crackpottery creepy evil women false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men racism reddit sexual harassment the spearhead

Some MRAs are rallying around Herman Cain because he’s not “bowing before the golden hoochie.”

So some MRAs are rallying around Herman Cain – not in spite of the sexual harassment allegations against him, but because of them.

On The Spearhead, W. R. Price notes that Cain has gotten a flood of new donations since the scandal broke. His conclusion:

The support for the conservative candidate suggests that the decades-old trend of male helplessness in the face of female accusations may be coming to an end.

Other Spearheaders are a bit more blunt:

It is refreshing to see a man (politician or otherwise) in the spotlight stand up and defend himself against a P.C. hatchet-job such as “sexual harrassment” when so many before him did the whiney-baby kiss-up “I was wrong” pandering while bowing before the golden hoochie.

Meanwhile, white and nerdy on Omega Virgin Revolt (yes, that’s a real blog) has actually put his money where his mouth is, sending along a donation to Cain.

I usually don’t bother with voting.  Everyone running for most offices is either a liberal feminist or a conservative feminist.  To me that is no difference.  However, if Herman Cain is still in the running by the time my state’s primary happens (and if he is the Republican nominee) I will vote for him.

Herman Cain is now dealing with at least three women who are claiming that he sexually harassed them.  Public figures who were accused of sexual harassment in the past didn’t take on their accusers directly, but Herman Cain did.  He pointed out how what is happening to him is a false accusation.  As a result of this Cain has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations in the last few days.  One of those donations was my donation.

This may not seem like much, but this small act as made Cain more anti-feminist than all of the other candidates for president.

Notice that in white and nerdy’s version of the controversy, Cain has “pointed out” that he’s being falsely accused. Actually, what Cain has done is to deny that he harassed anyone. At this point, we don’t actually know enough to judge definitively whether the allegations are true — though the fact that the National Restaurant Association paid out tens of thousands of dollars to settle the cases makes me a bit skeptical of Cain’s denials. But apparently, in W&N’s brain, there’s not even a chance he’s guilty of anything other than standing up to the dirty feminazis.

One of the commenters on Omega Virgin Revolt is even more enthusiastic about Cain than the blogger himself. Jack writes:

If Cain becomes president, we might actually see an end to the incessant pandering to women by the mindless political class. It’s about time that a politician stood up and declared that women have responsibilities in life and are not entitled to a free ride. Cain might actually do that.

Over on Reddit, meanwhile, OffensiveBrute doesn’t defend Cain so much as he defends not giving a shit about sexual harassment:

I say even if Cain is guilty, who the hell cares? Sexual harassment is illegal, but not immoral. well not the kind that Cain is accused of anyway.

Skooma714 offers a similar take:

He didn’t even touch them. They probably hear shit like that on the DC Metro everyday.

They probably are over it. They want to get some paper and attention.

And, yes, both of these comments garnered some upvotes.

Of course, not every MRA out there is rallying around Cain. On Reddit, there are plenty of MRAs who are suspending judgment on the allegations, or who dislike Cain because he’s, you know, a right wing asshole. Over on The Spearhead, the only ones who seem to have an issue with Cain are those who, well, let’s just say that they probably also think burning crosses make great lawn decorations:

Black men are notorious for their sexual escapades, their testosterone being greater than that of White Men – as is their level of rape accusation. He may be innocent but he may just as well be guilty of a real indescretion.

I am happy to report that this comment got a lot of downvotes there; not every Spearheader is a raving Stormfronter. Of course, it says something about the general political and social backwardness of the site that those Spearheaders who are defending Cain from the crudest Klan-tastic racist attacks are doing so basically because they think he’s a credit to his race:

If the Blacks in America were like Herman Cain, this country would be measurably better for it and most of us would be hating on someone else.

But don’t worry: On The Spearhead they can still all agree on one central point – that women are evil, lying whores. As Keyster put it, in one of the most-highly upvoted comments in the thread:

What this indicates is that people are fed up with political correctness and the feminist/sexual grievance industry. …

In the new Femocracy you can’t date them, you can’t marry them and you can’t even work among them, without risking untold trouble for life. Is it any wonder men are distancing themselves from women, if not abandoning them altogether? How’s a man to know whether she has a “false accusation bomb” strapped to her waist or not? If you’re a man among women stay alert, you’re outside the Green Zone.

Will MRAs end up rallying around Cain in the way they rallied around Julian Assange and Dominique Strauss-Kahn? Or will something – his political views, his race? – prevent them from jumping on the Cain train? I guess we’ll just have to see.


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13 years ago

Hellkell: Ah. I’m going to back away about twenty feet and shout my replies until the show is over, ‘kay? /me tosses a bag of popcorn into the microwave

13 years ago

Twisty’s blog would fuck Brandon up for a month.

13 years ago

Brandon’s not invited to the orgy. We don’t want the whole thing on tape.

Ha! This literally made me LOL.

13 years ago


You really need to be clear that when a feminist talks about a “nice guy” they mean someone who is pretending to be their friend just so they can get into their jeans. Then, when said women see through this the “nice guys” whine about how ungrateful and evil the women are. These kinds of men tend to have MRA leanings and are just wasting our time because most of us are looking for, I dunno, connection, trust, respect, friendship, love, fun, things in common with our partners and not sex alone.

Good men, as opposed to “nice” ones understand this and are often looking for the same thing and this is why most of us will choose a good man over a “nice” one any day of the week, even if he’s rough around the edges and occasionally forgets to brush his teeth. After all, he’s not going to hit us for reminding him and if he’s especially good he’ll remind us if we forget. Because good friends do that kind of thing for one another.

Do you see the distinction?

