evil women life before feminism MGTOW misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles sexy robot ladies

Johnny Appleseed: A Man Going His Own Way?

How do you like them apples?

So yesterday I quoted some random Spearheader who described women (well, white women in particular) as “complete parasitical whores roaming the landscape spreading VD like Johnny Appleseed and fucking men over.”

One reader wondered if Mr. Appleseed really went about spreading VD. So I did a little research, and it turns out that it is exceedingly unlikely that Mr. Appleseed – who actually was a real person — spread anything other than the magic of apples. And his Swedenborgian beliefs.

Why? Because Mr. Appleseed – real name John Chapman – was what these days we might call a Man Going His Own Way. Seems he didn’t have much truck with the ladies, according to one contemporary account quoted in his Wikipedia entry:

On one occasion Miss PRICE’s mother asked Johnny if he would not be a happier man, if he were settled in a home of his own, and had a family to love him. He opened his eyes very wide–they were remarkably keen, penetrating grey eyes, almost black–and replied that all women were not what they professed to be; that some of them were deceivers; and a man might not marry the amiable woman that he thought he was getting, after all.

So what led poor Mr. Appleseed to these dire thoughts about women? Apparently the underage girl he hoped to some day get with was more into dudes who weren’t him:

Now we had always heard that Johnny had loved once upon a time, and that his lady love had proven false to him. Then he said one time he saw a poor, friendless little girl, who had no one to care for her, and sent her to school, and meant to bring her up to suit himself, and when she was old enough he intended to marry her. He clothed her and watched over her; but when she was fifteen years old, he called to see her once unexpectedly, and found her sitting beside a young man, with her hand in his, listening to his silly twaddle.

That ungrateful little strumpet!

I peeped over at Johnny while he was telling this, and, young as I was, I saw his eyes grow dark as violets, and the pupils enlarge, and his voice rise up in denunciation, while his nostrils dilated and his thin lips worked with emotion. How angry he grew! He thought the girl was basely ungrateful. After that time she was no protegé of his.

But Appleseed, despite giving up on women in the real world, held out hope for the afterlife – explaining to others that he expected to have two spirit wives all his own after he died. Which I guess is the 19th century equivalent of the MGTOWers today who fantasize about the sexy robot ladies who will eventually, it is hoped, make actual human females – with their troubling “thoughts” and “needs” and “desires” of their own – obsolete.

Mr. Appleseed’s quest to remain alone was probably also helped by the fact that – if the illustration I found on Wikipedia is any indication – he looked a bit like Dale Gribble from King of the Hill. Only much, much sloppier, with long hair. Oh, and instead of wearing a baseball cap, he wore “a tin utensil which answered both as a cap and a mush pot.”

So, yeah, a creepy weirdo who hates women — definitely an MGTOWer all the way.

Oh, except that he actually did something with his life — you know, helping spread apple trees to a big portion of the midwest — instead of spending all his time going on about how all women are whores.

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Did all the MRAs just discover radical hub or something? xD Reddit went crazy about it recently and acting as if they just discovered the TRUE FEMINISM WE TRIED TO CONCEAL xD NSWATM’s commentariat is suddenly up in arms about it.. and now NWO xD

and again it’s OMG LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!! SEE SEE!!!

Zhinxy will remember this… back a bunch of years ago, one of our anti-feminist comics trolls discovered Allecto’s “Joss Whedon is a rapist” essay and did the same thing NWO is doing here… SEE SEE I DISCOVERED EXTREMIST RADICAL FEMINISTS FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! I HAVE DISCOVERED TRUTTTH!!! XD

and like NWO, the guy was acting like he discovered the secret prototype feminist weapons we’ve been trying desperately to hide from them xD

You’re a bit late to the party NWO xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

My turn NWO… hey it’s Michael Coren, the Canadian you! (except he gets paid… you really should hold back your rantings until you get paid like him… I mean he has his own TV show now, and you’re giving it away for free XD )

Thoughts? 😀 Is this what you believe, or not? :3

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

If you want we can get into a link trading war! 😀 I offer myself up to you for this!

