antifeminism douchebaggery evil women homophobia idiocy kitties misogyny MRA reddit

Lesbianism by numbers, courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. Plus kitties.

They're probably feminists too.

The smirky MRA douchebag thingsarebad didn’t win a lot of friends when he used to comment here. Ironically, it seems that he’s not doing that much better over on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, where his comments tend to garner about as many downvotes as upvotes. Yes, it is possible to be too much of a douche for even the highly douche-tolerant Men’s Rights subreddit.

Anyway, all that is a sort of rambling prelude to my main point here, which is: thingsarebad has figured out that whole “lesbian” thing, and wants to share his results with the world. Also, feminism. His science is tight.

Confused a bit by that explanation? Would you like a much, much longer explanation, replete with fake statistics he’s “mentated” out of his ass? Well, prepare yourself a stiff drink and take a look at this megacomment of his from earlier in that same thread.

We’ll just wait here while you digest all that.

Done? Share your thoughts below, or check out the ShitRedditSays discussion of it all.

Or just watch this video of a rather portly cat climbing into a vase.

Hey, I promised a kitty video to someone in the comments here a couple of days ago. I may be a little slow sometimes, but I am a man of my word.

While I’m at it, here’s a bonus vid of a kitty and a Kleenex box.


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13 years ago

I see TAB has the “Shield of the Righteous”. He quotes a religious text and implies it applies to him.

Self-examination/awareness is (as previous examples made clear) not one of his talents.

And a Mormon… that explains a lot. There is (for all that most of the Mormons I know are swell people) a huge stream of anti-equality in Mormon theology, and a huge antipathy to homosexuality. A number of people I like a lot, I don’t talk about QUILTBAG issues, because they get stoopid.

13 years ago

13 years ago

MRAL: It is not polite to refer to people as having deformities. The correct term is “disability.” Club feet interfere with normal activity of daily life; being intersex does not.

TAB: Shy people are feminine? Smart people are masculine? Are nerds all inherently androgynous? o.O

13 years ago

Well, that’s what I’ve been saying, PFKAE. For proof, we need go no further than the classics.

13 years ago

“This is a blog for man-hating feminists who are confused about sexuality and the world in general”


1) I don’t hate men.

2) I’m not a feminist, I’m a humanist.

3) I’m pretty positive about sexuality. It’s pretty simple once you think about it. Although I find it difficult to see life through an asexual’s eyes =P

4) I’m not confused about the world but thanks for the concern

I’m pretty sure the rest of them here would disagree with your statement too.

13 years ago

It isn’t know, and, you know what, I don’t particularly fucking care. It is none of your damn business, thingsarebad, and we don’t care what you think. This obsession with queer origins presupposes that hetero is “normal” and that queerness is a deviance in need of explanation. Queerness and transness aren’t inferior, they don’t need justified. Funny how I don’t see you putting this same obsession into figuring out food preferences (mustard, ketchup, or both?! The burning question!) or any other sort of inclination that doesn’t involve violating your fool ass social norms. We are human beings, not objects for your spectacle.

you’ll have your ideologues trying to warp the studies to confirm their own beliefs

ah, the oblivious irony, it burns!

because studies and statistics cannot be trusted

You have presented neither of these, so fuck off. Also, studies and statistics should be evaluated and followed up with experiments and data, not accepted on unthinking faith. But, again, as you have not presented such, it is a moot fucking point.

13 years ago

MRAL, don’t you consider yourself deformed? Then perhaps you should shut the fuck up.

13 years ago

“It is medically normal…”

Define that phrase, please, oh please. If the narrow medical model around sex doesn’t match actual human bodies, your conclusion is that bodies are wrong rather than the model?

On a related note, MRAL probably still believes in humors and treating diseases with mercury, because, fuck, medicine is an instrument of divine providence and not a human system managed by humans.

13 years ago

@katz: Rarity!


Um, I thought maybe we should consider Fluttershy? If nobody minds?

13 years ago

Pinkie Pie>Rarity>Fluttershy>Twilight Sparkle>Rainbow Dash>Applejack.

End. Of. Discussion.

13 years ago

Spearhafoc you are ponyist!

13 years ago

Rainbow Dash is the best pony! Now the discussion is indeed ended!

13 years ago

Hmmm. There sure is a lot of discussion, considering the fact that I ended the discussion.

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

“And a Mormon… that explains a lot. There is (for all that most of the Mormons I know are swell people) a huge stream of anti-equality in Mormon theology, and a huge antipathy to homosexuality. A number of people I like a lot, I don’t talk about QUILTBAG issues, because they get stoopid.”

Same with Islam. These religions have yet to undergo the time appropriate feminization that other religions have undergone, or are currently undergoing. Who knows if they ever will? Maybe they are just too masculine oriented to ever undergo feminization, and that is precisely why MRAs are constantly cheerleading for them and wishing for them to take over the world and “set things right” for The Patriarchy again.

