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Men’s Rights Redditor MrStinkybutt: Wrong about everything?

Question: Are some Men’s Rights Redditors simply incapable of being right about anything? Take this quote I ran across today from the eminent MrStinkybutt, who thinks he has the whole Herman Cain sexual harassment thing figured out.

I’m not sure what I like better, the loopy conspiracy theory or the idea that Ron Paul is a “serious candidate.”

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13 years ago

Meller, the “accusing sluts” aren’t the ones saying anything about Cain right now. There was a gag order at the time of settlement.

13 years ago

“I daresay that if Ron Paul is not nominated by the GOP–Stupid Party that it is–and is not elected by the largest landslide in American history, there won’t be enough left of the United States to flush down the nearest toilet!”

So what’s going to happen to cause this chain of events, exactly. A massive earthquake causes liquification, and thus the entire country becomes flushable?

DKM – Putting the lol in hyperbole since he first discovered the internet.

13 years ago

I am shocked, SHOCKED, to hear such folly from the lips of the eminent Mr. Stinkybutt.

Come on, this Meller person is a put-on, isn’t he? Isn’t he?

13 years ago

The MRM is clearly some sort of crazy black hole, from which none of the crazy can ever get out. Hence why it ends up accumulating all of it, from anti-vacc to anti-semitism, Ron Paulites to Sovereign Citizens.

13 years ago

I guess we best be prepared to get flushed, because Meller has a better chance of winning the bronze in women’s gymnastics than Paul does of being nominated.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

The MRM is clearly some sort of crazy black hole, from which none of the crazy can ever get out. Hence why it ends up accumulating all of it, from anti-vacc to anti-semitism, Ron Paulites to Sovereign Citizens.

We call this Crank Magnetism in the skeptic movement. If you’re a reality-denying crank in some majorly obvious way (Say, anti-vaxxination), you’re more likely to accept some other crank-ism, like naturopathy. And well, you’re not going to be in the MRM unless you have heavy duty reality shields and a lack of critical thinking, so…

13 years ago

The MRM does seem to be the ur-conspiracy movement, doesn’t it?

13 years ago

I love how the fact that Cain’s employers paid two large settlements involving a complete NDA on the allegations (which is why the women themselves haven’t come forward with that story, but the journalists had to dig for other witnesses) is “probably just hearsay”. Because corporations are in the business of paying large sums to women for absolutly no reason.

13 years ago

Johnny and Pecunium are right, Paulites are very fervent about some very strange things and you could make a “Book of Learning” from their beliefs that easily comes out twice as wacky as anything out of NWO’s mouth.

A friend and I once ran into some Paul-mongers during the 2008 election when we went downtown to do some shopping. My friend unfortunately tried to engage them in conversation. I learned that it’s apparently ok to dissolve the FDA* because they’re hiding that Vitamin E cures cancer. Thanks, guys.

*For those not in the US, the Food and Drug Administration, they regulate food and pharmaceutical safety (and cosmetics and some other stuff). Ron Paul supports eliminating it or severely cutting it back because it “restricts your freedom” to “manage your own health” by doing things like drinking unpasteurized milk and trying to cure cancer with water. Also, the FDA is corrupted by big corporations wielding power over the food supply, so that’s why we should let the big corporations set their own quality standards. Don’t ask me how that makes any sense.

13 years ago

“We need a President who will follow the Constitution AS WRITTEN!
We need a President who knows that the Constitution exists!
We need a President Ron Paul!”
Is it just me or does that sound just a little bit cult-ish?

“I daresay that if Ron Paul is not nominated by the GOP”
IF. lol.

“Any evidence, even hearsay, of course, is long gone!”
When you write “evidence”, all I can read is “things that wold prove me right”

“Where have we seen this before?”
Every time loonies are presented with evidence and refused to believe it?

“look at the accusing sluts”
So, are they slut because of their clothes? (Do you know what they wear?) Are they sluts because of their sexual history? But,… Wait… All you know is that who they apparently didn’t have sex with, since it is a conspiracy! So they could well be more virgin that the virgin Mary herself! So, are they sluts because they dared accuse a man, and whatever he did/did not do, women should never be allowed to accuse a man?

13 years ago

Because corporations are in the business of paying large sums to women for absolutly no reason.

Is it because we sit in the middle of the road and cry?

13 years ago

Meller: You are kidding right? Because I’ve read lots of complaint about the excutive reserving the right to kill anyone he pleases.

But those pesky little facts…

And really; were you this loud and proud when it was Bush doing it?

How about St. Ronnie?

Yeah, I know you will say you hated it then, but what did you do about it?

I’ll bet it wasn’t much more than you are doing now, to bring about the cybersluts of the future paradise… that is yelling at people on the internet or not falling at your feet and declaring how right you are about this.

Paul is an joke. He’s an opportunist, who got himself elected as a Republican, and continues to run as one, even when his constituents would vote for him as a Libertarian.

13 years ago

Kladle: To expand on the FDA explication, it wasn’t until a series of product related deaths from things like thallium-based (not tainted, based) ointments, to arsenic based “tonics” meant to “clarify” the skin (i.e. make it pale and tranlucent), as well as energy drinks based on radium.

Even at that the business interests which made those products managed to successfully fight off even so limited an intrusion on their behavior as ingredient lists until well into the 1930s.

