crackpottery creepy evil women false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men racism reddit sexual harassment the spearhead

Some MRAs are rallying around Herman Cain because he’s not “bowing before the golden hoochie.”

So some MRAs are rallying around Herman Cain – not in spite of the sexual harassment allegations against him, but because of them.

On The Spearhead, W. R. Price notes that Cain has gotten a flood of new donations since the scandal broke. His conclusion:

The support for the conservative candidate suggests that the decades-old trend of male helplessness in the face of female accusations may be coming to an end.

Other Spearheaders are a bit more blunt:

It is refreshing to see a man (politician or otherwise) in the spotlight stand up and defend himself against a P.C. hatchet-job such as “sexual harrassment” when so many before him did the whiney-baby kiss-up “I was wrong” pandering while bowing before the golden hoochie.

Meanwhile, white and nerdy on Omega Virgin Revolt (yes, that’s a real blog) has actually put his money where his mouth is, sending along a donation to Cain.

I usually don’t bother with voting.  Everyone running for most offices is either a liberal feminist or a conservative feminist.  To me that is no difference.  However, if Herman Cain is still in the running by the time my state’s primary happens (and if he is the Republican nominee) I will vote for him.

Herman Cain is now dealing with at least three women who are claiming that he sexually harassed them.  Public figures who were accused of sexual harassment in the past didn’t take on their accusers directly, but Herman Cain did.  He pointed out how what is happening to him is a false accusation.  As a result of this Cain has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations in the last few days.  One of those donations was my donation.

This may not seem like much, but this small act as made Cain more anti-feminist than all of the other candidates for president.

Notice that in white and nerdy’s version of the controversy, Cain has “pointed out” that he’s being falsely accused. Actually, what Cain has done is to deny that he harassed anyone. At this point, we don’t actually know enough to judge definitively whether the allegations are true — though the fact that the National Restaurant Association paid out tens of thousands of dollars to settle the cases makes me a bit skeptical of Cain’s denials. But apparently, in W&N’s brain, there’s not even a chance he’s guilty of anything other than standing up to the dirty feminazis.

One of the commenters on Omega Virgin Revolt is even more enthusiastic about Cain than the blogger himself. Jack writes:

If Cain becomes president, we might actually see an end to the incessant pandering to women by the mindless political class. It’s about time that a politician stood up and declared that women have responsibilities in life and are not entitled to a free ride. Cain might actually do that.

Over on Reddit, meanwhile, OffensiveBrute doesn’t defend Cain so much as he defends not giving a shit about sexual harassment:

I say even if Cain is guilty, who the hell cares? Sexual harassment is illegal, but not immoral. well not the kind that Cain is accused of anyway.

Skooma714 offers a similar take:

He didn’t even touch them. They probably hear shit like that on the DC Metro everyday.

They probably are over it. They want to get some paper and attention.

And, yes, both of these comments garnered some upvotes.

Of course, not every MRA out there is rallying around Cain. On Reddit, there are plenty of MRAs who are suspending judgment on the allegations, or who dislike Cain because he’s, you know, a right wing asshole. Over on The Spearhead, the only ones who seem to have an issue with Cain are those who, well, let’s just say that they probably also think burning crosses make great lawn decorations:

Black men are notorious for their sexual escapades, their testosterone being greater than that of White Men – as is their level of rape accusation. He may be innocent but he may just as well be guilty of a real indescretion.

I am happy to report that this comment got a lot of downvotes there; not every Spearheader is a raving Stormfronter. Of course, it says something about the general political and social backwardness of the site that those Spearheaders who are defending Cain from the crudest Klan-tastic racist attacks are doing so basically because they think he’s a credit to his race:

If the Blacks in America were like Herman Cain, this country would be measurably better for it and most of us would be hating on someone else.

But don’t worry: On The Spearhead they can still all agree on one central point – that women are evil, lying whores. As Keyster put it, in one of the most-highly upvoted comments in the thread:

What this indicates is that people are fed up with political correctness and the feminist/sexual grievance industry. …

In the new Femocracy you can’t date them, you can’t marry them and you can’t even work among them, without risking untold trouble for life. Is it any wonder men are distancing themselves from women, if not abandoning them altogether? How’s a man to know whether she has a “false accusation bomb” strapped to her waist or not? If you’re a man among women stay alert, you’re outside the Green Zone.

Will MRAs end up rallying around Cain in the way they rallied around Julian Assange and Dominique Strauss-Kahn? Or will something – his political views, his race? – prevent them from jumping on the Cain train? I guess we’ll just have to see.


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13 years ago

I think that particular group approaches bell hooks much like our anti-Muslim poster on the other thread approaches Hinduism – cherry pick the bits that are easy and convenient and support what you already believe and just ignore the rest.

13 years ago

I say we all buy them an island and ship them all there so they can have a carefree and happy life without men. They need to “shit or get off the pot”.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago

Yesterday I was, for reasons that aren’t important right now, figuring out what I’d do with a $1 million windfall. Invest it, mostly. And I realized that my calculations were off by a factor of ten, because I was writing down “one million” as “100,000”. So it’s clear that a million dollars is literally unfathomable to me. I’m not much more able to fathom a third of it.


