The other day we met some Men Going Their Own Way who are so baffled by lesbianism that they simply refuse to believe that lesbians actually exist. But not all MGTOWers hold this position. Indeed, one new visitor to, a guy calling himself Chainsaw King, has a rather different take: Lesbians not only exist, he argues; they are in his opinion “the only good women.” Let’s hear him out:
Yes, I acknowledge the existence of Roise O’Donnell, Ellen DeGeneres, and whatever other celebrity lesbian you hate. …
But it would be foolish to judge all lesbians based on the evil that is Ellen.
I’m sort of involved with the gay community, which is something I reccomend to the people here if you have no problem with them. … Anyway, because of that I’m also friends with a lot of lesbians … Their personalities are likeable – and they show signs of empathy and intellect, to mention the least.
That sound you hear is a thousand tiny MGTOW heads exploding.
Yeah, there are some fat or butch loud whores and “bisexuals” who act like the typical woman. But I’m not even sure if they’re really lesbian; just man haters or something. Ignore them.
I’m not just saying this because I’m pro-gay or anything. I honestly couldn’t give a shit. It’s really remarkable; like if I had no exposure to lesbians and I read this post, I’d probably class it as bullshit. Meet some for yourself to prove it.
As you can imagine, this argument did not go over very well with most of the regulars. (The thread is short; I’m not going to bother linking to individual comments.)
Forum moderator MrLahey responded bluntly:
Being a lesbian removes the only incentive I’d ever have to interact with her. Catch 22 ? 😛
Goldenfetus, meanwhile, reiterated the “lesbians don’t exist” theory we examined the other day:
I’m not even sure I believe in lesbians. I have the vague impression it’s just a phase of man-hating or penis-envy-revenge that most women outgrow. The only one I know is a cousin who was always posting lesbo crap on Facebook when I still used it. She was more accurately ‘lesbian until graduation’ than full-blown, but still far from what you describe. The few others I have been exposed to were c****. Maybe I’ll accept this challenge to meet some in the wild, but I don’t know where, exactly, to begin.
Goldenfetus, even though I’m a straight dude I think in this one instance I can speak for the lesbians of the world when I say: Don’t bother to try to meet any actual lesbians. Just continue imagining that they don’t exist, and they will continue to imagine that you don’t exist, and everyone will be happy.
Most of the other commenters, while not denying the very existence of lesbians, were simply baffled by the notion that lesbians could possibly be decent human beings. “I thought lesbians usually hate men even more than straight women do,” Truyardy wondered. “I thought lesbians make up a large portion of the feminazi community.”
shade47, previously on record as a Lesbian Denier, seems to have changed his mind on this point. But he still doesn’t seem to fully understand the concept of lesbianism:
I’m calling big time bullshit on the origional poster. Awalt [All Women Are Like That] goes for lesbos too. Why hang out with a cool lesbo when you can safely hang out with a normal cool male friend. women are women noatter what is politically correct and if you and your super cool lesbo pal get really drunk one night and fuck it is exponentially more likely she will make a false accusation against you to save face… Never will happen with male friends.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that thing with the “super cool lesbo pal” is never gonna happen either.
Womanhater offered the most ingenious MGTOWer solution to the Lesbian Problem: He managed to express his deep hatred of lesbians –while simultaneously arguing that they (or at least 90% of them) don’t really exist. Let’s see how he pulled this off:
Dykes are women. That really is all that should need to be said.
I find that in my experience 90-95% of dykes are man-haters. There are indeed that delightful 5-10% that are just wired to like twat, but the other 90-95% are lesbo because they are either too hateful, broken, envious, whatever to sustain a relationship with a man. …
[N]o matter how you slice it, a dyke has 2 X chromosomes, and is therefore firmly beneath the AWALT [All Women Are Like That] umbrella in my book.
And that was pretty much the final word on that subject. Chainsaw King doesn’t seem to have returned to the thread to see the mess he’s created. Or maybe he saw it and fled in horror and disgust.
There were, however, a few other commenters who used the thread as an opportunity to vent their hatred not of lesbians but of gay men – or at least the “flamboyant” kind. I think you may be able to guess their main objection. Sam I Am was the most, er, eloquent of the bunch:
Flambuoyant gay men are just…. abnormal. They get really fucking annoying really quickly…
They are men, but they’re acting like bitches… like, on fucking purpose. That’s abnormal and annoying just like … I dunno.. a person who just talks too fucking much. Two — you can’t make up your mind whether you’re more annoyed at the abnormality of men acting and talking like women, or at the feeling that you’re just around a bunch of women, period.
