antifeminism disgusting women evil women gloating I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men racism reactionary bullshit the spearhead

School buses: “A symbol of women dominating men and boys.”

Evil gynofascist propaganda

Does anyone still doubt that we live in a gynofascist lady-tatorship? Some guy who calls himself Davd – because there’s no “I” in Davd! – has posted a sharp analysis of one of the most insidious tools of the matriarchy: those flashing lights they put on school buses to try to stop people from running over kids getting on and off the buses.

And no, I am not making this up. Here’s Davd, explaining it all to you:

Anyone who thinks that the women of North America were subjugated by some kind of patriarchy back between 50 and 100 years ago, need only look at the traffic on rural roads in the morning, to know better. …

Those school buses have been running mornings and afternoons for as long as i can remember—and i’ll soon be 70. They are a symbol of women dominating men and boys [and perhaps girls as well, though girls seem more able to wheedle adult women than we are]. …

[W]hy do Canadian and US school buses have big bright flashing lights fore and aft, and STOP signs that stick out from the driver’s side? I don’t remember the children who rode on them, including four of my sons, being all that grateful for the fuss; and i don’t remember them being all that frightened of the traffic. …  It was obvious enough to me and my sons, that the School Buses were babying the children.

So who babies children—Mommies or Daddies? …

The School Buses with big bright flashing lights fore and aft and STOP signs that stick out from the driver’s side, are the spoils of political victory for babying Mommies, well over half a century ago, not anything remotely patriarchal.

So Davd suggest we go whole-hog and just paint the things pink, to remind us of who really runs the world:

Pink school buses will be truth in packaging: School biases against boys are more important than the babying bus lights and STOP signs, and a larger reason to paint school buses (and school doors) pink.

Naturally, most of the commenters on The Spearhead found Davd’s concerns to be completely reasonable and in no way exaggerated. Firepower, in the very first comment, one of the most heavily upvoted in the thread, Godwinned it out of the park with these observations:

Tolerating pink gear on NFL players gets you pink buses. Accepting pink buses gets you pink uniforms in the future concentration camps.

Babying and coddling American kids/boys – gets you the youth you see today.

Meanwhile, Keyster suggested that the fact that school buses are painted yellow was itself evidence of an insidious conspiracy. For, you see, that color was set as the standard for school buses after a conference in 1939 that was funded in part by a grant from – cue dramatic chipmunk! – the Rockefeller Foundation.

And yes, that’s the same Rockefeller Foundation that funded and continues to fund feminism. No surprize that they’d fund a centralized government standard for the color of a gasoline consuming conveyence meant to transport our future proles. It’s important they identify school with safety as part of the indocrination process.

Much of the rest of the thread was given over to guys gloating that the girls they used to have such crushes on when they were in grade school had now all become old and fat. Nugganu —who recently informed me that he’d like to see me “anally raped by ten well endowed black men”  — got the most upvotes of any commenter in the thread with this observation:

For whatever reason I still see alot of the girls I grew up with in the 80′s fairly often. They’re all serious boner-killers now. I suppose it doesn’t help that they’re all varying degrees of fat, uglier and have the look of having had 100+ dicks stuck in them over the years. All of them are single too, surprise surprise.

Naturally, aging Spearhead dudes remain just as handsome and appealing as they were in their salad days. Everyone knows that ladies age like mayonnaise in an tuna sandwich, while Spearheaders age like fine whine wine.



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Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
12 years ago

I think it’s been deleted? Either it was a Poe or even the MRAs were embarrased by themselves, lol

12 years ago

[blockquote]I don’t remember the children who rode on them, including four of my sons, being all that grateful for the fuss; and i don’t remember them being all that frightened of the traffic.[/blockquote]
That would be a great reason why parents need to “baby” the children: they don’t realize running in front of a moving car is dangerous! (Like cats. Especially mine, poor thing)

Seriously, what is wrong with MRAs? They claim fathers don’t get their fair share of parental custody, but according to them only mother care about children safety…

If I believed half of what’s written in this article and had to decide who should get custody, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second and, as NWO would say, I would make fatherhood illegal.

