Pop Quiz: Who said the following?
“The historian can peg the point where a society begins its sharpest decline at the instant when women begin to take part, on an equal footing with men, in political and business affairs; since this means that the men are decadent and the women are no longer women.”
- Oswald Spengler
- David K. Meller
- L. Ron Hubbard
- [email protected]
ANSWER: 3. Apparently L. Ron thought some Thetans were more equal than others. (Citation.) Had this been an actual David K. Meller quote, it would have been filled with more exclamation points.
oh…missed one
““When you act shamefully, expect to be shamed, it’s called responsibility.”
Except in our culture, having too many sexual partners is shameful for women only, not men.
And yea, why is sex shameful? why is it only shameful for women? could it be because people who think that way are being sexist douchebags?
“… I just noticed that the quote NWO pulled was literally a comment on the article… as in some random person’s opinion. A random person’s opinion that was downvoted to a score of -142! Jesus Christ NWO, are you even trying?”
the top comment saying that courts are sexist towards men got an upvote of 75. How convenient that he forgot to point that out.
I’ve heard bad things about the daily mail, is it not reputable?
aww I’m in moderation…did I link to to many things? sorry. They were to articles that refuted NWO’s biased stupidity
No, you’re a buffoon because I’ve seen paste jars that are smarter than you.
I actually might have gotten that wrong… I’ve definitely heard that world net daily isn’t exactly an impartial source, I thought I had heard the same of daily mail.
Hmm… I may be wrong. *shrug*
Good luck getting an answer out of him, though, he seems really intent on making 55 people representative of 2.55 billion.
FYI, we’re coming up on the 7 billion date real quick now, and so the number is rather closer to 3.5 billion, if you’re counting all female persons. If you’re only counting adult women I could see where 2.5 billion comes from, but NWO doesn’t see the difference.
The Daily Mail is pretty infamous for it’s strong conservative biases and poor reporting… all of my UK friends refer to it as the Daily Fail or some other version along those lines xD apparently, some MRAs like it because they have a specific focus on false rape claims
I’m not presenting those as objective btw. But ppl were wondering why the Daily Mail was seen as being a poor source, and these are its critics and criticisms summed up.
Amanda Knox found guilty – The Mail decided to release the wrong pre-written story regarding the appeal of accused murderer Amanda Knox. Highlights include reactions from prosecutors who said they were delighted, a description of how she collapsed in a chair sobbing and would be placed on suicide watch. (Knox was actually declared “not-guilty” at the actual appeal, in case you missed the punchline.) The Mail wasn’t the only paper to do this. The Sun also briefly had both versions of events on its website and both the Guardian and Sky News also jumped the gun with the wrong verdict, but didn’t start making stuff up to fill the word count. The thing is, the fact that a false story contained so much detail immediately calls into question the veracity of the details contained in the correct version, as both were blatantly written before the fact with plausible and widely applicable details in place.
Haha thanks Kirbywarp and Ami for the info. I’ll know now to keep that in mind when I read an article from there. Wikipedia lists it as a “middle market tabloid” too. Doesn’t surprise me that NWO reads it as it confirms his viewpoint.
NWO, I’m sorry. That was thoughtless of me. There I was, mocking another misogynist, when you sat in the corner feeling neglected. I swear, Meller means nothing to me, baby. Look, I made you a present!
The Book of Learnin’
Indispensable Facts About the Universe from NWO
Non-Satirical Edition
Evolution is impossible, because otherwise we’d be able to watch dogs evolve into super-dogs. Unless anyone can produce evidence of dogs with super-powers, evolution is a myth.
The theory of evolution claims that life came from rocks. It also states that evolution doesn’t occur anymore because rocks are no longer in make-life mode.
The theory of evolution is the same as the Big Bang theory, which is also impossible.
Female animals cannot feed themselves and rely on males to support them. Even in cases where this seems untrue, the males are still tougher. For example, female lions do all the hunting in the pride, but if they come across a really tough enemy, like a hyena, they run and get the male lion to fight for them.
Feminists claim that one in four women is raped in college. But since college lasts for four years, you have to multiply that by four. Therefore, feminists are really saying that 100% of women are raped in college, which is obviously untrue, not to mention proof that women are bad at math.
There are only three percentages in statistics: 0%, 99%, and 100%. In statistical analysis, all numbers should be rounded to one of these three. COROLLARY: If people notice this and start suggesting that you’re just making your statistics up, it is mathematically acceptable to add some other really high numbers at random.
“Zero-sum game” is a fancy term for a game that ends in a tie.
Children are lined up and injected with a dangerous chemical called flouride to make them stupid.
Mammmograms cause breast cancer. Doctors advise women to get mammograms at least once a week until they develop cancer from it.
Many hospitals are open only to women and children. They’re not maternity/pediatric hospitals, just regular hospitals run by people who refuse to treat men.
