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Men’s Rights Redditors: Guys who kill their exes — who can blame them?

A couple of intriguing quotes from Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit.

The topic at hand: A Redditor claims an ex falsely accused him of rape and caused him various other problems and basically acted like a shit. No one, of course, can possibly know if the guy is telling the truth, but the r/mr regulars all assume the alleged false accuser is guilty until proven innocent. (And maybe not even then.)

Naturally, some of the regulars use this as an opportunity to discuss how completely understandable it is when guys kill their exes.

Really, in this misandrist world, dudes murdering their exes is totally like slaves murdering their masters. Illegal, sure, but who can blame them? At least that’s how texaswildfires sees it:


Yep, in his mind, dudes today are totally in the exact same situation as slaves in the antebellum south — so when a guy murders his ex, the person you should feel empathy with is the murderer.

Naturally, both of these comments got upvotes, because that’s just how r/mr rolls these days.


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Tom Martin
13 years ago

The pervasive male-blaming feminist ideology and practice encourages sex segregation, as it makes women overly fearful and scornful of men, and sex segregation is linked to increased brain capacity for aggression – where as increased integration of the sexes is linked to increased brain capacity for empathy and higher thought (New Scientist, 2007) so if we’d rather create conditions for mutual understanding and empathy between the sexes, we need to start treating men’s equality issues as part of the debate – not the poor relation.

All those people who think it would help if societies discuss men’s rights issues fairly, including in university curricula, should support my lawsuit versus LSE’s Gender Institute. You can read all about it at sexismbusters dot org – and get the updates by following on twitter and facebook.

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

Comparing African slaves, who were, in fact, owned as if they were animals and treated even worse, to modern American men, with modern American women being posited as the slave owners, is not only disgustingly misogynist, but also repulsively racist.

13 years ago

“Oh, right, one group is an actual group of slaves, the other is a bunch of appropriating mostly rich white dudes who hate women.”

“White dudes.” We’ll be firing up with racism and sexism right off the bat in the manboobz corner. Unless of course I’m misinterpreting your flippant, vile prejudice of white/men. Or is it sarcasm that I’m somehow missing? Perhaps I’ll casually refer to you as stupid white bitch from now on. Don’t worry, it’s not sexist or racist.
“The more I hear about this false rape accusation bullshit, the more convinced I am that these men have no fucking clue what consent looks like.”

False rape accusation bullshit? When a woman lies about an event it’s bullshit? Nice! Does rape include buyers remorse, excuse for cheating, revenge, missed homework, advantage in child custody cases?

Here’s what feminists are up to right now…”It’s high time for the FBI to modernize their archaic definition of rape (“The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will”) to reflect the reality of rape in the United States.”

Ya see, I had thought rape was indeed forced sex. Had I known it was high time for a change, why Id’ve politely asked feminists if any womans word would be sufficient.
“Because he’s bad at sex when his partner isn’t a Real Doll ™.”

Does this mean any woman who jacks off with a vibrator is bad at sex as well? Shame on all you girls who use vibrators. What? Can’t you properly please a man?
“it’s odd, though, I’ve had guys who looked ever so ready to throw down with me while I was sitting in my car visibly wilt when I got out. funny, that.”

Is that a threat? Are you goin all tough-girl macho on me? My little snowflake, internet warrior? Anyhoo. Big Daddy is in your corner and he packs a powerful punch. Any man is a phone call away from prison.
“No, you can’t just revenge murder everyone who does something you don’t like. It isn’t that hard of a concept.”

You bet your sweet battered woman sydrome defense you can. And we have a womans word she was battered. No proof is required. The best part is, dead men tell no tales. Wink wink.
“But darksidecat, what are their other options? Don’t you see how feminism has backed them into a corner, and they have no option to just be the bigger person and walk away and…oh.”

I guess the batttered woman syndrome girl could just be the bigger person and walk away and…oh.
“She also argues that men who scream at women are probably only doing so because they’ve been browbeaten by the shrews. It’s your basic, “Why’d you make me hit you?” argument.”

The battered woman syndrome defense. It’s your basic, “Why’d you make me murder you?” argument.”
@Rutee Katreya
“It’s not the fault of women, nor is it evidence that women, and women only, can kill in cold blood just because the legitimately justified self defense case of the abused is being called legally justifiable, and the abused are more frequently women.

Legally justified murder of men by women courtesy of Big Daddy. That’s right, say it a few times, legal murder. It just rolls off the tongue. Sure sounds like State endorsed, cold-blooded murder to me. And any womans word’ll do. Women are more frequently abused aye? Well if you say so it must be true. And even IF it were true, which it isn’t, how could that possibly justify, “legal murder?”
Keep up the hatred ladies, I’m sure thing’ll work out just dandy. Perhaps a few more legal murder laws are in order. Ya know, for equality.

