I present to you: the most appalling rage comic I’ve ever seen. And that’s even if the story it tells — one of a very bad romantic breakup — isn’t true. (Which I really, really hope is the case.) How bad is the comic? Even the denizens of r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu, Reddit’s home for horrible rage comics, found it a bit distasteful. (Though this evidently didn’t stop all that many of them from upvoting it.)
Just so you know, when the dude in the comic refers to ‘karma,” he’s saying that if he gets upvotes for this comic, he’ll put the videos in question online.
Yeah, it’s that kind of breakup. So here’s the comic. TRIGGER WARNING for really really assholish behavior and nonconsensual sexual exploitation.

Found via the always awesome ShitRedditSays.
Simon: Incest, at the consent level, is not at all different from any other sexuality.
If the couple involved is adult, and the relationship started when the were old enough to understand what they were doing, I don’t have a moral problem with it.
If it squicks me, that’s my problem.
Same for homosexual couples, interracial couples, huge age differences, etc.
What consenting adults do, isn’t my business.
Oh shit, vets and pet store workers are screwed! ;D
Truly morals and decency are lost in this modern world. Incest and bestiality! And then when you have a problem with it people call you a “bigot”!
I mean, I saw this litter of puppies one time, all rolling around in public and licking each others’ faces, bunch of fucking fuzzy perverts. And yet when I wade in and start punting them away from each other suddenly I’m the asshole? Damn liberal animal cops!
” At some point, that’s just logical, it might be so strong that it can be difficult to control. That’s the most simple, obvious reasoning possible.”
Well tinkle me pink! Why didn’t you say! Rape away lad. No one’s stopping you. Except maybe the law…
Whoops! Wrong post lol!
Yeeeeah Simon’s mind goes to incest and bestiality suspiciously fast. Also, Simon was the one who didn’t want to share a cab with a girl for fear of getting an erection, wasn’t he?
Bagelsan: “But you screw one goat…”
Katz: No, that was Samuel. They’re similarly creepy, though.
Dammit, I was sure I recognized the self-flagellating tone and fear of sex! OK, Simon, I apologize for the erection comment. The comments about your sister still stand, though.
Quotes please!
Homosexuals shouldn’t be suppressed by the law. Homosexuality should of course never, never, never, never be punishable! It’s absolutely no crime and nothing is wrong with it.
And this is very different when I said that because in our culture monogamous heterosexuality is the most common thing, homosexuality is less common, polyamorous relationships are less common, incest is something most people find really weird and only a few do it, and so on, that there are arrangements where people who are in a group which is less common have to adapt themselves.
” people who are in a group which is less common have to adapt themselves.”
Notice that he never explained why minorities “have to adapt themselves”, we’re just supposed to agree that of course this is the case.
You want me to quote the entire conversation up to this point? Scroll up and read it yourself, it’s right there.
I don’t want to oppress homosexuals by law! I just want them to go hide in their caves like Morlocks, so that the sight of them doesn’t offend nice simple people.
Simon: Homosexuals shouldn’t be suppressed by the law. Homosexuality should of course never, never, never, never be punishable! It’s absolutely no crime and nothing is wrong with it.
Except that they ought not go to proms.
Or kiss in public.
Or get married.
Or be treated as non-deviants.
But people who fuck animals… they can go out in public, be seen with their pets, be affectionate to their pets, take them to shows with people who aren’t “deviants”.
You think this is fair, and fitting, and just, and reasonable, and not the least bit bigoted.
Just like Jim Crow, which, in our culture was the norm, and blacks were not allowed to do things like drink, piss, or eat, in the same place as whites.
Simon’s obsession with incest is making me case a side eye at his earlier sister obsession.
Okay, low blow, but he’s being seriously assholish and creepy right now.
I can’t even keep these threads separate anymore. Simon’s bigotry just seeps into all of them.
Off topic (unless you’re Simon), and maybe not everyone’s kind of humour, but did anyone see the episode of “Rake” called “R vs Chandler”? Where he had to defend a couple charged with having sex with their dog. His strategy was to wear down the jury by going through the couple’s home video of the act frame by frame, for hours, till they were desensitised. And asking the animal expert “at what point would you say Rover became distressed? Here, where he’s wagging his tail ….” and so on, frame by frame.
Again, disconnected from the discussion, but I think this is something that has it’s place here… especially in the kind of discussions we usually find ourselves into.
Way upthread, but about that “shooting king”-thing, here in deep catholic westphalia, Germany, we had a gay Schützenkönig this year.
His whole club and many more rallied for him to be able to bring his partner to the national thingy (sorry, not my sphere, so no exacting lingo), and then, against their own (very conservative by definition, as all these clubs are) members’ will, the head conservative desided that the king’s partner would not be allowed to walk beside him, like a queen would have, but had to walk behind him (like a queen in real live most probably had to, through most of history). But at least he was allowed to take part. That that is worth a celebration just goes to tell you how backwards those Schützenvereine are… So, even in that part Simon is not exactly right, little as it matters.
@Tahia: COOL!
Also, LGBT homecoming kings and queens in the US (homecoming is HUGE football ritual schtick)
Sadly, you are still wrong. Luckily, someone drew you a picture to help you.
It strikes me that ostentatious apologies, complete with theatrically beating yourself up over your lapses, is a form of tone trolling. Especially if you misidentify those lapses.
What are your counterarguments, other than attributing it to Pinker and saying “it’s ridiculous”?
The rebuttal is “as long as we’re talking about consenting adults, everything should be allowed.” Presumably you’ve read that before, so why is it not a “good” rebuttal?
Katz hasn’t gone on and on about how women give him these horrible urges.
So what about the belief that those two girls committing absolutely no crime and doing nothing wrong shouldn’t be allowed to attend prom is deserving of sympathy?