I don’t think MGTOWers will be invited to march in any Pride Parades any time soon.
Brandon, I don’t see how MRA’s can say feminists need to laugh at misogynist humor when they spend so much of their time whining about how Homer Simpson is a bad example of men. It’s the pot calling the kettle black.
At the end of your clip, the comedian joked that victims of domestic violence are “button pushers”. I guess I’m a grumpy stick in the mud, because I didn’t find it funny. The comedian had to rely on shock humor to get a reaction from his audience. He has the freedom of speech and can say whatever asinine thing he wants to say, but I am not obligated to laugh at it. I will use my freedom of speech to say that his routine is sophomoric.
The fact is that vaginas were made to be savaged by dick. That’s it. Do you dare to spit in God’s face?
See? Perfect example of someone really trying to be funny, and offensive and it just… it falls flatter than flapjacks.
Yoren, try harder. Anyone can type “you are poop and I am not-poop” and declare themselves the winner. You’re supposed to get bored with that in kindergarten.
Do you need an apple juice and some naptime?
@Yoren: Do you dare to spit in God’s face?
Only the MRA version.
And the old style patriarchal bullshit version.
And the version that send bears to eat children.
Heterosexual sex = rape is not a philosophy but an exercise in thought about what constitutes consent, and what power consent actually has. If there is a distinct power imbalance between two parties, subtle coercion may be a factor. If there is coercion, what value is the consent?
Yoren obviously matriculated at the MRAL School of Comedy.
Don’t forget Bill Maher:
Hey Brandon, what do you think of the OP? That thing up there? ^^^
If you just want to post random “offensive videos lol,” maybe you should get a Myspace page or something.
Now, I’m kind of wondering if there’s a lesbian version of an MRA. Y’know, a woman who likes to screw women, but also violently hates them.
Camille Paglia?
Regarding humorless-ness: I recall many, many MRA/MGTOW types complaining that we were much too snarky, because we make with the jokes and stuff. How dare you laugh at their idiocy and anxious masculinity!
Quit being humorless misogynazis, guys.
@Holly: Myspace is so 2007. It’s all about facebook and google plus!
Wow, Brandon, you sure showed us. Bill Maher trotting out some tired-ass tropes. The thing is. at least he has the stones to admit when he’s wrong about something.
Personally, I think that the dicks should just take the twats they can get. It’s more than they deserve.
The fact is that dicks were made to be smothered by vaginas. Do you dare spit in God’s face?
@HellKell: And what tired-ass tropes were those?
WTF did Bill Maher mean when he said “children are more important than people”? Children ARE people, for crying out loud.
Yay Eddie Izzard! I was totally going to link to that exact clip. Well, here’s the funniest thing I’ve seen recently:
I know I play along with it sometimes, but today I’m really sick of the trolls playing the “I get to decide what we talk about” game.
Especially when they always decide the answer is “me me ME.”
Myspace is so 2007.
We know. That’s why we’re sending you there.
Children ARE people, for crying out loud.
“They’re like humans but miniature…teacup humans.”
I love the “feminists have no sense of humour” schtick. “You’re stupid and irrational and have less value as a person than I do. You should feel bad for not offering me use of your body whenever I want it. You aren’t at all capable of the same things I am, and I hate being around people like you. Rape is a normal and totes hilarious part of life and victims invite it most, if not all, of the time.” “Huh. Well, you’re an incredible douche.” “But actually just joking! IF YOU DON’T LAUGH THEN YOU ARE BAD AND SHOULD FEEL BAD.”
Um, okay. The problem is definitely me.
@Viscaria: I don’t want you to offer me your body. So don’t feel bad.
Ooh, BURN. Brandon has declared your randomly-generated avatar and pseudonymous name not sexy, and you should therefore question your worth to the universe.
Oh, you know–the tropes about feelings, commitment, etc. being “women” things.
You’re such a smart guy, I can’t believe i had to tell you. Oh, right–those things do not apply to your life, so they don’t count.
Oh no you guys! Brandon doesn’t want to have sex with me! ;_; Un-break my heart, say you’ll love me again…
I vote that we ignore the troll derailment and just post ponies.