Pop Quiz: Who said the following?
“The historian can peg the point where a society begins its sharpest decline at the instant when women begin to take part, on an equal footing with men, in political and business affairs; since this means that the men are decadent and the women are no longer women.”
- Oswald Spengler
- David K. Meller
- L. Ron Hubbard
- [email protected]
ANSWER: 3. Apparently L. Ron thought some Thetans were more equal than others. (Citation.) Had this been an actual David K. Meller quote, it would have been filled with more exclamation points.
If Sharron Osbourne speaks for all women, or even a minority of women then Ozzy Osbourne should of course speak for all men or a least a minority.
Following that logic biting the head off of a bat is normal male behavior that men cheer for because Ozzy did that and the audience that cheered the act was predominately male.
How could you be so stupid as to think those were her actual views? She even put a parody of Meller’s sign-off at the end. Do you not understand what satire is?
Oh, right, you’re NWOslave. Understanding anything is beyond you.
“Fluffed her eyelashes” just gave me a very peculiar and uncomfortable mental picture.
To explain, Shaenon gender-flipped Meller’s usual arguments. You then proceeded to gender-flip Shaenon’s gender-flipping. You didn’t have to do that. You could have simply reposted Meller’s actual comments.
“This seems like an excellent representation of womens attitude towards mens agony. The feminist hosts and undoubtedly many a feminist in the audience seems quite telling.”
Only because you already think that is what women are like. Good luck to get anyone woman to say “I am a feminist, and I think that clip was fucking hilarious.” I think someone already explained to you that not all women are feminists… But you didn’t listen because you think “Why not? Feminists glorify women and strike down men, of course women would be feminists!” It’s just circles and circles of assumptions and falsehoods with you, isn’t it?
“… lots of women and feminists…”
There it is again.
“It’s extremely easy to say days later after the fact you were horrified or disgusted with the hosts as well as the audience. Anyone one of you could have rolled on the floor, holding your aching bellies from all the laughter and then wrote here about your sympathy and disgust.”
It’s also very easy to claim that somebody is part of a group when they make no statement either way. hint hint
Women are terrible people. Is that it, NWO? If they appear to do something terrible, they must be feminists! If we are feminists and agree it is terrible, we must be lying! When will you realize that it’s all in your head, that everything you think is evidence is just you arguing a conclusion by assuming it is true? When will you realize that your “women=good men=bad” nonsense is just that, that women are “neither saints nor sinners, but people?”
My guess? Probably never… 😐
Here you go, NWO, the definition of satire:
the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.
a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.
a literary genre comprising such compositions.
Don’t say I never gave you anything.
I just…. I… -facepalm- are you naturally this stupid or do you have to work at it?
I bet you think Jonathan Swift really thought that eating babies was a good idea.
(Please Note: The fact you think that what shaenon said was fucked up should tell you that the things you and DKM say about women are EQUALLY FUCKED UP)
Does Sharon Osbourne even identify as a feminist? because I don’t see the connection between her stupid commentary and feminism. Its just another silly attempt to associate one woman’s cruelty with all feminism. Anyone with half a brain can see through it.
Arielle, in my opinion I think a lot of cultural misogyny comes from the bible and organized religion. Its no wonder feminism happened, when you actually think about how much misogyny influenced society it’s really enraging. I don’t care that some chick in a book ate an apple she wasn’t supposed to, fuck you because I’m still going to vote, work and choose who I do or don’t sleep with.
And the similarities between McCarthyism and the Tea Party’s socialism freak outs is quite amusing. Amusing and very disturbing.
Also, I just read the first page of comments… Regendering pretty obvious satire that was already regendered, then claiming that people complained because “When a woman spews hatred and mockery of a man/men it’s satire. When a man spews hatred and mockery of a woman/women it’s misogyny.” Hells bells…
Lemme ask you something, NWO… Do you realize that people can say similar things in different contexts, and mean different things? Do you realize that when you make a judgement about one particular person in one particular situation, it doesn’t automatically imply a global rule for all people of the same gender/race/creed in all situations?
Please answer with a yes or no without snark, because I genuinely believe you are so dedicated to making feminism look bad that your answer would be “no” when feminism is the topic. I hope even you can see this is bollocks, and that even if you had a legitimate claim against feminism, arguing this way will harm you, not help you.
I also know a guy who laughed at the penis-severing joke and when I explained to him why it wasn’t funny he didn’t care. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want to get his penis cut off and I know for certain he isn’t a feminist.
Make of that what you will.
“Shaenon didn’t actually believe in anything she said in that post. She was satirizing DKM (his writing style and views). Whatever you were trying to accomplish with your little switcharoo really…. just made you look like a dumbass”
When a woman spews hatred and mockery of a man/men it’s satire. When a man spews hatred and mockery of a woman/women it’s misogyny.
…Okay, except that Shaenon was parodying David K. Meller… So all you did was attempt to skewer a parody. Just admit you made a mistake once in a while, and you’ll look less of a fool. Promise.
