Pop Quiz: Who said the following?
“The historian can peg the point where a society begins its sharpest decline at the instant when women begin to take part, on an equal footing with men, in political and business affairs; since this means that the men are decadent and the women are no longer women.”
- Oswald Spengler
- David K. Meller
- L. Ron Hubbard
- [email protected]
ANSWER: 3. Apparently L. Ron thought some Thetans were more equal than others. (Citation.) Had this been an actual David K. Meller quote, it would have been filled with more exclamation points.
Hey he’s back! 😀
Rape has been redefined to mean buyers remorse. If a woman gets drunk and agrees to sex while intoxicated she has no one to blame but herself. If a man is drink and has sex with a woman he wouldn’t normally have sex with sober, it isn’t rape. Neither is it for a woman, that’s equality.
Ignoring that that’s not true. Even if it IS true, there are still lots of women who have ACTUALLY been raped. So we’re talking about those women.
Unless you think no women have been raped.
Was I really raped NWO? o:
I’ve noticed almost your entire post is off-point and you’re dodging EVERYBODY now xD
You’re trying to do your usual “RANTING ABOUT RANDOM THINGS HOPING TO CHANGE THE TOPIC” thing xD
So…. any response to Zhinxy yet, you statist you? xD I’ve been saying you’re not a libertarian for a while, and apparently I was right! you’re not XD
The only answers I’ve gotten are excuses for womens poor behavior
Which specific answers are you referring to? o_O
What’s new in the world of milking technology today Slavey? Which states did you provide critical jet-service lactose engineering recently? Were milking robots truly first installed in 1992 on Dutch dairy farms, or do you know of earlier examples of automated milking?
Haven’t you read his most recent comment, Ami? He’s answered enough questions!
okay XD
That’s not a question 😀
“Rape has been redefined to mean buyers remorse.”
By MRAs.
“Show me the MSM talk show.”
Show me what the point of this would be, and what the conclusion is if we can’t.
“Abortion snuffs out a seperate life. This is easily identified by the fact that the result of a successful abortion is the death of a seperate being. No part of a woman dies from an abortion.”
This is easily countered by pointing out that removing a tumor does not snuff out a separate life, despite no part of the person dying in the process. You’ve simply swallowed hook, line, and sinker the idea that “life begins with conception,” a concept that should be easy to dismiss. Whenever life starts, it certainly isn’t when sperm touches egg.
“When you act shamefully, expect to be shamed, it’s called responsibility.”
Why is it shameful for women to have sex, which is what the quoted statement was talking about? Is the only proper sex between two men?
Yeah, it looks like in the trial the prosecutor made the case that the woman was essentially mentally incapable of responsibility for her actions. Rather a strange argument for a feminist to make, that women are flawed, eh NWO?
“Harrassment is simply whatever a women feels is harrassment at any moment in time, or who happens to be talking or looking at her. If she deems the man talking or looking acceptable, it’s not harrassment.”
See my comment on your comment about rape being redefined. It ain’t us saying harassment is “whatever a women[sic] feels” like, its the MRAs.
“… I’ve certainly answered enough questions.”
You could have done this much shorter, NWO. Let me show you.
NWO: I’m not gonna argue about any of the crap I just spewed, have fun mocking me!
Spearhafoc: Haven’t you read his most recent comment, Ami? He’s answered enough questions!
Not, of course that they were answers to anything anyone asked him, but someone, somewhere, must have wanted his opinions on those things.
Mind you, he still hasn’t told me which homosexuals he loves and cherishes, since it’s not people he hates, just what he thinks they do.
“Rape has been redefined to mean buyers remorse.”
By MRAs.
I think Kirby wins xD
… I just noticed that the quote NWO pulled was literally a comment on the article… as in some random person’s opinion. A random person’s opinion that was downvoted to a score of -142! Jesus Christ NWO, are you even trying?
What you don’t know Kirby is that it was upvoted by SO MANY feminists that it overloaded the newspaper’s counting program and it went into the minuses…. xD
Aaaand just noticed that the source of the article is the daily mail… A fine news website if I may say so myself… [/sarcasm]
Umm… If I messed up a bold tag, can I still win?
Industries become female dominated due to State intervention and propanganda. Like the men are pedophiles scare for school teachers promoted by feminists.
Even assumimg that’s the case, how the hell is that state intervention? Are all feminists part of the State? All women? Shock troopers of some sort, so any of our demands is ultimately statist? The state is the reason most nurses are female? Again, I’ve been a Libertarian my whole life, and I have a million Libertarian fight scars, and I am… really kinda not thinking I heard that one.
You still haven’t really said what sort of State you want/need/consider legitimate, but…
Life, liberty, and property. Oh that warms my little black heart. With you there. So with you. Sigh. Wonderful stuff.
COME ON! Let’s have a friendly wingnut CHAT! Are you a natural rights believer? As for the vote, what are we voting on? What’s the extent of government power? How is the military/milllitia structured? Is there a money monopoly?
Is there eminent domain?
Birth certificates? Extent of Federal vs. Local authority? Is there any taxation as a source of revenue? Would you enforce borders? How would you enforce your anti-abortion policy? Would there be drug laws? Marriage laws? All these things start to add up when you’re playing the Game of Minarchy.
