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Men’s Rights Redditors: Guys who kill their exes — who can blame them?

A couple of intriguing quotes from Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit.

The topic at hand: A Redditor claims an ex falsely accused him of rape and caused him various other problems and basically acted like a shit. No one, of course, can possibly know if the guy is telling the truth, but the r/mr regulars all assume the alleged false accuser is guilty until proven innocent. (And maybe not even then.)

Naturally, some of the regulars use this as an opportunity to discuss how completely understandable it is when guys kill their exes.

Really, in this misandrist world, dudes murdering their exes is totally like slaves murdering their masters. Illegal, sure, but who can blame them? At least that’s how texaswildfires sees it:


Yep, in his mind, dudes today are totally in the exact same situation as slaves in the antebellum south — so when a guy murders his ex, the person you should feel empathy with is the murderer.

Naturally, both of these comments got upvotes, because that’s just how r/mr rolls these days.


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13 years ago


No, all women are not victims because decent men do not abuse. However if their husbands beat, rape, threaten them or others with violence, keep them from leaving freely if they choose or threaten to kill them or others if they attempt to leave, then of course they are victims. It isn’t always possible to just walk out. There are plenty of abusers who kill or attempt to kill departing wives and children. Trying to leave is the most dangerous part of an abusive relationship and not everyone can afford to take the risk.

It really sometimes isn’t as easy as packing up your stuff and getting out.

If you believe that your choices are staying there and being abused, watching your kids being abused, being shot trying to leave or killing your abuser the latter seems like a form of self defense to me.

13 years ago

Pretty sure honor doesn’t mean shit when your SO presents a real and continuous threat to your life, and the lives of your children. But hey, I guess there’s nothing to discuss because God.

@Cassandra: I’m mostly engaging for the sake of illustrating that Mag’s arguments have no substance.

13 years ago

I dunno, Magz. There are certainly plenty of men who have killed their wives for various reasons and been acquitted. Are you really sure that’s what you want to base your argument on?

13 years ago


The man who beats and terrorizes his wife and children is the one with no honor, not the wife who defends her own life and those of her children.

13 years ago


The man who beats and terrorizes his wife and children is the one with no honor, not the wife who defends her own life and those of her children.

And “God is watching” really isn’t a reasonable argument. Was God watching when the man was beating his wife and their children? Does that mean that God approves of wife-beating?

13 years ago

@ Dracula – Yeah, I know, it’s just that my brain is going “ridiculous, inconsequential person babbling nonsense- ignore”. We need a better class of troll around here. At least Meller is entertaining.

I am laughing at “God is watching”. Shame he can’t make himself useful by keeping an eye on the members of his power structure in various churches that abuse children, isn’t it?

13 years ago

Sorry about the duplicate comment folks. I thought the web had eaten my first! 

13 years ago

I am laughing at “God is watching”. Shame he can’t make himself useful by keeping an eye on the members of his power structure in various churches that abuse children, isn’t it?

For that matter, as Philippa pointed out, God doesn’t seem to doing much about the abuser in this situation either. Kinda makes invoking his name to imply there’s such a thing as divine justice in the universe fall flat for me.

13 years ago

Of course, the irony of this thread is that Davy lampoons some jackasses for saying it’s okay to theoretically waste someone who fucks you over, yet, the regulars here think that is actually okie dokie….I mean as long as the genders are reversed.

13 years ago

See why I don’t bother engaging seriously with her? Everything she says is basically troll mad libs – like Slavey, but less entertainingly deranged.

13 years ago

Hmmm. And somehow we’ve gotten to the place where there’s no distinction between someone “fucking you over” and someone who lives with you making a credible and enduring threat on your life while physically and mentally abusing you. That is ironic, Magz. Anything else?

13 years ago

So, now you’re equating falsely accusing someone of a crime to habitually beating the shit out them and threatening to murder their children. No. Just fucking no.

13 years ago

I admit I’m not the most skilled debater here, but Magdelyn, you really, really suck at this.

13 years ago

Sorry Dracula,

the ad hominems don’t do anything for me. Even before you said I “suck at this,” we have:

Rutee: “…That said, Mags rallying around the flag of Owly is…Heehee, it’s adorable. The blind and stupid leading the blind!”

Bee: “…Actually, anyone who begins their sentences “I pretty much agree with NWO” isn’t going to make much sense. I knew that…”

Dracula: “…This, to you, is “acting like a child”. You’re an idiot…”

Bee (again): “…WOW, Magz. You are a fucking idiot. Not even close, dearie…”

Keep in mind, sweet cheeks, I haven’t personally insulted one of you. Not one. Obviously, you guys are spending a lot of time raging and your key boards. Of course, being a Saturday night, I wouldn’t be wasting my time here, but for I am sick.

13 years ago

I officially declare Mags too fucking stupid to bother with. if you can’t figure out the difference between an abused person taking drastic action to save themselves and their children and cold-blooded murder, you are a fuckwit of massive proportions. And you, like Meller, can fuck right off.

If I were a less moral person, I would wish the years of abuse that some people endure at the hands of their partners on you. I’d wish the horror of knowing said partner is going to do the exact same thing to your children, and the knowledge of the very real possibility that your only way out of that partnership is in a body bag. Because this happens. It happens Every. Fucking. Day. Somewhere in the world. And while I won’t argue that a person who kills an abusive partner should get off without some kind of punishment, I will argue that like all circumstances that lead to such actions, they should be taken into account when that punishment is determined.

13 years ago

Boy Magdelyn, I’d feel really put in my place if you’d actually said a single substantive thing this entire time, but as things stand, not so much.

13 years ago

And Mags, here’s the thing about honor. It cannot be externally enforced. Laws can, but honor is your own personal moral compass. You answer only to yourself in questions of honor. That’s why the single most binding vow I ever took in my life was to hold my husband’s ‘honor, safety, comfort and joy’ above my own. And he is the only person in the world I would trust to hold that same vow to me.

13 years ago

I guess you’re right. I only stand for the proposition that people shouldn’t kill each other in their sleep. What, that is just silly proposition. You go on arguing the opposite, if that works for youl

13 years ago

That last comment was meant for dracula, not kathleenb

13 years ago

And it is very late and I’m getting a bit drunk after the Second Shittiest Birthday Ever, so i am signing off and going to read the next book in the Inheritance Trilogy.

13 years ago

I guess you’re right. I only stand for the proposition that people shouldn’t kill each other in their sleep. What, that is just silly proposition. You go on arguing the opposite, if that works for youl

Apparently hyperbole trumps context. Who knew?

13 years ago

good night. hope the next one is better.

13 years ago

Anyway, I’m going to bed. I think I’m fresh out of insomnia.

13 years ago

good night

13 years ago

Oh no, Magz! Well, the MRAs always told me that women use shaming language. I guess you just did that, huh? Good for you!

Well, I’m just going to go ahead and argue that people in intimate partnerships shouldn’t abuse each other all the time — physically, emotionally, financially, or sexually. Sounds weird, right, Magz? I also think that people shouldn’t kill each other at all, although I recognize that the reality is that sometimes people’s lives are threatened and they need to take action to protect themselves or their families. Bet that sounds dumb to you, Maggie! Oh well, different strokes for different folks, right?