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“Remember that pussy is a biochemical WMD; wherever it is used, there is mass chaos and destruction.”

Spock tries to warn the Captain about the evil vagina.

The daffy, excitable Man Going His Own Way who calls himself MarkyMark may be my favorite manosphere blogger of all. Not only does he bring the lulz himself – who can forget the time he wrote a completely unironic point by point rebuttal of an Onion article? – but he also helps to bring attention to the equally stupefying work of others.

In his latest post, he directs our attention to some observations made by fellow MGTOWer Spock’s Disciple on the Happy Bachelors forum on the subject of pussy and its discontents. “This is good stuff, stuff my boys need to read,” Mark writes. “[Spock’s Disciple], like his hero, applied cold hearted logic when analzying pussy. The Force is STRONG with that one!”

Yes, he actually wrote that. I don’t think it’s a joke. I think he honestly does not know that there is a difference between Star Trek and Star Wars. How that is possible, I do not know.

Anyway, on to the eminently rational Spock’s Disciple, reflecting on the irrational power of the ladybits:

Remember that pussy is a biochemical WMD; wherever it is used, there is mass chaos and destruction.  How many wars and conflicts have been fought at the urging and behest of women? More than any honest man would admit to and would be proud of.

Young men are apparently helpless in the face of the punany:

The need for pussy is a very real and built in addiction for men.  We are hardwired by nature for sex and procreation. … [T]he sight and sound of pussy blinds younger men and allows them to be controlled by women though their hormones.

The, uh, SOUND of pussy? If I had to pick just two (or three, or four) sensory experiences relating to the vagina that would be generally considered appealing to heterosexual males, I’m not sure “sound” would make the cut.

But eventually even the horniest dudes start to get less horny – and thus less hypnotized by the power of the pussy. The only trouble is that by the time they lose interest in sex most of them are married, and they’re now stuck with the woman whose vagina formerly had them in thrall. It’s a grave injustice.

[W]hen most men pass the age of 30-35, they begin to awaken from this biochemical “dream” and what do they awaken beside? What do married men look forward to the next 30-50 years of their lives? Sleeping with a living corpse, which continues to torture and destroy them day by day? Looking forward to the time when the woman undergoes the process of metamorphosis, into a completely insane mummy (menopause and post menopause)?

This seems a tad alarmist. I mean, if your wife turns into a monster zombie-mummy – as all women apparently do after they hit their mid-thirties – you could always get separate bedrooms.

But Obi-Wan’s Spock’s Disciple has a more radical solution: don’t get into bed with the ladies in the first place!

Pussy is indeed way overrated and if younger men could get a shot of “anti-testosterone” for a few weeks, they could see through the eyes of men who are 40+; without the haze of hormones, you cannot believe how much farther you can see! It’s the difference between seeing the horizon through LA style smog and seeing the horizon from a high mountain in the Rockies.

Pussy is a man’s Achilles heel; once that man realizes this and takes the appropriate steps, he’ll never lose his peace of mind again.  To these skeptical young men I say, there is an infinitely vast arena where you can have anything you desire, and can succeed at anything you wish to try for; all you have to do is see women for what they truly are, and become a master of the beast within; once you do that women’s true face will be visible to you, and you’ll never again partake of that foul potion.

It is possible to tame that beast, and indeed it is a certainty that you will learn much from the process of taming it; all it takes is patience and time. Look at your fellow men, your brothers in arms, and look at their almost invisible chains, and wonder at why you would desire such an existence for yourself?

And, hey, if all else fails, MarkyMark adds some advice of his own: pay a visit to Pamela Handerson before going out on the town with one of those vagina-people.

[T]here is one thing that the younger men can do until their sex drives die down permanently: masturbate before going out with a woman.  … To put it another way, since the little head had been, shall we say, quieted down, the bigger head could work properly; the bigger head will then allow you to see a woman for who she REALLY is. 

If you’re a fan of Spock, and looking for appropriate masturbatory material, might I suggest this?

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13 years ago

Lots of women with a strong sex drive have ridiculous amounts of great sex with the same partner(s). If variety/thrill seeking is your then thing own it, but don’t conflate notch count with “robust”

Variety is part of it, but by no means all of it. Sometimes I’m not in a relationship and still want sex.

So I ask you, what’s wrong with women wanting/having casual sex?

