antifeminism antifeminst women disgusting women misandry misogyny rape rapey reactionary bullshit sex sluts violence against men/women

LA Times op-ed: “The faux-hos of Halloween and their SlutWalker counterparts … should be careful about where they flash their treasure.”

Men should also not dress as sexy cowboys.

Happy Halloween! The LA Times has decided to celebrate the unholiest of holidays with a convoluted op-ed from conservative ideologue Charlotte Allen using Halloween as an excuse to bash both sluts and slutwalks. Because, you know, if you dress like a slut – whether to protest rape or to go to a Halloween party – it’s like you’re begging to be raped. Bad feminists! Bad Halloween revelers dressed as sexy nurses!

Here are a few of the more coherent passages from the piece:

[T]he SlutWalk feminists are in denial of a reality that is perfectly obvious to both the women who favor “sexy” for Halloween parties and (although perhaps not consciously) the SlutWalkers themselves. The reality is that men’s sexual responses are highly susceptible to visual stimuli, and women, who are also sexual beings, like to generate those stimuli by displaying as much of their attractive selves as social mores or their own personal moral codes permit. … It’s no wonder that SlutWalks have quickly outstripped (as it were) Take Back the Night as anti-rape protest. Women get another chance besides Halloween to dress up like prostitutes!

Just watch out, ladies, because dressing sexy is like waving a red flag in front of a bull, with your wallet hanging out!

[T]he vast majority of rape victims are under age 30 — that is, when women are at their peak of desirability. …

[T]he fact that rapists tend to target young women rather than grandmotherly types suggests that in the real rape culture (in contrast to the imaginary rape culture of some feminist ideology), the faux-hos of Halloween and their SlutWalker counterparts marching in their underwear — like a man walking at night with a bulging wallet — should be careful about where they flash their treasure.

So thank you, Charlotte Allen, for once again showing just why the Slutwalks are necessary in the first place.

Jill at Feministe has an excellent response to Allen’s nonsense, which points out that while, yes, younger women are more likely to be victims of rape,

Younger people are also the most likely group to be the victims of aggravated, non-sexual assault. … In fact, younger people are victimized by violent crime more often than older folks as a general rule. A person between the ages of 12 and 24 is six times more likely to be the victim of a robbery than a person over the age of 50; about half of people who report being the victims of aggravated assault are under the age of 25. Men are much more likely than women to be the victims of violent crime. In every age group, black people are the most likely to be the victims of violent crime.

So yes, it is true that younger women are more likely to be targeted for sexual assault than older women. But it’s not because of The Sexy — unless hormones and hard-ons are what are causing criminals to choose their (mostly male) targets for robbery and assault also.

So, really, the only really safe costuming strategy for young people on Halloween, regardless of gender, is to dress up like an old white lady.  Might I suggest Dame Judi Dench?


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13 years ago

Aw, c’mon! I even linked to pictures of myself in a corset and everything. Why am I not good enough for an NWO rant?

13 years ago

” The days of womens casual misandry are over.”

Lol! You sounded like a really weird super hero just there.

13 years ago

“You choose to dress sexy to attract attention.”

Read her post again you silly sausage 😀

13 years ago

NWO find English public school uniforms sexy – creepy!

Also, he reckons it’s perfectly OK to shout insulting and disgusting catcalls at people, as it won’t spoil anyone’s night.

13 years ago

Wow, for a guy who’s obsessed with fucking teenagers Slavey is awfully prudish.

13 years ago

We got a video a coupla weeks ago with a woman jumping the counter at MccyDs while the other woman went to the door to bash the guys brains in. Of course when he defended himself, a little too harshly for the manboobz gang, ya’ll dubbed him the aggressor. Off to prison he goes.

NWO, I’m going to be serious for a second. On the off chance you ever get in a physical altercation, this is important for you to know, so please listen.

It wouldn’t have mattered what the combination of genitalia was in that McDonald’s. Aggressors attack victim, victim escapes situation, victim returns with weapon and beats former aggressors long past the point where they are on the ground and no longer a threat. In the eyes of the law, the former victim is now the Aggressor, and has committed felony assault. Off to prison s/he goes. This is nothing to do with us, and this is nothing to do with feminism. It’s the law.

Before you say it, it’s true that if the original Aggressors were men and the final Aggressor a woman, it’s possible that public opinion and the law would be more lenient. This is not because of feminism, this is because society at large doesn’t take women seriously as Aggressors and doesn’t think women are actually any real danger to men (though in this case, given the severity of the beating, this might not come into play), which is something feminism is trying to change.

I know that if you even read that last paragraph, you’re just going to twist it around until you can fit it into your narrative. But take the one before it seriously. If you ever get into a fight, it can keep you out of jail.

13 years ago

NWO – Give me an answer, are those clothes “slutty,” “modest,” “neutral,” “pushing it,?”

How about this dress:

This skirt?

I know you’re utterly terrified to engage me for a second on libertarian issues, and I’ve come to accept that, but you can’t just tell me whether or not you find an outfit slutty??


Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

When a man rapes, he has devolved down to an animalistic state. When a woman dresses and acts sexually, she has devolved down to an animalistic state.

How does a woman dress and act asexually? I’m seriously dying to know. (I’m sure you refuse to acknowledge their existence, but do asexual women still “dress and act sexually” all the time?)

…Do you actually want to live in a world where all women dress and act asexually? Is that your idea of a party?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWO, what can a woman wear that you can guarantee won’t be seen as sexy by some guy? xD

I get hit on when I’m in a giant men’s size XXL hoodie xD

So…..? 😀


Miss Martian! 😀

Slutty? Am I asking for it NWO? xD Also, since you’re the great reader of women, you tell me 😀 WHY DID I DRESS AS MISS MARTIAN TODAY!

