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Men’s Rights Redditor MrStinkybutt: Wrong about everything?

Question: Are some Men’s Rights Redditors simply incapable of being right about anything? Take this quote I ran across today from the eminent MrStinkybutt, who thinks he has the whole Herman Cain sexual harassment thing figured out.

I’m not sure what I like better, the loopy conspiracy theory or the idea that Ron Paul is a “serious candidate.”

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13 years ago

Paul runs to get attention for himself and his oddball goldbug minarchist libertarianism, I thought even staunch supporters (Among which I must count near and dears!) knew he wouldn’t have a chance in an election? I thought even HE knew that? Most of all!

13 years ago

This comment is like a wrongness poem. It’s so economical. Every word rings with it. I think I can die happy now.

13 years ago

I’ve no idea what’s going on over in the states but I’m pretty sure what this guy said was completely stupid.

13 years ago

I’ve no idea what’s going on over in the states but I’m pretty sure what this guy said was completely stupid.


13 years ago

When someone chooses to call himself MrStinkyButt, you know he’s someone worth listening to.

13 years ago

@ Lauralot – I was going to say…

What is it with MRAs and sounding like 5 year olds anyway? NWO is doing it another thread as we speak.

13 years ago

Going by the name, MrStinkyButt is a dog. Which has learned to use the internet. See David’s previous posts on cats using robots. We’re doomed.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

It’s the level their brain operates on, Cassandra.

13 years ago

Maybe I fell asleep and woke up in a parallel universe where Ron Paul is less of an absurd rightwing douche than Herman Cain….

13 years ago

I’ve no idea what’s going on over in the states but I’m pretty sure what this guy said was completely stupid.

Pretty much everything that’s going on in the States is completely stupid.

It’s what happens when a quarter of your population is made up of screeching, reactionary, sociopathic morons.

13 years ago

Ron Paul is a perfectly serious candidate, but the Republicans are after an electable candidate – which he patently isn’t, as he’s proved time and time again.

As for Herman Cain, pretty much all I know of him is the sexual harassment stuff. The British media have been largely ignoring him until this blew up (we’re still obsessed with Sarah Palin, apparently), whereupon they pounced on the story with typically prurient glee.

Put it like this: I’m pretty sure this is Cain’s first appearance on the homepage of the Daily Mail website, probably the most accurate barometer of current British tabloid obsessions.

13 years ago

In fact, I probably shouldn’t say this, but what the hell: every time Herman Cain appears on the news now, my wife and I start singing the South Park “Sexual Harassment Panda” song. Which is horribly unfair and appallingly wrong, but it makes us laugh like loons.

13 years ago

Oh, I need to make some popcorn for this thread. Bring on the butthurt libertarians!! Tee hee!

13 years ago

Oh, boy, now you’ve done it. The random loopiness of the MRA-osphere is as nothing compared with the Rottweiler tenacity of the obsessive Ron Paul cult. Just watch them descend on you with their interminable screeds of indigestible John Galt turgidity, as impossible to reason with as door-to-door religious cultists.

It figures there’d be a lot of overlap between libertarians and MRAs, though. The MGTOW thing has to have been inspired by “going Galt”, and the psychological pathologies look eerily similar.

13 years ago

Yeah, you might be out of your depth here, David. The manosphere is one thing, the Paulosphere is larger and far more terrifying.

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
13 years ago

Wow… just wow.

The thought of what happens at the intersection of the MRA menz and the Paulbots is enough to ruin my whole day. Time for some heavy drinking.

13 years ago

I’ve dealt the Ron Paul fanatics before. It’s not that much more tedious than the MRM. The style of obsession is similar: they have a TRUTH, and to challenge it is to be WRONG.

Which they will go on about at length. Inconsistencies, and (personal freedom is fine for everyone but pregnant women… you can force one of them them to support someone else, but no one else can be so much as asked to contribute a penny to any other human being; for anything), logical failures, which have real world evidence to show the theories to be less than sound (GOLD!) are immaterial to the paradise which will ensue when they get their way.

We can cope.

13 years ago

I feel a bit put out by Magpie: I am positive that my dogs, a Welsh Pembroke Corgi and a stray (a possible Chihuahua-Jack Russell mix? Who knows?), have more intelligence than Mr. Stinkybutt. I mean, c’mon, my pups know to go to the bathroom outside and to sit/play dead/etc for treats. Also, I’m very pretty sure they’re blogging about me behind back… 🙂

13 years ago

Yeeeaah….MrStinkyButt is my nickname for both my flatulent cat, and highly audible flatulent dog. Though, if they both were Ron Paul supporters, their mother is highly disappointed in them. I raised them better than that.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

A sitting President (running for a second term) secretly orders the cold-blooded MURDER of not one, but two–that we know about–American citizens: Anwar Awlaki. and his son, Abdulrahman, as reported by Constitutional attorney Glenn Greenwald in 2011/10/20 and nobody–except Ron Paul and his supporters–says anything!

And Ron Paul is somehow the crazy one?

We need a President who will follow the Constitution AS WRITTEN!
We need a President who knows that the Constitution exists!
We need a President Ron Paul!

I daresay that if Ron Paul is not nominated by the GOP–Stupid Party that it is–and is not elected by the largest landslide in American history, there won’t be enough left of the United States to flush down the nearest toilet!


David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

As far as Herman Cain and sexual harassment goes, is anybody still interested. Cain is a silly joke, although no worse than Rick Perry or Mitt Romney. They find a floozy or two from the ’90s and allege some improprieties between them and him.

Any evidence, even hearsay, of course, is long gone!

Where have we seen this before?

Why not go the whole hog, look at the accusing sluts (along with their friends and any others who come forward, and THEIR sexual histories, and discuss their sex lives in some salacious detail as well, from some 15, 20 or 25+ years ago…

Keep smiling!

Heck, maybe someone will even benefit from a movie DVD production and TV/ Cable rights. “Journalists” gotta eat too!

13 years ago

He paid them off to make it all go away, just like Bill O’Reilly did with the underling that he harassed. That’s a bit more than hearsay.

13 years ago

We need a President who knows that the Constitution exists!

Yeah! A President who is a Constitutional scholar, perhaps!

They find a floozy or two from the ’90s and allege some improprieties between them and him.

To be fair, I’m pretty sure everyone alive during the ’90s was a floozy. An X-treme radical floozy on a skateboard, who listened to N’SYNC and learned valuable lessons about saying “NO” to drugs!

13 years ago

look at the accusing sluts

They were probably dressed provocatively. School uniforms, witches’ hats, burkas and the like.

13 years ago

They were probably dressed provocatively. School uniforms, witches’ hats, burkas and the like.

Sexy Pizza Delivery Drivers?

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