The smirky MRA douchebag thingsarebad didn’t win a lot of friends when he used to comment here. Ironically, it seems that he’s not doing that much better over on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, where his comments tend to garner about as many downvotes as upvotes. Yes, it is possible to be too much of a douche for even the highly douche-tolerant Men’s Rights subreddit.
Anyway, all that is a sort of rambling prelude to my main point here, which is: thingsarebad has figured out that whole “lesbian” thing, and wants to share his results with the world. Also, feminism. His science is tight.
Confused a bit by that explanation? Would you like a much, much longer explanation, replete with fake statistics he’s “mentated” out of his ass? Well, prepare yourself a stiff drink and take a look at this megacomment of his from earlier in that same thread.
We’ll just wait here while you digest all that.
Done? Share your thoughts below, or check out the ShitRedditSays discussion of it all.
Or just watch this video of a rather portly cat climbing into a vase.
Hey, I promised a kitty video to someone in the comments here a couple of days ago. I may be a little slow sometimes, but I am a man of my word.
While I’m at it, here’s a bonus vid of a kitty and a Kleenex box.
UGH… I’m just going to leave it alone.
Yeah…I’d do that if I were you. You just keep digging the hole deeper….
I’ll just let my bunnyfacepalm avatar picture to show how I feel right now…
I tried my hardest, but I simply could not read all of thingsarebad’s megacomment. It was so long, so boring, and so full of shit. I want to do a point by point rebuttal of it, but I don’t have the stamina to try to read it again.
A Kirby salesman told me that Dysons are overpriced balls. I thought that was rich since he was trying to sell me a vacuum that cost 3 times as much as a Dyson. If I could have any vacuum for free, I would get a Roomba. Those things look cool.
Joe: I get that you’re not trying to be insulting, but seriously, you’re coming off as the reason the phrase “check your privilege” was created.
Making non-cis, non-hetero people into the other just reeks of said privilege, and your attempts to explain your thoughts, topped off with the big “UGH,” reeks of not getting it or wanting to.
I get the impression that you’re a feminist ally, it would behoove you to go learn about this stuff. Just don’t expect anyone here to teach you.
Roomba is cool. She is good with cat hair and cleaning under the furniture. You have to empty her and clean her brushes every time, though. And she goes after your knitting. If you put it out of her reach, she bumps the furniture till she knocks it down, and eats it.
And she goes after your knitting. If you put it out of her reach, she bumps the furniture till she knocks it down, and eats it.
That alone is reason enough for me to never get one.
Meh, Roomba’s no worse than the cat 😉
I guess I’ve been pretty lucky in that none of the cats I’ve lived with have really tried to mess with my knitting so far. My housemate’s cat tries to chew the needles, but I prefer aluminum ones anyway, so he can’t do much damage.
He’s just trying to help 🙂
Yeah, he’s a real sweetheart, that boy. He’s got a weird tendency to try and snuggle pointy sharp things.
thebionicmommy, I have to confess that I didn’t make it through thingsarebad’s whole comment either. I tried, but that final wall of text was just too much for me.
I still say he should have just posted a picture.
Personally I’d appreciate it if MRAs just stop trying to talk about lesbians, they have NO IDEA what they’re talking about.
Rutee, they should just stop talking, period.
They should just talk about me 😀
Well, my girlfriend and I are both female-assigned in the sense that a doctor looked at my vagina when I was born and was like “yep, it’s a girl”, and that most people in our lives are still working off this assumption.
…in other words, you are in fact biologically female? Then I’m not sure what the point of the “assigned” part is…
Still, characterizing cis and straight as “boring” sort of implies it is normal and default.
I’m pretty sure making up 90%+ of a population is pretty much the definition of a trait being “normal”.
I couldn’t find a picture of thingsarebad, but I did find a photo of his research laboratory:
For extra fun, go read the thread where he denigrates the service of a woman who died in the line of duty. An extra special TAB edition for Remembrance Day/Veterans Day.
Choice bit: “Of course, I have to have some doubt about Michelle’s “heroics” because the media is so quick to twist a story so as to highlight women as superior to men. Being a woman, it’s actually quite likely that she was a hindrance on her unit and contributed to her own death. I only hope that no one else was killed because of her negligence and the negligence of the government which thinks it “looks good” to have women in the military.”
He says this before he skims the article another poster asks him to read.
Worst thing is, since he posted that shot of himself smirking, I have a super clear image in my head of him doing exactly that while shitting on the memory of a woman awarded the bronze star and a purple heart. Bleh.
@ Pterygotus:
1) “female” as a biological term is not well defined; in fact, some babies are even surgically assigned a sex when their genitalia do not clearly fall on one side of the so-called binary, though most babies are only legally/verbally assigned a sex. Even in terms of chromosomes there is no one “male” vs. “female” configuration.
2) “normal” does not mean “most common” by any stretch of the imagination.
Also, I find the argument of “there is a genderqueer person inhabiting this body, therefore it is a genderqueer body, not a female body” to be fairly persuasive. 🙂
Arguably you could say cis and straight is “boring” because it is normative (and overrepresented in our media and whatnot) but I’d hardly say it’s “normal” more than any other gender/sexuality that exists in the world.
@ ozymandias42: I’m actually curious, do you agree with the idea of gender and sex being separate at all? Some of — I dunno– queer theory and/or shit I’ve read online seems very taken with the idea that sex can be defined externally while gender is about an internal identity, but obviously I’ve read people who are hugely offended at the idea that science can be applied to their bodies at all or that there is such a thing as “sex” on a physical level, and take it to a point that I’ve seen someone describe themselves as a man, with a male body, and a male vagina (the last of which I honestly balked at, because that seems to break the “words have meanings” rule pretty hard… maybe I’m just hitting my bigot wall though.)
I’m not sure what the value is in labelling gender or orientation as normal versus not-normal in general. *
* The potential exception being pedophiles if we’re going to consider that an orientation. If one is orientated towards people who in theory can consent, though, I see no value at all in normal versus not-normal categories. I also think that framing things that way tends to vastly underestimate the number of people whose orientation isn’t as simple as our culture would like to frame it as being. Many bisexual people end up being framed as either gay or straight just because people find that easier to understand, for example.
Bagelsan: Honestly, this is the sound of me not caring. 🙂 I have very little patience for semantics arguments in general, as long as everyone understands what everyone else is talking about.
I tend to use female-assigned, though, because what my body looks like (or looked like when I was born) is not what’s important in 99% of non-medical situations. What matters is that everyone thinks I’m a chick unless I inform them otherwise (and often even then).
I love how Ozymandias is absolutely shocked that people don’t assume that she is some third gender, despite the fact that 99.9% of other people use their “gender-assignment” instead of making massive mountains out of molehills