Male attn right? Right? 😀 RIGHHHTTTT??/???? XD

No, your night was ruined due to your actions. You choose to dress sexy to attract attention. You chose to display your body publicly

Everybody save this and quote it back to him over and over and over again next time he tries to do his usual “I DON’T BLAME PPLLLLLLLLLL” thing xD

13 years ago

“No, your night was ruined due to your actions. You choose to dress sexy to attract attention.”

Um, NWO? Consider these words: “What was it? I dressed as a Hogwarts student. No, not the “Sexy” Hogwarts student.”

You quoted them in your post. Did you not read them? Does your brain have an editor built in?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Zhinxy – He’s anti-Semitic, so he can’t approve of anything being worn by Jewish women. It’s the same reason (presumably the only reason) he can’t endorse burqas either.

13 years ago

My school uniform was a black box pleated tunic – a garment designed to look equally shapeless on anyone. When you see tunics on models in playboy, it’s bleeding obvious that its not the tunic itself that’s sexy, it’s the fact that it’s worn by CHILDREN.

(blah, incoherent as usual, you guys know what I mean, right?)

13 years ago

Silly Dracula! Merely being a woman with clothes on is “dressing sexy” in MRA Land.

13 years ago

No, not the “Sexy” Hogwarts student. I was wearing black uniform skirt, a sweater, stockings, and some ballet flats.

You choose to dress sexy to attract attention. You chose to display your body publicly. If it’s not about the clothing why’d you dress in that clothing?

I think slavey just showed us what he considers sexy: a school uniform. It has a SKIRT, after all. So, slaveykins, you like school children? Or is she sexy because of just being a woman, and there is no outfit ever that would not be 100% sexual display?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWO’s not going to respond to you Zhinxy XD A) you’re my friend B) he’s seen what you just did to Meller C) Meller at least has read up on some stuff (tho not since the 80s apparently), NWO doesn’t even actually KNOW nething about Libertarianism xD all he knows is he hates paying taxes and voting (which he doesn’t do xD ) D) He knows responding to you will mean that I’ll show up EVERY time xD And the more Ami, the unhappier the NWO, and since he’s a victim blamer, he understand that it’s his actions that result in me making his life miserable xD

13 years ago

zhinxy: Of course he can’t. Find me one place where he has actually answered a question about his personal beliefs…

He talks around them. He makes pronouncements about society, and women, and men, but NWO…. never.

He’s afraid to show his actual colors in public, so we have to infer. This lets him pretend we are making up lies about him.

It’s a cheap dodge, but typical of cowards.

13 years ago

Nice costume Ami =)

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWO, for a guy who victim blames and talks about how everybody causes their own problems, you play the innocent victim a LOT xD In fact, EVERY TIME xD For a person who thinks everything bad that happens to nebody is their own fault for what they did to put themselves in the situation, you seem to not think anything you’ve ever done in your life might be the reason you’re in the angry, bitter, rut that you seem to be in xD

13 years ago

Dude, NWO, you just literally said that the only reason someone would wear a school uniform is to attract attention. Can you really, truly, honestly not think of any other reason someone might wear a uniform?

13 years ago

Dracula “No, your night was ruined due to your actions. You choose to dress sexy to attract attention.”

Um, NWO? Consider these words: “What was it? I dressed as a Hogwarts student. No, not the “Sexy” Hogwarts student.”

You quoted them in your post. Did you not read them? Does your brain have an editor built in?

But… she was catcalled. That is proof some men were unable to control themselves, Q.E.D. she was sexy.

Since we know women intend to frustrate men; Q.E.D. she as doing it on purpose.

Ergo, we know this was 1: her fault and 2: her intent.

She is, after all, a woman.

13 years ago

Holly: “Zhinxy – He’s anti-Semitic, so he can’t approve of anything being worn by Jewish women. It’s the same reason (presumably the only reason) he can’t endorse burqas either.”

Good point, but I was still wondering if he’d bother to DIS-approve. I guess I could go and look for some nice LDS prom dresses… Hmm.

Ami – “And the more Ami, the unhappier the NWO, and since he’s a victim blamer, he understand that it’s his actions that result in me making his life miserable xD”

Genius! Mwahahahhahaha!

13 years ago

Side note, to Lauralot and Ami: Awesome costumes!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hey NWO, have you ever dressed up as a costume in your life? xD

Maybe this is the issue he’s having w/ us… not sexy… not skirts….


xD So the idea that nebody would ever wear a costume is just FOREIGN to him xD

I bet he spent today putting crucifixes around his house and screaming at the dirty pagans to get away from his lawn xD

13 years ago

“Lyssa, I was propositioned in an elevator last winter while wearing a complete gender-neutral snowsuit and balaclava.”

Hold on. Ya mean you, a woman, was propositioned by a man. Shall we draw and quarter him? I mean he must have done something wrong otherwise why would you reference it. And he could actually tell you were a woman just by looking at you? Manly magic, I guess.
“Let me fix NWO’s rant: Nah. What we have is rich people being unwilling/unable to monetarily restrain themselves. Rich people dress to show off their wealth, period.

“And the, natural result is poor people rob them. If the well to do just had some common sense they would never be robbed.”

Is this the only form of debate you have? It’s always the same thing with you. Watch I’ll do the same thing.

“Let me fix Pecunium’s rant: Nah. What we have is well-fed people being unwilling/unable to restrain themselves. Well-fed people eat to show off their food, period.

“And the, natural result is hungry people rob their food. If the well-fed just had some common sense they would always be hungry.”

See, it makes no sense, and neither do you. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and is the poorest of debating tactics. It rates right up there with the standard manboobz, “but why do you hate elephants.”

13 years ago

Thanks, Dracula!

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