Does anyone still doubt that we live in a gynofascist lady-tatorship? Some guy who calls himself Davd – because there’s no “I” in Davd! – has posted a sharp analysis of one of the most insidious tools of the matriarchy: those flashing lights they put on school buses to try to stop people from running over kids getting on and off the buses.
And no, I am not making this up. Here’s Davd, explaining it all to you:
Anyone who thinks that the women of North America were subjugated by some kind of patriarchy back between 50 and 100 years ago, need only look at the traffic on rural roads in the morning, to know better. …
Those school buses have been running mornings and afternoons for as long as i can remember—and i’ll soon be 70. They are a symbol of women dominating men and boys [and perhaps girls as well, though girls seem more able to wheedle adult women than we are]. …
[W]hy do Canadian and US school buses have big bright flashing lights fore and aft, and STOP signs that stick out from the driver’s side? I don’t remember the children who rode on them, including four of my sons, being all that grateful for the fuss; and i don’t remember them being all that frightened of the traffic. … It was obvious enough to me and my sons, that the School Buses were babying the children.
So who babies children—Mommies or Daddies? …
The School Buses with big bright flashing lights fore and aft and STOP signs that stick out from the driver’s side, are the spoils of political victory for babying Mommies, well over half a century ago, not anything remotely patriarchal.
So Davd suggest we go whole-hog and just paint the things pink, to remind us of who really runs the world:
Pink school buses will be truth in packaging: School biases against boys are more important than the babying bus lights and STOP signs, and a larger reason to paint school buses (and school doors) pink.
Naturally, most of the commenters on The Spearhead found Davd’s concerns to be completely reasonable and in no way exaggerated. Firepower, in the very first comment, one of the most heavily upvoted in the thread, Godwinned it out of the park with these observations:
Tolerating pink gear on NFL players gets you pink buses. Accepting pink buses gets you pink uniforms in the future concentration camps.
Babying and coddling American kids/boys – gets you the youth you see today.
Meanwhile, Keyster suggested that the fact that school buses are painted yellow was itself evidence of an insidious conspiracy. For, you see, that color was set as the standard for school buses after a conference in 1939 that was funded in part by a grant from – cue dramatic chipmunk! – the Rockefeller Foundation.
And yes, that’s the same Rockefeller Foundation that funded and continues to fund feminism. No surprize that they’d fund a centralized government standard for the color of a gasoline consuming conveyence meant to transport our future proles. It’s important they identify school with safety as part of the indocrination process.
Much of the rest of the thread was given over to guys gloating that the girls they used to have such crushes on when they were in grade school had now all become old and fat. Nugganu —who recently informed me that he’d like to see me “anally raped by ten well endowed black men” — got the most upvotes of any commenter in the thread with this observation:
For whatever reason I still see alot of the girls I grew up with in the 80′s fairly often. They’re all serious boner-killers now. I suppose it doesn’t help that they’re all varying degrees of fat, uglier and have the look of having had 100+ dicks stuck in them over the years. All of them are single too, surprise surprise.
Naturally, aging Spearhead dudes remain just as handsome and appealing as they were in their salad days. Everyone knows that ladies age like mayonnaise in an tuna sandwich, while Spearheaders age like fine whine wine.
It’s probably been said, but I thought women were supposed to force men into dangerous jobs (to pay for the shoe-and-handbag extension on the mansion she wants or whatever)
I’m in the UK and yes, health and safety workplace regs have gone a little overboard in places. But it’s not about feminisation, it’s about fear of lawsuits. It’d be wonderful if employers were really as personally concerned about you being sliced in half on the job as they are about having to compensate someone who’s injured.
Not remotely a gender issue, but neither is most of the stuff these guys complain about.
Oh, and not completely relevant but this happened in my town recently
Why do people think nursing is such a safe and easy job? referring to David’s link about job safety. *sigh*
“The School Buses with big bright flashing lights fore and aft and STOP signs that stick out from the driver’s side, are the spoils of political victory for babying Mommies, well over half a century ago, not anything remotely patriarchal.”
If this means what I think it means, then the poster is trying to prove that buses are really women’s fault, not the fault of the patriarchy… Which is odd, because I don’t think I’ve ever heard the claim that the buses themselves were patriarchal…
Is everything either pro-man or pro-woman? Are sit-down toilets being the standard in homes misandric, because there isn’t also a urinal? Are life-jackets part of the patriarchy because they aren’t form fitting for women? What about the “pick up after your dog” laws… you know who walks dogs? MEN! Why should they be forced to endure additional burdens?
*sigh* -_-
I am annoyed. I totally meant to put a line in there and then I forgot.
So please insert “don’t actually help men any (hate women)” wherever you think it fits best.
katz XD
I’m gonna have that stuck in my head all night now.
