I present to you: the most appalling rage comic I’ve ever seen. And that’s even if the story it tells — one of a very bad romantic breakup — isn’t true. (Which I really, really hope is the case.) How bad is the comic? Even the denizens of r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu, Reddit’s home for horrible rage comics, found it a bit distasteful. (Though this evidently didn’t stop all that many of them from upvoting it.)
Just so you know, when the dude in the comic refers to ‘karma,” he’s saying that if he gets upvotes for this comic, he’ll put the videos in question online.
Yeah, it’s that kind of breakup. So here’s the comic. TRIGGER WARNING for really really assholish behavior and nonconsensual sexual exploitation.

Found via the always awesome ShitRedditSays.
Oh firebee I know the answer to that puzzle! The surgeon was his grandfather, er… hang on.
Prom is about celebrating finishing successfully school regardless gender/age/shape… why should sexuality matter if one could celebrate finishing school? It makes no sense.
I don’t see how it matters “girls in dresses, guys in suits”… we are talking about a party.
Dude, I knew a guy who went to prom in a dress. Admittedly, it was a duct tape dress, but the universe didn’t implode as a result. There was also a pageant at the high school where guys wore dresses and make-up and competed for the title of ‘Mr. Foxy.’
If I lose allies because they can’t stomach the thought of the guy in a dress, they probably weren’t allies worth having.
@Pecunium: right on! I’d add the Ronald Raygun classic: “we’re lucky we’re free to be Christians in Amerika!”
‘a guy in a dress’ not ‘the guy in a dress.’ Minor typo, but it bugs me anyway.
In rural Texas where I work, prom is a huge event (ditto football games).
And the importance of it is part of a heterosexist institution where heterosexuality is celebrated and enforced.
Oh, and about the bathroom things: lots of schools and businesses have “MEN” and “WOMEN” and “HANDICAPPED” bathrooms — they don’t have sex separated bathrooms for people who have handicaps. So either people with handicaps don’t have a sex, or nobody cares that they don’t get the sacred heterosexist privilege of a sex separated bathroom…..what do you think Simon?
I on’t understand why NWOslave hate teh ghey so much, since his hatred towards women leaves him little else in the way of options for meaningful relationships. Maybe he’ll marry his fleshlight?
Anyone else notice how…apologetic Simon seems to be in his bigotry.
“Hey, look, a homosexual couple shouldn’t be at a couple…no offense, but it makes life even more complicated…I’m sorry, I just think that and you should agree with me. Stop bullying me, please, I’m sorry.”
I mean, really, Simon? First you’re all proud and shit about your ignorance, now when people counter it, with, I dunno, REALITY, you somehow still stick with it, but are now whiny about it.
Which is why you get the level of respect you get. You’ve not earned it. You engage in shaming language, and piss and moan that people don’t agree.
You say that children are valid objects for your sexual desires, and piss and moan that people don’t agree.
You compare women to pieces of meat, and piss and moan that people don’t agree.
You say that homosexuals will destroy civilisation (that’s fear buddy… homophobia, you haz it), and piss and moan that people don’t agree.
You say men ought to be allowed to rape women, and piss and moan that people doon’t agree.
You get more respect than you have earned, and piss and moan that people do agree with that.
NWO thinks that equality is disrespectful.
Either that or rainbows, feather boas and leather chest harnesses are disrespectful.
In the whole thread I never said that homosexuals shouldn’t be a couple.
I said, that if I were gay I just have this tact and decency that in instances where traditions revolve around heterosexuality, I wouldn’t want to make a chance just because for myself and alienate other people. If that’s bigotry for you, I don’t care.
Yes, homosexuality is common, but still less common than heterosexuality. But here are also people who live in non-monogamous relationships, yet monogamy, the idea of the “couple” permeates many traditions, “rituals” and institutions… do you think you have the RIGHT to change all of them, too? And I could go on even further, Peter Singer if you know him (an important figure in the animal rights movement) thinks, that you just can’t say anything about zoophilia and that this is not necessarily abuse of animals. And now, moderate, normal, common-sense people may think that laws about zoophilia should be repealed, but they will never think that you have the right to push your zoophilia into other peoples faces.
