Pop Quiz: Who said the following?
“The historian can peg the point where a society begins its sharpest decline at the instant when women begin to take part, on an equal footing with men, in political and business affairs; since this means that the men are decadent and the women are no longer women.”
- Oswald Spengler
- David K. Meller
- L. Ron Hubbard
- [email protected]
ANSWER: 3. Apparently L. Ron thought some Thetans were more equal than others. (Citation.) Had this been an actual David K. Meller quote, it would have been filled with more exclamation points.
When women are blamed for being raped, what does that say about the culture we live in?
When it’s still ok to make jokes about rape, what does that say about the culture we live it?
When politicians, many of them male, try to force women into giving birth against their will by spreading anti-abortion legislation, what does that say about the culture we live in?
When women are called sluts and demeaned for having sex, a natural, biological act, but men are not, what does that say about the culture we live in?
When the majority of female dominated industries are the ones “coincidentally” that pay less, what does that say about the culture we live in?
When women are harassed walking down the street and just deal with it because that’s just the way out culture is, what does that say about the culture we live in?
The glaring fact is the evidence of the video and countless comments by women and feminists.
Show me the countless comments by feminists? 😀
*sigh* Also NWO once again has shown that, when faced with evidence that his views are wrong, he can merely point to the vast ephemeral body of confirmation-biased experience and say “I reject your reality and substitute it with my own!”
Only this time, it isn’t sarcastic…
Sitcon after sircom, biased news, hidden news of women commiting horrible crimes, false stats, propaganda.
What are sitcons and sircoms? o_O
“hidden news”? xD
NWO if EVERY SOURCE OF INFORMATION out there is lying, biased and fake…
how do you know the truth? o_O
oh and NWO
respond to Zhinxy plz XD
She doesn’t even talk in a way that makes your eyes bleed the way I do 😀
Plus, she’s cis! 😀 That should make you happy! XD
Easy, he just assumes he’s right from the beginning! Things are so much simpler that way.
(Hey NWO, was this satire? 😛 )
Hey, NWOlsave, why would I think chopping off male genitalia is funny? I have a penis. It may be tiny and all, but it’s the only one I’ve got and I’d rather it not be chopped off.
NWO. That sharon osborn thing was fucked. I think it was fucked, you think it was fucked, everyone here thinks it was fucked. What one earth are you getting out of bringing it up over and over again? We all agree with you! Do you just like derailing so that people will argue with you that no, we AGREE that that was fucked so that you don’t have to answer any actual questions? Do you think we’ll forget how satire flew completely over your head if we’re busy pulling out our hair saying WE ARE FEMINISTS AND CUTTING PENISES OFF IS NOT FUNNY!!!
Seriously. The horse is dead. Stop bringing up Sharon Osborn. Go eat some babies
NWO – You really have no idea what satire is, do you? I mean, you literally don’t understand the concept. It’s a lot more involved than “someone made a joke picking on someone else”.
It’s OK not to know things like that. It’s a moderately complicated literary concept, and jackasses abuse it by claiming that their jackassery is satire all the time – the “Jeez, get a sense of humor” defense. But going on like this, pretending you’re the one who understands satire when we don’t…really, it’s just embarrassing. It’s like the time you thought “The Bacchae” was an ancient Greek endorsement of militant lesbians. I know that I”m just a mangina and thus not one of the men you’re trying to protect, but if I were, I would beg you to stop helping me.
What one earth are you getting out of bringing it up over and over again?
Distraction xD
Notice he’s managed to turn things into about that old show rather than about him not being able to recognize that Shaenon wasn’t being serious xD
Go Kirbywarp Go!
NWO “Again, this means nothing. The glaring fact is the evidence of the video and countless comments by women and feminists. The video clearly shows the mutilation of men is acceptable satire. Society clearly shows the same. What you say is irrelevant. Sitcon after sircom, biased news, hidden news of women commiting horrible crimes, false stats, propaganda.”
Okay, so let’s try to get back to my “Questions from a Libertarian you ignore.”
Are you in the business of social change, or the business of “equality before the law?” – If you’re saying that there is cultural, institutionalized misandry that needs to be combatted, above and beyond any legal standing, or official state oppression, before men can be truly free and equal, then you’re saying that men aren’t just atomic, self-determinant beings, and that it’s proper to seek awareness and change in the private and personal sectors. Correct?
Since you STILL refuse to elaborate on your position as to the legitimacy and proper function of the state, I can’t comment on whether or how you think this equality before the law will be achieved, and by whom.
But I do note you obviously don’t believe men are ready to be rugged individualists, triumphing by the sweat of their brows, as long as the media and business culture is misandrist. Isn’t that the mark of feminist weakness, blaming society and the media for a culture of oppression that doesn’t exist? When all we need is that vaunted “equality before the law?” Have we simply got it backwards, but the argument IS sound?
Please, like I said, throw me a bone, or I’ll have to conclude it’s statists and especially… *GASP* Socialists you prefer to talk to, after all.
Is there any evidence that he does understand that she wasn’t serious?
noun /ˈsaˌtīr/
satires, plural
The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues
MRAs keep bringing it up because its the only thing they can use to justify their “oppression”
Rather than go out and actually help men where they need it, they go online and annoy feminists while thinking that they’re achieving some great justice or something.
Go lobby for shelters for abused men NWO. Go volunteer at a suicide hotline NWO. Go actually HELP MEN NWO.
