The daffy, excitable Man Going His Own Way who calls himself MarkyMark may be my favorite manosphere blogger of all. Not only does he bring the lulz himself – who can forget the time he wrote a completely unironic point by point rebuttal of an Onion article? – but he also helps to bring attention to the equally stupefying work of others.
In his latest post, he directs our attention to some observations made by fellow MGTOWer Spock’s Disciple on the Happy Bachelors forum on the subject of pussy and its discontents. “This is good stuff, stuff my boys need to read,” Mark writes. “[Spock’s Disciple], like his hero, applied cold hearted logic when analzying pussy. The Force is STRONG with that one!”
Yes, he actually wrote that. I don’t think it’s a joke. I think he honestly does not know that there is a difference between Star Trek and Star Wars. How that is possible, I do not know.
Anyway, on to the eminently rational Spock’s Disciple, reflecting on the irrational power of the ladybits:
Remember that pussy is a biochemical WMD; wherever it is used, there is mass chaos and destruction. How many wars and conflicts have been fought at the urging and behest of women? More than any honest man would admit to and would be proud of.
Young men are apparently helpless in the face of the punany:
The need for pussy is a very real and built in addiction for men. We are hardwired by nature for sex and procreation. … [T]he sight and sound of pussy blinds younger men and allows them to be controlled by women though their hormones.
The, uh, SOUND of pussy? If I had to pick just two (or three, or four) sensory experiences relating to the vagina that would be generally considered appealing to heterosexual males, I’m not sure “sound” would make the cut.
But eventually even the horniest dudes start to get less horny – and thus less hypnotized by the power of the pussy. The only trouble is that by the time they lose interest in sex most of them are married, and they’re now stuck with the woman whose vagina formerly had them in thrall. It’s a grave injustice.
[W]hen most men pass the age of 30-35, they begin to awaken from this biochemical “dream” and what do they awaken beside? What do married men look forward to the next 30-50 years of their lives? Sleeping with a living corpse, which continues to torture and destroy them day by day? Looking forward to the time when the woman undergoes the process of metamorphosis, into a completely insane mummy (menopause and post menopause)?
This seems a tad alarmist. I mean, if your wife turns into a monster zombie-mummy – as all women apparently do after they hit their mid-thirties – you could always get separate bedrooms.
But Obi-Wan’s Spock’s Disciple has a more radical solution: don’t get into bed with the ladies in the first place!
Pussy is indeed way overrated and if younger men could get a shot of “anti-testosterone” for a few weeks, they could see through the eyes of men who are 40+; without the haze of hormones, you cannot believe how much farther you can see! It’s the difference between seeing the horizon through LA style smog and seeing the horizon from a high mountain in the Rockies.
Pussy is a man’s Achilles heel; once that man realizes this and takes the appropriate steps, he’ll never lose his peace of mind again. To these skeptical young men I say, there is an infinitely vast arena where you can have anything you desire, and can succeed at anything you wish to try for; all you have to do is see women for what they truly are, and become a master of the beast within; once you do that women’s true face will be visible to you, and you’ll never again partake of that foul potion.
It is possible to tame that beast, and indeed it is a certainty that you will learn much from the process of taming it; all it takes is patience and time. Look at your fellow men, your brothers in arms, and look at their almost invisible chains, and wonder at why you would desire such an existence for yourself?
And, hey, if all else fails, MarkyMark adds some advice of his own: pay a visit to Pamela Handerson before going out on the town with one of those vagina-people.
[T]here is one thing that the younger men can do until their sex drives die down permanently: masturbate before going out with a woman. … To put it another way, since the little head had been, shall we say, quieted down, the bigger head could work properly; the bigger head will then allow you to see a woman for who she REALLY is.
If you’re a fan of Spock, and looking for appropriate masturbatory material, might I suggest this?
Could we maybe call Brandon an agnostic just to humor him? I don’t care to belong to any group that he belongs to by choice. Having to share membership in homo sapiens with him is already bad enough.
(Granted the term homo sapiens is a bit misleading in his case.)
You’re assuming he’s thought about his position long enough to develop hypocrisy about it.
If Brandon starts saying he refuses to call himself an agnostic because he disagrees with their tenets, then we’ll know he’s a bot.
I suppose I should take that back somewhat. A lot of things you can believe in, or be, are extremely dangerous, so I should be more understanding in general. But brandon isn’t pretending not to be an atheist just because he’s scared of the repercussions (Which exist in numerous quarters,). He’s outright stating he is an atheist, based on his beliefs, but refusing to adopt the label because… well, likely his narcissism shield.
I really honestly think it’s because he hasn’t given this enough thought to define the term “atheism.” Seriously, I’m surprised he can type.
He doesn’t really understand Catholics much, nor atheists.
I’ve been places where people came in to tell us what our dogmatic failures were. So long as they weren’t being assholes (e.g. You don’t believe in adult baptism, you are going to Hell), it was a good discussion.
I’ve also seen atheists do the same basic thing; depends on the atheist, and the person spouting off about the religion that has them torqued.
All things being equal, I’m a Roman Catholic with agnostic tendencies. I can,and have, defended the the doctrines,and dogma, of a number of religions; in terms of what they believe, and what it means to them/how it shapes their worldview.
