As “activists,” Men’s Rights Activists seem to be good at only two things: harassing people, and flooding comment sections of websites with their endlessly repeated half-dozen talking points. On Reddit, for example, the local MRAs have been quite the little imperialists, invading a number of gender-related subreddits (like r/equality and r/egalitarian) and turning them essentially into r/mensrights-lite, which has effectively meant killing them. (The recently started r/masculism – an attempt to do Men’s Rights on Reddit without all the misogyny – doesn’t have a chance.)
Well, now the MRA invaders on Reddit seem to have set their sights on a much bigger target: the TwoXChromosomes subreddit. Yep, they’re trying to turn Reddit’s central hangout for the ladies into a boys club.
2XC– an explicitly female-oriented forum on a site (Reddit) heavily dominated by dudes — has always been a strange place. Though I am myself, obviously, a dude, I used to read it fairly regularly, finding it a welcome respite from all the “sammich” jokes and other idiot misogyny so pervasive elsewhere on Reddit. At the time, 2XC had a (completely unwarranted) reputation amongst the Reddit crowd as an evil place full of feminazi man-haters.
Then something started happening to 2XC. That thing was dudes. And not just any dudes – MRA dudes. Regulars on r/mensrights started linking to threads in 2XC and invading en masse, downvoting anything vaguely feminist and spewing forth their standard litanies of complaint. Some of these invaders decided to stay. And so, these sporadic raiding parties turned into a sort of occupation.
No, 2XC – despite the growing number of MRA residents, including a few female MRAs – has not turned into another r/mensrights. But at times, especially when the discussion turns to some MRA pet issue, the place looks a lot like dude central.
Case in point: this 2XC thread, expertly dissected by NauticalLittleNet in ShitRedditSays. The story: a woman posts a picture of her Halloween costume on Reddit and is bugged by a rude, creepy comment referring to her breasts (something that happens approximately ten zillion times a day on Reddit). So she posts the pic again to 2XC, hoping for sympathy. Instead, she’s treated to a barrage of comments mocking her for her alleged “persecution complex.” As NauticalLittleNet shows, the overwhelming majority of the obnoxious comments (all of which garnered numerous upvotes) were from dudes, many of them MRAs.
Naturally, this sort of thing – which happens pretty regularly on 2XC – has totally changed the dynamic of the subreddit from something that was sort of a haven for Reddit women to just another subreddit overflowing with obnoxious dudery.
As a Redditor called emmster noted recently in r/feminist, some women in 2XC have basically stopped posting anything vaguely feminist for fear of being jumped on by argumentative dudes:
I’ll be getting downvoted to Hell in the comments, but get PMs that are supportive from women who feel too afraid of the judgment and vitriol to jump in. I don’t love knowing there are women afraid to voice their opinions in a space that’s for women.
Honestly, I think the sustained r/MensRights invasion is what’s taking the largest toll. It’s like they can’t stand the idea that women have a space that’s active and popular, and they have to come ruin it.
And it doesn’t help that, as Donna_Juanita noted in the same discussion, some of the 2XC mods have essentially bent over backwards to accommodate the MRA invaders and to clamp down on feminists allegedly causing “drama.”
In ShitRedditSays, emmster offers a broader take on what’s happened to 2XC
Since young men are a majority on the site as a whole, and a pretty hefty number of them haven’t had the “There Are Places I Am Not Necessarily Welcome to Pontificate on My Opinion” realization, the space becomes less of a place for women, and more of a place to talk about women. Which is a pretty big distinction. And a tricky thing to keep from happening without raising the ire of the entitled, ignorant young dude contingent.
As a reddit friend of mine put it, it all started with the “Hey Ladies, What Do You Think of My Dick?” posts. When a bunch of guys started posting questions, trying to “understand women,” which of course is a flawed goal, because women, being people, have a variety of opinions and preferences, and cannot actually be understood as a group. Some of them were actually questioning preferences on penis size, hence the name of the phenomenon.
My hypothesis is that eventually, it will be nothing but men talking to men about what they think about women.
Not that there is a shortage of such spaces on Reddit, or in the world in general.
By the way, that picture above is not actually a picture of 2XC regulars. It’s a picture of the Huutajat Men’s Shouting Choir. Which is a real thing in the world. Here they are in action:
Hey CB! 😀
It CAN come in raygun form! 😀 Ami cuteness can come in many ways! 😀 Sometimes it comes in a powder too, and big daddy gov adds it to the water supply! 😀
The preponderance of evidence standard is being used in disciplinary hearings. And it also doesn’t get rid of the presumption of innocence. It’s simply a different standard of proof, the one generally used in civil cases.
