douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny precious bodily fluids rapey reddit that's not funny!

The most appalling rage comic ever?

I present to you: the most appalling rage comic I’ve ever seen. And that’s even if the story it tells — one of a very bad romantic breakup — isn’t true. (Which I really, really hope is the case.) How bad is the comic? Even the denizens of r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu, Reddit’s home for horrible rage comics, found it a bit distasteful. (Though this evidently didn’t stop all that many of them from upvoting it.)

Just so you know, when the dude in the comic refers to ‘karma,” he’s saying that if he gets upvotes for this comic, he’ll put the videos in question online.

Yeah, it’s that kind of breakup. So here’s the comic. TRIGGER WARNING for really really assholish behavior and nonconsensual sexual exploitation.

From Reddit.


Found via the always awesome ShitRedditSays.


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13 years ago

Hai kirby! ^_^

13 years ago

Kirbywarp: I dunno if I’d chalk that up to bad storytelling, or plain old delusional hypocrisy. As in, “I only cared about sex while the relationship was ongoing, but now that it’s over it’s ‘poor me I’m so heartbroken’ time.”

13 years ago

Hai Joanna!


I say so because the character simply asserts that he was in love, whereas his actions in the panels before show him only interested in sex. Ah well… it could be your thing too 😛

13 years ago

@Joanna “Raoul, Rage comics are usually based on crap we deal with in day-to-day life, made humorous in web comic form. That’s what makes them good.”

I had no idea there was a “true story” element assumed. In that light, the comic is pretty fucking disgusting.

Goes to show you, the medium is still the message.

13 years ago

Either way, I just hope I never get to know the author well enough to know for sure.

13 years ago

I had to do this, Simon, because I just can’t understand your position. I’m almost certain you’ve been shaping yourself throughout this conversation, drawing back on the bigotry upon us crying out against it… And yet… well, take a look, particularly at the bold sections: (long)

I can at least empathize a bit with people who think “Lesbian couple at the prom…? No, that goes to far!”.
It’s nice and simple if you have on the one side the boys in suits, on the other side the girls in dresses, the lesbian couple destroys this nice arrangement, or you are just used to a strawberry king & queen and not to a king & king and so on.”

I wouldn’t want to exclude someone exactly because of that reason, sexual orientation seems just to be a very important part of ones identity and if you look at the consequences of that exclusion, you are right that they can be very bad. But I just have to admit, that I think that there’s no right for equal treatment in those cases. There are thousands of examples where people who have peculiar and uncommon preferences just can’t demand that the majority does everything to adjust itself to them. Especially if it’s some kind of “ritual” like in the case of prom night.

You don’t understand what rituals mean for humans, rituals make them feel secure in a chaotic world, give them a sense of continuity and stability.”

about the fake prom

No, I see that this treatment was horrible, because they put so extremely much energy just to exclude those two and it’s obvious that this caused a lot of harm.”

Do you think gay people should be allowed to partake in events and activities which were formerly limited only to straight couples (marriage, prom, clubbing, holding hands in public etc.) [Y][N]


But suddenly when you speak about boys in dresses you will hear from the same people things like “Oooh, noooo, that goes too far!” and you are the one who is laughed at. And then you even throw your former allies together with nwoslave… I couldn’t live with that!

You think its understandable that people want to exclude lesbians at prom for the sake of ritual, and ritual is important, yet you don’t want to exclude them, and in fact you think the treatment was horrible. You seem to think that the exclusion is for the sake of simplicity, and that its understandable that some people are so sheltered that they simply cannot handle something outside of their own lives.

You yourself have expressed the desire for simplicity, therefore you are one of the people you find “understandable,” nevertheless when asked directly you come out on the side of non-bigotry.

My suggestion? Say what you flippin mean. If you think a position is wrong, say it’s wrong! Don’t waffle around by saying so-and-so is “understandable” or such-and-such is “simple,” because doing so apparently hides your true intentions. If you continually defend a side, but then say you don’t actually believe it… at best we think you are a troll, at worse we think you are lying about not believing it.

tl;dr: it’s ok to change your opinion while talking, but say that you have, and don’t defend arguments you don’t agree with.

13 years ago

“There are thousands of examples where people who have peculiar and uncommon preferences just can’t demand that the majority does everything to adjust itself to them.”

This is what I don’t get. As long as, say, prom still happens, and you, Simon, can go with a girl, and wear a tuxedo, and dance and hang out with your friends — then how are you having to “adjust” anything at all? Gay people at prom aren’t making you wear a dress or give some dude a handjob in the back of his PT Cruiser. Nor are they changing the formal qualities of prom; it’s not like they want to add dodgeball or Vedic chanting or animal sacrifice and still call it prom. They just want to dress up and dance, or smoke under the bleachers and snark, like everyone else.

I don’t see how there is any adjustment required.

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
13 years ago

Raoul, lots of weird homo-something-or-other from certain groups of men when I was in the Marines. It was actually pretty sickening, truth be told. There was a strong lack of boundaries and disrespect involved in it.

13 years ago

Joe, that’s what most girls have to put up with =P

13 years ago

At least Marines can earn respect by taking disrespect. A lot of men’s rituals are like that; seldom do women even get that benefit out of it.

13 years ago

Nor are they changing the formal qualities of prom; it’s not like they want to add dodgeball or Vedic chanting or animal sacrifice and still call it prom.

I would’ve gone to that prom.

13 years ago

“Being homophobic, or not, is a very important choice you must make. It is one of many that will contribute to make you, or not, a decent and respectful human being.”