13 years ago

“Legally justified murder of men by women courtesy of Big Daddy. That’s right, say it a few times, legal murder. It just rolls off the tongue. Sure sounds like State endorsed, cold-blooded murder to me. And any womans word’ll do. Women are more frequently abused aye? Well if you say so it must be true. And even IF it were true, which it isn’t, how could that possibly justify, “legal murder?”

This is totally, like, one of the worse tapes from the Bioshock series right? If not, I have literally no frame of reference to make sense of this statement. I mean it’s like Klingon; if Klingon was being spoken by a drunk Cpt. Kirk.

13 years ago

“This is totally, like, one of the worse tapes from the Bioshock series right? If not, I have literally no frame of reference to make sense of this statement. I mean it’s like Klingon; if Klingon was being spoken by a drunk Cpt. Kirk.”

Well that put me in my place. Feminists consistantly use such arguements when debating. I humbly bow before the Klingon/drunk Kirk gambit. If only I’d known your debating skills consisted of such irrefutible evidence.

13 years ago

NWO: Perhaps you have missed me describing myself. I am a shade under six feet tall and built like an average defensive back. That is not a threat, it is a description of an actual incident. Some jerk got all nasty when I parked near his house (we have a fire hydrant in front of ours, and unlike some other assholes, we don’t block it). He was clearly getting ready to try something physical until I opened the door and stepped out. I had six inches of height and probably four across the shoulders on him. I have never seen a cocky asshole wilt quite so fast in my life. It was highly amusing.

Through no fault of my own, I am a physically intimidating person. I am not above taking advantage of that, especially to help a friend who is being stalked and threatened. And I do not need Big Daddy in my corner. If he starts shit, he will not be the one to finish it.

13 years ago

And, dipshit, I wasn’t talking to you. It was a general comment about what I’m doing Monday afternoon. It’s hardly my fault you’re paranoid.

13 years ago

“I guess the batttered woman syndrome girl could just be the bigger person and walk away and…oh[, wait her partner beat her to death, just like he’d been threatening to.]”

Fixed that for you.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Tom Martin is cute. HE pretends his conclusion and his desires are reasonable,b ut here’s the thing;

Feminists don’t want sex segregation. Further, you have no evidence that the majority of our ideologies leads to a greater deal of it. You’ve presented precious little understanding of feminism to begin with, so I don’t think you know what you’re talking about at all, actually. You just found a study that is completely unrelated to your fight against feminism and made up a way that feminism would be harmful based on it.

13 years ago

“…Legally justified murder of men by women courtesy of Big Daddy. That’s right, say it a few times, legal murder. It just rolls off the tongue. Sure sounds like State endorsed, cold-blooded murder to me. And any womans word’ll do…”

I pretty much agree with NWO that people make excuses for women that cold-bloodedly murder someone in their sleep. To argue it’s self defence, in any circumstance, is balogna. Women should be held to the same level of responsibility as men.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Given the totality of the circumstances of an abusive relationship like that, it is neither a cold-blooded murder, nor is it an illegitimate self defense charge. Especially compared to the number of revenge killings that *are* cold blooded murders that get off with a self defense charge.

That said, Mags rallying around the flag of Owly is…Heehee, it’s adorable. The blind and stupid leading the blind!

13 years ago

To argue it’s self defence, in any circumstance, is balogna.

Really? In any circumstance, Magz? Even when the woman has four teeth left in her head, a house with holes in the wall the size of her skull, a neighborhood full of people who saw her being abused for years, and children she was trying to keep her husband from killing every single day?

Actually, anyone who begins their sentences “I pretty much agree with NWO” isn’t going to make much sense. I knew that.

13 years ago

They’re adults. They can leave. Just because you don’t believe that women have to act like adults, with the agency and responsibility, doesn’t excuse an adult for acting like a child.

13 years ago

No, you’re right, Magz. When a woman is threatened with death if she tries to leave, by someone who’s proved that he has the capacity to kill her, and even when she has no means to leave, or when she’s been emotionally beaten down and broken, she should just yank up those bootstraps, cross her fingers, and hope her abuser doesn’t track her down and kill her! What was I thinking, imagining that it’s not super easy for victims to leave their abusers without endangering themselves, their children, and their families?

13 years ago

So, Magdelyn, according to you, being viciously brutalized for many years by someone you know very well can easily kill you and your children, and has given to you no reason to doubt he would do just that, does not justify being terrified beyond reason of what would happen if you “just walked away”.

This, to you, is “acting like a child”. You’re an idiot.

13 years ago

Thanx Bee, for opening my eyes. Women are perpetual victims. The world is just too hard for them to handle living by the rules. They have rights, but are not held accountable.