All drugs and medication are unsafe except marijuana.
Male suicide is caused by society trying to feminize men, which makes them so miserable they kill themselves. Before modern feminism, suicide was practically non-existent among both men and women.
Reading is not taught in American public schools.
Public schools offer two kinds of math: traditional arithmetic and New Math. Children are allowed to choose which one to learn.
Before feminism, children were not required to do homework or pay attention in class.
How-to courses on homosexuality are taught in public schools. This is the only way people become gay.
Men are not permitted to work as teachers in the U.S.
University of California schools have gotten rid of all their engineering and computer science departments and replaced them with women’s studies and gender studies. The University of Cincinnati has also cut its computer science department.
Thanks to the all-pervasive power of Title IX (see Law), all but two colleges in the U.S. are assembling Sex Police Forces made up of female students and faculty, dedicated solely to throwing men in prison without trial. There are plans to extend this program to grade schools.
All wars in history were started by women nagging their husbands to invade other countries to get pretty dresses.
Ancient Greece, Rome, Persia, and China under the Ming Dynasty were extremely progressive, feminist societies. That’s why they collapsed.
Before modern feminism, rape was a rare occurrence and almost unheard-of.
Lynchings in the American South consisted of women accusing men of rape because they were man-hating feminists. Race had nothing to do with it; it was just as easy for a black woman to get a white man lynched as vice versa. In cases where the man was lynched on an accusation from another man, the lynchings were justified.
In 1919, women took control of all levels of government and law enforcement. Since then, every law in the U.S. has been written and enacted by women.
The CIA imported feminism from the Soviet Union by publishing Ms. magazine and Miss Mag and channeling funds to a woman named Gloria Steinen.
The word “suffrage” is derived from the verb “to suffer,” because voting is hard.
Spanish and Russian use the same alphabet. The Russians just have a funny kind of handwriting called cryillic script.
Arts and Literature
The Iliad is about Queen Helen of Troy ordering two armies to fight over her. It is based on a true story.
Euripides’ The Bacchae is a celebration of the roving lesbian gang that murdered the musician Orpheus. It is based on a true story.
The musical Chicago is a polemic about how men should be shot to death. It was written by a female college student last year.
Most girls and women over the age of twelve wear see-through tops and micro-miniskirts on all occasions. Although their skirts are so short their genitals hang out, they do not wear underwear.
Women only dress to attract men—all men. If a woman leaves the house in clothes, she wants to have sex with any man she meets. Men, on the other hand, never dress to look attractive.
All U.S. law, from the Constitution down, has been supplanted by the extremely powerful Title IX, a law requiring that all educational, government, and private institutions be 100% female. Title IX has its own police force, which is exactly the same as the Nazi SS. This takeover of the government was orchestrated by Russlynn Ali, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education.
If the names on contracts are in all caps, those people are legally corporations. If they’re in mixed case, the contract is invalid.
Requiring people to take a vision test to get a driver’s license is an atrocity on the level of the Holocaust, Pol Pot’s genocide, and the Communist massacre of Christians (see History).
The United States is a communist dictatorship. If it were a free country, people wouldn’t have to pay taxes or get licenses to drive.
False reporting of rape is the most serious and widespread crime in the U.S. The most common reasons for a woman to make up a rape accusation are cheating, revenge, excuse for missed homework, lateness, work absence, and attention-getting.
The average man is falsely accused of rape and thrown into prison without trial on a daily basis. Available statistics say otherwise because the true numbers are kept under wraps by the CIA.
If an accused person is found not guilty of a crime, it should be assumed that the accuser was lying, and the accuser should receive the maximum sentence possible for the crime in question.
All financial crises are deliberately orchestrated by the Federal Reserve, which is run by the Rothchild family.
All the real-estate speculators who caused the housing bubble were women.
Maternity/paternity leave is the single biggest drain on the economy. If companies got rid of parental leave, it would create enough wealth that all women would be able to quit their jobs and be full-time mothers, like they’re supposed to.
There are no poor women. Whenever a woman needs anything, she sits in the middle of the street and cries, and passerby throw food and money at her for free.
Women control 80% of the world’s wealth, thanks to all the crying.
Because of Title IX (see Law), all businesses with government contracts are required to hire only women to meet gender quotas.
The few businesses owned or run by women are mostly nonprofit charities dedicated to hurting men.
Everyone takes orders from the U.N. and the Jews.
Without government, homosexuality would not exist.
Foreign Relations
In war, women act as “cheerleaders” for both sides at once, goading otherwise peaceful men to fight. These women have no political goals or opinions; they just like watching men die.
Before a war starts, men always thoughtfully move all the women in the area to a safe location.
Russia is the “deathplace capital of the world” for men because feminism was invented there (see Feminism). It is the most feminist country on earth.