13 years ago

The point DYE is that women have the same sex drive as men… They can’t be as indiscriminate because they can’t *afford* to be, but that’s because men live in a state of privilege, not because men somehow are run by their hormones or their Y chromosome. It’s like the stupid libertarian idea that the rich are more entrepreneurial than the poor, when the reality is that the rich can actually afford to risk a few tens of thousands on a hunch because it would barely hit their livelyhood, while the poor have to choose between eating that month or risking it all on something that might not even pan out… even if the EV is positive.

In my personal experience, women often initiate the non-date sexy time. Maybe the problem here is that you’re just not the type of guy women would trust into giving them an orgasm?

13 years ago

BlackBloc for truth.

13 years ago

When did all the comments on this page suddenly become italicized?

13 years ago

When did all the comments on this page suddenly become italicized?

Oh, phew, I thought that was just me. I’m just going to go with, “Someone fucked up their HTML tags so severely that it hit the entire page.

13 years ago

@Lauralot: Somebody left out a closing html tag (the first post to have italics), and thus all the rest are affected.

I tried to close it above but didn’t use the right code. Let me try one more time;

13 years ago


13 years ago


13 years ago

“So all men, prior to a first date, are 100 percent ready to fuck that woman.This makes men, in general, sound…..bad”

It doesn’t make us sound bad. That’s what you’ve decided to mistakenly read into it.
All it means is that men know what and who they want so unless all your dates have been blind…literally and figuratively, the guy who is sitting across from you he has already made up his mind he WILL fuck you.

As for a food equal

If a guy loves pasta and you see him dining at a zagat recommended restaurant in Little Italy do you think. Ow wow, this guy will eat anything? Of course not.

Guys screen before asking you out, not during the date. Do you finally understand?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

DYE: So why haven’t all my first dates ended in sex? I have pictures up on my profile and everything. Was it something I said? Were they not “real” men?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Speaking as someone who goes out a lot, I too make sure the person I am about to go on a date with is attractive *to me*… but I don’t sit there across the table thinking “I am going to BONE YOU 100%!” There’s this little thing called consent involved…

13 years ago

DYE said

Guys screen before asking you out, not during the date. Do you finally understand?

I think both people on a date screen each other. What if a man and a woman go on a date, and the woman annoys the man so he no longer wants to have sex with her? It’s possible that neither want to have sex, or both want to have sex. It’s also possible the man doesn’t want to have sex on a first date, but the woman does.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“What if a man and a woman go on a date, and the woman annoys the man so he no longer wants to have sex with her?”

thebionicmommy, this can never happen. The only reason men go on dates is to fuck women–there is nothing else!

13 years ago

That’s what you’ve decided to mistakenly read into it.
All it means is that men know what and who they want so unless all your dates have been blind…literally and figuratively, the guy who is sitting across from you he has already made up his mind he WILL fuck you.

No… all anyone knows before or during a date -regardless of gender- is whether or not they want to fuck someone and, whether or not they would if it becomes a possibility.

Guys screen before asking you out, not during the date. Do you finally understand?

I think you should maybe stop attributing your personal experiences with sex and dating to the entirety of men and women. Or maybe use some modifying terms like “lots of guys”, or “some guys”, or “guys like me”. There are definitely any number of men (see what I did there?) who will decide, after getting to know a woman better, that they’d rather not have sex with her.

You’ve never made that decision?

13 years ago

Soo… DYE is saying that guys screen who they want to fuck before they ask someone for sex… and women screen while being asked? Isn’t th is… just… what happens when the guy asks the girl?

I fail to see how this is relevant to how much of a sex drive either has, just that it highlights the culture of the guy asking the girl.

Now if you’re saying that guys only date women to fuck them, and then going on with the rest, then you are sorely mistaken. But that should be rather obvious…

Why is this argument lasting so long, exactly?

13 years ago

DYE, fuck first, then a date? I dunno, if I happened toreally liked the guy after that one night stand with him, maybe. But if I just want sex, because I just want sex and not a relationship, maybe not. You seem awfully bitter about something…

13 years ago

You yelp a restaurant, screen the menu, go and order your italian pasta…and it doesn’t taste good at all on first bite. You keep eating it? Or take the date, she kisses badly, you still gonna sleep with her?

We go on a date, we think, hey you look pretty damn fuckable on Ok Cupid. We sit with you and you do something, smell something, you kiss badly, something…we probably don’t sleep with you even after we’ve decided you seem fuckable.