13 years ago

WTF is “time-appropriate feminization”?

13 years ago

Some women like this, the more “masculine”, “tom boy”, “smart girl” types, they’re just naturally attracted to women, that’s my Group A. The others I think you’re referring to, the feminine, pretty, shy types, could have easily ended up with men in a culture where men are allowed to be men and women are allowed to be women.

I cannot stop laughing at the fact that he comes right out and says that “smart” is the opposite of “feminine, pretty, shy.”

Hey, TAB, you like arguing with pictures, right? Here’s a picture for you. Tell me, is this woman “feminine” and “pretty” or is she “smart”? It’s got to be one or the other! :-p

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

“WTF is “time-appropriate feminization”?”

That means its 2011 for fuck’s sake. Time to burn the goddamned burqa!

13 years ago

Really, I <3 all ponies equally ^_^

13 years ago

“I cannot stop laughing at the fact that he comes right out and says that “smart” is the opposite of “feminine, pretty, shy.””

Hey TAB, I’m smart and pretty. Head splode right ???

13 years ago

Now this part is weird and interesting.

“However, having been to literally hundreds of masjids around the world, I can tell you that there is a certain demographic pattern of Western woman who converts.”

This would not be true of the vast majority of Muslims. Why, and how, have you been to hundreds of different mosques all over the world? Is this part of some sort of academic research? Is your father a diplomat? Because I grew up as a classic Third Culture kid, on 4 different continents, and I wouldn’t make a claim that ambitious about going to, say, churches, or temples. The only kind of place I’d make that kind of numerical claim for would be restaurants. Why visit such an unusually large number of mosques? Or is that just hyperbole?

Also, yeah, again – Sharia law is not going to happen on a wide scale in Europe, because the European Union is never, ever going to agree to that. There may be (and in some places already are) Sharia courts that are allowed to adjudicate certain issues, but honestly, no country is going to allow the challenge to their legal system’s authority that giving those courts any real power would represent. And the law of the land will always prevail.

“It’s been heading that way for some time: Islam for men, Christianity for women.”

And now we’re in a dystopian Sherry Tepper novel. Raising The Stones, to be precise.

Now, back to the other delusional weirdo.

“Women’s desire for a man and his penis is very great. On the other hand, although men tend to have a desire for women and their vajayjays, it’s not to the same degree, as men are not driven so wholly on impulse as women are.”

This may well be the funniest thing that anyone has ever written on the internet.

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

“However, having been to literally hundreds of masjids around the world, I can tell you that there is a certain demographic pattern of Western woman who converts.”

“This would not be true of the vast majority of Muslims.”

Reread. Do you see anywhere that I wrote about “vast majority of Muslims”? I SPECIFICALLY said “a certain demographic pattern of WESTERN WOMEN who convert”. And those women are a very small minority of women in the world, mahshallah!

“Why, and how, have you been to hundreds of different mosques all over the world?”

My family moved alot.

“Is this part of some sort of academic research?”

In the beginning, no. After I became a Feminist, yes.

“It’s been heading that way for some time: Islam for men, Christianity for women.”

“And now we’re in a dystopian Sherry Tepper novel. Raising The Stones, to be precise.”

I didn’t write the dystopian 2 gender religion theory, an MRA did. He supports it, but of course.

I don’t know about a dystopia, but if these MRA blogs are anything to go by, I do suspect that you’ll be hearing of some conversions to the Religion of Peace.


13 years ago

TAB said:

“I developed a model, a theory, that is all. Kind of silly to call me a “liar” for it lol.”

1. You developed neither a model, nor a theory. Both of those require some evidence and you’ve provided nothing even remotely resembling a fact, never mind evidence that can be examined or even providing a source (presumeably because the only source you have is your imagination) You’ve presented a bunch of factoids that you’ve made up yourself to justify your own prejudices. You added made up “guesstimates” in order to make it look more legitimate and “sciency”. Come back with some evidence and I’m quite sure people would be happy to listen but as it stands it just looks like a homophobic hate screed.

2. Referring to someone as a “tranny” is, in many circles, considered to be extremely rude and if that’s not your intent I strongly suggest you stop using it.

3. This is a very mixed group of people and many of them are extremely well educated in the fields in which you are trying to pass yourself off as an expert. Many people here are also gay, lesbian or bisexual so I suspect that they have a far better understanding of their own sexuality than you do. Perhaps you might benefit from listening to what they have to say rather than dismissing them all as being ignorant because the don’t agree with you.

4. WTF? You’re actually going to quote The Book of Mormon at us? LMFAO

13 years ago

Wait, wait, did TAB seriously argue that the reason strapons exist is that women have a craving for cock?

Uh, you do realize there are nerves in the vagina, right? They don’t magically go bye-bye if you don’t like the peen.

13 years ago

@oxymandias42: what do you wanta bet TAB (I loathe that drink!) knows nothing about pegging?

13 years ago

Sorry for typo! OZYMANDIAS42. I should probably go to bed….

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