antifeminism douchebaggery evil women homophobia idiocy kitties misogyny MRA reddit

Lesbianism by numbers, courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. Plus kitties.

They're probably feminists too.

The smirky MRA douchebag thingsarebad didn’t win a lot of friends when he used to comment here. Ironically, it seems that he’s not doing that much better over on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, where his comments tend to garner about as many downvotes as upvotes. Yes, it is possible to be too much of a douche for even the highly douche-tolerant Men’s Rights subreddit.

Anyway, all that is a sort of rambling prelude to my main point here, which is: thingsarebad has figured out that whole “lesbian” thing, and wants to share his results with the world. Also, feminism. His science is tight.

Confused a bit by that explanation? Would you like a much, much longer explanation, replete with fake statistics he’s “mentated” out of his ass? Well, prepare yourself a stiff drink and take a look at this megacomment of his from earlier in that same thread.

We’ll just wait here while you digest all that.

Done? Share your thoughts below, or check out the ShitRedditSays discussion of it all.

Or just watch this video of a rather portly cat climbing into a vase.

Hey, I promised a kitty video to someone in the comments here a couple of days ago. I may be a little slow sometimes, but I am a man of my word.

While I’m at it, here’s a bonus vid of a kitty and a Kleenex box.


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Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Also: sex is biological. You are born either male or female. This is not open to debate.

13 years ago

@bagelsan, I know you addressed your question to ozy, and I answer with my own opinions and not hirs, but I’ll give my response to that

I’m actually curious, do you agree with the idea of gender and sex being separate at all?

No. We assign sex based on gendered notions and assign gender expectations based on those. It is a form of circular definition (seriously, look at how websters defines gender and the two cannot therefore be extricated from each other. “Male” and “female” are especially extremely gendered terms. The phrase “female doctor” and “doctor who is a woman” are considered completely interchangeable in English. Even within feminist literature, I have not seen this trend broken, linguistically. Also, the very notion of the need to assign sex and the meanings around it is inherantly related to gender categories.

I don’t like to use other’s oppressions as analogy, so forgive me for this, but are you aware that back in the day when race categories were still on legal documents and Jim Crow was enforced, there were often panics about the race of abandoned children, and some plaintiffs (including the one in Plessey v Ferguson) actually argued that they had been legally classified as the wrong race (the plaintiff in that case was had one black great grandparent and seven white ones, and was declared properly classified as black).

We are taught socially to see these categories which are social ones primarily, but social ones often assigned based on some features of human diversity which are imbued with social meanings (like pigment levels, hair type, genitals, chromosomes, etc.) as somehow being biological reality and “nature”. All of these traits, in body, identity, and behavior, that we say should match up into two neat little binaries do not. The way we discuss “biology” is often extremely clouded by social notions and uses language that is very much wrapped up in those social notions. I want to recommend two pieces on the science of gender that are a bit dated and not on this exact topic, but do explain some of the ground ideas: “The Five Sexes Revisited” but Anne Fausto-Sterling and “The Egg and the Sperm: How Science Has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles” by Emily Martin.

It is rather disingenous to claim that “female” is a word that carries no more meaning than “egg cell carrier” de facto linguistically, and factually incorrect to say that there are two discreet biological categories around hormones, chromosomes, and gametes. Let me ask you this, is a cis woman who has a hysterectomy no longer female? After all, she no longer is an egg cell carrier. What about a cis woman with high testosterone from an ovarian tumor, is she no longer female? What about a cis woman who has XY chromosomes and has low T and a functioning uterus and ovaries? Sex is not a mere descriptive scientific category, it is a social one, created through the lense of social gender notions.

I dunno– queer theory and/or shit I’ve read online seems very taken with the idea that sex can be defined externally while gender is about an internal identity,

This does not match up with my readings in regards to queer theory, esp. ones which had trans people involved in their creation. Let us not confuse cis hetero (and minority cis lesbian and even less cis bi) “liberal feminist” theory with queer theory.

ecause that seems to break the “words have meanings” rule pretty hard

Words do have meanings, yes, but the meanings of these words are derived from and defined by social discourse. Language is in no way immune from social dynamics, in fact, quite the opposite.

13 years ago

There’s a picture of this creep?

13 years ago

Yes, he thinks posting his picture to us will bolster his arguments. He’s overwhelmingly average.

