antifeminism douchebaggery evil women homophobia idiocy kitties misogyny MRA reddit

Lesbianism by numbers, courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. Plus kitties.

They're probably feminists too.

The smirky MRA douchebag thingsarebad didn’t win a lot of friends when he used to comment here. Ironically, it seems that he’s not doing that much better over on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, where his comments tend to garner about as many downvotes as upvotes. Yes, it is possible to be too much of a douche for even the highly douche-tolerant Men’s Rights subreddit.

Anyway, all that is a sort of rambling prelude to my main point here, which is: thingsarebad has figured out that whole “lesbian” thing, and wants to share his results with the world. Also, feminism. His science is tight.

Confused a bit by that explanation? Would you like a much, much longer explanation, replete with fake statistics he’s “mentated” out of his ass? Well, prepare yourself a stiff drink and take a look at this megacomment of his from earlier in that same thread.

We’ll just wait here while you digest all that.

Done? Share your thoughts below, or check out the ShitRedditSays discussion of it all.

Or just watch this video of a rather portly cat climbing into a vase.

Hey, I promised a kitty video to someone in the comments here a couple of days ago. I may be a little slow sometimes, but I am a man of my word.

While I’m at it, here’s a bonus vid of a kitty and a Kleenex box.


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13 years ago

WTF is TAB? Is that the vaguely coke-like soda that for some inexpicable reason is clear?

13 years ago

I think it’s just diet cola. It’s not clear.

13 years ago

Oh, wait, there was a clear version, but is was discontinued.

13 years ago

Ithiliana: No worries. I accidentally call myself “Oxy” all the time. 🙂

I would bet ALL THE $MONEY$ that he either doesn’t know pegging exists or thinks it makes guys gay.

Every time I see TAB’s name it’s like “temporarily able-bodied?” and I have a confuse.

13 years ago

Now I’m thinking of those awful TV commercials with the very energetic man with all the muscles for Oxy Clean. Just looking at him makes me feel like I need a nap.

13 years ago

Ozymandias said:

“Wait, wait, did TAB seriously argue that the reason strapons exist is that women have a craving for cock?”

Yes…yes I believe he did! Excuse me I’m rolling around on the floor laughing because of all the idiocy! Where the hell did he get this crap…oh wait! 

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Forget pegging. TAB has obviously never heard of fisting.

He also wrote, “In a culture where men are taught to be more like women and women are taught to be more like men, it doesn’t surprise me that many women choose, yes in many of these cases CHOOSE, women over men.”

TAB, there were lesbians in ancient Greece. (Ever hear of this chick called Sappho?) Do you think women were considered lesser by culture even way back then?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Dear god, I wrote that wrong. “Do you think MEN were considered lesser by culture even way back then?”

13 years ago

Okay, I want to just point out that US born black people are a significant portion of Muslims in the US (about a third total) and the majority of Muslim converts in the US traditionally have not been white people (there is the additional issue that middle easterners were counted as white by many official US statistics until very recently), but rather black people (in addition, Latino Muslim converts are on the rise in the US, because of the history of the black muslim movement in the US doing prison education). The Arab Muslim population in the US is towered over by the South East Asian (India, Indonesia, etc.) and black muslim populations. It does amuse me that the panic over Islam seems to completely forget the substantial historical black muslim movement in the US, some of whom were anything but right wingers.

This conflation of Muslim with Arab is interesting, and it certainly does not reflect US Muslim demographics. The “typical” Muslim immigrant to the US is from India and is highly educated, the “typical” Muslim convert in the US is black and low income (in addition, of US born Muslims, more than half are black).

So, American women who convert to Islam because their spouse is a Muslim…more likely than not, you are discussing a low income black woman who is likely to attend a black american mosque.

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

I very quickly skimmed the comments and noticed someone mentioned ancient Greece.

My answer is the following article which I am in the midst of reading:

Enjoy my little minions.