ME! AMI! The girl you HATE HATE HATE xD The girl you’ve lost 3 times in the ring to, I offer myself up willingly to you :3

Here’s the deal… you send me the rad fem links and I’ll tell you why they don’t represent me, and I’ll send you Coren’s stuff and you tell me why they don’t represent you ok? 😀 (unless they do represent you in which case just nod and smile)

Deal? 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh NWO, you know many of those radfems HATE me btw.. xD

They hate me more than YOU hate me… or as much.. and for similar reasons! 😀

They would be great allies of yours…

so the question is… who do you hate more? them… or me? 😀 cuz if you want to oppose them, you’ll only be helping me cuz you’ll be opposing ppl who oppose my existence, and thus making life harder on you (cuz you oppose my existence too xD )

uh oh… NWO’s brain just exploded xD

NWO, for a person who hates feminists, you seem to be really lagging in knowing about your enemy… xD I’ve been arguing w/ the transphobic radfems for 4 years now and you JUST discovered them? xD

13 years ago

NWO – Have you ever thought to yourself, when you’re about to come in with a “great discovery on the internet,” like, the Chicago musical thing, back when, or radfem hub now…

That all the other times you’ve come in so smug and HEY LADIES, THOUGHT YOU FINE FEMINISTS MIGHT ENJOY THIS X, and proudly display the links that are going to destroy us once and for all, sure you’ve got us…

We’ve all exploded into laughing fits

Does it give you pause?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

It’s funny that for a guy who’s as paranoid as him, and who’s as suspicious about traps and being tricked as him (that’s why he doesn’t respond to either of us Zhinxy, because he knows you’ll squash him in Libertarian stuff, and he doesn’t know what I’M up to but every time he’s engaged me he’s gotten himself tied into knots) that he’d be a little more worried that when he has a BRAND NEW DISCOVERY that it might not actually be brand new? xD Or that there are other aspects to it that would embarrass him and add to the long list of “times NWO is wrong”? xD Like that a feminist blogger invented Chicago xD

You’d THINK given how worried he is about his image all the time (he gets pretty upset when ppl say he’s always wrong for example xD or when ppl say he’s transphobic) that he’d like… learn… and do a LITTLE checking before he sticks his foot in his mouth xD but… I guess he’s more anxious about trying to prove how smart he is than making sure he doesn’t prove how silly he is XD

13 years ago

You’d THINK given how worried he is about his image all the time (he gets pretty upset when ppl say he’s always wrong for example xD or when ppl say he’s transphobic) that he’d like… learn… and do a LITTLE checking before he sticks his foot in his mouth xD but… I guess he’s more anxious about trying to prove how smart he is than making sure he doesn’t prove how silly he is XD

I KNOW! And he doesn’t just put it forward without thinking, he’s so smug and so excited! like a kid with candy! Gold candy that will finally prove to sally that she’s wrong and he’s smart!

13 years ago

“We’ve all exploded into laughing fits”

Of that I have no doubt.

So when you’re given irrefutible proof that Big Daddy is following advice of the, “bad feminists,” you find it quite humorous. I find it funny when feminists speak of equality yet are strangely quiet as fatherhood becomes illegal. I guess the trustee’s for Big Daddys compound would stick up for their system since the only ones fighting this are MRAs and individual men. No doubt you’ll call any man who dares defy Big Daddy a woman hating misogynist.

How telling when feminists scream bloody murder at Johnny Appleseed for paying to have a young girl raised to be a loyal wife, yet advocate law to train boys to serve all women. Yes, the pigs on the animal farm are indeed more equal than the rest.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh! I just had a thought…

NWO, you believe that all self-identified feminists are related right? Like that’s why you pointed us at radhub cuz you think that they are linked to us right? So even the transphobic radfems too right? And not just a little bit, you said that we lied about mainstream feminism being different, so you believe they are mainstream…


you also believe feminism has VAST POWERS and we control law, and society, and social work, shelters, rape services, etc… correct?

Okay… so putting both these things together… why haven’t the transphobic radfems used their powers to squash transppl everywhere? why do I have a job? Why are more and more shelters becoming trans inclusive? xD Why hasn’t transitioning been banned (which would make you v happy xD ) Why is Manboobz allowed to operate and allow so many trans ppl in it? Why hasn’t Ozy been shot out of a cannon into the moon?

ORRRRRRR conversely… why haven’t the transphobic radfems been silenced? since apparently we’re all linked together and you feel we’re related in some way and I’m responsible for what they say… why haven’t we used our awesome powers to shut them down? o:

Or is this conspiracy even MORE VAST? 😀 if you have an explanation for this btw, I want to hear it b/c I love learning more about NWOrld xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Yay! NWO isn’t ignoring Zhinxy nemore! 😀

Hopefully that means he’ll start answering her questions about his libertarianism! 😀

Also hopefully it means he’ll start answering me too! 😀

as fatherhood becomes illegal.

