The smirky MRA douchebag thingsarebad didn’t win a lot of friends when he used to comment here. Ironically, it seems that he’s not doing that much better over on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, where his comments tend to garner about as many downvotes as upvotes. Yes, it is possible to be too much of a douche for even the highly douche-tolerant Men’s Rights subreddit.
Anyway, all that is a sort of rambling prelude to my main point here, which is: thingsarebad has figured out that whole “lesbian” thing, and wants to share his results with the world. Also, feminism. His science is tight.
Confused a bit by that explanation? Would you like a much, much longer explanation, replete with fake statistics he’s “mentated” out of his ass? Well, prepare yourself a stiff drink and take a look at this megacomment of his from earlier in that same thread.
We’ll just wait here while you digest all that.
Done? Share your thoughts below, or check out the ShitRedditSays discussion of it all.
Or just watch this video of a rather portly cat climbing into a vase.
Hey, I promised a kitty video to someone in the comments here a couple of days ago. I may be a little slow sometimes, but I am a man of my word.
While I’m at it, here’s a bonus vid of a kitty and a Kleenex box.
Oh, alright.
Dave, do you have any current pics?
He does, but he thinks it’s unfair to post them because it means he automatically wins the discussion.
(Point of order: it would be OK to discuss Islam in the forums if ppl wanted, right?)
I’m still confused as to how pictures are supposed to prove anything in this context. Unless he’s trying to prove that he’s a real person and not a bot?
I think we’re all clear on the him being a real person thing, in that he’s far too rambling and incoherent to be an AI.
“He does, but he thinks it’s unfair to post them because it means he automatically wins the discussion.”
I like Dave’s writing, its witty and smart, and I wanted to see what he looked like. I asked him once before and IIRC he referred me to a link but I forgot.
“I’m still confused as to how pictures are supposed to prove anything in this context. Unless he’s trying to prove that he’s a real person and not a bot?”
How can a blog host be a “bot”?
My god, reading some of those Reddit verbal attacks reminds me why I favor the death penalty for rape. And definetely favor the death penalty for child rape. Bye bye NWOslave.
My god, reading some of those Reddit verbal attacks reminds me why I favor the death penalty for rape.
That seems very fair and rational and not based on one or two bad experiences and an overemotional nature. If you think this is sexist because I saw you were overemotional and pointed it out, I kindly invite you to take your hurt out on me and get it out of your system. Unlike yourself, I do not let one or two bad experiences with the opposite sex affect me.
FF, I’ve had overwhelmingly good experiences in my romantic relationships with men. Remember, I’m South Asian and hence one of those “feminine” women that guys like you pedastalize. I’ve always treated my men with love and respect and got the same back. I also choose my partners well. No riff raff.
I’ve long held that rape should be met with the death penalty and that this would actually SAVE mens’ lives from ruin because men would then be scared shitless to do something like “date rape” or “grey area” rape, as MRAs would put it.
We’d have a lot less rape and hence a lot less of those pesky “false allegations” that arise from “buyer’s remorse” that you MRAs talk about.
Case closed.
Say goodnight, FF.
So you want women to have the power to decide the fate of every man they fuck. David, would you like to weigh in on this little discussion? Do you also think that having sex after a girl has a few drinks in a bar should end a man’s life, no questions asked? Please don’t just bow out like you usually do in these cases.
By the way, “Cuntry,” you have served your purpose and demonstrated how progressive feminists really are when it comes to crime and rehabilitation, at least when men are involved. Good girl.
Actually, what’s much more likely is that the number of rape convictions would plunge through the floor, which wouldn’t benefit anyone.
No jury is going to vote for the death penalty unless they’re 100% certain of guilt – and far too many rape cases come down to a he said/she said deadlock. Which is why there are distressingly few convictions even in cases where there’s very little serious doubt that rape did occur.
Of all my lesbian friends, only one has ever used a strap-on. The rest all stick to oral and manual sex. I thought that was one of those stereotypes about women, that we prefer loads of foreplay/oral/etc to actual penetration? Isn’t only a minority of women who can orgasm from penetration anyway? I mean, I know heaps of women love penetration, lesbians among them, but I dunno, I suspect that women’s need for a man and his penis is not quite as great as TAB would like to think.
@Katz, that’s not how you spell “all the ponies”!