“Good luck to get anyone woman to say “I am a feminist, and I think that clip was fucking hilarious.”
I don’t need luck. I don’t need any feminist to say she thinks the clip was fucking hilarious. The clip is five feminist hosts and an audience of women. I don’t need any feminists admission. I can watch them on TV.
“Don’t say I never gave you anything.”
You give a constant stream of hatred. In fact, on the previous page, your initial reaction to me regendering of Shaenons comment was, “HAHAHAHA, LOL. Look at NWO try satire.”
Had you read Shaenons first you would’ve applauded her satirical genius. Why didn’t you applaud what you thought was my attempt at satire?
So you don’t want to believe that we didn’t like Osborne’s crass, stupid, cruel joke, so we must be lying and have laughed ’till our sides ached and then come on here and said just the opposite?
Why would we bother? I’m quite perplexed.
Do you seriously not understand that Shaenon’s post was a parody of David K Meller’s philosophy? Do you seriously not understand that you regendered a regendered post?
Because satirizing a satire without understanding that it was satire reveals stupidity. It’s like writing an angry rant in response to an article in The Onion and wondering why everyone isn’t flayed by your rapier wit.
You… really didn’t read just one sentence further? That “not all women are feminist” thing? Dang… Just goes back to my plea, though, that you stop arguing like a buffoon. It really only ever hurts your cause.
“I also know a guy who laughed at the penis-severing joke and when I explained to him why it wasn’t funny he didn’t care. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want to get his penis cut off and I know for certain he isn’t a feminist.”
Everyone here says they have personal experience of women being better, kinder, smarter in every way. What does that say about the culture we live in? It says misandry. Women are always better at everything. If you can’t show me an MSM talk show where the reverse happened we know misandry is the rule of western society.
@ Phillipa: I have a feeling that most MRA’s aren’t aware of the fact that women are individuals and may or may not agree with what another woman says. Men are individuals and should be respected as such. Women however are much like Cylons. They’re all exactly the same, with no individuality, no independant thought and are completely subserviant to the collective.
Also, lots of prayers and blessings to you as you recover, heal and beat your cancer.
Okay, so Sharon Osbourne and 4 other women laughed at the same thing. And in the 30-50 person studio audience, people laughed as well. So, at maximum, 55 people thought it was funny. This isn’t taking into account the fact that some of the audience members may not have laughed or thought it was funny. I’ll also give you another 50 for the number of idiots who may have joked about it online. Compare the 100 assholes who laughed at Sharon Osbourne to the fact that there are somewhere around 2,550,000,000 women on this planet, give or take a few million.
Also, if we really want to talk about this, how many men beat up their wives/ girlfriends this year? How many male on female rapes were there? I’m sure you’ll be the first to shit a brick if someone were to posit that wifebeaters and rapists represent all men. Yes, Sharon Fucking Osbourne and a few assholes who thought she was funny are somehow representative of the entire female population.
Logic fail, dude. And hippocracy fail too.
I’ve noticed NWOslave refuses to acknowledge that I exist. I find that amusing.
Or you could have read my next bit, in which I ask:
“Do you realize that when you make a judgement about one particular person in one particular situation, it doesn’t automatically imply a global rule for all people of the same gender/race/creed in all situations?”
You know why we keep coming up with examples of women being better, kinder, smarter in every way? Because we’re trying to show that women are better, kinder, and smarter than you and others think they are. Sheesh… Conversation can’t happen when you’re this bull-headed…
“You… really didn’t read just one sentence further? That “not all women are feminist” thing? Dang… Just goes back to my plea, though, that you stop arguing like a buffoon. It really only ever hurts your cause.”
I’m a buffoon because I’m not a feminist? My cause is equality before the law. And an end to the rampant misandry promoted by the state, MSM, feminism, education, corporations and charities.
“I’m a buffoon because I’m not a feminist?”
I’m… I’m completely at a loss. What the hell is wrong with your brain? It’s like arguing with my younger brother all over again. And he is 10. You don’t have to be right to not be an idiot. You can make an argument that people can address without agreeing with them.
“Do you realize that when you make a judgement about one particular person in one particular situation, it doesn’t automatically imply a global rule for all people of the same gender/race/creed in all situations?”
I made a judgement about five feminist hosts on a MSM talk show, as well a diverse audience of women. I made a judgement about the countless comments by women and feminists who saw the clip. Hardly one person.
The audiences of shows never self select because they enjoy the hosts or content of the shows, ever. Nope, they are a random sample.
@Spear NWO is currently trying his hardest to ignore you, me and Zhinxy b/c you really get to him (and he thinks you’re a Nazi xD ) and he fares rly poorly whenever he engages me xD And Zhinxy I think is pre-emptive cuz a) she’s somebody he can’t just lump into “socialist vs NWO the brave libertarian!” b) she actually knows way more about libertarian stuff than he does c) she’s one of my best friends xD