Oh? o:

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

*looks at time*

Shouldn’t you be at church? xD

13 years ago

YEY! You finally acknowledged my existence! Okay… Prove to me that Big Daddy is making these decisions based on feminist lobbying, and tell me how they are providing advice. Also, tell me about the proper role of Big Daddy in our lives. Also answer me about Big Daddy teaching history.

And if you do all that, then I promise I won’t laugh even harder at the fact that you’re ducking people laughing at you for acting like rad hub is some secret lair of true feminism.

Also, is anybody else really creeped out by “grandparent’s rights” being established in law? I feel genuinely, truly sad for grandparents who feel deprived, or are genuinely victims here, but an adult has the right to sever contact with their parents, and rights to children are based on them being minors in need of care.

The idea that one’s right to live a life seperate from a parent as an adult ends once one has a child is a highly disturbing thing to set forth in law

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Yes, the pigs on the animal farm are indeed more equal than the rest.

I dunno about the pigs, but us cats are superior to all animals! 😀

13 years ago

The long-awaited Family Justice Review was branded a ‘monstrous sham’ that undermines David Cameron’s pledge to lead the most family-friendly government in history.

NWO? Are you confusing a commisioned review with an actual law?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Looks like it’s just me, you and Zhinxy on at this time NWO… sooo….. triple threat match? 😀

Or do you just want to go 1 on 1 with one of us and the other can guest referee or something? :3

Your call 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWO? Are you confusing a commisioned review with an actual law?

Given that it’s NWO, my guess would be yes xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Neways, you have your wish NWO! Your excuse for not engaging with specific ppl (for some reason almost always me and Zhinxy) is too many ppl are on, you can’t handle being ganged up on, you can’t answer everything at once, etc etc

now it’s just you and me and Zhinxy 😀

sooooo….? 😀

here’s your chance! time for you to finally show off that superior male brain of yours and take us out once and for all! 😀

13 years ago

come on NWO! Ruin my whole exciting day of helping people move and yardwork and taking care of my mom, which is soon to begin! DEMOLISH ME!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

He prolly just dropped off that one response to you and now he’s off to church for 28 hours xD

13 years ago

Meller –

I’ll reply in my own time. I am, for example, going to be reluctant to reply to Johnson and Long’s piece on libertarianism and feminism that you introduced me to, because I do HATE feminism, and the evidence that it and libertarianism, which I have great regard for, may well have common points and perhaps even origins requires some more thought on my part!

Well at least you admit that there are facts in evidence that can actually affect you. There’s quite a lot more facts where those came from.

Take your time if you have to. I’d prefer it if you did, since you often seem to miss my point. I don’t demand instant answers, or always give them, I’ve got a lot to do and a lot of pending questions myself. Just acknowledge that I asked.

Also, this was on one of the websites I linked to, but here’s a very good* 60 minutes piece on a current raging gold-fueled war, the horror of the Congo. Again, we can’t just brush these issues aside when declaring gold the “peaceful” “honest” currency. CBS News Videos Online

(*despite the rather interesting, though prevalent msm tendency to refer to parts of the Congo controlled by less dominant militias as “lawless” and calling the “official” militia “the government,” expressing shock that they trade…)

13 years ago

Why hasn’t Ozy been shot out of a cannon into the moon?

More to the point, why hasn’t anyone informed me that OZY IS GONZO???

13 years ago

Ozy’s a Muppet o_O?

13 years ago

Most Americans are underinformed and under-caring about domestic genocide, eugenics programs, and oppression as well. Some US states actively ran eugenics programs that sterilized mostly black women until the 1970s. When Quaker war resisters snuck cameras into state mental institutions in the 40s and gave them to magazines, they had to argue against suggestions that they had sent in holocaust photos. Internment camps, Jim Crow, the KKK, the numerous genocides of Native American tribes, Chinese Exlcusion Acts, police profiling, the prison industrial complex, ice pick labotomies, involuntary civil committment, Buck v Bell, and on and on and on.

There have been commentors on this very blog who suggested that a forced death march that killed a third, respectively, of two peoples was no genocide.

You argument would only be sensible if Americans appeared to care as much about domestic genocides and eugenics of people of color as foreign ones of white people, when that is abundantly not the case.

13 years ago

zhinxi, I thought that I did reply about gold. I reolied that gold, by both limiting the amount of money (and credit) in circulation, and by forbidding the action of State counterfeiting, acted very strongly as a force for peace, disarmament, and open commerce, and very strongly AGAINST war!

yeah, i mean there were no wars ever before people stopped using gold as a medium of exchange. this is totally a sensible thing to say.

13 years ago

I see Slavey continues to be run from his Christopher Columbus statement.

Also, MRAL, cooooome on. Measuring contest, do it.

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