I present to you: the most appalling rage comic I’ve ever seen. And that’s even if the story it tells — one of a very bad romantic breakup — isn’t true. (Which I really, really hope is the case.) How bad is the comic? Even the denizens of r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu, Reddit’s home for horrible rage comics, found it a bit distasteful. (Though this evidently didn’t stop all that many of them from upvoting it.)
Just so you know, when the dude in the comic refers to ‘karma,” he’s saying that if he gets upvotes for this comic, he’ll put the videos in question online.
Yeah, it’s that kind of breakup. So here’s the comic. TRIGGER WARNING for really really assholish behavior and nonconsensual sexual exploitation.

Found via the always awesome ShitRedditSays.
Simon is the Courtney Stodden of anti-feminist trolls!
(I’m still hoping that she turns out to be a 30 year old grad student doing all this as part of a thesis project.)
If you, Simon, are asking people to hide an aspect of who they are so you don’t have to be uncomfortable by acknowledge their existence, then who is asking who to adjust themselves? Seems to me like people who claim that the “other” is asking for special treatment are often expecting it themselves.
As for ritual, I think you might be referring to tradition, which has a nasty habit of turning onto dogma if simply accepted for the sake of itself.
Molly Ren, you must live in a world where 90% of people are irrational bigots. Bigots of a very different degree, but bigots nonetheless.
“more self-aware than he lets on”… huh???
^Yeah, Need to Know’s Simon quote right up there.
Simon, I misread your quote about prom because I couldn’t see how you could make the “no right to equal treatment” statement and at the same time “have no words” about the fake prom. You see how treating people as someone to be excluded has negative effects, right?
… unless you thought the people who set up the fake prom were RIGHT. Those lesbians were just interfering with the high school straight people ritual!
I just said, that I feel some sympathy for people who have problems to change their traditions or “rituals” that are built around the attraction between male and female humans. Is that sooooo bad?
Actually, I think it is pretty bad to sympathize with people whose bigotry leads them to play cruel tricks on innocent students who just wanted to enjoy themselves in equal standing with their peers.
The people who set up the fake prom? Not the wronged party.
@Simon “I just said, that I feel some sympathy for people who have problems to change their traditions or “rituals” that are built around the attraction between male and female humans. Is that sooooo bad?
I didn’t even say that I want to exclude anyone!”
You should rather try to feel sympathy for the people who suffer because some refuse to change their cosy little world and accept other people.
“Why do you think, that people get so enraged by the thought of a lesbian couple at prom that they set up a fake prom to fool them”
When people do such a thing, do you really think THEIR feeling is the most important thing?
“The people who set up the fake prom? Not the wronged party.”
But Dracula, Simon can’t understand those people! He prefers softcore bigotry that doesn’t hurt anyone!
“Why do you think, that people get so enraged by the thought of a lesbian couple at prom that they set up a fake prom to fool them”
Because they’re ignorant bigots who think that their right to not have to stretch their feeble little brains to accomodate change supercedes the right of everyone else to go about their business, just like you.
@Cynickal: Nope…Ashley and I are still together.
This comic was actually funny until the guy was all “we have been together FOREVER! and I LOVE YOU!!!”
Normally I just lurk here, but I really felt the need to comment today (even though I know this will probably be in moderation for a bit).
Simon, you said, “But I just have to admit, that I think that there’s no right for equal treatment in those cases. There are thousands of examples where people who have peculiar and uncommon preferences just can’t demand that the majority does everything to adjust itself to them.”
First of all, Prom isn’t some sacred ritual that we’ve no right to mess with, for goodness sake. Second, we’re not talking about one person out of 100 who doesn’t like seafood coming to, I don’t know, a seafood cookout and demanding that there should be beef provided for them. We’re talking about DISCRIMINATION. And, yes, barring a lesbian couple from attending prom, or insisting that their date has to be a boy, is discrimination!
I can’t even believe you typed something like “no right for equal treatment.” Human beings should have equal rights, period, whether or not they’re in the majority.
Courtney Stodden? Sorry, too dumb for this. Explain?
And please do me a favor, could you please, pleaaaaaaaaaaaase use the word troll only if you speak about a person that doesn’t believe what he’s arguing for. Thanks.
I mean, you call David K. Meller a troll, but if he were a real troll, you would be the biggest losers of Internet and he just a brilliant entertaining genius.
I will call you anything I like, Simon. After all, you keep arguing that people like me are bizarre abberations whose existence is complicating the lives of others – why should I care about your feelings?
