antifeminism creepy MRA nice guys oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reactionary bullshit sex

Jezebel channels The Spearhead with an odious piece on Amber Cole

Jezebel has apparently decided to gin up some page views by running a bizarre, victim-blaming, slut-shaming, skeevily prurient screed on Amber Cole, the 14-year old African American girl who was videotaped giving oral sex to some boys; the video got posted online and, despite the fact that it was, you know, child porn, went viral. The story itself is appalling; so is the screed, written by a guy pretending (for rhetorical effect) that he’s Cole’s father. It reads like something you’d find on The Spearhead.

The piece starts off melodramatically:

I am Amber Cole’s father. I am angry, confused and completely at a loss. I love my daughter. I want to guide her without suppressing her. That is not always easy.  Children need protection from their worst inclinations. That is not always easy. I am trying to convince her that the world will still love her if she keeps her clothes on.

Just to remind everyone again: the author is not actually Cole’s father. (And Amber Cole is apparently not her real name.)

The screed quickly descends into an attack on the girl’s mother that reads like something you’d read in the comments section of The Spearhead or In Mala Fide:

She would listen to her mother, if her mother was not busy. Doing something, anything that is not parenting.  I want her mother to spend less time being “empowered” and more time being aware and engaged with our daughter.

And it only goes downhill from there. We get a section essentially blaming girls at large for the incident, because they allegedly ignore the “nice guys” who would never make such a tape. We get a section blaming the “mother’s boyfriend, Karrine Steffans or Kim Kardashian” for teaching the girl to be “proficient at such a difficult act. … I want to know why my 14 year-old knows so much about oral sex.”

And then we get a ridiculous race-baiting rant about white feminists and the Slutwalks:

White feminists can teach their own little girls to find empowerment through their crotches – my brown little girl cannot afford to be that carefree and cavalier with her life choices. Slutlife is the hard, lonely vocation of rich, educated, privileged white women who will fuck The World, contract social diseases and still, somehow find a husband. No black woman ever got far being a slut. I want to know what kind of women “slutwalk,” while young impressionable girls of all kinds look on with wonder and admiration.

After placing blame for the whole thing on just about every girl and woman in the world, the author comes to the father:

I am Amber Cole’s father. Don’t ask where I was that afternoon, because you already know. I was at work, just like you. I do not live with her, cannot always talk to her, cannot always be there. Not the way I want, and there are few laws to help me. To protect me and my rights.

Because that’s the real issue here: Father’s Rights.

And then the big reveal:

I am Jimi Izrael. I am not really Amber Cole’s father.  But she is my daughter.

You do not think so. But she is your daughter too.

Go read the whole thing. It’s appalling. Then read Jeff Fecke’s takedown of it on Alas, a Blog.

Ironically, Jezebel ran an excellent piece on the subject about a week ago.

WTF, Jezebel? Are page views really that important?

EDITED: I reworked a bit about the (real)  father that I originally formulated badly.

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hey NWO, out of curiosity, what do YOU believe? :3

B/c you were being sarcastic, saying that feminists SHOULD support this b/c it’s “empowering”… which means that you DO NOT support this right? You find it immoral and disgusting and you find feminist support for female sexuality immoral and disgusting, so you’re trying to find the hypocrisy you think exists and say “you feminists support female sexuality so you should support this disgusting act, you perverts”

right? o:

Except she’s 14, and you don’t think that this is immoral and disgusting cuz you’ve argued in the past over and over, w/ great passion, about wanting to have sex w/ 14 year olds and that the laws should be changed so that wiing 14 y/os would WANT to have sex w/ you… right? xD

I could have either the first part or the second part wrong though xD

So where DO you stand on this situation NWO, and what do YOU think? :3 You can’t try to paint Holly in a bad light for (according to you) ideologically supporting something that you yourself think is awesome. xD

For that matter, have you noticed how outraged NWO gets at every person over 18 on this forum for having sex, and talking about morality this, and shameful that, and yet he passionately fights ppl here for the right of 14-16 year olds to have sex with anybody (especially him)? xD So apparently, he would be all supportive and encouraging of Holly, Molly and Ozy, as long as they were underage >_>;; He really IS an anti-feminist. He’s pro-sex until you’re able to drive a car XD

G.L. Piggy
13 years ago

The most offensive thing about that piece that none of you clowns here will mention is that it is actually a ploy to race bait. And it shows that race trumps gender and that even dumb white feminists are more than willing to ignore their feminism in the face of “brown” issues.

13 years ago

>>Ya mean anarchists are bad too? Anarchists, MRAs, conservatives, on and on it goes. It seems as if only feminists and communists are good.

Almost all anarchists are communists, NWO. I know, blows your mind (what’s left of it, anyway), right?

