine than Christianity anyway, even if you could make modern Christianity somehow less feminized, its internal issues would still be a problem.
I’ll fully admit that I don’t have a good grasp on different orientations of sexuality and gender. I didn’t know what a genderqueer is until i started reading here. So, I treat, refer to and regard people the way they feel comfortable. If someone prefers gender neutral pronouns, or someone who outwardly appears to be female prefers to be referred to as male, of course, I’m going to respect their wishes. Why wouldn’t I?
I realize that I’m fortunate that my inward feelings about my gender match up with my physical body and that nobody would ever have a problem refering to me as a female, which is how I identify. I see no reason why everyone should extend the same respect to those who don’t match up to social steriotypes.
It all boils down to respect for fellow human beings, which seems to be something in quite short supply these days.
I really don’t understand how the use of people’s preferred pronouns is a debate that’s still happenning. If a person says “call me a”, why would you insist on calling them b instead? What purpose does that serve, and why is your desire to call them b more important then their preference that you address them as a instead? Even if you don’t understand trans issues at all, or you’re completely unfamiliar with them, how do the basic rules of social etiquette not prevail here? You address people in whatever way they indicate that they would like to be addressed. If you refuse to do so you’re being an asshole, regardless of your thoughts/feelings/opinions on trans issues.
“these days” nova?
I have found that if people are not religous and not extream like radfems or MRAs, they are generally accepting of peoples orentation or self identity. It’s getting better even if it is still bad right now. But I would not choose to live in any days before these days. They intolerance was way worse then.
“Interestingly, there is (scattered) anecdotal evidence of Western women in Europe, the UK and to a lesser extent in the US falling for orthodox Muslim men, wearing the veil, going to mosques, etc. and some of what they say is along the lines of “These Muslims are real men.” ”
Hah, I’d love to hear what feminists have to say about that. Would they consider them traitors for proving that there are other women, and plenty at that, who actually prefer a, ahem, “patriarchy”? And based on my own research, these are even modern secular Western women who don’t have the excuse that they were brainwashed due to being born and raised in a Xtian fundy culture.
Honestly, Aloren, with the shit I see and deal with every day, I’m starting to wonder if there’s a huge portion of the human population being raised by wolves. While people are becoming more sensitive to certain issues, it seems very much like general respect for other human beings has been replaced with a “MEMEMEMEMEME fucking ME” mentality.
Maybe it’s due to the horrendous economy, maybe it’s class warfare, maybe it’s the “speshul snoflayke” mentality run amok. But… general respect is sorely lacking and the “imma shit on others to make myself feel better” nonsense is more and more pervasive.
Which is why there’s even a discussion on using someone’s preferred pronouns or gender terms. Because the speshul snoflaykes of the world can’t be bothered to step outside of their own selfishness long enough to have two seconds of respect for someone else.
And, while there are some areas that are more accepting of sexual and gender preferences, there’s still a very large part of the world that would rather beat up and trans person, than try to understand them or even extend them basic courtesy.
As a feminist, I don’t care what lifestyle other women want to live.
I just care that they had the right to choose.
It was pointed out some days ago on another thread that Westerners converting to Islam are in most cases swapping one form of patriarchal religion for another, specifically a highly misogynistic one which demands submission from men and women alike – but since the testimony of a Muslim man is viewed as equal as that of two women, presumably women are supposed to be twice as submissive? I don’t know how that’s supposed to work, but the repressiveness of a religion says nothing about specific followers, who may be good people in spite of what the religious culture demands. Islamic culture is far from homogenous, and this anecdote sounds like a bad attempt to generalise from small numbers, and sometimes a proportion of converts embrace a religion more zealously (for want of a better word) than many who grew up within it, so this could merely be a statement reflective of those type of converts. Feminism extends to equality for all women – even those that are in thrall to a wicked religion that would denigrate them as half the value of men.
Your research isn’t very good, is it? You do realize that, aside from the Haj, these women are still ultimately living in their parent culture, which means they generally still have great freedom in their personal lives, and the patriarchy is more like normal USian patriarchy, yes?
@NC4OM: Get a fucking hobby you single-minded bigot. We’re going to have to play this fucking derail game again thanks to you.
I strongly suspect this is rose tinted lenses at work, to be honest. THat is, the tendency to say “No, now is worse, it was okay before”
Part of fighting kyriarchy means recognizing that, as there are many branches of feminism, there are many branches of Islam; many adherents in the western world, unsurprisingly, are more secular, less patriarchal, and not really as “Other” as is generally treated in the US and Europe. You do feminism no service in lashing out against a minority group and treating them as some sort of ogre. Yes, there are fundamentalist muslims, some in the US and Europe, and they still treat women horrendously. They are also not the sum and total of the religion, especially not in the western world.
“I strongly suspect this is rose tinted lenses at work, to be honest. THat is, the tendency to say “No, now is worse, it was okay before””
For myself, I think it’s more of a “Society may suck in a different way now, but it still sucks,” issue. It’s kind of like the story of the child who stuck zir finger in the dam and another leak sprung somewhere else. Strides are made in one arena, and there’s a huge step back in another. While I acknowledge and celebrate the victories won, I still see that there are a whole lot issues still to be dealt with.
But how does the cat get out of the vase?
“You do realize that, aside from the Haj, these women are still ultimately living in their parent culture, which means they generally still have great freedom in their personal lives, and the patriarchy is more like normal USian patriarchy, yes?”
And how long before they start to demand Shariah once they reach critical mass? They’re not even in the majority yet and they’re already radicalized (especially in certain parts of Europe), what more when they are? (See Indonesia),
As Mistress of Hounds I heartily cosign this. Dogs of any gender are wonderful companions, even for really stupid MRAs!
As for the hissy fit over Ozy’s pronouns, personally I feel like you don’t have to magically know what pronouns someone prefers, but if they say “Hey, actually I’m male/trans/genderqueer/agender and I would prefer to be called he/she/zie/ou/X/whatever” you say “Oh, OK,” then refer to them as their identified gender and call them by their preferred pronoun. Because even if you don’t get it or don’t care, there’s no call to be rude about it.
That’s not queer theory, that’s just manners. Sheesh.
Probably never, in a meaningful sense. Islam couldn’t reach majority status in any western country without discarding such a thought.
Of course some of them are radicalized; they are treated as evil regardless of what they do. That kind of villification tends to create more radicals.
What of Indonesia? The province of their’s that is Sharia, or the rest of the country? Bear in mind the country is a mishmash of a number of distinct, historically seperate cultures when trying to speak of the whole…