Choice! It’s a mystery!

13 years ago

I know for a fact that men decide against fucking too. Maybe not DYE, but some men. Cause….sometimes the bootyquake just ain’t seeming right.

13 years ago

Even if the guy asks first, it’s still wrong to say that he can fully “screen” his potential fuck-buddy beforehand. Personality, preferences in bed, many things can affect how willing a guy will be to go to bed with someone. You know, because they’re normal people.

Now, if a guy were to… say… ignore anything about personality or preferences, because he only wants to get laid and doesn’t care if its just once… If he were to somehow present himself in a particular way… to artistically pick up the girl, then all he really needs is a first-glance hotness factor. But… this sounds incredibly lame, both in the “reducing woman to a single number” and in the “I’m so desperate to get sex that I will fuck anything I can look at for 5 minutes.” Do you really think all guys are like these poor slobs?

13 years ago

Shorter DYE: Men cannot be date raped.

13 years ago

Lots of women with a strong sex drive have ridiculous amounts of great sex with the same partner(s). If variety/thrill seeking is your then thing own it, but don’t conflate notch count with “robust”

OK, so “robust” doesn’t mean having lots of sex, and it doesn’t mean having sex with lots of people, and since men will do anyone it doesn’t mean having good sex…

I give up. No idea what he means by “robust.”

Alyssa Sweet
13 years ago

No it’s not. I’ve lived in 3 states.. 1 as a teen. 1 as a college student, and 1 as an adult. All have different laws. There is one state in particular that technically makes other college students “rapists” for consensual sex with 1st year undergrads born in the 3rd trimester of the year.

okay assuming all that is true, if that is really indeed what you’re concerned about and believe that is oppression it is definitely oppression of both men and women not just men. believe it or not, some people have sex where *gasp* the woman is slightly older than the man! especially if it’s only a concern of a couple of months as teenagers.

Alyssa Sweet
13 years ago

@Alyssa Sweet
“Also I don’t feel bad for men that boys are taught to be nice and not to hit people.”

I guess not, being women aren’t ever taught not to hit or be nice. How’d ya like to apply for college but before setting foot on the grounds, you have to take the, “he fears your lying, manipulative, backstabbing. false accusation ass class?

Then again, according to official feminists stats, women are flawless.

first off, I’ve never ever heard of a specific domestic violence course men are forced to take pre-emptively so if you could provide a link to that that would be fantastic. I do think teaching about domestic violence to both women and men is a great idea though, maybe during high school sex ed or something. It’s not saying “YOU ARE GOING TO DO THIS!” it’s just teaching about something that happens in the world, knowledge is power (to quote schoolhouse rock). And girls are never taught to be nice?????? where in the FUCK did you get that from? girls have historically often been taught to only ever be nice ever no matter what may be happening to them and they’ll be called bitches if they speak up for themselves. what the HELL planet do you live on????

13 years ago

thebionicmommy, this can never happen. The only reason men go on dates is to fuck women–there is nothing else!

My bad. I forgot that once a man asks a woman out, she’s golden. She can spend the entire date picking her nose and singing Barney songs, but he will still sleep with her at the end of the date. As long as you’re a woman, there are no deal breakers. I learn something new every day.

Alyssa Sweet
13 years ago

This makes men, in general, sound…..bad. If that’s the case, that men just really don’t discriminate much, would fuck anything, anytime…well I can’t blame women for not wanting to fuck them. Why would we? Why lay down and get pronged badly when you could be doing so many other more fulfilling things (or masturbating skillfully and well)?

i agree. I actually do get very annoyed when people in general but especially men say things about how men just care about women for sex and blah blah. If thats true of YOU then fine (as long as you don’t hurt people with it), but don’t put it on all men it’s not fair. The point I really agree with though when someone says that type of thing is “okay say that is true, then why should I respect you or care what you have to think if you only care about me for sex?”

i feel he’ll post something back about how he didn’t mean men really ONLY care about sex but blah blah thats the only reason they’ll be hanging out with you the first time or something along those lines but i think thats a really important point to make that i’ve come across a lot. If you’re gonna openly admit that I’m primarily a sex object to you, and the rest of women too, and the women that you aren’t sexually attracted to? pshht they don’t even exist on your radar as human! then you’re not giving me a lot of reason to respect you or your ideas and beliefs.

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