First off, the word homophobic has no meaning. No one fears gays, lesbians, trans and bi’s. Such a pitiful attempt at shaming. What is that, Kafka-trap #1? It doesn’t work, so put that silly word to rest.

Next is Kafka-trap #2. A choice. If anyone makes the wrong choice which you’ve dictated, they are deemed non-decent and non-respecful. Something like these pitiful attempts at pushing your social agenda might work on a small child, (which is why you promote early indoctrination in small children). But this will never work on a critical thinking adult.
“It is not a morally neutral subject on which you can endlessly debate: respect is not optional.”

Respect is earned. The LGBTQ acts disrespectfully, they therefore deserve no respect. Respect this, respect that, or we’ll make a name we think will shame you into compliance. None of this crap works anymore. No one has to respect the unrespectable. No one has to tolerate or accept what is intolerable or unacceptable just because you say so.
” I understand you have issues with the complexity of the world but you must stop to hope it will disappear and learn to deal with your issues.”

Oh you’re so understanding I just want to accept anything you say as gospel. Do tell me how all us prehistoric throw-backs can throw off our backward ways and understand the complexity of the world so our issues will disappear.
This is like play by play dialogue from some psych book on winning a debate with shame and understanding. Seriously though. I wouldn’t expect anyone other than a complete nitwit will buy this sewer pickle as a kosher dill if I were you.

13 years ago

First off, the word homophobic has no meaning. No one fears gays, lesbians, trans and bi’s.

Ah, I’m glad we can agree that the “gay/trans panic” defense in murders is bogus, then. Smartest thing you’ve said your entire life, possibly! 🙂

Respect is earned. The LGBTQ acts disrespectfully, they therefore deserve no respect.

What could they do that would make you respect them? Specifically.

13 years ago


Aren’t you afraid that the LGTB community is brainwashing children and forcing them to cuddle kids of the same gender, meanwhile destroying the sacred institution of gay marriage?

13 years ago

“What could they do that would make you respect them? Specifically.”

Stop being LGBTQ, and apologize for ever having been so.

13 years ago

hmm… Make that “marriage” not “gay marriage…” That would be rather strange.

13 years ago

NWO and Meller get along so well… both are adamently bigoted, then try to argue that they shouldn’t be shamed for it… *sigh*

NWO, do you really want to make the argument that people shouldn’t be mocked/made fun of/shamed for doing something wrong or being hateful? If not, then first you should probably argue that the types of things people are called homophobic for doing really aren’t that bad.

13 years ago

Respect is earned.

Why should anyone respect you, then? Do you imagine that your behavior is respectable?

13 years ago

No one does respect him, that’s why he’s such a miserable angry person.

13 years ago

Oh, for heaven’s sake, NWO, now do you think you know what Kafka-esque means?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Respect is earned. The LGBTQ acts disrespectfully, they therefore deserve no respect.

How do LGBTQ act disrespectfully? XD

13 years ago

It’s nice and simple if you have on the one side the boys in suits, on the other side the girls in dresses

I assume they’re on opposite sides because otherwise you might get an erection.

At our equivalent of prom, a couple of the girls didn’t have a date so they brought a friend of the same sex instead.

Thank you, Joanna! I can’t believe we made it this far through the conversation without anyone mentioning single people. Tons of my friends went to the prom in groups; enough people go stag that there’s a term for it. Simon, would you forbid single people from going to the prom if they can’t find an opposite-sex person to go with?

13 years ago

Funny thing about the whole “simplicity” thing — granted I don’t respect the straight-up misogynist all that much, but at least they have the dignity to come up with some sort of story (however fictional) that actually justifies the implementation of their bullshit. Like, if I were resolutely straight (also resolutely cis) and it was in fact true that no man anywhere would pursue a relationship with a masculine woman because BIOLOLOGY, then it might indeed be worth at least considering to suck it up and grow out my hair or whatever. Presuming I didn’t want to be a hermit or an eccentric aunt, that is, but that would hardly be the first incorrect assumption of the day.

Arguing that “it’s simpler that way”, though, is an excuse on the order of “I’m sorry, but I’ll be washing my hair that night” — a weak and obviously bogus justification — excepting that it’s being offered to folks who have a legitimate reason for a substantiative explanation, in which role it performs insultingly poorly.

Besides which, formal etiquette is quite clear on the actual simplest solution to handling the sudden introduction of (e.g.) a same-sex couple to an event based on couple units presumed to be male-female, and it does NOT anywhere involve being the least bit unwelcoming to the guests at issue.

13 years ago

“It’s nice and simple if you have on the one side the boys in suits, on the other side the girls in dresses.”

Taking this, for example. If you’re having some manner of processional in which the two members of a romantic couple are meant to match together at some point, then the simple solution upon encountering a novel romantic couple is to assign them the equivalent positions of any other romantic couple. The question of who gets assigned to what line may be determined by gender presentation (if applicable), polite inquiry, or arbitrarily.

Otherwise, if the arrangement is meant to be literally “on one side the boys in suits, on the other side the girls in dresses” with no matching of romantic couples, then how they arrived doesn’t matter — the boys go to one side, the girls go to the other. In advanced class, the suits go to the suit side and the dresses go to the dress side regardless of their contents (about which it is not polite to inquire, anyway).

The absence of flailing and drama, and other such things that make the solution not-simple, is intentional.

13 years ago

And, final note, I don’t suppose it’s dawned on our friend here that there’s a way that one can have to deal with the boyfriend of the winner of a shooting competition with absolutely no gay people involved whatsoever…?

This is one of them complicated mind bending puzzle thingies, of course. It’s like a contradiction in terms!

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