Pop Quiz: Who said the following?
“The historian can peg the point where a society begins its sharpest decline at the instant when women begin to take part, on an equal footing with men, in political and business affairs; since this means that the men are decadent and the women are no longer women.”
- Oswald Spengler
- David K. Meller
- L. Ron Hubbard
- [email protected]
ANSWER: 3. Apparently L. Ron thought some Thetans were more equal than others. (Citation.) Had this been an actual David K. Meller quote, it would have been filled with more exclamation points.
Hell, for that matter, most of the men I know are better, kinder, and smarter than NWO. And I’m including a lot of assholes on that list.
It looks liek the world is full with nice, good, awesome, kind, smart people.
And nonde of them are Owly.
Huh… what does that say about the company we keep and the one he keeps?
I would go so far as to say that every man I come into contact with on an average day is better, kinder and smarter than NWO.
I suspect slugs are on average better, kinder, and smarter than NWO.
It doesn’t even take a vertebrate!
My G-d Pecunium!
What is a wizard like you doing on this little website? With mind-reading and clairvoyant talent like yours, you should be, at the very least, advising Presidents, multinational corporate CEOs, and religious leaders around the world!! You already have shown yourself to be the luckiest man in the world by surviving front-line support action in a unit full or women; you then return home (alive, I presume) to survive, without a scratch, no less, living in an urban ghetto with one of the highest crime rates in the USA, and now you are telling complete strangers like me conclusively and definitively what I think and feel about women!
With your fantastic good luck, why haven’t you won a first-prize super-lotto jackpot yet? With your extraordinary telepathic (I can’t think of any other description) abilities, you could easily win 100,000 dollars a month at the poker table–not counting publicity fees for exhibitions–and gain fabulous inside knowledge of advance price movements of oil, gold, and other essentials, making you one of the world’s most powerful men. Please don’t tell me that these powers of yours can only be used altruistically, I won’t believe it. How DO you know about me, and men like me, when you never spoke to us, never met us, and have nothing but childish, spiteful and bitterly hostile comments from hate-filled feminists about me to work with? I can only surmise telepathy!
You know as much about me, and my attitudes toward women, as a flounder knows about ice skating! I like women, enjoy them, and (at their best) find them enchanting and fascinating! Women, again at their best, as they get older, also have a capacity for insight and sensitivity that most men altogether lack, and we really can’t learn; it is probably inborn.
Women, when young, can often exhibit the most stunning beauty, comparable to the loveliest sunsets, the most gorgeous flowers, or most masterfully crafted jewelry! Older women, on the other hand, while they lack physical charms in the sense outlined above, can–at their best–show a wisdom, wit and compassion in their understanding of human nature which is never forgotten by those men privileged to listen!
Would a “misogynist” be capable of writing the above statement? To ask this question is to answer it!
Maybe you don’t know as much as you think you do! I don’t hate women, I deplore domestic violence (IF that is in fact what it is), while I think that men are–and ought to be–the dominant sex, I abhor slavery, and as i explained many times before, regard the Gorean method (which YOU cite, it seems, far more often than I did on manboobz.com) as likely to be ineffective, creating terror and agony in the woman rather than love and ecstasy! This would never give me the love that I crave from women. Even if the woman obeyed, it would still be most unsatisfactory, because, among other reasons, I would have no idea if she would not “poison my paga” at the first opportunity. John Norman wrote his Gor sagas as a pro-male reply to feminist excesses, NOT as a guide to Earth based relationships! This observation is so “common sense” on my part that even most of the feminists here do not belabor the point like you do. Your spectacular good luck may well be holding up, for all I know, P. Your telepathic powers need a tuneup.
You’ve told us several times. You’d like a soft, fluffy slave you can beat when she pushes your buttons. You laugh at cancer patients.
Yes, because you just did. Does anyone here believe it? Oh, hell no.
Seeing through transparent lies isn’t a superpower, Meller. We can all see through yours.
Women, when young, can often exhibit the most stunning beauty, comparable to the loveliest sunsets, the most gorgeous flowers, or most masterfully crafted jewelry! Older women, on the other hand, while they lack physical charms in the sense outlined above, can–at their best–show a wisdom, wit and compassion in their understanding of human nature which is never forgotten by those men privileged to listen!
Would a “misogynist” be capable of writing the above statement? To ask this question is to answer it!
The answer is yes, Meller.
I was talking about women, NOT feminists! Don’t confuse my loathing of feminists with my feelings about women. the two are very different!
Bullshit, Meller.
the two are very different!
Not really. You dehumanize all women to a degree that is cartoonishly absurd, and dedicate the worst of your bitterness to those who don’t want to go along with it, which is basically everybody. It all comes from hate in the end. Again, Meller, you’re not fooling anybody.
That’s right. Everybody, ignore how Meller conflated feminists with hardened butch dominatrices, this is totes not about his feelings about women.
Good Heavens! Will wonders never cease? Teach a feminist to read and write and anything can–and does–happen!!