I think it’s very, very different to be against equal rights or just to be against this massive sense of entitlement.
Reality… *chuckle* There’s no reality in what you say. Now here, on this site you might all be totally coherent in your ideology, but the feminists in real life, when they speak to the mainstream society, loose all consistency and use — how do you call it — ‘heterosexism’ to achieve their goals all the time. That’s how the reality looks like! In Switzerland they say, when they want to justify conscription only for men: “But women do so much work already by raising children” and that, honestly — if I read all that what you write here — is just like cuddling with the enemy. The same is true with rape, feminists are very careful to hide their unproven (and for the mainstream: ridiculous) theories about rape from the public.
Switzerland?`Where women were not allowed to vote until 1971? And the last provisions only dropped and allowed women to vote in all elections, in 1991? That Switzerland?
Simon: How fucking DARE you lecture anyone about tact and decency after you come on here spouting this “I know a lot of people are actively fighting to deprive gay people their rights and working to destroy chance their happiness and quality of life, but really, have you thought it from the oppressor’s point of view? I just don’t think you’re being fair!” bullshit? You self-righteous, condescending asshole.
What theories are those? Do tell. C’mon, Simon, mansplain away.
This theory:
“rape is not about sex, our culture socializes men to rape, it glorifies violence against women.” (Stephen Pinker)
Simon, let’s do a thought experiment really quickly.
“I said, that if I were black I just have this tact and decency that in instances where traditions revolve around white people, I wouldn’t want to make a chance just because for myself and alienate other people. If that’s bigotry for you, I don’t care.”
Oh, Shora, that’s just silly! you say. Of course people shouldn’t be alienated and condemned and treated differently just for the color of their skin! What does this have to do with all those gays who make me feel so damn uncomfy?
Simon, civil rights is about making people uncomfortable. It’s about challenging the “traditions” and “norms” that exclude people who are different, because such things are not okay. It is not okay to treat people like they’re not human beings for doing something or being something that is different, sure, but not hurting anyone. Majority rules doesn’t matter here, people do, and civil rights is about the fight to make sure minority people are treated like people.
What’s so ridiculous about that theory, Simon? And why do you think you’re qualified to call theories about rape “ridiculous?” Huh?
“In the whole thread I never said that homosexuals shouldn’t be a couple.
I said, that if I were gay I just have this tact and decency that in instances where traditions revolve around heterosexuality, I wouldn’t want to make a chance just because for myself and alienate other people. If that’s bigotry for you, I don’t care.”
Hey, guys, listen to Simon! Wanting to be treated like a human being instead of an “other” is just tactless!
Simon, someone on the Internet cross-stitched this just for you.
“…[their chance at happiness]…” Seems I type worse when I’m angry.
Did Simon seriously just compare homosexuality to zoophilia?
Get lost, dude. I’m not engaging with you any more, and I’m not sure why anyone else is either.
I believe he did.. Which means won… a santorum point! (because kissing a same gender person in public/marrying zie/… is the same a fucking a horse)
There’s a connection there somehow. The complete inability to understand the concept of consent and how that differentiates bestiality or pedophilia from homosexuality has got to be connected to rape culture.
Simon, can you please explain these pictures to me if our culture does not glorify violence against women: http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2010/05/26/more-sexualized-violence-in-fashion-nsfw-trigger-warning/. Images like those are the rule, not the exception, in high fashion.
No, I didn’t. I absolutely did not do this, this would be a ridiculous comparison. @Kyrie:
It’s not the same, absolutely not. Yet if we look closely at zoophilia and take your way of arguing, it’s not something bad. At least not always, there can be consensual interspecies sex. It’s just very, very uncommon and seems very icky and weird to a lot of people. And because it’s so, we don’t want to have it pushed in our faces. It’s just a question then, where we do draw this freaking line.
And advertising in general, I should say.
Simon: If you’re not comparing them, why bring it up at all? Oh right, because you’re a disingenuous double-talking weasel.