evil women life before feminism MGTOW misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles sexy robot ladies

Johnny Appleseed: A Man Going His Own Way?

How do you like them apples?

So yesterday I quoted some random Spearheader who described women (well, white women in particular) as “complete parasitical whores roaming the landscape spreading VD like Johnny Appleseed and fucking men over.”

One reader wondered if Mr. Appleseed really went about spreading VD. So I did a little research, and it turns out that it is exceedingly unlikely that Mr. Appleseed – who actually was a real person — spread anything other than the magic of apples. And his Swedenborgian beliefs.

Why? Because Mr. Appleseed – real name John Chapman – was what these days we might call a Man Going His Own Way. Seems he didn’t have much truck with the ladies, according to one contemporary account quoted in his Wikipedia entry:

On one occasion Miss PRICE’s mother asked Johnny if he would not be a happier man, if he were settled in a home of his own, and had a family to love him. He opened his eyes very wide–they were remarkably keen, penetrating grey eyes, almost black–and replied that all women were not what they professed to be; that some of them were deceivers; and a man might not marry the amiable woman that he thought he was getting, after all.

So what led poor Mr. Appleseed to these dire thoughts about women? Apparently the underage girl he hoped to some day get with was more into dudes who weren’t him:

Now we had always heard that Johnny had loved once upon a time, and that his lady love had proven false to him. Then he said one time he saw a poor, friendless little girl, who had no one to care for her, and sent her to school, and meant to bring her up to suit himself, and when she was old enough he intended to marry her. He clothed her and watched over her; but when she was fifteen years old, he called to see her once unexpectedly, and found her sitting beside a young man, with her hand in his, listening to his silly twaddle.

That ungrateful little strumpet!

I peeped over at Johnny while he was telling this, and, young as I was, I saw his eyes grow dark as violets, and the pupils enlarge, and his voice rise up in denunciation, while his nostrils dilated and his thin lips worked with emotion. How angry he grew! He thought the girl was basely ungrateful. After that time she was no protegé of his.

But Appleseed, despite giving up on women in the real world, held out hope for the afterlife – explaining to others that he expected to have two spirit wives all his own after he died. Which I guess is the 19th century equivalent of the MGTOWers today who fantasize about the sexy robot ladies who will eventually, it is hoped, make actual human females – with their troubling “thoughts” and “needs” and “desires” of their own – obsolete.

Mr. Appleseed’s quest to remain alone was probably also helped by the fact that – if the illustration I found on Wikipedia is any indication – he looked a bit like Dale Gribble from King of the Hill. Only much, much sloppier, with long hair. Oh, and instead of wearing a baseball cap, he wore “a tin utensil which answered both as a cap and a mush pot.”

So, yeah, a creepy weirdo who hates women — definitely an MGTOWer all the way.

Oh, except that he actually did something with his life — you know, helping spread apple trees to a big portion of the midwest — instead of spending all his time going on about how all women are whores.

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12 years ago

NWO: Because my maternal grandfather saw at least one of the camps. it shook him up so badly that instead of taking a shitpot of money to stay in the Air Corps and stay in England (where he had some… side activities of dubious legality but great profit) to come home and set up a new life.

Mr. Kobold
Mr. Kobold
12 years ago

“Why is the holocaust the sacred golden calf to you? If you want the truth to be investigated about evil Columbus, wouldn’t you want everything investigated? Why is that one event in all of history, just that one event out of everything that has ever happened in recorded history, sacred?”

So there wasn’t any “bff Jewish friend” was there Slavey boy 🙂

Honest question since you are giving me a plum opportunity, if one of your ilk such as yourself is show stuff like this:

What do they say?

I really want to know, my old history teacher went undercover to interview and study American fascist groups as a thesis project and I have always been curious about how scummy a person has to be for them to look at the horror before them and either A) still spout of further denial bullshit or B) say “awesome”.