Genuine communism not perverted by Marxist-Leninist right-wing deviation is anti-state.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

G.L. Piggy | October 28, 2011 at 12:34 am
The most offensive thing about that piece that none of you clowns here will mention is that it is actually a ploy to race bait. And it shows that race trumps gender and that even dumb white feminists are more than willing to ignore their feminism in the face of “brown” issues.

I’m confused xD Can you elaborate? :3

13 years ago

“The most offensive thing about that piece that none of you clowns here will mention is that it is actually a ploy to race bait. And it shows that race trumps gender and that even dumb white feminists are more than willing to ignore their feminism in the face of “brown” issues.”

Yeah, lurk moar. Because the race baiting thing is what people here have been mentioning before you even showed up.

13 years ago

“And it shows that race trumps gender and that even dumb white feminists are more than willing to ignore their feminism in the face of “brown” issues.”

Sorry for the double post, but…what? Can you clarify this?

13 years ago

Your little fantasy of tons and tons of 14-year-old girls making all sorts of sexy sex tapes and putting them on the internet (as opposed to sending them privately to boy/girlfriends, if it happens at all) is just another peek into the very creepy world in your mind, where young girls do nothing all day but taunt and flaunt and tease.

On one of the recent threads, NWO declared that teaching six-year-old girls to tell someone if they’re beaten or molested is oppression of men. He got really worked up at the thought of how smug those first-grade bitches must be.

He is not a pleasant person.

13 years ago

For the record, I thought Brad Pitt looked pretty hot in “Moneyball,” but my husband believes it was an optical illusion created by putting him between Jonah Hill and Philip Seymour Hoffman.

13 years ago

Please note that once again we are witnessing the hilarious dudbro hypocrisy of stating that most men want to fuck Megan Fox and this is reasonable and acceptable, to be expected in fact, but if many women demonstrate an interest in fucking men who look like Brad Pitt this is a sign that women are shallow/evil/trying to make Nice Guys miserable.

I don’t really care either way which attitude people adopt – be looks focused, or not looks focused, whichever you prefer. But at least be consistent about it.

13 years ago

(Points up)

That may well be the most apt typo I have ever made. Dudbro…maybe that’s what we should call men who’d really like to be dudebros, but the actual dudebros won’t let them in the treehouse.

13 years ago

“For the record, I thought Brad Pitt looked pretty hot in “Moneyball,” but my husband believes it was an optical illusion created by putting him between Jonah Hill and Philip Seymour Hoffman.”

Your husband wins an internet…and he doesn’t even post here. An impressive feat!

13 years ago

NWO once again misses multiple points by distances so long the human mind can barely encompass them.

13 years ago

Hey Davy…I just realized that you have a brother. How is that ‘ol cup-o-coffee?

13 years ago

RE Brad Pitt, the only time I’ve ever found him at all sexy was in Thelma and Louise. Which isn’t surprising, given that his role in that movie could basically have been summed up as “hot piece of ass quite literally charms pants off woman (and then steals her money)”. Ever since…meh. Turns out that buffed-up blonds are not every woman’s cup of tea. If he’d stayed skinny and he came across as a bit smarter, maybe.

Actually I think the perception of intelligence is a big thing there. I know he’s not actually stupid, but he often plays kind of stupid, which bores me. In Troy I found him actively unattractive because his character seemed both dim and belligerent. The only time since Thelma and Louise that I’ve found him remotely appealing was in Ocean’s Eleven, and even then it was in a “might be fun to talk to” rather than a “want to bone” way. Like I said, blonds just don’t do it for me.

13 years ago

“Please note that once again we are witnessing the hilarious dudbro hypocrisy of stating that most men want to fuck Megan Fox and this is reasonable and acceptable, to be expected in fact, but if many women demonstrate an interest in fucking men who look like Brad Pitt this is a sign that women are shallow/evil/trying to make Nice Guys miserable.”

then when you suggest to these “nice guys” that they try dating women who are chubbier or not conventionally gorgeous they get offended and act like you’re insane for suggesting they date an ugly fatty.

douchebaggery and hypocrisy at its finest. Douchbocrisy!

13 years ago


13 years ago


13 years ago

Huh. Where the heck did that (aspiring) gang member stuff come from? I can only think of two possible ‘reasonings’. Either the connection was drawn because gangs are a noticeable problem at US schools or because the people involved are PoC. Am I missing something or does the gang member conclusion seem ‘a bit racist’ to anyone else, too?

13 years ago

then when you suggest to these “nice guys” that they try dating women who are chubbier or not conventionally gorgeous they get offended and act like you’re insane for suggesting they date an ugly fatty.