[23:47] Zhinxy: he really won’t acknowledge my existence XD
[23:47] Ami Angelwings: he’s afraid of you
[23:47] Ami Angelwings: and he doesn’t understand a word you say
[23:47] Ami Angelwings: i’m pretty sure
[23:47] Ami Angelwings: he knows he’s in way over his head
If you need a reason to hate Zhinxy and attack her btw NWO, she’s the one who showed me Manboobz and you a long long time ago XD
She’s the reason I’m here,and she’s the reason I’m the bane of your existence XD
She’s my sire NWO! If you destroy her,you will destroy her children!
“Go Kirbywarp Go!”
I should be saying the same thing to you! *congratulatory back-pat*
As far as I can tell, NWO believes that the government should be bare-bones as possible. Enough to guarentee… what was it… “Life, liberty, the right to vote, and the right to own property?” Anything more is the state stealing his money to give to people who don’t deserve it, or something…
I’m filling in the blanks from my knowledge of the politics of the extreme right. Anti-gov in the sense of “anti-social-programs” rather than “anti-state.”
Good luck getting an answer out of him, though, he seems really intent on making 55 people representative of 2.55 billion.
don’t need luck. I don’t need any feminist to say she thinks the clip was fucking hilarious. The clip is five feminist hosts and an audience of women. I don’t need any feminists admission. I can watch them on TV.
But when it’s dozens of MRAs, and hundreds of men… that’s just reasonable social commentary?
I made a judgement about the countless comments by women and feminists who saw the clip. Hardly one person.
Which he alludes to, without quoting, or linking. In short, he imagines it.
Nova: Ami: I think that his definition of feminist is a woman that he doesn’t like or doesn’t agree with. If he doesn’t like or agree with a man, the guy is a mangina
There is a smaller category of mangina which he seems to think is worse then the ordinary… the White Knight. They get called out for it. White Knight means, so far as I can tell, is any man who makes reasoned arguments for actual equality; as opposed to the NWO version, where men get more rights than women.
Spearhafoc: When we’re talking about your misunderstanding of satire, we’re not talking about The Talk, we’re talking about your regenering of Shaenon’s already regendered post.
The “penis-chopping” bit on The Talk wasn’t satire. Nobody here is claiming that it was satire. It was just stupid.
But this is NWO… if any woman ever did anything wrong, anything any woman does can be judged by that other wrong. This is “equality”.
Also, Shaennon compiled the Big Book o’ Larnin’, which probably irritates him so she is wrong no matter what. It’s just easier to blame her with “The View” than to try and deal with this set of events.
@Kirby what exactly would we have to vote on? xD
And hilariously…. NWO appears missing again xD
I wonder if it was Spear, Zhinxy or me? XD
Tho usually he still is around even if he’s ignoring certain ppl… xD It’s just when I’m orbiting he starts become circumspect, posting less and eventually *pop*
On who runs the government! That only does those four things and nothing else… And does it for free because taxation is stealing…
I’m really not the best person to explain, because I don’t understand it myself 😛 Oh NWO, could you come over here a second?
“When women are blamed for being raped, what does that say about the culture we live in?’
Rape has been redefined to mean buyers remorse. If a woman gets drunk and agrees to sex while intoxicated she has no one to blame but herself. If a man is drink and has sex with a woman he wouldn’t normally have sex with sober, it isn’t rape. Neither is it for a woman, that’s equality.
“When it’s still ok to make jokes about rape, what does that say about the culture we live it?”
Show me the MSM talk show.
“When politicians, many of them male, try to force women into giving birth against their will by spreading anti-abortion legislation, what does that say about the culture we live in?”
Forcing someone to not slaughter the unborn is ensuring the right to life to all. I do believe that is one of the four rights; Life, freedom, property and vote. Abortion snuffs out a seperate life. This is easily identified by the fact that the result of a successful abortion is the death of a seperate being. No part of a woman dies from an abortion.
“When women are called sluts and demeaned for having sex, a natural, biological act, but men are not, what does that say about the culture we live in?”
When you act shamefully, expect to be shamed, it’s called responsibility.
“When the majority of female dominated industries are the ones “coincidentally” that pay less, what does that say about the culture we live in?
Industries become female dominated due to State intervention and propanganda. Like the men are pedophiles scare for school teachers promoted by feminists. Of course hardly a day goes by without women teachers sexing up young boys in grade school, here’s todays.
Here’s a lovely comment from the article.
“Poor woman. I hope she gets help and I doubt that the boys have been harmed. Seeing other people’s comments here reminds me of the baying mob which closed in on Gaddafi….why do people always seek ‘punishment’ and ‘revenge’? She clearly has mental problems exacerbated by her drug addiction….did any of you ask who gave HER drugs ? Have some forgiveness; she is a victim too.”
She’ll get the kid glove treatment where a man would be crucified. You’ll of course blame the patriarchy, which is more misandry. Blame men under the banner of patriarchy, women are blameless.
When women are harassed walking down the street and just deal with it because that’s just the way out culture is, what does that say about the culture we live in? Harrassment is simply whatever a women feels is harrassment at any moment in time, or who happens to be talking or looking at her. If she deems the man talking or looking acceptable, it’s not harrassment.
Everyone of you has made excuses for the rapant misandry promoted and ingrained in modern society.
The only answers I’ve gotten are excuses for womens poor behavior, and I’ve certainly answered enough questions. Continue with your promotion of misandry.