13 years ago

“Douchebag” is a gendered insult. I didn’t know gendered insults were the social justice arsenal.

13 years ago

How is it a gendered insult?

13 years ago

Does anyone know why he thinks his picture, however attractive or not so he may be, will bolster his arguments? Is this like how Brandon thinks that his having a submissive girlfriend means that feminists are wrong about everything?

13 years ago

Douchebags are unnecessary and unhealthy tools of the patriarchy. I have no qualms in describing some people as unnecessary and unhealthy tools of the patriarchy.

13 years ago

If memory serves he was comparing a picture of himself to one of David Futrelle in an effort to somehow prove that he (TAB) was more the sort of person you could trust around children.

13 years ago

Huh. I remain baffled as to why the picture would be relevant information.

13 years ago

How is it a gendered insult?

You can’t be serious.

13 years ago

I dunno, the whole thing hinged on stupid stereotypes, I think.

13 years ago

Bitches are unnecessary and unhealthy tools of the gynarchy. I have no qualms in describing some people as unnecessary and unhealthy tools of the gynarchy.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Oh, you’re back. And you still haven’t responded to any points, Factfinder. I’d ask why that was, but I think we know the answer.

But no, go ahead, explain your statement. I could use the entertainment. In fact, I do in fact have popcorn made for this!

13 years ago

Ozy, what do you mean by “unnecessary?”

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Actually the popcorn was made for myself as a regular snack, but I do have it ready nonetheless!

Bitches are unnecessary and unhealthy tools of the gynarchy. I have no qualms in describing some people as unnecessary and unhealthy tools of the gynarchy.

I thought this’d be your fallback.

Putting aside the obvious point that women can not remotely be said to run society, so one can not meaningfully say that we live in a matriarchy (You ignorant buffoon, if you are going to try to mock someone by using their own words, do so correctly), bitch specifically refers to female dogs, and imputes something of both women and canines. The word is used to refer to women, or men who behave like women. Douchebag is one of the many insults employed to refer to any jackass.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Ozy, what do you mean by “unnecessary?”

Oy. *Begins head desking* What next, are you going to talk about how hairless legs on women are natural?

13 years ago

I mean that douches make vaginas smell all floral and shit, even though vaginas are supposed to smell like vagina. And they cause yeast infections. And they are only sold because the patriarchy makes people feel insecure about their vaginas because they don’t smell like fucking meadows.

Female dogs, on the other hand, are perfectly lovely creatures and neither unhealthy, unnecessary nor tools of the gynarchy.

13 years ago

FactFinder, you can’t be serious. Oh, right, you’re not.

13 years ago

Bitches are unnecessary and unhealthy tools of the gynarchy.

My dog is actually quite healthy, thank you. And I find her highly necessary to important causes like vastly increasing the amount of cute fuzzy awesomeness in my life.

I’m always really amused when dimwits on the internet play this little “I know you are but what am I?” game where they think you can just turn any statement around with complete disregard for what the words actually mean. Douches can be said to be unhealthy because they are bad for the health of people who use them. Why are female dogs unhealthy? Douches can be said to be unnecessary because they do not fulfill any required function? Why are female dogs unnecessary? Douches can be said to be tools of the patriarchy because they are a product whose fundamental marketing message is that having a vagina is a shameful thing that needs to be concealed by making it smell less vagina-like. How on earth can female dogs be said to be a tool of the “gynarchy”?

Words: they fucking mean things! Who knew?

13 years ago

“Knives are a tool of the kitchen”

“Yeah, well, airplane engines are a tool of the gynocentric Welfare system that hurts men. So there! What do you say to that, huh?”

13 years ago

And they are only sold because the patriarchy makes people feel insecure about their vaginas because they don’t smell like fucking meadows.

They might if there’s been enough fucking in the meadow.

Notice how fast FactFinder has moved from finding (well, making up) facts to complaining about what we say and how we treat him? It’s almost as if he, like many of our other trolls, doesn’t actually care what’s true or not, only how people on the internet treat him.

13 years ago

Huh. Totally average, slightly nerdy, appears to be balding a little prematurely. How are pictures of him supposed to prove that he’s right about anything, exactly?

13 years ago

Even if he were David Bowie that doesn’t mean his opinions are even remotely approaching correct.