12 years ago

I should proofread my tags…

12 years ago

Hm, there are no schoolbuses in my country but somehow kids here do not bounce when they are hit by a car. They die.
Which means that the whole argumnet in Speahead falls flat on it’s face (surprise, surprise).

Now, on a more serious note.
Obviously none of these people have ever seen kids, not even on a picture, because if they ever had, they would have know that kids don’t pay as much attention to traffic (and so on) and thus the drivers who drive around heavily kids-populated places should be extra cautios. If they are not, there would be dead kids. And I don’t understand how dead kids will improve anything for anyone.
Also… kids bein alive and well = something bad according to these people. Which is weird.

12 years ago

P.S. Dead kids, means people going to jail, so more caution and attention is to actually decrease people killing in incidents other humans beings and going to jail for that.
But obviously that’s evil and misandric… ’cause…. going to jail is cool now? Or possibly killing people (kids is)?
Confused by their “logic”.

12 years ago

Ozymandias, I think I love you.

Re: the pink school buses, MRAs might be interested to know that pre 1940s, pink used to be a colour for little boys:

12 years ago

Everytime I see a whiny MRA claiming that women only work in cushy jobs, I immediately think of all the women I know who work in social care. which seems to be a very female-dominated industry.

I’m sure my next-door neighbour, who had her ribs cracked recently by a psychiatric patient under her care, or my aunt who seems to put her back out on a six monthly basis while lifting elderly people from their beds would certainly agree that their jobs are ‘cushy.’

12 years ago

@Sora: It is a funny thing, blue used to be a women color (because it was the color of the Virgin Mary) while red (color of blood and fire) was the color of men.

12 years ago

Everytime I see a whiny MRA claiming that women only work in cushy jobs, I immediately think of all the women I know who work in social care. which seems to be a very female-dominated industry.

I’m married to a midwife, a profession that could hardly be more female-dominated, and there’s nothing cushy about it at all. Especially not the time when she was in charge of a homebirth that turned out to be a breech delivery with additional complications – something she’d had no practical experience of even in a far more controlled hospital environment.

Thankfully, it turned out OK, but at least one person could have died if she’d fucked up. And I have never been in a situation with a genuine life-or-death outcome in my entire career, and neither have the vast majority of other men that I know.

Mind you, it’s pretty much impossible to imagine an MRA becoming a midwife. Even if they have this creepy idea that a job that involves examining women’s ladyparts on a regular basis is somehow an attractive prospect, I suspect they’d change their minds after a few days’ training. Or even a single training video.

12 years ago

Ponkz: Absolutely true. My mother is a nurse, and I’ve worked as a nursing assistant for elderly people, which also included working on a dementia ward. Most of the other carers were women, and the job requires physical and psychological strenght, as well as unlimited patience, efficiency, and an ability to deal with emergencies.

Kyrie: The only thing that hasn’t changed is the fact that certain attributes are constructed as feminine or masculine respectively!

12 years ago

I guess it is a good thing I never took a bus in my formative elementary school years.

What I find funny about male dominated jobs is that I’ve heard both the view that women should get into them more and take the same risks as men, but also that women should stay out of those jobs, since they’re not strong enough to do them.

So, which is it?

12 years ago

If the MRA’s believe that pink collar professions are so cushy and easy, why aren’t they pursuing those jobs? Obviously, the jobs aren’t that easy, well paying ,or prestigious or the MRA’s would want them. Let’s look at a few jobs traditionally filled by women.

1. Daycare worker: The pay is terrible. You have to change countless diapers, help sick toddlers, soothe up to ten crying babies at once, and make sure none of the toddlers hurt each other. I don’t think many MRAs would have the patience for it.

2. Nursing: You have to be on your feet for twelve hours straight, meeting the needs of multiple patients at the same time. There is always the risk of communicable diseases, and MRSA is all over hospitals. You have endless paperwork, do most of the care for patients, and doctors get all the prestige.

3. Teachers: The job requires a degree and a license, yet the pay is still low. The hours are long, the paperwork and grading can take over your own private life, and parents expect you to give their children A’s even when they refuse to do homework.

4. Waitress: You have to run like a deer to keep the customers happy, refilling their drinks, taking their orders, cleaning up their messes. Some customers refuse to tip, even though the minimum wage for servers is only $3.63 in MO.

