So the question I have it this: Does Reddit have some sort of powerful magnetic attraction to the pedophiles and pedophile defenders of the world, or is pedophilia and/or pedophile defense simply endemic amongst the young male tech geek demographic that’s so heavily overrepresented on Reddit?
This is a question that naturally sprung to my mind after reading a couple of recent posts in ShitRedditSays, documenting Reddit’s strange sympathy with the child porn enthusiasts of the world. A woman stands up on Reddit and declares herself a feminist? She’s a “bad person,” a “female supremacist,” an “utter piece of shit.” A man is jailed for possession of child porn? He’s being unjustly persecuted for a “victimless crime.”
Fxexular on ShitRedditSays has assembled a roundup of some the most disturbing comments in a thread devoted to the aforementioned man jailed for possession of CP. Amongst his finds:
Heavily upvoted comments comparing viewing of child porn to smoking weed and playing Grand Theft Auto.
A comment with 15 upvotes suggesting that the perp should only get “a stiff fine and a few weeks of community service … for a crime the judge himself probably committed half a dozen times on any given weekend.”
A comment with nearly two dozen upvotes lamenting that the child porn possessor is going to have his “life ruined over socially non-normative pictures. … this is a predictable outcome of a corrupt government which is obsessed with its own power.”
But these are just the tip of the pedo-defense iceberg. Take a look at the thread itself, where you will also find heavily upvoted comments from Redditors comparing the “persecution” of pedophiles to past persecution of gays and witches; an unintentionally ironic comment lamenting the cruel treatment of a perp who is “only 26” years old; and a comment making perhaps the strangest argument I think I may have ever seen anywhere about anything:
My core problem here, as a computer scientist, is that any photo he had is really a bunch of zeros and ones… which for anyone who is at all familiar with binary, is a number. Basically, by outlawing the storage of some form of data, we have said that it is illegal be in possession of certain numbers. Yes, these might be huge numbers that you don’t encounter in your daily life, but they are still simply numbers.
In a different thread on the same case, another Redditor gets 75 upvotes for comparing child-porn-possessing pedophiles with African-Americans in the era of the Civil Rights movement. Here’s the comment itself; here’s the ShitRedditSays thread discussing it. And here, for good measure, is the same commenter offering a Redditor who’s confessed to molesting his sister advice on how best to avoid prosecution.
Meanwhile, in an unrelated thread in Reddit’s Videos subreddit, pedophile (sorry, ephebophile) Redditors mount an all-out attack on a girl who had the temerity to complain about skeevy Redditors masturbating to pictures of herself she put in a private album on the internet when she was 14.
In ShitRedditSays, jamie11 collects together some of the creepiest comments, including these:
“Fuck yea she is developed AND judging by her smug smile, she is loving every second of this. Sure she says “OMG, so creepy herp derp” but in reality it is kind of a big EGO boost. EDIT: in b4 misogyny accusations!” [+7]
“She is an attention whore. She is really dumb. She will probably ultimately profit from this in the model/porn/coors girl industry.”[+10]
“Shes much hotter when shes quiet.” [+32]
The numbers in brackets indicate the numbers of upvotes.
Again, tip of the iceberg.
EDITED TO ADD: I hadn’t noticed before, but r/mensrights has its own discussion of the child porn case. It’s pretty much what you’d expect: Possessing child porn is just a “thought crime” that doesn’t hurt anyone.
The creepiest fellow of the lot is probably logrusmage, who offers this defense of the child porn possessors of the world:
consider that a majority of “kiddy porn” are pictures of sexually mature females taken by said females for boyfriends that got leaked on the internet or via text, where the female happens to be under the age of consent.
When someone points out that, um, the fact that these pictures are “leaked” means that the subjects of said pictures didn’t consent to them being put online (and, also, they are below the age of consent), logrusmage offers this rebuttal:
Consent is not needed for something that does not directly effect someone. Like looking at them. … Looking at a picture of someone does not require their consent.
Presumably he’d be fine if someone secretly filmed him picking his nose while taking a crap and put it up on r/creepydudespickingnosesonthecrapper.
Right now there seems to be little evidence in either direction. Of course people who like loli claim that it makes users less likely to offend, but I’ve yet to see any of them offer concrete proof of that hypothesis.
I think the thing I’m digging most is the wide variety of cute or cool outfits. Very few of which I’ve found XD
I mean, even nameless NPCs can look nice XD
One of my friends is doing similar to me and prioritizing, usually, cute gear. Unlike me his inventory isn’t full of crap he actually needs yet, so he’s gotten to experiment more XD
Sometimes, gear is silly.
Also, it’s extremely realistic.
And historically accurate
It has a strong focus on exploration, which I like.
It’s actually not just the super obvious stuff, but I actually am not an adventurer on this one so I can only reach low hanging fruit. My friends have a lot of cool discoveries I legitimately have never heard of.
Mostly though, I like the clothes and ships. XD
Bother, I totally forgot that if I put like 20 links, I’d hit moderation hell. Anyone know how to embed images? Wait no don’t answer that, then I’ll do it XD
The conflation of CP, in which actual children are raped, and “thought crime” makes me wonder if these guys TRULY understand that PORN IS REAL.
Those PEOPLE are real. Jenna Jameson? Real. Little kids getting raped? REAL. Not CG graphics, yall.
Cassandra: Of course! I’m not going to argue that. You can avoid anyone you like for any reason or no reason.
