Newsflash from the frontlines of the gender war: Apparently some of the ladies are getting tattoos!
Luckily for us, The Spearhead is on the case. In a recent post titled “Ruminations from Seat 22D,” Spearhead guest poster Lyn87 reported on an encounter with one of these ghastly creatures:
I recently took a long trip for work and spent a lot of hours in the air. One of my fellow passengers really stood out in my mind: a 20-something lass a few rows ahead of me. She is a natural-born beauty in that “launch a thousand ships” kind of way – slim, near-perfect symmetrical features, piercing blue eyes, and a shapely body. She is, simply, stunning. But there’s more to this story than a retired soldier admiring an exquisite example of female flesh young enough to be my daughter.
Well, we’re off to a really creepy start here.
It was actually her tattoo that first caught my attention.
Oh, that’s where we’re going. This is going to be one of those “women with tattoos are whores” kind of story.
She was wearing a low-slung top that revealed a HUGE eagle inked across her chest and extending down under the front of her shirt. And then I noticed her hair – what little there was of it. I’ve always kept my hair short, even by military standards, and her hair was shorter than mine.
Tattoos and a short haircut! Excuse me for a moment; I think I’m getting the vapors.
Few things de-feminize a woman more than buzzing off her hair, which is why it is considered to be shameful in many societies. She was wearing ratty, ripped jeans and far too much costume jewelry.
I can’t believe we let women leave the house in such attire.
And then I noticed the piercings.
Not the piercings!
As I stood six inches behind her for several minutes waiting to de-plane I counted seven, and that was just what was visible. I wondered what else she had done to herself. A tramp-stamp is a given, but who knows what other “body art” was hidden out of my view.
We can only imagine. Some Matisse prints? A mural in the style of Diego Rivera? A reproduction of Michelangelo’s David? One of the plates from Judy Chicago’s Dinner Party?
[M]en like me, the kind of man women say they want – responsible, courteous, masculine, respectable, upwardly mobile – [avoid] women like her even as long-term girlfriends, let alone wives.
I’m pretty sure that women like her — or like most women — are not much interested in men who are not only old enough to be their father but who also read The Spearhead.
[I]a person goes to great lengths to project a certain persona, especially in a way designed to attract attention, it says something about him/her. I asked myself what would cause the stunningly-beautiful young woman on my flight – at the height of her Sexual Market Value – to do that to herself? Women dress for us, so what does she intend for us to infer? I’m easy? I’m rebellious? I can drink you under the table?
Maybe: “If you’re the sort of misogynist creep who’s going to jump to weird conclusions about my character based on my tattoos, my piercings, and even on the length of my fucking hair, and then write about it at length on a site overflowing with similarly misogynist creeps, I’d rather not have anything to do with you?”
But Lyn87 seems unable to understand why anyone would want to send such a message:
I can think of no message that her chosen facade would convey that would be in her long-term interest. In a few years after her looks fade she is likely to be just another tatted-up skank wondering where the good men are.
Wherever these “good men” are, I’m pretty sure they aren’t reading or writing for The Spearhead.
It didn’t have to be this way. In a different social environment a woman like her would have learned to be (gasp!) feminine. She would have observed the older women in her surroundings and absorbed benevolent patriarchy in the air she grew up breathing.
Oh lord.
With her beauty she could have married above her economic station and lived a comfortable life. We can’t know if she would have been happy, but she almost certainly would have had stability, security and comfort.
Hey, who needs happiness when you’ve got patriarchy!
But she doesn’t live in that society; she lives in a “Slut Walk” society, thanks to feminism. When she chose the “Suicide Girl” look nobody stopped her.
Um, who exactly is supposed to stop her from dressing and looking how she likes?
Now she has mutilated herself with enough ink and metal trinkets to repel the kind of man most likely to give her the life she wants, because no matter what she does to the outside of her body, she will eventually want what women have always wanted on the inside – stability, security and comfort.
Hmm. Could it be that she’s not actually interested in the life a man could “give her,” and perhaps more interested in the sort of life she can, you know, give herself?
The fruits of feminism: what a waste.
Only if you’re a narcissistic misogynist who thinks the world revolves around his preferences.
Next up on The Spearhead: Airline peanuts — Tool of they Gynofascist Matriarchy?
NWO you really completely fail at life. How is stating a fact being manipulated? Styles change. Eras change. PEOPLE change. When given choices, people choose which ones suit them best. Some women did the whole frilly, modest housewife thing and were happy. Others like Siouxsie did the punk rock alternative thing and were happy. Why is this such a hard fucking concept to grasp?
People dress and look however they want. This is really news for you?
What about all the guys that wear baggy pants below their asses? what about all the guys who did the the emo thing? how are they not being manipulated by trends? Lemme guess, doods have freewill but silly girls don’t?
Who says women with tattoos AREN’T married?