Says the guy with an admiralty flag on his blog. Oh yes, we know your game, Futrelle!
@NWOslave, and she won’t google it, b/c you haven’t laid out what it is she’s supposed to “realize” XD
YOU’RE the one who just says that everything you “feel” is a fact xD
That’s why I’m asking you to clearly lay out what you believe about Title IX xD But of course you won’t xD You’re gonna whine over and over about how right you are and how ppl should just take your word on it xD
@David Futrelle
Than give us a link to the OCR, “dear colleague” letter. So everyone here can explain how preponderance of evidence is nothing to fret over.
Hey NWO, do you “feel” you’re a slave, or are you actually factually a slave? xD
Wait, NWO is in his fifties?! Judging from his maturity here, I’d have guessed late 20s at best.
Really? I always assumed you cuteness was a gaze attack. Like a reverse medusa.
So everyone here can explain how preponderance of evidence is nothing to fret over.
Explain how it is something to fret over. Again, details. Jeez XD You’re so cloudy today xD
You want us to believe things, but you yourself haven’t even fleshed it out xD
NWO, I can Google in less than 3 minutes. This is the top result: http://www.campussafetymagazine.com/Channel/University-Security/Articles/Print/Story/2011/04/How-to-Comply-With-the-Dept-of-Ed-s-Title-IX-s-Sexual-Violence-Guidance.aspx
In other words, a complainant will be notified of their right to file a civil complaint, the kind that can’t send someone to jail. There is no special police or courts involved here, and the standard is preponderance of evidence because it’s a civil complaint and not a criminal one.
…Also, just for reference, I do want to remind you that all this only applies to people in college. Normally I wouldn’t even point this out, but I think in your case I need to do a little check-in and make sure we both understand that if you’re not in college, Title IX can definitely not jump out of your closet and go boogyboogyboogy.
…It’s sort of meta that this post got derailed by a male troll.
Well it’s late and all your hate and denial of hate is quite draining.
Continue with your hatred.
Or she stated something she already knew, because you are always whining about Title IX, and the facts don’t change just because you pretend to forget them between threads.
My cuteness can also be gazey! 😀 That is why I have my eyes visible in my avatar! 😀
And we have a flounce, people!
You’re telling all the female commentators here should be literal slaves. How are you not hateful?
XD awww NWO is fleeing again xD I notice he became super cloudy as usual when a certain angel cat bunny showed up and after trying hard to pick a fight w/ Holly so he doesn’t have to look at my cute fluffy tail and be enthralled, he’s going back to his hard life as a slave xD (how is NWO on the internet btw if he’s a slave?)
Holly, it was very hateful of you to refute NWO’s rant with facts.
Sorry, I’m a bit tired from walking the dog.
Ami, to answer your question, I feel like a slave to my pets.
@Spearhafoc he’s an equalist remember? He’s continuing with HIS hatred too!
If the men’s army all get tired as easily as Slavey I don’t forsee much success for them. An army needs stamina.
(Also logic.)
Ooh, we have his permission to continue. Awesome. I really wanted to be hateful to men, but I just didn’t feel right to do it without a misogynist’s permission, you know?
Why the fuck is NWOslave always allowed to completely derail every thread on here? I liked this post and was looking forward to reading an interesting discussion, and then within 5 comments everyone’s responding to a NWOdumbass’ comment containing his standard crap that has been hashed over ad infinitum on here. Since the regulars2 are apparently incapable of ignoring him, can’t we just ban this repetitive douchebag?
Ten internets says he’ll be back tomorrow, whingeing about how the Repressive Feminist Gynocracy hurt him in the last week. I’m not even gonna bother to score, he’ll always come back. He’s like the Daleks, every time you think you’ve seen the end of them, the show up in the Cabinet War rooms and try to serve you tea.
NWO talks all tough about men overtaking the world with their righteous anger, then folds because some mean words got typed at him.
Something tells me the boy’s not ready for prime time.
Oh… talking about that!
NWO, I give you permission to be loving! 😀
NWO is the epitome of hate so he can grant ppl permission to hate… I’m the epitome of love (or at least cute pink love) so I can grant ppl permission to love… I KEEP FORGETTING to turn NWO’s love permissions on… so…. this is all kinda my fault :