Also, there is this thing called Google. Use it.
…Simon is just playing devil’s advocate for no good reason? -_-
Actually I think he’s insisting that he’s being sincere, Molly. It’s hard to tell though given how incoherent he is.
troll : (urban dictionary)
One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.
My dictionary completely disagree with you. If you hate women and you scream “I HATE WOMEN LOLOLOL” on a feminist blog, you’re a troll. Also, calling people looser IS very provocative, so mind your words, you’re becoming a troll even more by the minute.
Well, Simon, no one here is all that clear on what you may be arguing for, other than you wanting to be a bigot.
Simon, let’s make this easier for everyone:
Are you afraid of gay people (gay, bi, lesbian, etc.)? [Y][N]
Do you think gay people should be allowed to partake in events and activities which were formerly limited only to straight couples (marriage, prom, clubbing, holding hands in public etc.) [Y][N]
Do you think everyone deserves equal rights? [Y][N]
Molly: +1
@Simple Simon:
I’m sorry, I hope that you at least acknowledge that I don’t say things like “I’m proud to feel disgusted by homosexuals and bisexuals” like nwoslave or even worse things like David K. Meller.
I just said, that I feel some sympathy for people who have problems to change their traditions or “rituals” that are built around the attraction between male and female humans. Is that sooooo bad?
DKM and NWO and some of the others flaunt their hatefulness and bigotry openly–you could say they are flying their flags bravely.
They are easy to identify.
People like you who politely euphemize their fear and disgust and enable the open hatefulness of the overt bigots are a support system for them — it’s all on a spectrum. You COUNT on them providing cover for you as well: they let you feel better about yourself, tell yourself and us you’re not soooooooooo bad.
I also don’t feel bad about the men only clubs and organizations who have had to change their rituals in recent years–especially if they’re getting state or federal support for discrimination. Ditto the whites only spaces that have had to change their rituals. (I’m not comparing these movements, but noting the parallel results in the US since the 1960s).
I was born in 1955, so remember that “nice simple time” before the Civil Rights movements in the US started changing things, and that nice simple time fucking sucked, and I nearly ended up killing myself before I worked myself out of the toxicity of the heterosexism and sexism of my family, my home town, and all those nice fucking rituals which I’d cheerfully burn on a pile of trash and dance happy around (THE RITUALS NOT THE PEOPLE).
Rituals are important, and that’s why they need to be challenged if they embody discrimination, whatever axis of identity is focused on.
Bottom line: it wasn’t simple. It wasn’t fun. And to hear this sort of spouting nastiness coming out of your mouth (metaphorically speaking) in 2011 is part and parcel of DKM and NWO.
You enable ’em, buddy boy.
Enjoy the company.
@Molly Ren:
No, I see that this treatment was horrible, because they put so extremely much energy just to exclude those two and it’s obvious that this caused a lot of harm.
Yeah, but you might explain it to me?
I’ve never said that you are a “bizarre abberation”. If you are not flippant like now, you seem to be a nice person… I’ve absolutely nothing against your existence. 😉
Simon, all of your last comments have been about how people just like me are complicating the lives of others by existing and wanting to do normal things like go to the prom. (Not me specifically, as I’m long past my high school days, but your arguments would apply to me too if I was younger.) If you honestly can’t see how that’s really offensive, and is indeed treating us like bizarre abberations, I’m not quite sure what to tell you other than, again, please try to be less self-centered.
Also, if you’re getting these ideas from your parents, they lied to you, just like they lied to you about your own sexual feelings.
“No, I see that this treatment was horrible, because they put so extremely much energy just to exclude those two and it’s obvious that this caused a lot of harm.”
So lesbians can’t be included in “rituals” like prom as long as there isn’t a lot of work put into excluding them? XD
Also, just as an aside, as annoyed as I am with Simon, I’m equally annoyed with his parents. Raising a child to think that their own sexual impulses are evil should be considered a form of child abuse, in my opinion.
I didn’t say “you were losers”, I said “you would be losers if xyz”
@Molly Ren:
Y (if somebody just ever cared about my equal rights, f*cking conscription)
Simon, just curious, do you think it’s all right for two girls to go to prom together if they aren’t in a relationship? Say, a group of friends that happens to be all or mostly girls that just go together cause they feel like going, whether they have a date or not?
So, do you think girls should be allowed to wear tuxedos to prom? Or boys allowed to wear dresses?