I usually see the opposite of this, whereby guys who are focused on looks are called shallow jerks, but girls who ignore the average-looking good guys in favor of the handsome douchebags are said to be exercising their free will and nobody is allowed to question it on pain of being called a whiner and a Nice Guy. Whatever.

13 years ago

I’m a little troubled by the gang initiation presumption, too.

Look, kids experiment with each other and always have. We can try to convince them that they’re better off waiting a few years until they’re emotionally more mature to deal with everything that goes along with having sex, and many of them will, but others won’t. Back in the mid-90’s when I was in high school, there were no cell phone cameras or internet to embarrass and humiliate the “whores” who had sex with guys (who of course were NOT publicly shamed for their behavior). They were still humiliated, however, through gossip. It’s just another level of nastiness to actually pass a recording around for the world to see.

I don’t know if the guys were several years older than her, and that does make a difference. However, the main issue here is that they taped it, and then passed the video around in order to humiliate her.

13 years ago

Arielle: Jezebelle is, well.. the incident that I remember is the one in which they posted a really creepy rape-apologist IM conversation about Roman Polanski (which doesn’t appear to be showing up in the post for me anymore). Notice the lack of critical comments on that post; you’ll find some of them in the All Comments section but most of them were deleted.

13 years ago

I couldn’t believe that the kids who published the video online aren’t held responsible but everyone is blaming and shaming “Amber Cole”. (I later read that the actual father of the girl called the police, though it hasn’t been confirmed 100 percent).
This is something I don’t understand. WHY the sexual act is shamed but the violation of privacy is ignored as something completely irrelevant and the blame for the situation is put on the person who didn’t know was recorded?
That’s child pornography people!!!

Did she know she was recorded? Did she give her consent to be recorded? Did she give her consent for the video to be uploaded?
We don’t know this (though I assume she didn’t, based on the information I have/we have already online), we can only assume. And… oh boy, did people assume…

The whole shaming is horrible. Teens enganing in sex acts is nothing new. Hormones… we ALL have them and the US are notorously famous with the lack of any real sex-ed but + raging misogyny everywhere and + horrible issues with sexuaisation of women and girl to a huge degree + issues with contraception. THIS is the reason for the issue… and a strong father figure that would have probably taught his kids that it’s wrong to violate other people’s lives and privasy, yes. A strong father figures. For those boys, the dude (asshole) calls “friends”.

But somehow I don’t think that this is what that dude (asshole) is talking about. I think he says that if a strong fatherfigure has been present in the girl’s life (though he only assumes there hasn’t been one) is the reason she has been recorded in a sexual act with a boy… which blames 1. her 2. family 3. everyone else besides the people WHO RECORDED AND DISTRIBUTED the video…
Why am I not surprised?

However the issue here is that some dude (asshole) thinks that he knows the girl, knows her family and uses it as a way to bash women and feminists and mothers everywhere, going on the MRA bandwagon about poor fathers without rights. It’s obvious he doesn’t care about what happened to the girl or doesn’t see it as something hurting her. It hurts his ideas how women should behave. His issue is not that a girl has been violated. It’s about women being sexual and making sex and making bad decisisions while being kids.
He doesn’t ask the important questions… he just rants and accuses feminism in racism and completely misses the point of slut-walk (I will spell it out – it’s about talking about rape and slut-shaming towards women… you know, the stuff that THIS dude is doing in his article). Also… he slutshames, first a 14 year old girl, then implies it’s her mother’s fault, because the father doesn’t have an active role (pure speculation), then slutshames white women and black women as a whole and says how black women can’t find husbands because they are sluts… as if all women want only to get married.
This person is SO fucked up…

The “I am Amber Cole’s father” disgusts me on so many levels but mainly, because it doesn’t care at all about any other actions besides the actions of “Amber”… again we are shown that the only person that will come under scrutiny will be the girl involved and she will be blamed for everything, regardless if she has been consenting/raped/drugged/killed the boys will be boys and the issue here is not that someone thought it’s OK to violate the privacy of someone else but that a person dared to engage in sexual contact with another human being.

Yes, I think 14 year old is young for sexual relations. But by saying that somehow Kim Cardashian … whoever that is, is responsible that little girls know about blowjobs, it incredibly stupid. They know about blowjobs and sex, because from the start girls and women are sexualised on every step and corner since they are born. We are bombarded daily with hundres examples of super-sexualised women and women’s bodies from everywhere – books, magazines, movies, tv series, ads… everywhere.
Sex is a normal part of our lives but our society is obsessed with it.

But… this dude misses the point so hard that I think it is deliberate and maliscious then purely unintentional.

Daphne B.
13 years ago

I think people are forgetting Pitt’s role in Twelve Monkeys. Now *there’s* a stunning piece of manhood.

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