I present to you: the most appalling rage comic I’ve ever seen. And that’s even if the story it tells — one of a very bad romantic breakup — isn’t true. (Which I really, really hope is the case.) How bad is the comic? Even the denizens of r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu, Reddit’s home for horrible rage comics, found it a bit distasteful. (Though this evidently didn’t stop all that many of them from upvoting it.)
Just so you know, when the dude in the comic refers to ‘karma,” he’s saying that if he gets upvotes for this comic, he’ll put the videos in question online.
Yeah, it’s that kind of breakup. So here’s the comic. TRIGGER WARNING for really really assholish behavior and nonconsensual sexual exploitation.

Found via the always awesome ShitRedditSays.
I vaguely recognise quite a few of the drawings in this craptoon. Besides his evident lack of humour, perspective, punctuational aptitude and basic human decency, our artiste is also somewhat short of talent and originality.
“There are thousands of examples where people who have peculiar and uncommon preferences just can’t demand that the majority does everything to adjust itself to them. Especially if it’s some kind of “ritual” like in the case of prom night.”
O_O I just don’t understand you at all. How is it that something like prom night is absolutely ruined if all the pairings aren’t girl-boy? How is it that two girls or two boys going together is so horrifying that it causes you (hypothetically), one pair in hundreds, to have a ruined night?
What could a gay couple possibly do that forces you to “adjust” to their pairing? You might have to think about gay couples as existing? Sorry, but in this argument, you are absolutely done. Gay couples aren’t “demand[ing] that the majority” does anything special. If you are so offended at what other people are attracted to, that is your fault, not theirs.
I think coffee is too complicated. All these what-d’you-ma-chinos and lattes with spicy syrup and different fattinesses of milk! Argh!
Everyone should have Tetley tea, white one sugar, and not be allowed coffee however much they like it, because the wide new world of possibilities disturbs me.
And you know what else is too complicated? Dogs. Why should there be west highland terriers AND scotties AND Dalmatians AND old English sheepdogs with their confusing diversity? No dogs should be allowed except beagles, and if any other breeds absolutely have to exist they certainly shouldn’t be allowed in the dog park with the normal dogs (which are beagles because I said so).
Also, if you really want to appeal to nature, apparently animals will fuck anything that moves when given the chance.
If you wanted to be technical though, you could apply your “the majority trait is the one endorsed by nature” to show that any recessive trait is wrong. But as with ethics, holding the majority doesn’t justify it’s moral value.
Is it sad that I don’t find this particularly bad? After so much MRAL, and Brandon, and DKM, and NWO, with their gashes and chains and cameras and delusions, this just seems par for the course. Back when MRAL was identifying the left eyeball in particular to gouge out, I would have been more surprised.
And another thing which needs simplifying because I am very very stupid is the night sky. There are stars and planets and even that is a bit much but then there is some stupid moon! And satellites! And sometimes comets! I demand that these unusual and unnatural sky objects be shot down or an opaque roof installed over the entire sky because I personally cannot cope with complex concepts like having to put my socks on before my shoes.
We’ve been prepped by Simon to accept that there are people who video tape things that should be private for the sole intent of blackmail. I think we’ve become a bit desensitized to immoral and assholish behavior…
You know what actually happens literally in the comic though?
Guy has long distance relationship, senses they will break up. Guy is horrified that sex might not happen, and so proceeds to sex and finish in a stereotypically humiliating way. Girl breaks up, guy is so heart-broken (despite only caring about one more sex before) that he offers to put up videos of sex online.
It’s actually quite terrible when you don’t read in-between the lines…
Simon, the gender of the people you love and/or want to have sex with is not a “peculiar and uncommon preference”. Therefore it should not be treated as such.
These couple exists, right now, all over the world. You can wish as much as you want they should not, that wont change a thing. They exist, and their existence is not hurting anybody, while many think that the fact both persons have the same gender is ground to make their life miserable by harassing them, excluding them, mocking them, assaulting them, etc
Being homophobic, or not, is a very important choice you must make. It is one of many that will contribute to make you, or not, a decent and respectful human being.
It is not a morally neutral subject on which you can endlessly debate: respect is not optional. I understand you have issues with the complexity of the world but you must stop to hope it will disappear and learn to deal with your issues. For your own sake and the sake of anybody you will meet in your life.
I missed this gem by skimming Simon’s post. Seriously, Simon, when two girls show up to a Prom together, what accommodations must the majority of people there make in order for the two girls to dance around a bit and have fun? The greater adjustment, as should be obvious, is refusing to let them participate.
Improbably Joe–you missed “unsure” which can easily be remedied by remembering, QUILTBAG! No problem really, I just like to share my favorite acronym.
