Does anyone still doubt that we live in a gynofascist lady-tatorship? Some guy who calls himself Davd – because there’s no “I” in Davd! – has posted a sharp analysis of one of the most insidious tools of the matriarchy: those flashing lights they put on school buses to try to stop people from running over kids getting on and off the buses.
And no, I am not making this up. Here’s Davd, explaining it all to you:
Anyone who thinks that the women of North America were subjugated by some kind of patriarchy back between 50 and 100 years ago, need only look at the traffic on rural roads in the morning, to know better. …
Those school buses have been running mornings and afternoons for as long as i can remember—and i’ll soon be 70. They are a symbol of women dominating men and boys [and perhaps girls as well, though girls seem more able to wheedle adult women than we are]. …
[W]hy do Canadian and US school buses have big bright flashing lights fore and aft, and STOP signs that stick out from the driver’s side? I don’t remember the children who rode on them, including four of my sons, being all that grateful for the fuss; and i don’t remember them being all that frightened of the traffic. … It was obvious enough to me and my sons, that the School Buses were babying the children.
So who babies children—Mommies or Daddies? …
The School Buses with big bright flashing lights fore and aft and STOP signs that stick out from the driver’s side, are the spoils of political victory for babying Mommies, well over half a century ago, not anything remotely patriarchal.
So Davd suggest we go whole-hog and just paint the things pink, to remind us of who really runs the world:
Pink school buses will be truth in packaging: School biases against boys are more important than the babying bus lights and STOP signs, and a larger reason to paint school buses (and school doors) pink.
Naturally, most of the commenters on The Spearhead found Davd’s concerns to be completely reasonable and in no way exaggerated. Firepower, in the very first comment, one of the most heavily upvoted in the thread, Godwinned it out of the park with these observations:
Tolerating pink gear on NFL players gets you pink buses. Accepting pink buses gets you pink uniforms in the future concentration camps.
Babying and coddling American kids/boys – gets you the youth you see today.
Meanwhile, Keyster suggested that the fact that school buses are painted yellow was itself evidence of an insidious conspiracy. For, you see, that color was set as the standard for school buses after a conference in 1939 that was funded in part by a grant from – cue dramatic chipmunk! – the Rockefeller Foundation.
And yes, that’s the same Rockefeller Foundation that funded and continues to fund feminism. No surprize that they’d fund a centralized government standard for the color of a gasoline consuming conveyence meant to transport our future proles. It’s important they identify school with safety as part of the indocrination process.
Much of the rest of the thread was given over to guys gloating that the girls they used to have such crushes on when they were in grade school had now all become old and fat. Nugganu —who recently informed me that he’d like to see me “anally raped by ten well endowed black men” — got the most upvotes of any commenter in the thread with this observation:
For whatever reason I still see alot of the girls I grew up with in the 80′s fairly often. They’re all serious boner-killers now. I suppose it doesn’t help that they’re all varying degrees of fat, uglier and have the look of having had 100+ dicks stuck in them over the years. All of them are single too, surprise surprise.
Naturally, aging Spearhead dudes remain just as handsome and appealing as they were in their salad days. Everyone knows that ladies age like mayonnaise in an tuna sandwich, while Spearheaders age like fine whine wine.
Wow, those guys oughta dash right over the UPDATE the Wikipedia entry which is clearly a COVER UP of girly proportions:
And yes safety regulations are totally the purview of MOMMIES!
As somebody who is against state schooling, and has had to endure all sorts of intelligent and thoughtful, plus long wacked out conspiracist, arguments for or against it, I approve wholeheartedly. This isn’t just your usual nanny-state or public-school argument, this gets right to the heart of the problem – The Mommy Buses. A +
It’s time for the converstation in America to be more Bus Centered. The Wheels on the bus go Round and Round… But at whose bidding, and for how long? And when the foes of liberty rise up, with their fascist anthem “Hail to the bus driver, bus driver, bus driver, hail to the bus driver, bus driver man!” We shall answer back with.. Aw crap, I can remember lots of anti teacher songs, but how many truly anti bus songs are there… Jesus christ, the rabbithole goes down so damn deep!
There is clearly no non-issue small enough for these guys to throw fits over.
IIRC, in my area, school buses were required to have the lights and signs after some kids got hit crossing the streets.
LOL, Nugganu. They’re all ugly and fat but they still get laid a hell of a lot more than he does. I think that’s what pisses him off the most.