All taxes in Scandinavian countries go toward women’s causes. Scandinavian grade schools have a holiday where girls are given cookies and ice cream, while boys are given stale matzo. Men in Scandinavian countries are imprisoned for farting.
Marriage and Family
Somewhere in the U.S. is a place called The Ghetto, where between 70% and 99% of households consist of unemployed single mothers living entirely off welfare. Also, everyone in The Ghetto is black. Sociologists are still struggling to determine why women in The Ghetto don’t support themselves as other women do, by sitting in the street and crying until people throw stuff at them (see Economics).
99% of feminist marriages end in divorce.
The vast majority of violent rapists come from female-led households, because the feminist indoctrination boys receive in such households makes them so angry they have to go out and rape people to let off steam.
When you get married, the government owns you through your marriage contract. This is why the government can make divorced people pay alimony and/or child support.
Judaism is the most aggressively evangelical religion on earth. Less than 5% of Jews are ethnically Jewish, while the rest are recruited from the tireless Jewish recruitment efforts.
Catholics worship the Virgin Mary.
In the story of Jesus saving the adulteress from stoning, the moral is that sinners deserve to be stoned.
All child molesters are either women or gay men. Straight men never molest girls.
Prepubescent girls who wear swimsuits to the beach desperately want to have sex with middle-aged milking-machine technicians.
Feminism is a highly organized international movement created in the Soviet Union and currently funded by the United Nations.
Phyllis Schlafly has worked tirelessly throughout her life to promote feminist causes.
Predictions of the Future
Someday a straight white man will beat up a lesbian for molesting a five-year-old. Everyone in the world will sympathize with the lesbian and immediately legalize child molestation.
In 100 years, white people will have gone extinct because white women didn’t reproduce enough. Archeologists discovering the remains of Western culture will laugh at us for letting women have rights.
Rape laws do not apply only to women. They apply equally to men. Having sex with anyone against their will is rape. I just wish we could find a way to encourage people to report it more when it happens. That, however is not going to happen until people stop victim-blaming and “slut shaming”. figure that one out and we stand a fighting chance of stopping it.
Abortion is only “slaughtering a human life” if you happen to believe that life begins at conception, which is a relatively new idea and hasn’t always even been believed by the church. Many of us don’t believe it
For those unfamiliar with the Daily Mail (which I see that many of our trolls love dearly), here is a quick sample of what you are missing.
More samples can be found here.
Or you could ask our friends at Uncyclopedia. As they so astutely point out, the correct answer to any hypothetical question posed by the Daily Mail is “no”.
On behalf of the British people I apologize to the rest of the world for inflicting the Daily Mail upon you. Look on the bright side, though – if you just pretend that it’s a Brit version of The Onion their articles start to make a lot more sense.
I know you probably find it hard to believe that we can think that in good faith but I fear that’s your problem, not ours.
As I pointed out earlier, I’ve just had a cancer the size of my fist removed from my gut. It certainly had my DNA and it was most certainly alive and growing, should it have been protected too?
There is nothing shameful about having sex as long as everyone is of age and consenting. Why is it anyone else’s business? I may be monogamous (and have been for twenty six years) because I’m happiest that way but why should everyone be just like me? We are all made differently and need different things. Why is that a matter for shame or condemnation?
The state, while sometimes moronic does, in fact, attempt to control and regulate the very things you are criticizing, so why are you complaining about it so bitterly?
How on earth could you possibly trust anything it prints? They actually published the wrong story and the editors didn’t pick it up? WTF were they on?
Lol! Abortion pretty literally does not snuff out a separate life, yanno. The only thing an abortion does is to actually separate the two organisms involved; ‘snot our fault first trimester fetuses suck at living outside of another human’s life support system. 😀
Also I assume whatever placenta there is dies, and that’s part of most pregnant women. (I am not a OBGYN.) So there’s that. :p
“Rape has been redefined to mean buyers remorse. If a woman gets drunk and agrees to sex while intoxicated she has no one to blame but herself. If a man is drink and has sex with a woman he wouldn’t normally have sex with sober, it isn’t rape. Neither is it for a woman, that’s equality.”
Aaaaaaaand, you have proven yourself to be a piece of shit.
“Buyers remorse”? Are you fucking kidding me? This is the most revealing thing I’ve read from you.
Meller, you are an idiot.
You know nothing of history, biology, gender, sociology, feminism but you continue to come around here and speak utter crap on the ground that you know best how women should live their lives… because you think men know better. Excuse me… YOU are unable to form a coherent thought and have the idiotic redundant habit of repeating your own name EVERY FRIGGING TIME you right a post. If we are going to equal each person to example for the whole gender… holy crap, are men misrepresented or what.