*gives Ozy a big Ami hug of awesome*
NWO helps men plenty. Shouting at me apparently… does… something.,.. to stop me from trampling millions of straight cis men xD
Oh and I’m confused o_O Given how many of our trolls de-gender me… wouldn’t hating me (which they do with great enthusiasm) diminish from the woman-hating in their minds? xD Or do I actually count in their hate quota despite their chromosomal scanners? xD
I remember one time when I was rather young and having a bad time while on a school bus, I wrote “mommy” in the moisture condensed on the window. Predictably, much of the bus laughed when it was noticed.
Lady-tatorship in action. (I love that term. Mm, tators.)
A, c’mon, Spearhead, school buses are low-hanging fruit when it comes to demonstrating how something is anti-male/pro-female. Next time go for something challenging, like one of the following:
* The germ theory of disease.
* Continental drift.
* Conservation of energy.
* Prime numbers.
Ami – Most of our trolls are anti-everything-not-me-ists (or anti-everything-including-me-ists, which is very tragic and all), so there’s no diminishing woman-hating. As long as you hate women also, you can imagine someone as male and still hate them.
* The germ theory of disease.
Disease is a form of weakness in our modern, degenerate society. It’s spread by sluts and gay sex, and then they complain about it–“wah wah wah, I’m soooo sick, won’t someone come along and fix my problems for me?” Giving these freeloaders antibiotics is just encouraging them at the expense of the hardworking MEN in the pharmaceutical industry.
* Continental drift.
Earthquake-proofing is another symptom of the relentless feminization of America and in particular the liberal wasteland that is California. Real men aren’t bothered by a little shaking, but women are just afraid their precious little tea sets will fall on the floor. And they went and cried to the government, as women always do, and the mangina government gave them everything they wanted. So now whenever a man wants to put up a building to house his family or start a small business, he has to comply with these ridiculous “earthquake safety” regulations imposed on him by women.
* Conservation of energy.
If Affirmative Action didn’t put so many unqualified women in science and engineering programs–positions the female brain simply can’t handle–we’d have truly talented people (i.e., MEN!) in the sciences. If we staffed our science programs with intelligent, qualified men who had to fight their way to the top in our female-dominated society, we’d have perpetual motion machines by now.
* Prime numbers.
Sophie Germain primes are named after a woman, because everyone thinks it’s super special and a big deal when a woman discovers something (it is awfully rare after all). But do we call regular primes “Euclid primes” or “Euler primes”? No! Because they’re men so no one cares. Typical.
Late to the -tatorship discussion, but I think “chicktatorship” has a nice combination of rhyme and ridiculousness.
Chicktatorship sounds like a special at KFC.
Except KFC’s would have small print reading “Contains no actual chicks or chick products.”
You know, I have a friend who’s a communist (not a Stalinist, NWOSlave!), and zie used to have a way of making any conversation about a personal or social problem about how Communism Will Fix That. The funniest example was, IIRC, Shakira (under communism she would use her actually very good voice to sing songs of proletariat struggle, not whatever she does now).
The Spearhead is like that. Whatever is pissing you off, it’s women’s fault, and putting those bitches back where they belong will solve it. No more waiting behind school buses!
Also I am now seriously considering naming my unborn child Ozymandias. It’s unique and gender-neutral! XD
Can we be BEST FRIENDS? Pretty please?
Actually I remember seeing something somewhere (may have been the British Psychological Society Digest blog, but I can’t remember) that a uber-masculine, macho-posturing-type climate causes unsafe behavior in workplaces & that specifically intervening to prevent manly-man “I don’t need safety glasses while juggling chainsaws!” “WELL I don’t need safety glasses OR steel-toed boots while juggling chainsaws!” kind of competition decreases workplace accidents. It makes everyone see safety as a collective responsibility and not a ding on your individual manliness scale.
So if you’re loony enough to privilege MANLY MANLY MANNESS and the MAN HIERARCHY above literally *everything else* in life, I can see why you’d see something as dumb as school bus lights as a threat. These people are so invested in scrabbling for positions in the Man-archy that switching to a different mode of thinking (valuing collective safety over interpersonal competition in man-symbols) would be, to them, throwing in the towel and telling all the other manly men that they’re a big omega loser. Or heck, they’d be like a *woman*, since women can’t compete in THE MOST MANLIEST GAME. Maybe that’s what all this is about: these guys know they are at the bottom somewhere in the Man Game and they are so desperate to not look like a woman that they’ll do anything to hang onto the bottom rungs, including writing long screeds about SCHOOL BUS = FEMINAZI conspiracies on the internet. Because someone who says something that crazy has got to be serious about the man thing, right guys? Don’t mess with him!!!
Must….be…manly! Can’t let… school bus…. immasculate me!
*applauds Holly Pervocracy*
Is it just me, or would a pink school bus actually be kinda … phallusy?
Back in MY day all school busses were pained black! And none of them had headlights or brakelights! The just ran in the dark without lights! And they never drove slower than 60 miles per hour! And there were no curbs! So we never knew if we were on the sidewalk or in the streets! So we’d have to spread out so we wouldn’t all be hit when the bus sped by at 60+ miles per hour with the doors open so we could jump in in the dark without any lights!
Now a days the busses are all…
@Holly and Ozy: Dude, can we have one of those poly marriages? <3