antifeminism disgusting women evil women gloating I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men racism reactionary bullshit the spearhead

School buses: “A symbol of women dominating men and boys.”

Evil gynofascist propaganda

Does anyone still doubt that we live in a gynofascist lady-tatorship? Some guy who calls himself Davd – because there’s no “I” in Davd! – has posted a sharp analysis of one of the most insidious tools of the matriarchy: those flashing lights they put on school buses to try to stop people from running over kids getting on and off the buses.

And no, I am not making this up. Here’s Davd, explaining it all to you:

Anyone who thinks that the women of North America were subjugated by some kind of patriarchy back between 50 and 100 years ago, need only look at the traffic on rural roads in the morning, to know better. …

Those school buses have been running mornings and afternoons for as long as i can remember—and i’ll soon be 70. They are a symbol of women dominating men and boys [and perhaps girls as well, though girls seem more able to wheedle adult women than we are]. …

[W]hy do Canadian and US school buses have big bright flashing lights fore and aft, and STOP signs that stick out from the driver’s side? I don’t remember the children who rode on them, including four of my sons, being all that grateful for the fuss; and i don’t remember them being all that frightened of the traffic. …  It was obvious enough to me and my sons, that the School Buses were babying the children.

So who babies children—Mommies or Daddies? …

The School Buses with big bright flashing lights fore and aft and STOP signs that stick out from the driver’s side, are the spoils of political victory for babying Mommies, well over half a century ago, not anything remotely patriarchal.

So Davd suggest we go whole-hog and just paint the things pink, to remind us of who really runs the world:

Pink school buses will be truth in packaging: School biases against boys are more important than the babying bus lights and STOP signs, and a larger reason to paint school buses (and school doors) pink.

Naturally, most of the commenters on The Spearhead found Davd’s concerns to be completely reasonable and in no way exaggerated. Firepower, in the very first comment, one of the most heavily upvoted in the thread, Godwinned it out of the park with these observations:

Tolerating pink gear on NFL players gets you pink buses. Accepting pink buses gets you pink uniforms in the future concentration camps.

Babying and coddling American kids/boys – gets you the youth you see today.

Meanwhile, Keyster suggested that the fact that school buses are painted yellow was itself evidence of an insidious conspiracy. For, you see, that color was set as the standard for school buses after a conference in 1939 that was funded in part by a grant from – cue dramatic chipmunk! – the Rockefeller Foundation.

And yes, that’s the same Rockefeller Foundation that funded and continues to fund feminism. No surprize that they’d fund a centralized government standard for the color of a gasoline consuming conveyence meant to transport our future proles. It’s important they identify school with safety as part of the indocrination process.

Much of the rest of the thread was given over to guys gloating that the girls they used to have such crushes on when they were in grade school had now all become old and fat. Nugganu —who recently informed me that he’d like to see me “anally raped by ten well endowed black men”  — got the most upvotes of any commenter in the thread with this observation:

For whatever reason I still see alot of the girls I grew up with in the 80′s fairly often. They’re all serious boner-killers now. I suppose it doesn’t help that they’re all varying degrees of fat, uglier and have the look of having had 100+ dicks stuck in them over the years. All of them are single too, surprise surprise.

Naturally, aging Spearhead dudes remain just as handsome and appealing as they were in their salad days. Everyone knows that ladies age like mayonnaise in an tuna sandwich, while Spearheaders age like fine whine wine.



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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Really, if you think sticking a dick in a woman causes irreparable lifetime damage, it’s wildly unethical to go around sticking your dick in women you don’t intend to make a long-term commitment to. And that’s just not fair to other men.

If you believe in “damaged goods,” doesn’t that make you an asshole if you go around damaging goods?

Bedelia Bloodyknuckle
13 years ago

for the MRAS *Plays sad trombone*

13 years ago

WOW if there wasn’t proof that these guys are just bat-shit crazy before then this totally does it. I wonder how many dicks i look like i’ve had stuck in me. how does this work? hahaha. And are they really not talking about Jerry Sandusky? for all their claims to support male sexual abuse victims that should really be a hot topic there even though abuser was a man

Bedelia Bloodyknuckle
13 years ago

LOL And NTs think autistic people are “over-analytic” lol

13 years ago

i’m going to just wander off, convinced that was a Poe.

13 years ago

Spearhead has always been THE place to blame women for everything.

Have to pay your taxes? Women.
Car broke down? Women.
Fly in your drink? Women.
Economic collapse? Women again (LOL)!

Okay, some of them blame non-whites too.

And the school bus thing was just so stupid, my eyes glossed over. I just kept thinking about Hello Kitty schoolbuses in Japan. Yes, they are a real thing.

Maybe femmebuses ARE a part of the gynocracy’s plan. I’ve been seeing AvfM and r/MR complaining about feminists in Japan recently. Worse than Godzilla amirite.

13 years ago

Oh the misandry of it all!!!

13 years ago

I like that he keeps running in to these girls “for whatever reason.” I’m not sure why the self-consciously casual disclaimer caught my eye but it does invite speculation on his surely exciting, variety-filled life. Maybe he runs into them accidentally-on-purpose so they can catch a glimpse of him across the aisle at Walmart and sigh wistfully over what they once could have had, if only they’d chosen properly back when they themselves were worth having. O, cruel hindsight!

13 years ago

On the absurdity of this one post alone, I have decided the MRM is an elaborate prank. It must be. There is no other explanation.

Please, I just need to believe it to keep my brain from shutting down from all the stupid.