How exactly does men know better? I am all against pointing fingers and going like “men are worse, no women are the worst, no men are even worse”, because it’s utter crap, extremely childish and counter-productive but you obviously started it, so I am going to finish it.
Almost all of the biggest failiures in human;s history is because a man or a bunch of men wanted something that wasn’t theirs (mainly land, power or both) and was/were sure they should have, regardless people dying or suffering. Examples:… fucking all of the history.
All of the biggest evils in our history are always done by men. I am NOT saying that’s because men are evil or some stupidity like that, but I believe they are a direct consequence because of the gender roles and the whole idiotic system you lovingly call patriarchy. So stop talking how awesome it was when women were barred from being equal, because it wasn’t. It wasn’t for women, it wasn’t for men and sure as hell it wasn’t for bystanders. So if you want the world to be super awesome just for you or for people with dicks, just be a person enough and honestly say that you simply hate women and stop the sharade.
shaenon… Your comment wins the internet.
Not just because it makes fun ot Meller (who is an idiot and deserves being laughed at when he speaks stupid things he didn’t spend two minutes in a row thinking about) but it also makes fun of gender essentialism, which is perfect.
I don’t understand people who believe that women or men are ALL good or ALL bad.
That’s do redundant, I think every person who helds that belief should be put back into high school, because obviously they slept trought it.
PEOPLE are different and PEOPLE are formed by society, believes, stereotypes, culture, history, relatives, context and so on.
However… it is almost always people who claim to be superior because of something they have who generalise like mad… which makes them less of superior or more of lauhing stocks.
My dear Mr. Meller! I read your comments with great interest, albeit also with great sorrow that you, like many a modern “man,” evidently refuse to make yourself appealingly fluffy and accept the loving, gentle dominance of a woman as Dame Nature intended!! As you are clearly a student of history, surely you must know how much trouble such “men” have caused in the last century by refusing to submit to wise female rule!!! Look, for example, at your fellow masculinists Hitler and Stalin!!!! (I assume they are fellow masculinists, with politics identical to your own, because they are men, but certainly not the nice, old-fashioned type of men a woman could rely on to cook up her dinner and bring her slippers of an evening!!!!!)
I ask you, if Stalin had stayed home where he belonged, fluffed his mustache, and obeyed the orders of a loving, gentle, generous, dominant, whip-cracking mistress, not to mention the occasional disciplinary spanking, would there ever have been a “Cold War”? I think not!!!!!! I urge you, Mr. Meller, and all others of the foul breed of modern “men,” curtail your civil liberties at once for the good of womankind!!!!!!!
In regards to comments about castration which were said, which I find repulsive, horrible and anti-human. I can’t understand why could anyone say that and that is NOT feminist in any way or a belief supported by feminism.
The tiniest violin in the world is now playing for you Owly and Meller, because each year hundreds of women have their genitals cut… let me count how many men have their penises castrated because of an idiotic rituale, which fears their sexuality… oh… wow… NONE
Yeah… horrible comments from some stupid fuck about male castration is exactly like actual female castration and again it’s feminism fault and gives you the right to whine how FEMALE OPPRESSION.
You should choose already. You are either some big, scary and in control men who are strong and smart and complicated and act like it or you are just some people who are people and not the divine defition of how people should look/act and listen to how to live their lives.
Because you claim that you are the first but act like the second which is boring and laughable.
“Men in Scandinavian countries are imprisoned for farting.”
It’s true! On the highways around Copenhagen there are signs reading “FART KONTROL”!
(Sure, they’ll tell you fart means “speed”…what, you think they want the world to know the truth?)
“Men in Scandinavian countries are imprisoned for farting.”
And yet I don’t see men migrating towards US in a hurry… why could that be?
*reads comments posted since last night*
***lightbulb appears over head***
Two conclusions:
1. Is it possible that NWO never reads DKM’s posts at all, or is it just his usual reading comprehension fail?
2. NWO would flunk the Turing Test!
Shaenon – My brain has been totally illuminated by the book of learning. Wait, did I say illuminated? Oh, crap, that’s code for something, isn’t it.
Specifically for Owly:
Yesterday the president Cristina Fernandez won the elections at Argentina, making her the first re-elected woman president in Latin America. Is my opinion that she (and her team) rescued my country from drowning into debt and general incompetence.
(This is not political propaganda btw, just sharing)
“Everyone here says they have personal experience of women being better, kinder, smarter in every way.”
Nah, NWO, we just have personal experience of women being better, kinder, and smarter than Sharon Osbourne. The bar isn’t really being set that high. XD
Sorry, Argentina doesn’t exist anymore. Our powerful elites said if Argentina defaulted, all that would be left was a smoking crater. Argentina defaulted. Ergo, smoking crater.
You must be posting from somewhere else.
I also have personal experience of at least one woman being better, kinder and smarter than NWO.
Well, two women.
Or four.
Maybe six.
Every day.