12 years ago

Why is the holocaust the sacred golden calf to you? If you want the truth to be investigated about evil Columbus, wouldn’t you want everything investigated? Why is that one event in all of history, just that one event out of everything that has ever happened in recorded history, sacred?

The Holocaust HAS been investigated. Thoroughly. We have bones, we have ashes, we have mass graves, we have lampshades made of human skin. We have soldiers who remember walking into the death camps for the first time and survivors who remember watching their families murdered in front of them. I know you exist in some special little alternate reality in which bullshit you pull out of your ass counts for more than actual, tangible, obvious evidence like fucking mass graves, but here in the real world, there is no controversy about whether the Holocaust happened as documented. So by all means, investigate it. Investigate away. Just, you know, try looking at EVIDENCE instead of making shit up for once.

12 years ago

And my great-grandfather and great-grandmother were slaughtered by Bolshevics.

And how do those undeniable tragedies mitigate the ones that occurred under the Nazis?

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

My other grandmother, by the way, does not have numbers (only a few camps used the number tattoos). She does, however, have permanent heart and eye damage from contracting diptheria in a time when Jews were not able to access medical services.

My grandfather on my father’s side actually has an amazing story. He played soccer with the German soldiers stationed in his town, after Poland had been invaded but before they’d rounded up all the Jews. Yiddish and German are similar enough languages for conversation (and Polish isn’t), so they got to be friendly even though he was Jewish. The night before the SS came to take the Jews, one of his soccer buddies came and warned him. His whole family literally walked over the border into Russia to escape.

But the way my family is really affected by the Holocaust is simply that it’s smaller. There’s great-aunts and great-uncles and entire families that should be related to me and are just gone. My great-grandfathers on both sides were part of huge families and were the only survivors. That’s the real mark of the Holocaust: not just how it affected the relatives I knew but how many I never got to know at all.

Mr. Kobold
Mr. Kobold
12 years ago

“And my great-grandfather and great-grandmother were slaughtered by Bolshevics.”

Wait…so your saying your great grandparents weren’t slaughtered by Bolshevics?

Because that’s what you seem to have typed if you go from:
1. Questioning the Holocaust,
2. Someone responds to you with personal story about an ancestor directly affected by the Holocaust.
3. Rebutting with a personal ancestral story of your own.

12 years ago

But hey, let’s play the my family tragedy was bigger than yours game! My (paternal) great uncle was stranded on an occupied island in the South Pacific for something like three months after an unsuccessful attempt to take it for the island hopping. Three motherfucking months, alone on an island held by sworn enemies. His family got the death notice telegram and everything. My father was born (and named after his uncle) while said uncle was on a hospital ship headed home. The fact that my uncle suffered makes the fact that your relative had (something horrible) happen to them disappear!

Mr. Kobold
Mr. Kobold
12 years ago


Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

There’s literally thousands of survivor testimonials.

NWO, I’m curious what you think. Not what you’ll say, because I assume it’ll be “blah blah Commies” or “blah blah Title IX” or “blah blah flouride mammograms,” but what you think when you see things like this. Do you think they’re paid actors? Do you think they’re sadly mistaken and just misinterpreting events? Do you think they’re all lying, every one of them, 90-year-olds with absolutely nothing to gain lying just to further the Jewish hivemind?

Or do you not think at all?

Does that ever make you kind of sad?

12 years ago

This one is terribly written, even for you, NWOslave. I’m going to have to get out the red pen again.*

You choose to believe leftist propaganda and turn a blind eye to the truth. I hold people accountable for their actions reguardless of race or gender. Your sexist/racist hate ideology won’t permit you to hold any of the preferred gender/race(s) accountable.

Note how anti-semetic holds a special place of honor. Have you ever held a semetic accountable for saying/implying something against a white man just because their white? Such as the constant filth that falls from say the mouth of amused, with her white man this and white man that? Her race, (semetic) holds a privileged position within your ideology of hate. Your knee-jerk reaction is protection of all semetic people reguardless of their actions.