13 years ago

Nah, your minions are boring. It’s impossible to enjoy them, they’re too dull.

(Grammar and punctuation – how does it work?)

13 years ago

TAB, you still forgot to post your picture. It is the only way to win the debate!

(I will never let that go, it was too weird of a way to “win” an argument)

13 years ago

DSC: It does amuse me that the panic over Islam seems to completely forget the substantial historical black muslim movement in the US, some of whom were anything but right wingers.

I think this is both true, and considered a feature. I recall, some 15 years; and back, the ways in which, “Black Muslim” was used to mean, “convict”, so that spreading the level of, “muslim = bad” to a wider group (with an even nastier stereotype than black felon) is seen as one more way to villianise the non-white/non-christian.

13 years ago

There was that (in)famous study which pointed out that the majority of men are either gay or straight, with a tiny minority being bisexuals, who are really either straight or gay men who are either in denial, desperate, or experimenting, and that most women, on the other hand, are bisexual, with only a tiny minority being either pure straight or pure gay. My own theory is if this is true, this is because human babies of all genders start life by coming into intimate contact with their mother through lactation, which is probably why most females are bi.

13 years ago

BROM: There was that (in)famous study which pointed out that the majority of men are either gay or straight, with a tiny minority being bisexuals,

Never mind that, in the past, male sexuality was seen very differently (with men liking to stick their dick in anything that moved being seen as normal, no matter what the social conventions were on being the ‘passive’ partner).

Which means you are spouting modern ev-psych, i.e. nonsense; dressed in pseudo-science.

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

BROM, Percunium is right, but its not “in the past” – its now in highly gender segregated “homo-social” cultures. I grew up in South Asia, lived in the Persian Gulf for a while and can tell you that in those cultures there is A LOT of “downlow” behaviour. But they do not consider themselves “gay” because its just about getting off, not about romance, falling in love, getting married, adopting kids, etc. Nope. They will get married to women and have “normal” hetero families. But until they have sexual access to women, they will “get off” with other guys. Not everyone does this, but there is a pattern of such behaviour.

And then of course there are the genuinely “gay” guys that DO fall in love and want to have longterm relationships with other men. That’s a separate issue though.

13 years ago

Of course! I sucked on a nipple as a baby, and that’s why I like boobs now. Oh wait, I don’t. Nor do gay men.

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

Hi Darkside!
“It does amuse me that the panic over Islam seems to completely forget the substantial historical black muslim movement in the US, some of whom were anything but right wingers.”

Many of them are NoI, 777 and %ers. They are not considered authentic Muslims by mainstream Sunni Muslims. Of course there are “authentic” mainstream Sunnis amongst Black Americans too.

“This conflation of Muslim with Arab is interesting, and it certainly does not reflect US Muslim demographics.”

Did I miss something? Someone on this comment thread conflated Muslim with “Arab”?

“So, American women who convert to Islam because their spouse is a Muslim…more likely than not, you are discussing a low income black woman who is likely to attend a black american mosque.”

Yes, I’ve met some Black women who do that. However, I wasn’t limiting my comment just to the US, as I have lived in a number of other countries. I was also thinking of White American, British and European women. There’s a certain pattern that I’ve noticed amongst them.

13 years ago

Okay, I have to say I find it very annoying that NC4OM! has hijacked two separate threads at the same time in her single-minded quest to bash Islam.

Matthew Cline
13 years ago


Manboobz is disappointing in usual, in that no argument is ever actually made against the model I came up with, just a bunch of complaining and straw man attacks.

Given that your model is based upon a small set of anecdotal evidence, it’s entirely appropriate to 1) point out that it’s based on a small set of anecdotal evidence, and 2) respond in kind with more anecdotal evidence.

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

Dracula, DGTFO!

13 years ago

Boy, you uh…sure told me. >:

13 years ago

Islamophobia: It’s the new black.

13 years ago

I’m with you there, Dracula. Can we please talk about something other than how much she hates Islam now?