I can do that because I’ve actually studied them, and what they believe, and how it shapes their worldview. Which means that, should someone start to tell me what Jews, or Quakers, or Zen Buddhists believe, I can tell if they know what they are talking about, same as I can for Catholics.
So that when someone has a legitimate comment about a weakness, or discontinuity of doctrine (which is different from dogma), I can discuss it. Having someone challenge my beliefs doesn’t offend me. Having someone misrepresent them, that can be a quite a different matter, but simple disagreement, not a big deal.
Then again, it’s not all about me, so it’s not as if I have a whole lot of ego involved in a simple disagreement.
@Cassandra: I am agnostic. And to say that agnosticism is atheism will just make you look ignorant.
@Rutee: When did I EVER make the claim that I was an atheist? I linked to a few videos that an atheist created…does that make me an atheist? Or that I think there ls little proof to say that God exists. Does that make me an atheist?
Atheists are saying “There is no God”. I find that a little arrogant since humanity lacks the information to blatantly come out and say God does or doesn’t exist.
@Pecunium: Really? I grew up in an Irish Catholic family.
Don’t understand atheism? What is there to get? They are a group of people that actively deny the existence of God or any other deity. Seems like a simple premise that most people can understand.
“All things being equal, I’m a Roman Catholic with agnostic tendencies.”
What does that even mean? That you believe in God…but not really?
Hey toolshed, VoiP wasn’t ragging you for a misspelling. You really don’t read for comprehension, do you?
Brandon doesn’t agree with feminism, doesn’t seem to greatly oppose the MRM, and clearly isn’t interested in debating between his willful obtuseness and the fact that he obviously isn’t fully reading other people’s posts.
So what’s the point? In all seriousness, Brandon, what do you hope to accomplish by posting here?
@Lauralot: I’ve asked him that very question a number of times and received no response. Of course we all know he doesn’t read very well…..
@lauralot, he thinks he’s annoying us. I don’t feel annoyed.
That does seem to be his goal. Guess he’s never heard the story of the gnat and the bull:
Well, Lauralot that’s because Aesop is part of culture, and Brandon goes his own way you know?
Brandon: Don’t understand atheism? What is there to get? They are a group of people that actively deny the existence of God or any other deity. Seems like a simple premise that most people can understand.
“All things being equal, I’m a Roman Catholic with agnostic tendencies.”
What does that even mean? That you believe in God…but not really?
Yes, but you then said that atheists, as a group, would be down on generic abuse of Catholics.
As to being a Roman Catholic with agnostic tendencies. I am something of a deist. My deism is shaped, informed and constrained by my rearing, my onetime thoughts of becoming a Jesuit; and such attempts as I made to pursue it, all the rest that goes with that.
But I know there is no proof for God, and that what I believe is based on an unsupportable faith. I may be wrong. It is, in short, an aspect of being self-aware; a trait I encourage.
@Pecunium: Really? I grew up in an Irish Catholic family.
Me too. But that doesn’t mean you can speak for Catholics as body. Maybe the piece of Boston Irish you inhabit, but that’s not what you did.
See, I thought atheists were people who have come to the conclusion that there has yet to be a claim for a God that has any reason to be believed… A bit different then saying we stick our fingers in our ears and go “La la la la can’t here you!” by just denying anything having to do with a God…
“Atheists are saying “There is no God”. I find that a little arrogant since humanity lacks the information to blatantly come out and say God does or doesn’t exist.”
It’s arrogant… to comment at all on a claim that neither side has any evidence for? Awesome! I believe that a magical toaster popped the world out like a piece of bread, and desires all people to eat toast for breakfast. If you don’t eat toast in the morning, you are offending the Great Toaster. I’m gonna go see what I can do about some laws…
Oh, and it’s arrogant to claim that you know the Great Toaster doesn’t exist… 😛
What misspelling?
And to say that agnosticism is atheism will just make you look ignorant.
And if Brandon knows anything, it’s how to look ignorant.
The essence of my faith is that I know there is no objective proof of it. I know my own experiences, but I can’t offer any kind of evidence for them. I accept that my gods may be my own delusion, but it’s delusion that gives me great comfort and causes no harm to others. The same cannot be said for other gods and/or their followers.
“@Cassandra: I am agnostic. And to say that agnosticism is atheism will just make you look ignorant.”
You know, I used to think he was trolling, but I’m beginning to think that he has some sort of reading comprehension issue. That’s not intended as an insult by the way – I do think that he may have actual problems interpreting what he reads.
But I thought it was the Flying Spaghetti Monster? I am sooooooo confused.
It was garlic toast, from an OVEN.
The Flying Spaghetti and Garlic Toast Monster? I’m down with that. ^^
Bagelsan: The Eucharistic Festivals are EPIC!
Mmm. Lunchtime.
The funny thing about atheists and agnostics is that, among all that I met, only the agnostics seemed to care about the difference.
– atheist: “I don’t see any proof of the existence of god and I have many examples of lies or mistake in every religion, therefore I don’t believe in it.”
– agnostic: “How dare you say there is no god!! You have no proof of the non-existence of god, so being an atheist is the same thing as being a believer” (alternate version: “there is an -ist in your name, that means you’re bigoted/a fundamentalist”)
But that said, obviously, death to the garlic toast heretics. May they be cooked to death.