I feel like life would be a lot simpler if traits I hold and decisions I make were considered the gold standard in human behaviour. I would never have to worry that I’d taken the wrong side on an issue, I’d never have to learn anything or feel shame or remorse… Straight, lesbian, and gay people are totally free to only want to be with either men or women, they just wouldn’t be as valued by society as I would be. Zero effort for me!
The right analogy would be: “Why can’t I have coffee at this Japanese tea ceremony?!” 😉
But I just have to admit, that I think that there’s no right for equal treatment in those cases. There are thousands of examples where people who have peculiar and uncommon preferences just can’t demand that the majority does everything to adjust itself to them. Especially if it’s some kind of “ritual” like in the case of prom night.
Again, wrong, wrong, wrong.
In the United States, if tax money is being used to fund, say, public schools (and their rituals), then there is in fact a fucking right to equal treatment (though sexual identity is not always recognized as one of the categories covered, but that can change).
And here’s the story of how one school thought it would be so simple to ban a lesbian couple, and how they ended up being sued, and it making nationwide news.
My own take: I never went to a prom in my life, never would, think they’re ridiculous. Ditto football games. But if tax money is supporting the system that has these rituals, then in the US, they don’t get to discriminate without any repercussions these days.
You don’t understand what rituals mean for humans, rituals make them feel secure in a chaotic world, give them a sense of continuity and stability.
Why do you think, that people get so enraged by the thought of a lesbian couple at prom that they set up a fake prom to fool them?
Wait, proms and grads are ceremonies all about being straight? I thought they were about students graduating high school. My bad?
@Simon, no, your analogy isn’t better. The only point of a tea ceremony is to enjoy tea, while the only point of a prom is not to parade with somebody from the other gender. In the case of a tea ceremony, asking for a coffee would be disrespectful, just as asking the lesbian couple to leave is disrespectful.
Please don’t turn yourself into a troll, you seem capable of more than that. Don’t argue for the sake of arguing, go find a shrink, a friend, a book or whatever can help you.
If you find two girls having a drink and a dance together horrible, the problem isn’t them, it is your feeling.
Why do you think, that people get so enraged by the thought of a lesbian couple at prom that they set up a fake prom to fool them?
Because they’re irrational, spiteful assholes who are terrified of change even when it’s no threat to them. Lousy excuse, if you ask me.
Maybe if all lesbians were required by genetics and law to go to the prom in giant stretch SUV limos, with a 50-person entourage. Then at least there would be a parking issue that could be rationally discussed as a downside to their prom attendance.
Allowing same sex couple in rituals does not destroy the rituals.
Allowing lgbtetc people in rituals does not destroy the rituals.
(unless the ritual is about excluding lgbtetc people, in which case you should destroy the ritual anyway
People are more important than rituals, however comforting these can be. You spoke of right earlier. There is no right to be protected from ever be afraid. The action of the the people you quoted are vile and should not be an example for your life. Angry/scared people become mean, so what, they should get what they want?
I’m sorry, I hope that you at least acknowledge that I don’t say things like “I’m proud to feel disgusted by homosexuals and bisexuals” like nwoslave or even worse things like David K. Meller.
I just said, that I feel some sympathy for people who have problems to change their traditions or “rituals” that are built around the attraction between male and female humans. Is that sooooo bad?
I didn’t even say that I want to exclude anyone!
Yes, but he came up with this comparison.
What does this have to do with the claim that sex and race can’t be compared.
There are thousands regulations which are sex-based that can’t be explained by the biological differences of the male and female body (like everything which has to do something about pregnancy) and are nothing but traditions, yet nobody, NOBODY, cares about them. You aren’t allowed to have long hair in most armies of the world as a male but you are mostly as a female. This is nothing but tradition. People would laugh at you if you wanted to change this. But what an outcry would you expect for example if the army would order blacks to completely shave their heads while whites can wear a nice haircut?
“Why do you think, that people get so enraged by the thought of a lesbian couple at prom that they set up a fake prom to fool them?”
Um, Simon? That actually happened.
“There are thousands regulations which are sex-based that can’t be explained by the biological differences of the male and female body (like everything which has to do something about pregnancy) and are nothing but traditions, yet nobody, NOBODY, cares about them.”
Except, ya know, queer people. And trans people. And feminists.
Actually, I’m starting to wonder if Simon is more self-aware than he lets on. The “fake prom” comment was just too perfect. Maybe he is a class of graduate students?
Yes, I knew it happened, Molly, that’s why I used it as an example, and I find it so extreme, I have no words.
Simon- ” But I just have to admit, that I think that there’s no right for equal treatment in those cases. There are thousands of examples where people who have peculiar and uncommon preferences just can’t demand that the majority does everything to adjust itself to them.”
So, whether or not other human beings- no, wait, not enough emphasis there- OTHER HUMAN BEINGS have the right to equal treatment depends on whether or not they conform to majority preferences? That’s appalling.