5. Maid: You clean up after other people’s messes for minimum wage. Not many people enjoy scrubbing toilets and vacuuming.

When the MRA’s talk about women’s jobs, they must be imagining that all women work in HR for corporations. Maybe they watch Sex in the City and imagine that all women are either journalists, lawyers, art curators, or public relations specialists. The truth is there are many more women in low paying, difficult jobs and not many of the MRA’s would trade places with them given the chance.

12 years ago

@thebionicmommy: AMEN.

The visibility of some women in high-status jobs does not equal all women in those jobs. Sure, people go over the top sometimes and over-emphasize there being a woman in a particular kind of job.

The novelty and emphasis on women in a high-status position tends to make it easier to ignore the fact that a lot more women are in the jobs you’ve listed than in the fancy, high-paying ones.

And, of course, the list goes on. I’m surrounded by librarians right now, most of which are female. Librarianship requires a Master’s degree and, depending on the kind of librarianship, can pay as bad as or worse than teaching. Not to mention that libraries are struggling to stay relevant, so many old-school librarians are having to scramble to acquire up-to-date skills or are forced into retirement.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Thebionicmommy – SRSLY.

In the case of nursing, there’s also a very high rate of back injuries. And in the ER and psychiatric nursing, a very high rate of assault by patients. In Western State Hospital in Washington, they were running at one assault on staff per day for a while. I’ve been spit on, punched, and groped at my job, a coworker of mine was slashed with a razor blade a patient hid from security, and I barely even hear the screamed insults and slurs anymore.

So much for easy safe lady jobs.

How many of the guys making these complaints actually work in coal mines anyway? I get the impression most of them are IT workers or customer service agents or what have you, and are just trying to pull a “we hunted the mammoth” here.

12 years ago

In the case of nursing, there’s also a very high rate of back injuries. And in the ER and psychiatric nursing, a very high rate of assault by patients. In Western State Hospital in Washington, they were running at one assault on staff per day for a while. I’ve been spit on, punched, and groped at my job, a coworker of mine was slashed with a razor blade a patient hid from security, and I barely even hear the screamed insults and slurs anymore.

Holly, I couldn’t even imagine how challenging nursing must be. I know I don’t have the stomach or will to handle such a tough job. My friend is a nurse and she told me some horror stories of what she saw at the hospital after the tornado. The nurses at St. John’s were real heroes when the tornado literally destroyed the hospital while they worked. They risked their own lives trying to protect patients. I applaud what they did.

That’s the thing, too. I respect the hard work other people do, unlike whiny MRA’s that imagine women are all paid to sit in fancy offices and eat bon bons while the men do all the dirty work in society. It’s frustrating to see them belittle or deny the sacrifices women make on the job. I also know that a lot of women that go into helping professions do so because they really care about helping others. Lord knows they’re not doing it for fame or fortune!

Maybe Mike Rowe should do a special episode of Dirty Jobs just to highlight specific women who put themselves in harm’s way to make life easier for everyone else. I’ve seen some women on the show, but I noticed that it doesn’t show too many pink collar professions.

12 years ago

one of my friends used to work in a nursing home. She’d have to wipe adult’s butts, change their diapers, give them baths. She’d been hit a couple times too. Most of these MRAs probably wouldn’t even do that for a baby, it’s bitch work after all. As per usual their blinding hatred of women renders them unable to see reality. Funny how they also seem to have more knowledge of Sex in the City than I do. Newsflash douchebags, it’s not real. Its fantasy. Like all TV. And fantasy involving 4 privileged, attractive white women no less.

Also I’d wager very few construction workers, contractors, etc even want women girling up those jobs. MRA idiots always blather on about the “feminization of this”, the “pussifying of that” Even if more women did start going into those industries (which I do support by the way) they’d still say women are too weak to do those jobs, just like they do with policewomen and female firefighters. As usual if you’re a woman, simply existing in the same world as men offends misogynists. That is unless you agree to be their slaves.