Once again – trolling or just stupid? I honestly can’t tell if she’s a slightly dim person with a few feminist ideas and not much capacity for thinking the results of them through, or a really clever troll.
You know, this is a really fucked up combo of things to say. You reduced someone’s purpose in life to smearing a group of activists, and then you congratulated her for accomplishing this goal for you. There’s something amazingly fucked up in that. But then, you’re aught but a bridge dweller, so what else is to be expected from your psychology. Away with you.
And yes, NC4OM, you have a harmful and wrong stance on crime and criminals; nobody is helped by pandering to the instinct for vengeance. The only useful goal prison can serve is to help criminals feel no need to commit crime ever again; this is not accomplished by trying to make prisons hurt prisoners (And even if it were that would still be ethically wrong.)
Go ahead and do that (penalizing rape with the death penalty) and what will happen is only the sociopathic and suicidal will bother to still have sex with human women while the vast majority of straight men with a conscience and self-preservation instinct (who isn’t what is derogatorily known as a simpering “mangina”) will resign themselves to resorting to porn and dolls. Oh wait, that’s already happening now, isn’t it?
And Whatever takes a painfully stupid and wrong comment and puts his own even stupider and wronger twist on it. Good one, Whatever. Two for two.
For the record, I’m against the death penalty, period.
No, not really at all, actually.
Lol @ Whatever. If the MRM has taught us anything, many of the sociopathic already avoid adult human women and resort to porn and bitterness. :p
@Pro Death Penalty types: I’m against it, especially given the horrific rates of false convictions (especially in Texas, especially against black men, especially by white law enforcement and prosecutors), but there’s another point: which is, there’s no really convincing evidence that the death penalty deters murder, so why should it deter rape?
If you’re gonna argue with me, then bring some other studies to the table, please. Your ass is not a peer-reviewed or authoritative source.
The death penalty is incredibly wrong. Rape should be punished with time in prison, like any other felony.
NC4OM, please get out of my social movement, you’re making me look bad. 🙂
Whatever: I’ve slept with men who are neither sociopathic or suicidal. Gosh, I never thought that would be the most unbelievable part of my sex life.
No, the true sociopaths are getting laid like the world is going to end tomorrow i.e. PUA’S.
NC4OM, I keep getting the impression that you’re looking for a sympathetic ear here. I cant speak for the whole commenting community but you have yet to say anything that I didn’t find objectionable in whole or in part, and from what I’m seeing a lot of people here are in the same boat. I’m of course not suggesting that you shouldn’t continue contributing to the conversation if that’s what you want to do, I’m just saying that if you say “yeah, death penalty, amirite folks?” you’re not getting the support you seem to want or think you’re getting.
And leading directly from that, does FactFinder think that NC4OM is a good representation of attitudes within feminism, or does he recognize that she isn’t and doesn’t care because he can use her words to smear the whole movement whether or not most feminists agree?
“NC4OM, please get out of my social movement, you’re making me look bad.”
You’ve got a social movement? And I’m in it? WTF?
“The death penalty is incredibly wrong.”
That’s your opinion.
“Lol @ Whatever. If the MRM has taught us anything, many of the sociopathic already avoid adult human women and resort to porn and bitterness. :p”
Good one, Bagelsan 🙂
1. The death penalty is extremely expensive and inadminstrable in practice. Unless you are stripping people of due process, hence risking killing a lot of innocent people, it is more expensive to kill someone than keep them in jail for life. In addition, there is a significant amount of data regarding discrepancies in class and race in regards to who tends to get the death penalty and who does not.
2. High penalties make juries less likely to convict.
3. High penalty, low consistency is not great as a social deterant, consistent penalties are far better, even if they are lower. If you have a high penalty but low consistency of punishment, like in the US for illegal downloading of music files, or weed possession, you often end up with a situation where the activity is common and the majority of those who do it are never punished. The reason high penalties for murder work is that we expect at least a significant portion of murderers will face the punishment, not because of high penalties per se.
4. Not all people who abuse children are adults. Juvenile abusers are a fair portion of abusers, and these are often juveniles who have been seriously abused themselves and in many cases, these offenders do benefit from therapy and other rehabilitation efforts.
On another note, I find it amusing that whatever can’t even seem to imagine that some people who have sex with women are not cis hetero men.