I present to you: the most appalling rage comic I’ve ever seen. And that’s even if the story it tells — one of a very bad romantic breakup — isn’t true. (Which I really, really hope is the case.) How bad is the comic? Even the denizens of r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu, Reddit’s home for horrible rage comics, found it a bit distasteful. (Though this evidently didn’t stop all that many of them from upvoting it.)
Just so you know, when the dude in the comic refers to ‘karma,” he’s saying that if he gets upvotes for this comic, he’ll put the videos in question online.
Yeah, it’s that kind of breakup. So here’s the comic. TRIGGER WARNING for really really assholish behavior and nonconsensual sexual exploitation.

Found via the always awesome ShitRedditSays.
*high fives Joe*
Jeez, Joe… I’m really sorry that you went through that and, like other posters, I’m pleased that you’re in a such a good space.
Just know that your inability to take her out because of your work schedule was nt the reason she behaved that way. Her shitty attitude, self-centeredness, and complete lack of moral center are the reasons she behaved that way. I’m not going to day that she’ll make a terrible wife -she may well be the perfect wife for the guy she ended up with- but she definitely makes a terrible person.
Joe, I’m really sorry that happened, to you, but I’m really happy for you that you were able to move on and have a happy marriage 🙂 If only everyone with such experiences reacted with the maturity that you did…
Also, yes the comic was horrible, and I was really angry, and then I read the comments. Lots of people called him out on what a horrible immature shit he is, and those who supported him/asked for videos had the shit down voted out of them. The original poster even deleted the username.
so at the end of the day, there’s a net gain in my faith in humanity 🙂
Well he did say long distance. Four years could be possible if she did not have to see him every day.
Sorry you had to deal with the selfish, horrible ex but I love hearing you ended up better that she left.
Cynickal you are the definition of AWESOME!!! You made me choke on my soda.
Wow, I’m sorry to hear that, Joe. Nice to know you’re doing better.
This thread actually reminds me about Simon’s recent comments about “simplicity”. I went through a breakup myself recently (not a nasty or hateful one, just painful), and I found myself thinking that it would be so much simpler just to be angry, to hold on to the hurt I felt, to deny the complexity of the situation and just give myself some one or something to blame. She didn’t do anything wrong, but the temptation was there, and I’m glad I was able to recognize it for what it was: A seemingly easy but ultimately destructive and pointless way out of dealing with the pain.
I don’t want to be that guy.
“…reminds me about…”?
Ugh, terrible use of the language there. What the fuck’s wrong with me?
It is cool Dracula, mangle the language all you like… recent break-ups give you a free pass?
I get what you’re saying though, about avoiding dealing with pain by getting angry. I’m sure that for every MRAer who is just a terrible person through and through, there’s another one who had a bad break-up, doesn’t know how to deal, found the misogynists online and will lose them again once the pain goes away. Too bad for them that joining with the misogynists makes the recovery time longer and more painful instead of the other way around.
Ugh… I’ve seen some horrifically misogynistic, trans-hating, gay-bashing, etc. Rage Comics (and some really awesome pro-woman, trans-positive, gay-positive ones as well, I have to admit)… but this just takes the cake for being horrifically disgusting. I’ve rarely seen anything as obvious as this comic in its contempt for women — most things at least try to disguise their rank misogyny as something other than blatant woman-hating.
I dunno…it’s pretty good for a webcomic.
Hey, there’s lots of good webcomics out there.
Now Eneya will tell you that you don’t belong here because you can’t speak English… (though she also often makes stupid mistakes)
To confuse “proof” and “prove” is just orthography, but “reminds me of” is really basic… that was an unforgivable mistake!
And all what I said about simplicity was self-critical and I emphasized that a couple of times. Many people are yearning for simplicity and simple explanations (myself totally included) and you only prove (hah!) that again with your comment, Dracula.
Oh, come on, epic troll (and I mean troll in the old fashioned way, not like you use it).
Damn, why am I still posting here… 😉
And all what I said about simplicity was self-critical and I emphasized that a couple of times. Many people are yearning for simplicity and simple explanations (myself totally included) and you only prove (hah!) that again with your comment, Dracula.
Yeah, I get that, Simon. That was my entire point, actually; that the temptation to oversimplify things can be very strong, and I understand where it comes from, but ultimately it’s unhealthy, self-destructive and harmful to those around you.