This is what Ron Paul says is too much intrusion on private enterprise.

13 years ago

Other fun pre-FDA tidbits include Zonite, the bleach-based douche that was also marketed as mouthwash and asswash in previous lives, and which is still a brand name today (although with different ingredients). Lysol also marketed itself as a douche, but trusted the user to dilute it properly – not a foolproof plan if you care at all about the mucus membranes of your customers.

Today, meat is injected with ammonia to keep the e. coli at bay and you can buy a face-peeling acid mask to use in the privacy of your own home. Could you imagine the things you’d have to worry about in the grocery store if the government wasn’t keeping an eye on shit like that?

13 years ago

I agree that dogs are more intelligent than MRAs, but he’s only just learning to type in english. It was wise of him to start with a persona where mistakes wouldn’t give him away. 🙂

13 years ago

Re: the FDA stuff – it’s not knowing history again, isn’t it. They don’t look back to see why the FDA was invented in the first place. They wouldn’t even have to trust historians* because a lot of old newspapers have been put online these days. You can read what was reported about food problems at the time.

*Who might be working for the Illuminati or whatever.

13 years ago

We call this Crank Magnetism in the skeptic movement. If you’re a reality-denying crank in some majorly obvious way (Say, anti-vaxxination), you’re more likely to accept some other crank-ism, like naturopathy.

Historians and sociologists call this (or, more properly, the environment in which it occurs) the cultic milieu.

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
13 years ago

You know… DMK makes good points about the fact that Obama is not an ideal president. Unfortunately for him, logic dictates that pointing out the flaws of one thing is not automatic support for some other thing. Obama isn’t perfect, but that doesn’t change the fact that Ron Paul is an anti-American idiot.

13 years ago

@ magpie, pecunium, kysokisaen

I know, right?!?! It’s an astonishing lack of both foresight and hindsight to say that the “free market” can ensure product safety. I mean, supposedly the argument is that people won’t buy things that are adulterated or make them sick, but as Pecunium said, even ingredient lists are regulations that had to be fought for. In a world without these sorts of regulations imposed on food and drug producers, it’s impossible for consumers to take “rational actions” about managing their health because they don’t have the information necessary to do so. There’s nothing making sure that what is claimed about a product corresponds to what is in the product or that it’s something the product can actually do. And there’s no way any private individual has enough clout or knowledge to ensure that their food and drugs aren’t tainted.

I was thinking of the “swill milk” scandals in the mid 1800s. Swill milk was milk obtained from unhealthy cows raised on leftover mash from distilleries, and then it was extended with water, had Plaster of Paris added to get rid of the nasty bluish color, and then had eggs, starch, and molasses added to thicken it and cover up the taste. The NYT estimated that about 8000 children a year died from consuming adulterated milk:

13 years ago

Kladle: The reason milk is required to be sold from sealed containers is to prevent it being cut with water.

As Thoreau said, “Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk.”

13 years ago

“Could you imagine the things you’d have to worry about in the grocery store if the government wasn’t keeping an eye on shit like that?”

Well if that’s the case, cancer, diabetes and pretty much every disease/ailment should be dropping drastically thanks to Big Daddy. Funny how the opposite is the case. One would think with all Big Daddy’s intervention medical expenditures would’ve plummeted due to all the healthy folks. Once again, the opposite is the case. Thank goodness Big Daddy is there to care for us all and guide us spiritually as well.

13 years ago

I don’t know how, but I’m sure it is further proof that this woman is a slut and a lying scumbag.

@Joe: I find it funny how often the “anti-American” insult is used. On one side, I wonder why you don’t simply use insults that describe more precisely what you mean (incompetent, crazy with power/money, corrupted, stupid,..) One the other side, it must be nice to have such a high opinion of your country.

13 years ago

We need a President who will follow the Constitution AS WRITTEN!
We need a President who knows that the Constitution exists!
We need a President Ron Paul!

again, i find it adorable when these loons go on about how they and only they understand the constitution. youre not cato. shit, youre not even the federal farmer.

ron pauls entire theory of constitutional interpretation hinges on the idea that mcculloch v. maryland was wrong decided. when youre disagreeing with chief justice marshall writing for a unanimous court, chances are pretty good youre reading the constitution wrong. when youre arguing we should overturn one of the big three of early con law (marbury, mcculloch, & gibbons)… thats insane, nobody cares go away.

ps: i know your fantasy world cant accommodate this fact, dkm, but barack obama used to teach the constitution. in law schools. fancy ones. yeah, i know, he subscribes to that ‘living constitution’ stuff youre against because you were told to be against but, well, thats a theory of the constitution people take seriously. what ron paul peddles? thats not theory, thats masturbation.

oh, and it turns out disagreeing with angry white supremacists isnt grounds for impeachment… yet.

13 years ago

I fail to understand what NWOslave has against Big Daddy Roth.

13 years ago

Well, NWO, from what I gathered in a superficial search, diabetes rates seem to be going up, but cancer rates are going down. I’m not sure about “pretty much every disease/ailment” , because that is a lot of diseases/ailments, many of which are viral, bacterial, genetic, or otherwise outside the scope of what the FDA could do to prevent them. Mortality rates have been steadily decreasing, that much I’m sure of. Maybe you have different stats, well if so please show them, I’m sure you’re not just pulling those numbers out of your ass.