13 years ago

The Heifer Project is an OK charity; a hair under 75% of its costs go to program expenses–good, but not great. For comparison, World Vision does similar work, but 88% of its costs go to program expenses. I usually avoid charities that fall under 80% unless it’s something I’m really into.

13 years ago

@Philippa: And you just described at least half of male feminists. If you don’t think that a large majority of male feminists are just in it to get laid, you are probably delusional.

I see the “male feminists” that love to comment on feminist posts. They always take the woman’s side even when the woman was clearly wrong. My all time favorite though is when they “apologize on behalf of all men”. Fucking gag me with a spoon! He should just chop his dick off and pump himself full of estrogen because he clearly wants to be a woman instead of a man.

While I was in college, I bumped into a bunch of them as well. Most looked broken down and pretty beat up. I actually felt sad for them.

@hellkell: I have read Twisty’s crap. Most of her posts are boring as hell and nothing but her rambling about stupid insignificant shit. The rest are pretty predictable…”men are terrible, blah blah blah”.

13 years ago

Witness the wonder that is Brandon logic!


“@Philippa: And you just described at least half of male feminists. If you don’t think that a large majority of male feminists are just in it to get laid, you are probably delusional.”

Feminist men are feminist because they want to get laid. But, at the same time…

“I see the “male feminists” that love to comment on feminist posts. They always take the woman’s side even when the woman was clearly wrong. My all time favorite though is when they “apologize on behalf of all men”. Fucking gag me with a spoon! He should just chop his dick off and pump himself full of estrogen because he clearly wants to be a woman instead of a man.”

Feminist men want to be women. So Brandon’s conclusion is that feminist men dream of the day when they will become lesbians?

13 years ago

@Cassandra: Ya or most male feminists are submissive flunky’s that are only acquiescing to women in the hopes of getting into their pants.

That behavior (kissing ass, submissive, etc…) is pitiful to watch. And if he starts with the whole “apology tour”, that is a big red flag that says “I actually dislike being male”. So the solution to that is for him to get a sex change, become a woman and then he won’t have to “apologize for his gender” anymore.

13 years ago

Flunkies, Brandon, not flunky’s. Plural and possessive, these are not the same thing.

Also, some of us rather like submissive men, especially if they’re wearing handcuffs or tied to a bed. I know you’re kind of boring and all, but really, your tedious lack of kink is not my kink.

13 years ago

@Cassandra: Of course you like submissive men…you are a feminist. They do what you tell them.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I’m like, 80% sure we have a submissive here, and taht Brandon has, at any rate, claimed all women like to be submissive.

Conversation topic exactly as relevant to OP as Brandon!Delusions:
Not sure why Middle Earth is invading Timey Wimey Ball Earth, but it’s still neat.
Cute, and sadly not terribly effective. But stats are a little irrelevant while I remain in Europe.
Pimped out dresses: Always cool

13 years ago

No, I like submissive men because I’m a BDSM domme. Again, I realise that sexually you’re dull as dishwater, but do try to keep up.

13 years ago

@Cassandra: How do you know? Which Cassandra were you?

13 years ago

You ooze dull from every pore, dear. If you were any more conventional your name would be Ward Cleaver.

13 years ago

@Cassandra: Keep going you are winning me over there sexy

13 years ago

I really hope not. Ew.

13 years ago

Oh…your not attractive? Too bad I guess

13 years ago

Wow, you really are slow, aren’t you?

Also, it’s “you’re”, not “your”.

13 years ago

@Cassandra: I get it. It’s just more fun to play with you instead.

Oh…you caught a spelling error. Good job…you win!

13 years ago

This is your idea of playing with someone? See, I told you that you’d be boring in bed.

(Not surprising, since you’re boring in every other situation too.)

13 years ago

@Cassandra: Really? Cause I have a naked woman sleeping in my bed right now. She’s exhausted from the handcuff marks and hair pulling.

Anyways, back to bed.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Yeah, again, I don’t think anyone really believes you when you describe whatsherface anymore. Also, amused that you seem to think feminists can’t be permitted to like submissive men, while you flaunt your taste in submissive women.

13 years ago


If you don’t think that a large majority of male feminists are just in it to get laid, you are probably delusional.

Brandon, I’m a male feminist. A very very happily married male feminist. Without in any way wishing to offend the women who post here, I’m not the tiniest bit interested in anything other than online banter. I’m also very happy being male, and my wife is very happy with the fact that I’m male. Very happy indeed in certain situations.

As I said earlier, the vast majority of people that I personally know who would also characterize themselves as male feminists are far closer to my own position than to your stereotype. I simply don’t recognize this “vast majority”, and I suspect it has as much of a relationship with the real world as NWO’s 10 billion to one statistic about charity giving.

I see the “male feminists” that love to comment on feminist posts. They always take the woman’s side even when the woman was clearly wrong. My all time favorite though is when they “apologize on behalf of all men”. Fucking gag me with a spoon! He should just chop his dick off and pump himself full of estrogen because he clearly wants to be a woman instead of a man.

When you rhetorically “apologize on behalf of [a very large group to which you belong]”, that doesn’t actually mean that you don’t want to be part of this group, it just means that you’re embarrassed by the behavior of someone else in the group and want to distance yourself from the behavior, not the group.

For an excellent parallel example, I’ve just read someone apologizing on behalf of the Oxford University Conservative Association after some of its members were caught singing racist Nazi songs. There’s no suggestion that the apologist doesn’t want to continue being a member – I suspect he very much does, and is horrified that outsiders might taint him by association with these people.

13 years ago

Sorry, appallingly written second paragraph – try this:

As I said earlier, the vast majority of people that I personally know who would also characterize themselves as male feminists are far closer to my own position than to your stereotype. I simply don’t recognize this “large majority” of yours, and I suspect it has as much of a relationship with the real world as NWO’s 10 billion to one statistic about charity giving.