13 years ago

what is this I don’t even

13 years ago

Bus drivers? Like Slave drivers? Is this a coincidence? I think not!!!!!!! 😛

13 years ago

LOL, evilwhitemaleempire made this comment:

Yes, health and safety fascism (both in and out of the workplace) is a sign of matriarchy.
No workplace is complete these days without some safety program pretentiously written by a r******* 8th grader or female HR department head.

Is this what MRA’s consider oppression? Fire and tornado drills? OSHA rules? Do they really want their workplaces to be more dangerous just for the hell of it? Oh no! Someone put a “caution/wet floor” sign on the floor after mopping. That’s misandry!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

It seems like being unconcerned for the safety of young boys and male workers is misandry.

But I guess it’s just another application of Spearhead’s Law – it’s okay to hate men as much as you like, as long as you remember to hate women harder at the same time.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Is this what MRA’s consider oppression? Fire and tornado drills? OSHA rules? Do they really want their workplaces to be more dangerous just for the hell of it? Oh no! Someone put a “caution/wet floor” sign on the floor after mopping. That’s misandry!

Remember, these are the people angry that men are more likely to die in the workplace. Or so they say.

Kyso K
Kyso K
13 years ago

I hadn’t noticed the OPs claimed age before. He does know that cars are faster and traffic is heavier now, right? I grew up on a ‘country’ road as the sprawl overtook us. Just because the road is a winding narrow two lane affair with just enough hills to block your view doesn’t mean assholes won’t go 45+ on it (and I was no exception). So congrats to him for being able to dodge the occasional horseless carriage back in the day, but the times, they have changed.

13 years ago

Seth Rogen: The Spearhead, thanks for coming to your performance review
The Spearhead: No problem
Seth Rogen: So you’re the misogynist around here, is that fair to say?
The Spearhead: Absolutely, I hate women.
Seth Rogen: Ok, so take us through a day in the life of a misogynist
The Spearhead: Well the first thing I do is…
Post a comment (hate women)
Whine online (hate women)
Hate on single moms (hate women)
Old women are beasts (hate women)
Blame survivors (hate women)
Fat women are pigs (hate women)
Sluts are worthless (hate women)
Hit on Deborah (hate women)
Get rejected (hate women)
Post on roissy (hate women)
’bout my harem (hate women)
Get a sexbot (hate women)
Cry deeply (hate women)
Demand a refund (hate women)
(like a boss)
Neg Deborah (hate women)
Get maced (hate women)
Fifth of vodka (hate women)
She’s a bitch (hate women)
Go my own way (hate women)
I’m going (hate women)
Oh, fuck me I can’t fucking do it shit
Pussy out (hate women)
Deborah spits on me (hate women)
Troll Manboobz (hate women)
FUCK ALPHA FUCK (hate women)
Economic stagnation!!!! (hate women)
Cock carousel (hate women)
Hunt the mammoth (hate women)
PEACE AND FREEDOM! (hate women)
Eat some bonbons (hate women)
Book of Learning (hate women)
$MONEY$ (hate women)
Pussy pass (hate women)
Sockpuppet (hate women)
Short skirts rape men (hate women)
Schoolbuses are evil (hate women)
Accused of rape (hate women)
Now I’m dead (hate women)
Seth Rogen: Uhhuh, so that’s an average day for you, then?
The Spearhead: No doubt.
Seth Rogen: You hunt a mammoth and die?
The Spearhead: Hell yeah.
Seth Rogen: I think at one point there you said something about a sexbot?
The Spearhead: Nah.
Seth Rogen: Actually, I’m pretty sure you did.
The Spearhead: Nah, that ain’t me.
Seth Rogen: Okay, well, this has been eye-opening for me.
The Spearhead: I hate women.
Seth Rogen: Yeah, no, I got that, you said it 400 times.
The Spearhead: I hate women.
Seth Rogen: Yeah, yeah, I got it.
The Spearhead: I hate women.
Seth Rogen: OK, great, I heard you, bye.
The Spearhead: …I’m so alone.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Ozy we have to get married right now

13 years ago

And the school bus thing was just so stupid, my eyes glossed over. I just kept thinking about Hello Kitty schoolbuses in Japan. Yes, they are a real thing.

I saw one of those when I was in Japan! It was taking kids on a field trip to Tokyo Tower. And radiating man-hate.

Anyway, you people aren’t thinking in evolutionary terms. If we’d been diligently winnowing out the species over the last few generations by deliberately hitting schoolchildren with our cars, instead of obeying Big Mommy’s wimpy don’t-run-kids-down-like-dogs-in-the-street ethos, by now we could have developed a super-race of bouncing children. And how rad would that be? Instead, we’ve got a bunch of boring non-elastic kids on our hands. Thanks a lot, MATRIARCHY.

Greta Christina
13 years ago

Please, please, please, tell me this is a Poe.

13 years ago

Ozymandias: Have I told you yet that I think you’re awesome? Because I seriously think you’re fucking awesome.

Kyso K
Kyso K
13 years ago

That comment thread is pure gold. I read it on the train. From the complaints that feminism has pussified Japan (they do have more safety police running around construction sites and such, but they also let you walk right under the cranes. The turning garbage trucks do talk to you, but van-withpa system is a common form of advertisement so it’s not as weird as it sounds) to the guy who described school bus yellow as baby shit yellow to the praise for the efficient post-Soviet ways of the Finnish – I feel like a kid in a candy store. I just can’t pick a favorite.

13 years ago

Ozy, A+, would read again.

Seriously, why isn’t the MRM up in arms about Penn State? Oh, right, hating women is easier than confronting some truly harmful shit.

13 years ago

If there’s any confusion as to whether they’re truly different dicks, you can simply check their I Pee addresses.


13 years ago

Don’t forget about all those ladies using buses as a cunning excuse to get under guys’ umbrellas.