Don’t you get it, EWME? We don’t care if you find us unattractive, because we weren’t going to marry you anyway.
But, like, um, you totally sound, like, way stupider than any of us actually do, um, because, like, I guess this is how you think young women talk, except, um, oh my god, we like totally don’t.
NWO – If women are so easy to manipulate, men really dropped the ball, then.
(Wait, no, let’s not get into your backstory on this. Communist men made women into feminists because Jews also Rothchilds. See, I already know it, no need to repeat yourself. Still, the Good God-Fearing Men Of America really dropped the ball.)
Holly, it was because of the flouride.
fwiw: decent man here, married to a wonderful woman who happens to have a tattoo, and it rocks, as does she. Just sayin’. It’s not like getting a tattoo precludes relationships. Except relationships with judgmental jerks, apparently. So, no big loss. :-p
Yeah, NWOslave, I’d prefer it if all women dressed like they just stepped out of 40s and 50s Vogue Magazines, but it’s not at all my place to force anybody to adhere to my aesthetic preferences (except for men who fasten the bottom buttons on jackets, people who wear their fedoras/trilbies askew — Oh! And men who wear a belt with a waistcoat, which is totally gauche).
Styles change. It doesn’t have anything more to do with manipulation than shoulder pads on women’s jackets were in the 40s.
According to the worlds most tattooed woman’s myspace, she’s married http://www.myspace.com/147587840
Someone for everyone. Its cute how the trolls here think all men are exactly like they are.
Er, I phrased that last sentence poorly. Tattoos don’t point to modern women being manipulated any more than the fact that most women’s jackets in the 40s had shoulder pads meant they were being manipulated then.
EWME, the trick is to use “um” just once, otherwise you sound like an idiot.
Also, these gals managed to get married and yet also have tattoos, and I can say with a fair degree of certainty that whoever they are marrying is a far finer specimen of humanity than anyone on The Spearhead:
David, the couple in the second picture are adorable!
@Holly Pervocracy
“We don’t care if you find us unattractive, because we weren’t going to marry you anyway.”
Would that be, “we” as in a monolithic block? Tsk, tsk. I thought women were individuals?
Your comment to me really made no sense. Random words strung together have no meaning. Here I’ll give you a sample, women are oppressed, Christian also Bush, MRA, patriarchy and a conservative genderbox. I guess I could add and a partridge in a pear tree. Now go run to the MSM and beg them to direct your thoughts.
I do think tattoos look good as used in the modern Rockabilly subculture.
These pictures may not do anything for me sexually…
…but they do look pretty nifty.
Let’s see if it posts this time.
@David Futrelle
“Also, these gals managed to get married and yet also have tattoos, and I can say with a fair degree of certainty that whoever they are marrying is a far finer specimen of humanity than anyone on The Spearhead:”
Do good looks, wealth/fame make for a finer specimen? And here I thought all these fine specimens of modern womanhood were above all that shallow, supeficial, gold-digging.
You know, normally I’d say this is right, milkslave. When it comes to the specific and unique subject of women’s general interest in marrying Ewme, however, I think it’s safe to go out on a limb and say all women are in complete agreement on that issue. Do not want.
“Do good looks, wealth/fame make for a finer specimen?”
I think in this case ‘finer specimen’ means ‘not a tedious hate-filled fuckwit’
Shorter owslave: Oh yeah?!
Those women are gorgeous Spearhafoc, I love the mixture of retro 50s clothing with tattoos. If I was gay or a man I’d probably go for women like that haha.
I don’t think the trolls know how large a following of men those types of women get either.
And don’t you like it how NWO twists things around? when Dave said finer specimens I’m pretty sure he meant “not complete misogynistic d-bags” nothing to do with money/looks
Damn Comet beat me to it 😛
40 years ago there weren’t very many men with a face full of piercings in America or Europe either. 30 years ago the only people I knew with tattoos had been in the navy. Now I can’t turn around without seeing some random person’s tats. Culture, it changes.
I know MRAs are devoted to the idea that we should all party like it’s 1959, but really, it’s the 21st century and things have changed.
I’m pretty sure that women like her — or like most women — are not much interested in men who are not only old enough to be their father but who also read The Spearhead.
You mean ‘men’ like you?
Speaking of flouride, Owly, I got my flu shot today!
The consent form didn’t mention flouride anywhere, but I’m assuming that’s an evil government lie, since everyone knows all vaccines are just a Rothchild plot to… protect me from viruses?
I need to check the Book of Learning again. I’ve forgotten what flouride dsesoes to you!
Shorter OP: Feminism ruined this woman for me! I totally woulda married her and protected her and cuddled her while she had my babies BUT NO! *bursts into tears*
David, the couple in the second picture are adorable!
I agree. Also, dude’s got a pretty rockin’ bowler hat. I envy it.