Your mouth professes equality, but your actions don’t. I will expect you to rip anyone a new asshole who ever utter the word of white, (race) or men, (gender) in a deragatory fashion, just because they happen to be men or white.

All feminists are pro-semetic, pro-misandric, pro-racist. It’s your ideology. If your pro-any race/gender that makes you anti everything that isn’t part of your ideology. And that’s hatred. You’ll get hatred in return.

You choose to believe leftist propaganda and turn a blind eye to the truth. I hold people accountable for their actions regardless of race or gender. Your sexist/racist hate ideology won’t permit you to hold any of the preferred gender/race(s) accountable.

Note how anti-semetic holds a special place of honour**. Have you ever held a Semitic person*** accountable for saying/implying something against a white man just because they’re white? Such as the constant filth that falls from say the mouth of Amused, with her white man this and white man that? Her race, (Semetic) holds a privileged position within your ideology of hate. Your knee-jerk reaction is protection of all Semetic people regardless of their actions.

Your mouth professes equality, but your actions don’t. I will expect you to rip anyone a new asshole who ever utter the word of white, (race) or men, (gender) in a derogatory fashion, just because they happen to be men or white.

All feminists are pro-Semetic, pro-misandric, pro-racist. It’s your ideology. If your pro-any race/gender that makes you anti everything that isn’t part of your ideology. And that’s hatred. You’ll get hatred in return.

*Note for NWOslave: “Red pen” is a metaphor. There is no actual red pen involved.

**Okay, fine, not technically a mistake. Still, you Americans and your love for removing ‘u’s from words.

***Even looking past your misspelling and improper capitalisation of “Semitic,” the word is not a noun.

12 years ago

“Actual evidence that actually exists as opposed to the kind that you pull out of your ass.”

Like I said, why can everything else, every other event in history be questioned? Any, and I mean any other event in history I can freely question. How about this, did only 4 million die in the holodomor? Is there no anti-something name if I question how many Ukrainians died? I can quastion those event till the cows come home. How about pol pot, I can question that also. How many died, how were they killed? How many brit, germans, slavs, turks, armenians, ect. died in WW II. Can anybody rattle off the number off hand, without looking it up? But I’ll bet everyone can rattle off how many Jews died. Ya see, preference is racism.

12 years ago

Oops, I forgot to correct all the other misspellings of Semitic. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was a one-off mistake.

Take note of the following spellings:


Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Actually, NWO, the Holocaust can be questioned. It’s just that the answer is “yes.”

There’s a difference between questioning and denial. When you question, you’re ready to receive answers.

For example, no, I don’t know the number of Armenians killed during WWII. But that doesn’t mean I believe the number was zero. It means I should find out.

Okay. About 175,000. I believe that. I was questioning it, but I got an answer, and now I have knowledge. I don’t just say “I question that 175,000!” and declare that no one can ever know how many Armenians died (and probably it wasn’t any because Armenians are known liars).

That’s how real questioning works.

12 years ago

NWO: BECAUSE THERE IS EVIDENCE, YOU FUCKWIT! Evidence that all paints a horrifying picture: People, real human beings with real hopes and fears, were murdered in their millions, many after being tortured. For what? FOR WHAT?! What the hell did the Nazi party hope to gain from this?

Blessed goddess, it’s like you just jumped off the monster truck from dumbfuck land. The evidence (the real evidence that actually exists) shows that millions of people were murdered systemically by the Nazi regime during the second world war. There is no dispute: Multiple sources from multiple places, cultures, and sides all confirm that it happened. To deny this is to deny that anything can actually ever be confirmed. And that is grade A bullshit.

12 years ago

Only Nazis, Nazi-wannabees and cowardly Nazi-sympathizers deny the Holocaust.

Which one are you, NWOslave?

Also, as somebody already asked, what’s your problem with the idea of Columbus as a slave-owner? You yourself want to own a rape-slave.