13 years ago

“The pervasive male-blaming feminist ideology and practice encourages sex segregation, as it makes women overly fearful and scornful of men, and sex segregation is linked to increased brain capacity for aggression”

If anything, MRAs are the ones who encourage sex segregation and make women fearful of men. Well, men like them. ‘Put her in her place’ ‘Kill if she inconveniences you too much’, ‘sympathy for the man who murders his ex but the woman who is under legitimate threat of violence and death from her male SO is cold-blooded for even touching him’. I mean it’s not like she’ll get hunted down by hi– oh wait, Dracula already covered that.

Sorry that feminists criticize men (I’m not really sorry), but men as a group have sort of had a large hand in oppressing women. One of them being the heavy gendered violence against women that, as in this thread, MRAs do nothing to address (never calling out their fellow MRAs for their constant violent rhetoric. None of them ‘hold them to responsibility’) and in fact just pretend it isn’t even there. Stop telling us to give misogynists better treatment when you don’t even call out the misogyny coming from your group that is right in front of you.

13 years ago

Women are perpetual victims. The world is just too hard for them to handle living by the rules. They have rights, but are not held accountable.

Yeah, no one said that. Or even implied it.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago


there’s a fair amount of support over here in the UK for the idea that women at least are somewhat justified in killing their abusive partner in cold blood,

If there’s justification it’s not “cold blood” exactly. Besides, there’s a difference between “having other ways out” and “seeing other ways out,” but this margin is too small for an ignorant dilettante’s treatise on the dynamics of abuse.


Any man is a phone call away from prison.

And I’m going to have to take up Holly’s line and ask, if any man is a phone call away from prison, why are so many not in prison?


Thanx Bee, for opening my eyes. Women are perpetual victims.

That is, indeed, a reasonable justification for saying “all women should kill their sleeping husbands.”

No one did, though.

Battered spouse syndrome isn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card, you still have to convince a jury you had to kill them (or thought you did? I don’t even know if that’ll do it).

13 years ago

@Improbable Joe:

I didn’t read the whole thing, just about half. What’s this diametric opposition in our understandings? Yes, I am too lazy to finish reading it. Pretty sure I got to the part where Taradiddle thinks the checklist is calling logic abusive, though.

Thanx Bee, for opening my eyes. Women are perpetual victims. The world is just too hard for them to handle living by the rules. They have rights, but are not held accountable.

Apparently magdelyn literally surfs the internet with vis eyes closed. That’s the only explanation for how ve got this from Bee’s comment.

Wait a second…no, mags must just squint while ve reads comments. Otherwise how would ve know to comment?

13 years ago

“Thanx Bee, for opening my eyes. Women are perpetual victims.”

This is you sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming because you’re not getting your way and have no real argument. You also, clearly, have no actual knowledge of what it’s like to be in an abusive relationship, you’re an ignorant outsider looking in talking about ‘how you’d do it’. News flash, there was /just recently/ a case where a woman left her abuser and was murdered for it. This is not a rare case, leaving (whether it’s a successful attempt or not) can escalate the violence.

“The world is just too hard for them to handle living by the rules.”

The rules of our society tend to state that self defense is not even remotely the same as cold blooded murder and can in fact be proved in a court of law as justified.

“They have rights, but are not held accountable.”

It seems more like people like you never hold the male abusers accountable and instead talk about how we need to sympathize for them.

13 years ago

Thanx Bee, for opening my eyes. Women are perpetual victims. The world is just too hard for them to handle living by the rules. They have rights, but are not held accountable.

WOW, Magz. You are a fucking idiot. Not even close, dearie.

Women who are victims are victims. Women whose husbands abuse them are victims. The criminal justice system is flexible enough to allow for defenses and mitigating circumstances. One defense might be if a person believed that their life was in danger and took action to save their life. A mitigating circumstance might be explainable psychological phenomena that led to a crime.

Notice how I’m not using gendered language here?

The stupid thing is, I know you know this shit. You’re not as stupid as milkslave, are you? And yet you’re clutching to the all-women-are-victims-and-have-no-responsibilities schtick that the MRM loves so much. It’s actually a little annoying. Cut it out.

13 years ago

magdelyn: You do realize that there is middle ground, yes? Or have you just decided that all that grey area stuff is bullshit?

13 years ago

Why are we trying to engage with Magelyn as if there’s some sort of substance to her arguments? Obvious troll is obvious, and very boring.

13 years ago

A middle ground? A middle ground that says you can walk up to someone while they’re sleeping and hit them in the head with a hammer? No. There is not middle ground for that. Just like there’s no middle ground for cutting off a man’s penis in the middle of the night and liquifying it in the garbage disposal, or setting a man on fire as he sleeps and listening to him scream as he in immolated.

As soon as I see those senarious played out with the genders reversed, and the man walks free, then I’ll consider a middle ground. Othewise, it’s cold blooded, cowardly murder. Such a person has no honor; has no code; and God is watching.