I’m also not sure if “simple” is even the right word for the world Simon wants. “Jill likes girls” and “Jack likes boys” and “Molly likes girls AND boys” still doesn’t seem *that* hard… maybe all the time I’ve spent on the computer has altered my brain?
I guess it’s just a matter of perspective, Molly Ren. “People want to fuck who they want to fuck.” is pretty simple and straightforward to me, too.
And…you don’t get to f just anyone you want to. They have to want to f you, too. And the only way you find that person is by sorting thru a lot of people who don’t want to f you.
It’s like anything else: if you can’t stand to hear NO ten times loudly, you’re not ready for YES.
Raoul: That too.
Molly, to see purpose in nature is simple, that was the normal way humans looked at the world until Darwin. It’s so natural and entrenched in our minds that everybody, even Richard Dawkins 😉 would say “The heart’s purpose is to pump blood through the body”.
So if we take this simple world view, then heterosexuality is the ‘distinguished’ sexual orientation, it’s the presumed purpose of nature and it’s also the orientation of the majority.
To make it clear, I never in my life understood the nasty sort of homophobia like in Jamaica (because even if you think homosexuality is a defect, why should one be so incredibly hateful? That’s just as totally absurd as the desire to lynch a color blind person.), but I can at least empathize a bit with people who think “Lesbian couple at the prom…? No, that goes to far!”.
It’s nice and simple if you have on the one side the boys in suits, on the other side the girls in dresses, the lesbian couple destroys this nice arrangement, or you are just used to a strawberry king & queen and not to a king & king and so on.
Simon, it would be simplest if people had just one kind of limb and we didn’t have these “hands” and “feet” to keep apart–oh no! what do I buy, a glove or a shoe? do I put weight on it or not? how will I explain this to the children?–but that is not how life actually works.
Arguing that it would be “simpler” if certain inconvenient people didn’t exist (or at least, you know, didn’t exist all in your face) isn’t just hateful, it’s ridiculous. It’s not how grown-ups deal with life.
“but I can at least empathize a bit with people who think “Mixed Race couple at the prom…? No, that goes to far!”.”
There is no difference between these two statements. Up to and including the justifications used by bigots who support both statements.
>>but I can at least empathize a bit with people who think “Lesbian couple at the prom No, that goes to far!”.
Considering the outfit my brother wore at his prom, I’m pretty sure they don’t turn away color-blind people from the prom either, so why is that not as ridiculous?
Wait, what? Darwin caused us to stop seeing purpose in nature? That’s basically the exact opposite of true. Besides, as others have pointed out, human sexuality has more than just one purpose. It’s about intimacy, social bonding, and hell, just plain feeling pleasure, not just makin’ babies.
I can at least empathize a bit with people who think “Lesbian couple at the prom…? No, that goes to far!”.
Again, if you can justify treating someone as something alien and lesser than yourself, you can justify all manner of horrendous crimes against said person. One follows the other.
I don’t see how it’s simpler to suppress and attempt to ignore, what, ten percent of the population? It requires far more effort to raise an objection to some lesbians who just want to attend prom than it is to just accept them and go about the business of getting drunk and dancing and having stupidly unprotected sex in your limo.
I remember hearing an interview with some female Canadian country singer on NPR some time ago, who said that she had a girlfriend in high school. Apparently it was treated as natural by everyone around her and it wasn’t until much later that she learned the concepts of “lesbian” and “homosexual.” The desire for “simple” gender roles seems to me far more complex and requiring much more effort than being comfortable with the natural individual expression of affection and sexuality.
What? The thing science gave to human’s view of nature is a way to be regularly and progressively incorrect. A way to say, I think the world works in this way, but I am willing to entertain evidence that will eventually prove that I’m a monumental idiot for thinking that.
What science doesn’t do is say some matter of human behavior is “natural” and some other behavior is “unnatural,” just because it would be simple to believe that.
In fact, science shows our closest evolutionary relatives exhibit a range of sexual behavior strikingly similar to our own, except for monogamous pair bonding, but then, humans aren’t very good at that either we just think we should be.
Simon, stop being a self-centered child. I don’t care if my existence makes your life less “simple”. There are millions of not-straight people in the world, and your they have just as much right to exist as you do. Grow up and deal with it.