Stalin and Hitler as traditional women (or TWs the way that chronic feminists misperceive them. Hitler and Stalin as masculinists? A little hard to believe, considering the number of men that these two were directly responsible for killing and maiming, and the number of families (headed by FATHERS, don’t forget) that their insane socialistic policies shattered even before WWII! I don’t think so. If H or S were anything, they were feminist catspaws, working behind the scenes to create chaos, and impoverish large parts of the world, so that survivors could say something like what you (and other manboobzers) twaddle like “look at the mess that men made of society…”
Masculinists? I doubt it! At any rate, look at who benefited from WWII (e.g. ‘Rosie the Riveter” and the fame accorded Eleanor R as First Bitch…) Feminists!! All that men got out of it, if they got back alive and in one peace, was further dispossession and disenfranchisment, culminating in a worldwide hate-movement polluting the newsmedia, the schools, the trade unions, the courts, corporate boardrooms and everywhere else!
Shaenon, Stalin (or Hitler) weren’t feminists. But for all the damage they did, they could have been!
Women, when young, can often exhibit the most stunning beauty, comparable to the loveliest sunsets, the most gorgeous flowers, or most masterfully crafted jewelry! Older women, on the other hand, while they lack physical charms in the sense outlined above, can–at their best–show a wisdom, wit and compassion in their understanding of human nature which is never forgotten by those men privileged to listen!
Would a “misogynist” be capable of writing the above statement?
Sure. It’s a textbook example of misogyny: focusing on physical appearance only, comparing women to either nature or jewelery (made by men), and only acknowledging two homogeneous groups of women: YOUNG and OLDER.
100 Misogyny points.
Yeah, women totally benefitted from WWII. Qui bene, as they say.
Well, I mean, during the Soviet invasion of Germany thousands and thousands of women were raped by Soviet soldiers and in the USSR itself women were made by policy into soldier breeders, but hey, Rosie the Riveter!
It must have been her. Rosie the Illuminatus, more like!
Ewige blumenkraft!
First bitch? Meller, your hatred slip is showing again. Not a good look.
Can Meller’s theories about the cause of WWII go into the Big Book o’ Larnin’?
The fact that Hitler and Stalin were in a conspiracy to make men look bad definitely qualifies for that most prestigious tome.
Wow. Women benefitted from WWII, under Stalinist rule? I’m too busy laughing at you to even get angry. Soviet feminism was simply to increase the labor force. Women were less useful at home, raising children, and more useful working. It also separated mother from child and made the children easier to indoctrinate.
If Stalin were alive today, he’d probably be more of an MRA than a feminist. He was a big fan of forcing classes of people to accept roles that they didn’t want, while telling them that it was for their own good, and threatening them with death or imprisonment if they didn’t gleefully comply.
Meller, read a book. Maybe then you’ll be able to post something on the internet that won’t give everyone who reads it a facepalm moment!
Soviet feminism was simply to increase the labor force.
For that matter, so was Rosie the Riveter. That shit was largely tossed aside once the war ended in the name of shunting women out the workforce and into suburban kitchens.
David, this is most remarkable! Less than a week after my initial missive, you are, despite the natural handicap of your weak and easily confused male brain, able to compose an answer in what are technically English sentences!!
(Please do not, in your congenital masculine feeble-mindedness, interpret the foregoing as any sort of “knock” against men!!! Acknowledging the obvious superiority of women does not make me any sort of misandrist!!!! I love men, provided they devote themselves to home-making and fluffiness and obey my every loving command!!!!!)
It is my dearest hope that you, David, devote yourself at once to the loving and submissive service of a woman and find true happiness therein!!!!!! If you work hard, you may yet, before time steals your beauty, develop yourself into a pretty ornament to grace the arm and reputation of a deserving woman!!!!!!! If, sadly, you are over the age of 18 and already too old to serve as a lovely blossom or gem-stone, I pray you devote your remaining years whole-heartedly to pleasing women, and perhaps in your old age you will be beloved as a source of quaint mottos and epigrams to delight the ears of your female superiors!!!!!!!!
There, you see? Would a misandrist say such kind and loving things to one who calls himself a man? I think not!!!!!!!!!
Alas, having shared with you my superior mind-dribblings, I must dash!!!!!!!!!! My valve is acting up again and demands ample bed-rest!!!!!!!!!!!
Shaenon, what a misandrist you are! Let me regender that to show you how hateful you are…
Okay, maybe I was a little “over the top” asserting that “women benefited from WWII”. What I should have said was women benefited a great deal more than men did, or could have.
In almost every way, WWII laid the foundations for what happened after the war, feminism and all. Except for the ‘OWS’ roaster of billionaire corporate oligarchs, who of course get a fresh supply of cheap workers from colleges and universities by the trainload (and lowering male breadwinner wages in the meantime) I don’t know of any MEN who benefited from the aftermath, especially as men. I may be overlooking something, but it seems that women have had almost everything their own way since c.1970 or so, compared to men, and that time period 1970-2011 is 41 years, more than half a human lifetime!
women benefiting(?) from history’s worst international conflagration? Maybe not. Did they, as a group, come out ahead, in the USA, and indeed throughout the world in the past half-century or so? YOU BETCHA!
Citation needed.
Ah, pity the poor old white man. So downtrodden, so hopeless.
Meller, you are full of it. You know who benefited after WWII? A shit ton of men who went to college on the GI Bill.
what happened to those men? They got married. What happened to the marriages, once the feminists started making their noise after 1970? They broke up! What happened to the extra earnings made possible to men made possible by their college education? Alimony! Who benefited in the end even from the GI Bill and the improved “household” income? DIVORCED WOMEN!
Did I miss anything?
All of them? Really? I doubt that. But you can pretzel logic your hatred of women any way you like.