Does anyone else find it really amusing that NWO’s heartfelt and deeply-held beliefs about human rights are nearly word for word from the constitution of a 200 year old democratic republic?
@Kirby yes yes you can xD
@Zhinxy I’ve tried to intuit these things out of NWO for a while too but he dodges xD I don’t think he even knows how his world would look…
after all, he said that without the state, homosexuality, transsexuality and abortions would just cease, even tho it’s the state that legislates and restricts these things. xD I pointed this out and asked him, and he had no answer (except a vague claim that the state FORCES ppl to be queer and get abortions xD )
I’m not sure he’s ever rly thought about any of this except that “RAWR I DUN WANNA PAY TAXES” xD
Although 200 years is pretty good considering the Earth has only been around for 6000 years… that’s a good 3% of the entire universe’s history!
5000 years, NWO said 5000 not 6000 xD
NWO is not just a young earth creationist, he’s a REALLY young earth creationist
his preference for “as young as possible” extends to the Earth too xD
“his preference for “as young as possible” extends to the Earth too xD”
OK Ami, I think you win now. 🙂 I present to you 1 Internet, valid anywhere with a signal.
The term for a person who is not a statist is not “libertarian”, it is “anarchist”. Not all libertarians are anarchists, not all anarchists, by any means, identify as libertarians. Not all socialists are statists, hence “anarcho-socialism”, though some are. Socialism does not equal totalitarianism either.
“She’s my sire NWO! If you destroy her,you will destroy her children!”
Ami is a vampire?
Ami is a vampire?
I knew it! Don’t fear the hunger Ami!
The term for a person who is not a statist is not “libertarian”, it is “anarchist”. Not all libertarians are anarchists, not all anarchists, by any means, identify as libertarians. Not all socialists are statists, hence “anarcho-socialism”, though some are. Socialism does not equal totalitarianism either.
oh, absolutely but I don’t think NWO is ready for the grown-up class. 🙂
“Rape has been redefined to mean buyers remorse. If a woman gets drunk and agrees to sex while intoxicated she has no one to blame but herself. If a man is drink and has sex with a woman he wouldn’t normally have sex with sober, it isn’t rape. Neither is it for a woman, that’s equality.”
What a piece of shit you are. So women are never raped then?
and yea, what Kirby said. Redefined that way by your hate movement.
“Show me the MSM talk show.”
It may not be a talk show, but Facebook has refused to remove pages that joke about rape. http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/2011/10/23/dad-s-anger-over-facebook-pages-91466-29643238/
Comedians joke about rape http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2010/sep/10/rape-jokes-in-comedy
“Forcing someone to not slaughter the unborn is ensuring the right to life to all. I do believe that is one of the four rights; Life, freedom, property and vote. Abortion snuffs out a seperate life. This is easily identified by the fact that the result of a successful abortion is the death of a seperate being. No part of a woman dies from an abortion.”
If it can’t survive outside of a womb, it’s rights do not override the mother’s. It can’t survive outside of the woman’s body, therefore it is a part of her body that she has every right to remove. And women can and do die from pregnancy, yet some legislators try ban abortion even if the mother might die from pregnancy complications. And why is it ok to have a death penalty but its not okay to remove a fetus from a human being with rights under the law?
But think about it this way since you could care less about women’s rights. If abortion is made illegal, a hell of a lot more men will have to pay for child support. And that would be oppressing the poor men wouldn’t it? So in your fucked up little world its ok to force a woman to go through a pregnancy she doesn’t want or cant afford, but it’s wrong to force a man to take responsibility for a pregnancy he helped create?
“Industries become female dominated due to State intervention and propanganda. Like the men are pedophiles scare for school teachers promoted by feminists. Of course hardly a day goes by without women teachers sexing up young boys in grade school, here’s todays.
Industries become female dominated because sexist culture tells women their job is to nurture, then because nurturing is pussy women’s work it is paid less. Give me the names of feminists who promote this.
Hardly a days go by when I don’t hear about some men doing shitty things in the news either. Oh but pointing this out is misandry isn’t it?
Oh and check this out, women get falsely arrested too! http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/22/justice/georgia-wrongly-jailed/index.html?hpt=us_c2
People of both sexes do shitty things. I read that article about the schoolteacher and also agree that she should have been given a way harsher punishment. Doesn’t mean all female dominated industries should get paid less because of it. What about nursing, and caring for the elderly? no female teacher pedos there, so why is it underpaid?
“Harrassment is simply whatever a women feels is harrassment at any moment in time, or who happens to be talking or looking at her. If she deems the man talking or looking acceptable, it’s not harassment.”
Its so nice that you think you can tell women what constitutes as harassment, when the overwhelming majority of women who are sexually harassed on the street are women, and when these women who talk about street harassment they tend to label pretty much the same behaviors each time. Namely the whistling and shouting “hey baby nice ass” as well as propositioning a stranger for sex, all of which are dehumanizing, scary and extremely rude. What amazes me is the excuses you and the majority of MRAs will make for cultural misogyny and sexism against women.
I’m a reverse vampire xD Like the girl from Chibi Vampire xD I GIVE blood and it makes people feel better about themselves and gives them the energy and confidence to tackle their problems 😀
Ami: I did not know she did that. Never read it, y’see.
Oh, that makes a lot more sense Ami!