…I kind of don’t want to get into this argument because I’m afraid it’s going to end up Ozy, Defender of Child Porn, and that has GOT to be bad for my rep.
Well, Defender of Cartoon Child Porn In Which No People Are Actually Hurt, anyway.
I think that’s just the idea of things that are at a remove are things that you’re not personally responsible for, as outlined above. It’s a ridiculous and ethically untenable argument, obviously, but it’s one that people often make when talking about things that on some level they know that they should feel guilty about.
Right now there seems to be little evidence in either direction.
I don’t think it’s possible to get evidence for or against, at least not evidence that’s any good. You could do population level correlational studies, but those things are pretty worthless when it comes to proving causation.
It is fairly hard to pin down that sort of thing, which is why I get annoyed when people claim that they know for sure that the existence of CP in drawn/animated form reduces the likelihood of people abusing children IRL. If you’re going to make that kind of claim you need actual evidence.
“Who was it who was making the honey and peanut butter cupcakes?”
That was me!
…But I haven’t made them yet. Bad week I’m going through, here. 🙁
Is that mixed into the dough, or one as the dough and the other as a frosting?
I understand not getting to baking, it takes time and energy not always available. Do let me know how they turn out when you do!
I was just hoping the derail would take…
I understood it to be honey flavor cupcakes with pb frosting, which is a good combo, and, as I noted before, especially good if you sprinkle the cakes with a little mead before frosting.
I’ve yet to find a form of peanut butter that I don’t like. Which is odd, since I don’t like actual peanuts at all except in Kung Pao chicken.
Yay for cooking derails! (Especially after this horrible week.)
Devonshire Cider Cake
1/4 cup caster sugar or brown sugar
4 oz (1/2 stick) of butter
2 eggs
1 cup self-raising flour (essentially flour with added baking powder)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 pint apple cider or hard apple cider
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease an eight inch round cake pan. Cream the butter and sugar together until pale in color. Stir in the eggs, cinnamon, and half the flour. Gradually add the cider to the bowl. When all the cider has been added, add the remaining flour and mix well. Pour into the pan and bake for 45 minutes, or until firm to the touch and golden.
I have a cake pan that looks like a giant sunflower, and this cake works really well in the pan. The cake is moist enough that it doesn’t need frosting, so all the little details of the pan come through nicely.
On the subject of baking, a neat little combo is peanut butter and jelly cupcakes. Add the peanut butter batter only halfway into the paper cup, place your favorite flavored jelly in the center and then carefully cover the rest of the paper cup with the peanut butter batter.
Here’s the whole recipe:
4T butter softened
1c brown sugar
0.5c crunchy or smooth peanut butter
2 eggs beaten
1 tsp vanilla
1.66c flour
2t baking powder
0.3 milk
350 degrees, bake for 25 minutes, sift the flour and baking powder in last.
For the frosting you could either sprinkle the top of the cupcakes with brown sugar, spread peanut butter over the cupcakes or a nice cream cheese style frosting.
If the jam idea sounds gross, add chocolate instead.
I wonder if people are influenced by ease of access. When getting CP is no more difficult or awkward than getting porn with consenting adults (except for people capable of shame), it seems less illegal, even to people who know that it’s against the law. I doubt they really believe the judge is beating off to pictures of kids half a dozen times every weekend, but if you don’t really experience the difference between obtaining CP and obtaining normal porn, it’s easier to feel the former can’t be much worse than the latter.
Well … where only adults are involved, normalcy is a large part of the legal standard (which is also not the same as ethics, but it’s conceptually closer) — under the Miller test for obscenity, “everyone does it” is literally a defense, as “contemporary community standards.”
Isn’t that what ageplay is?
(Cue angry ageplayers saying they’re not like those people. I’m sure you, personally, are not, but I believe it of all ageplayers about as much as I believe the BDSM community is self-policing.)
I redacted something from this very comment to avoid sounding like I was defending CP.
I’m good at derails, especially when you all have already said what I would, but more eloquently.
Okay, rutee, this is an HTML test and then if it works I’ll explain what I did. This is my cat Nutmeg.
Ok, that didn’t work.
In before an MRA says, “OMG I would LOVE it if someone put films of me picking my nose and crapping online! Think of all the ATTENTION I would get! You’re a bunch of whiny entitled bitches for thinking that wouldn’t be awesome!”
Cassandra, I play that parakeet video on a daily basis because it makes my parakeet flip out. But the cutest YouTube bird is Marnie the Indian ringneck parrot:
“Nutmeg” is a really great name for a cat. Well done. Also, cute kitty.
I am with ozy on lolicon, not everyone who enjoys lolicon/shotacon wants to molest kids or commit statutory rape, or thinks that molesting kids or committing statutory rape is okay.
And BDSM/rape fantasies are not, in their fantasy form, always about consensual scenes. The issue is knowing the difference between fantasy and reality.
There is a difference between a rape fantasy and actually having an urge to rape someone, there is a difference between watching lolicon and actually having an urge to molest a kid.
This is also how we can enjoy violent action or horror movies and not think murder is okay or feel a particular urge to actually go murder.
I like the slowass sloth vid. The honey badger video by the same guy is hilarious too.
So many baking recipes (well, ok, there’s two, but that’s cool by me.)
At library today I found a recipe for Croque Monsieur…gosh, it looks delicious, and I’ve never even had one in my life! But I SO want to make it before I go about posting the full recipe…it may be good or bad.