My school bus was pink. Maybe that explains why I grew up to be a feminist.
It is clear that school buses. stop signs, and the color yellow are signs of the castrating nature of the coming Chickapocalpse.
I don’t know how to say this in words small enough.
When cars not stop, cars hit kids. That bad.
When cars stop, cars not hit kids. That good.
Advanced lesson:
When cars hit kids, kids not get “stronger.” Opposite actually.
have the look of having had 100+ dicks stuck in them over the years
What on Earth look is that? Seriously, if anything ever cried out for the “I’ll give you two pictures, and you tell me…” test, it’s a statement like that.
Would having one dick stuck in you 100+ times have different effects for some magical reason?
I’m sorry, is the message here actually that mothers care about whether their children get hit by cars, and manly fathers do not give a crap, therefore feminism -> school buses -> evil?
Pretty sure my dads would have cared if I was hit by a car as a child. But maybe that’s because I’m all soft and female and delicate. Maybe if a car had hit my brother it would have bounced off of his manly boy-pecs or something.
WTF? I hold my children’s hands when we cross the street. I teach them about traffic safety, fire safety, and water safety. I like that school buses have stop signs and flashing lights to alert other drivers to be careful. Small children don’t always pay attention. If keeping my kids safe is babying them, then so be it.
First Rev. Spinnaker said moms are evil perpetrators of “pathological malnurturing”. Now we’re all overprotective and baby our kids too much. This is what I mean when I say that there is no pleasing everyone when you’re a mom. The moment you see a plus sign on a stick you become the recipient of judgmental and contradictory advice from everyone else.
So how do I get some of this great sounding Rockefeller money? Do I have to start a blog or…I’m just wondering what the specifics are. How much are you guys getting?
(Sorry for postpostposting, but another thought on this ridiculous post.)
In 3rd-5th grades, and all of high school, I didn’t take a schoolbus. I walked or biked to school.
I didn’t observe this making me the Strongest Child Ever, but perhaps I didn’t cross enough busy streets. I suppose a freeway would’ve really made a man out of me.
Spearhead’s Law: It is impossible to make an argument so batty and illogical that other Spearhead readers will disagree with you, as long as you say “Women suck” in the argument.
It occurs to me that instead of “lady-tatorship” I should have used “vagtatorship,” which seems like it would be a better gynofascist version of “dictatorship.”
This is so graspingly stupid, I honestly have no idea what to say to it.
And I just want to say that every time I see the Washington monument, MY VAGINA HURTS!!! Misogyny is everywhere!
In this case, the word “momtatorship” would work. The only problem is it sounds more like something to do with tator tots than a dictatorship of anxious mommies.
When I saw this posted on The Spearhead I rolled my eyes and sighed. Why do these MRAs become so obsessed with irrelevant stuff? Prior to this this there was a post about Justin Beiber’s fake baby momma, who is obviously a fraudster or has a mental illness.
Is this all you’ve got MRAs? We can’t wait to the next post about Ryan Gosling being a margina
I sniggered so approvingly at this, I actually made an odd sound like air being let out of a tire. My gawd, that is funny.
Now all I’m thinking of is “tators” Tatorship-tots.
Caroz: I have no Rockefeller money! I’m working for free! OPPRESSION! I have to deal with my commenters, someone should give me hazard pay.
This one time a fan sent me books though. That was really cool.
Holly: Maybe they have a slutdar? I dunno. I mostly look really happy and “cute,” except when I’m in boydrag, at which point I am promoted to hot, or in girldrag, at which point I am demoted to uncomfortable and ridiculous-looking.
Frick! I’m in moderation purgatory ‘cuz I used the word “S+_igger.”
Tater-tots can never not remind me of potato babies now (see here: http://markreadsharrypotter.buzznet.com/user/journal/7247901/mark-reads-harry-potter-prisoner/ – warning, spoilers for HP and PoA, and search for tater-tots and read the conversation.)
Slow news day in MRA-land? Wait, EVERY day is a “slow” day in MRA world…nevermind. 😉 Mr. Futrelle, thanks for the free guffaws for today! Or maybe I should thank the Spearhead….is NOBODY over there commenting on anything IMPORTANT, like, say, JERRY SANDUSKY???
“Would having one dick stuck in you 100+ times have different effects for some magical reason?”
No, no, it works like a counter. 0000104 unique visitors since 12/31/89!
If there’s any confusion as to whether they’re truly different dicks, you can simply check their I Pee addresses.