12 years ago

My grandparents were willing to give their lives (and many did) so that future generations could be spared the horrors WW2 inflicted on the world. And NWO and his ilk are what those sacrifices gave us. you’ll forgive me if I don’t consider that a fair trade.

Mr. Kobold
Mr. Kobold
12 years ago

Oh so Slavey is someone who is just speaking for the forgotten now? Instead of jumping desperately away from his holocaust denier bullshit after being thoroughly spanked on it.

But since he gags for it so much, here are some numbers (though you’ll likely just bitch and whine about leftist propaganda)

12 years ago

***Even looking past your misspelling and improper capitalisation of “Semitic,” the word is not a noun.

Nor is it a race.

12 years ago

And right here is proof of you preference. All of you are pratically frothing at the mouth. I’ve denied nothing, there is no doubt Jew were murdered and suffered horribly. But your racism, (preference to stand up for one race as opposed to all others is undeniable).

How many Ukrainians were kill in the holodomor? No one knows. I can question it ever happening. Big whoop! Who cares? It doesn’t even have am anti-something name. Hell, how many people have even heard the word holomodor? Or know what it means. Racial preference is racism.

Holly, you said you pro-semetic. If I said I’m pro-white, would I be a white supremacist? Well guess what you are?

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

NWO, you’re so stupid. I think I could take it better if you were merely disgustingly hateful (although I suppose the two are hopelessly intertwined), but you’re just stupid in the manner of a man eating garden mulch and mocking everyone else for not knowing that it’s delicious cake. It’s a superior stupidity, the kind that doesn’t just lack intelligence but finds intelligence laughable.

But even you can’t be stupid enough to think the “gosh, I was just asking why we don’t question the Holocaust” tactic is going to fly here.

How many Ukrainians were kill in the holodomor? No one knows. I can question it ever happening. Big whoop! Who cares? It doesn’t even have am anti-something name.

Please read my comment above about the difference between questioning and denial. It’s perfectly fine to question the Holomodor–it is not okay to deny it.

Holly, you said you pro-semetic. If I said I’m pro-white, would I be a white supremacist? Well guess what you are?

I said pro-Semitic (With an I! Cripes! Do you “question” dictionaries?) because I thought it was hilarious that you listed that as a form of bigotry. It sounded like you were implying that failure to be anti-Semitic is bigotry.

12 years ago

Hmm, limey me had never heard of Johnny Appleseed before – surprising maybe as I’m a bit of a folklore nerd. Most interesting *goes to read up on stuff*

12 years ago

Yes, Leftists will never say anything bad about a Jewish person. That is why the actions of the Israeli government are never questioned by us. That is why people like Paul Wolfowitz and Bill Kristol are our collective heroes.

12 years ago

I’m pretty sure that Ukrainian people would care if you started questioning it, NWO. I don’t think there are any Ukrainians here, or at least they’re not regular posters.

I’ll acknowledge that the Holocaust gets disproportionate treatment when compared to other genocides, but that is because it was the result of the policies of an expansionist government that got involved in a war with the whole of Europe and the USA, and as such, the realities of it are known to most Europeans and Americans.

It is sad that other genocides aren’t as well known, but the way to achieve that is NOT to downplay a massive tragedy that occurred. I’m not even Jewish and I can see that.

12 years ago

Point number one, to start with, even feminists can learn a few manners! Men like to be told how intelligent we are…

manners ≠ sycophancy

Hell, I’d like to win the lottery, but that doesn’t mean that I’m entitled to win it

Men ARE, as a rule, more intelligent than women

Even when they’re being stupid fuckwits?

Molly Ren
12 years ago

“Like I said, why can everything else, every other event in history be questioned? Any, and I mean any other event in history I can freely question.”

Um, no, Slavey. You can’t really question *every event in history*… at least not the way you’re going about it now.

What’s next? Will you be telling us Napoleon wasn’t real? Hiroshima never happened? Pol Pot was made up?

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