I say we all buy them an island and ship them all there so they can have a carefree and happy life without men.

The people from the thing AntZ posted? Fine. It wouldn’t have to be a particularly large island, and only a small percentage of feminists would be on it.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I like how Brandon treats the lesbian separatists as more, not less, ridiculous than the predominantly straight MGTOW (It is primarily less because they are actually an oppressed group, and also because they have a semi-sane plan for sexuality).

13 years ago

Brandon: Are you talking about shipping ALL feminists off to an island? because if you’re willing to pay, MrB and I would be first in line. With our cats and ginormous book collection. We might actually get a semi-egalitarian society out of the deal!

13 years ago

No one cars what you say, Brandoh.

13 years ago

…Is hooking up with men “shitting” in Brandon’s book? I’m unclear. :p

13 years ago

The few remaining lesbian separarists would fit on a very small island. Plus, hey, a lot of them know how to do stuff like make butter and cheese, spin wool, etc. so they could be somewhat self sufficient. And hey, they’re willing to have sex with each other AND to do actual tasks to sustain themselves such as farming, cooking, etc., so their little separatist group will be a lot more functional than the one that depends on robot slave girls because MRAs think gay sex is icky and men shouldn’t cook.

13 years ago

brandon openly admits to the fact that ‘what is most likely to get me laid’ is a major component of his worldview. is it really surprising he falls for the ‘male feminists are only acting the in the best interest of their cocks’ argument?

13 years ago

And I realized that my calculations were off by a factor of ten, because I was writing down “one million” as “100,000″. So it’s clear that a million dollars is literally unfathomable to me. I’m not much more able to fathom a third of it.

is your real name megan?

13 years ago

Just remember, for every radical feminist article you don’t like, there are 1000 articles like this (list courtesy of Quackers)

[quote]Here’s some things I learned from MRAs:

Sluts should expect to get raped.
Women didn’t contribute anything to society…ever.
Women get free money from scholarships or the government. Men never do.
All women hate men.
All feminists hate men.
All women are out to get men.
All women want bad boys that abuse them.
Women are overgrown children that should be diciplined when they get out of line
Women were never oppressed in any way.
Women should obey men.
Sexbots will take over and women will be left to die.
Men are perfect.
Women get paid less cuz it’s all their fault for having babies.
Fathers should get custody but women should stay in their natural place and do the child-rearing.
Women have natural roles like cooking, cleaning, and babies. Everything else is for the men.
Women are supposedly good at nurturing, but they’re also vindictive whores who throw out false accusations of rape every second. [/quote]

NWO thought that men donate more than women (which wasn’t true).

MRAs definitely HATE more than feminists.

Brandon, Antz, here’s a fun activity: Do a word count of every womanhating article with titles similar to the list I just posted. Manboobz can help you find a bunch of links to blogs with NOTHING BUT the LadyHate! List the links for verification. Whoa, that’s a lot of angry words!

Now compare it to the word count of radical feminist articles (not articles you simply don’t agree with, please find real man-hating stuff). Same deal, show your links.

The ratio might not be 10 BIIIILLLION to one, but I’m positive the hate against women will be much more prevalent. Prove me wrong!

13 years ago


13 years ago

Wow, I know that other places have a high cost of living compared to the midwest, but not so much that 300 K a year is what it means to be poor. I’m calling shenanigans on that.

13 years ago

Trollin’: Greater and less than brackets: . Hopefully that shows up…

13 years ago

Dammit! There are spaces around the brackets, WordPress!

13 years ago

Thanks, Kathleen.

Hey, remember when this thread was about the Herm?

13 years ago

Yeah, we tend to wander a bit. But I’m not seeing a lot to talk about: The company he worked for paid settlements, everyone involved is under a gag order, Politico is (rightfully) refusing to release names. (although Cain’s spokesperson getting all huffy and asking if reporters could ‘name names,’ like that’s some sort of gotcha was amusing for a few seconds)

13 years ago

@Sharculese, Gastritis Broke Hershele’s Calculator.

Tru story.

13 years ago

Maggie is not actually poor by San Francisco standards, she’s just whiny.

13 years ago

@Trollin: So your argument is that MRA’s hate more than feminists? That’s like a racist saying “well the KKK hate more”.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Brandon, we get that you think feminists and MRAs are equally bad. (Except when you think MRAs are better.) You don’t have to keep repeating it. You were wrong the first time.

I know you think repeating little platitudes about “feminists, MRAs, six of one, half a dozen of the other” makes you look above it all, but it just makes you look really, really ignorant.

13 years ago

oh hey look, brandon moved the goalposts again. who is surprised?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Actually, funny you’d use the KKK as an example, Brandon. Go back a post and you’ll see a group of MRAs talking about how they just love the racism part of white supremacy, but gosh darn it they’re just not sexist enough.

Feminism certainly does have internal problems with race, but Jesus Christ, not like that.

13 years ago

I’ll be the first to admit that feminism has some issues with race. But issues of the burning crosses on people’s lawns variety? No.

13 years ago

Oh, is it time for “Brandon Explains What’s Wrong With Feminism” again? Or will tonight’s very special episode be “Look At Me, Look At Me, I’m So Above It All and Logical I’m Spock?”

I’m starting to think his masochism knows no bounds.

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