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
12 years ago

Nursing? Men in nursing? Forget it. My wife has been in nursing for I guess 20 years give or take, and she just doesn’t believe in the male nurse. Lots of guys with entitlement issues who assume that a penis equals seniority, lots of passing off their work onto others, a metric shit-ton of refusal to respect the authority of women in supervisory positions. My wife tells me that many male nurses she’s worked with, and especially new male nurses, come in new to a job and start trying to boss everyone around like they’ve been there longer than everyone else and resist accepting any criticism or instruction. Plus, and this is unfortunate, male nurses tend to be the ones most likely to get caught stealing from patients and abusing/neglecting patients.

I’ve never worked in a coal mine, but I’ve worked in factories on and off over the years. Lots of women working those jobs too.

12 years ago

3. Teachers: The job requires a degree and a license, yet the pay is still low.

The same is true of librarians. Being an actual librarian (not just someone who works in a library) requires a fucking master’s degree.

12 years ago

@Dracula — My wife has an MLS AND a Ph.D. (not in library science). Makes less than me (a software developer w/ just a B.S.)

It’s ridiculous.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Oh yeah,and for all nursing as well as childcare professions: Poop.

Oceans of poop. Mountains of poop. Poop in places you never thought poop could go. Poop that’s gone so far up the patient/child’s back that you have to wash their hair. Poop fingerpainting masterpieces on every surface a patient/child can reach. Poop on the floor in the hallway, just sitting there like “Hi! I’m a poop! Aren’t I supposed to be here?” and you don’t even want to know who’s responsible or how many people before you saw it and pretended not to notice. Poopy bedsheets, poopy curtains, poopy windows, poopy call lights, poopy ceilings… how did that even happen? Poopy hands that you don’t notice until after they touch you. Flying poop and it’s headed your way.

I do not disrespect the work of men in non-poop-oriented professions, but I sure as hell don’t feel bad for them.

12 years ago

To help make things easier, we need an MRA’s guide to Women’s Career Choices.

Option 1: Enter a low paying pink collar profession. Sorry, the fact that you accept such a job proves women suck. This also makes the wage gap totally fair.

Option 2: Get a higher paying pink collar job. Sorry, that proves that women are spoiled and want cushy jobs, and therefore women suck.

Option 3: Get a job that’s traditionally filled by men. Sorry, you just took a job that rightfully belongs to men and therefore women suck.

Option 4: Don’t get a job at all. Sorry, this means you’re sponging off of someone else and therefore women suck.

The MRM is still trying to figure out an option that is okay for women. However, since women suck, it will probably never come up with a solution. Maybe an MRA could enlighten us. What can women do without being criticized? Anyone?

12 years ago

be a fluffy and submissive slave to men? Meller and NWO covered that one already ;P

12 years ago

Well actually the submissive slave thing really only works in theory. Let’s say by some miracle they managed to find someone who was totally willing to be a fluffy submissive slave, eventually you know the reality just isn’t going to live up to what they want.

“What? I have to feed you? OPPRESSION!”

These are the kind of people who, if they had the dream sex-bot they go on about, would complain about the electricity bills of recharging the bloody thing.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Thebionicmommy – I think you’re supposed to take Option 1 while also being a fully dedicated mother and homemaker. (But not so dedicated you aren’t immediately willing to give up all rights to the kids and house any time your partner changes his mind about you, of course.)

This proves that women suck and deserve less money, but since these things are true, it’s healthy for you to accept them.

12 years ago

Thebionicmommy – I think you’re supposed to take Option 1 while also being a fully dedicated mother and homemaker. (But not so dedicated you aren’t immediately willing to give up all rights to the kids and house any time your partner changes his mind about you, of course.)

No, this option still wouldn’t be good enough for MRA’s. Let’s suppose the wife taking option 1 has the audacity to age past 35. Obviously, the poor husband can’t be stuck with such a hag. If he leaves her for a 20 year old, though, and gets full custody of the children, he will be forced to take care of those children. Those children might throw up in the middle of the night, need a diaper change, or need help on homework. That’s misandry! No, the only option that’s fair for him is if he can leave her, take the house and all the money, and she takes full custody of the kids with no child support from him.

Quakers, a fluffy and submissive slave will still age. She also might gain some weight bearing sons for her master. See, that’s also misandry!