Pop Quiz: Who said the following?
“The historian can peg the point where a society begins its sharpest decline at the instant when women begin to take part, on an equal footing with men, in political and business affairs; since this means that the men are decadent and the women are no longer women.”
- Oswald Spengler
- David K. Meller
- L. Ron Hubbard
- [email protected]
ANSWER: 3. Apparently L. Ron thought some Thetans were more equal than others. (Citation.) Had this been an actual David K. Meller quote, it would have been filled with more exclamation points.
“No clue 🙂 I suppose… freelancing somewhere else?”
Stupid geographical boundaries. 😉
@Philippa: Damn. Good luck, and keep fighting.
Philippa: I’m so sorry you have to go through that. Cancer is some evil shit. Sending prayers/good thoughts your way.
Eneya: That is so freaking cool!
That is such a sad story, I wish Philippa and Wisteria’s sister all the best.
I notice that there is nothing in the above article that discusses the observation of L.Ron Hubbard that a society moves toward collapse when women dominate activities outside the home. Certainly there are good reasons for believing this, and LRH needn’t be a crank for raising the point.
I don’t know anything about ‘scientology’, I have never read, nor want to read, Dianetics, and thus have no impression of it as a religious belief one way or another. The fact that he was savagely attacked by the US government certainly does little to refute his opinions, and, if anything, gives him credibility where none would exist before.
He titled his book, Dianetics, a New Theory of Mental Health, or something like that. The fact that so-called “mental health” is the area of people who are trying to manipulate people–usually their intellectual betters–into adjustment with, and conformity to, the usual prejudices, conventions, and unrelentingly repeated falsehoods that go under the name of ‘public opinion’ in a society give ANY reference to it the strongest suspicion and reserve! Hubbard would be no exception, if I am correct about ‘dianetics’.
The article about women and cancer was my response to a radio broadcast heard by millions of people, including ignorant, stupid and impressionable women, CELEBRATING the mutilation and castration of a man by an estranged feminist wife. I wrote the post in response, trying to give readers a feel of how barbarous and vicious feminism is. I wanted to, one may say, give these horrid women a taste of their own medicine! The widespread revulsion against my post cited by Futrelle here in the following weeks showed that I did just that. The issue is, for me at least, closed. If the women posting above don’t support the castration and mutilation of men, my comments about women and cancer absolutely don’t apply to them in any way.
Allow me to take the opportunity to wish any cancer victims cited herein every possibility for a speedy and complete recovery!
Not a single woman on this board supports men being castrated, Meller. You have been told this multiple times, in multiple ways, some that don’t even involve profanity. Your inability to understand this simple concept is your own fucking problem.
@DKM “I notice that there is nothing in the above article that discusses the observation of L.Ron Hubbard that a society moves toward collapse when women dominate activities outside the home.”
‘Course “dominate” is a broad and wacked-out assumption right there. But that’s the appeal of it, if you’re into wacking broads.
“Certainly there are good reasons for believing this, and LRH needn’t be a crank for raising the point.”
Agreed, with qualifications…Certainly there are good reasons for believing this if you’ve spent enough time with your mind submerged in the rhetorical septic field that is the manosphere. And LRH needn’t be a crank for raising this point since he espoused enough weapons-grade horseshit to earn him the Distinguished Crank Medal, senior grade, with poison oak leaf cluster.
Fuck you, Meller. You know damn well that no one HERE supports or condones castration. Yet you came here and wished cancer on people. You, sir, are a disingenuous fucknut to try and apologize now.
One more reason–see above–why allowing women to have a voice in legislation or the courts of justice and equity is probably a mistake (big time) for civilized men!!
No statute of limitations!
Not only that but a woman is not automatically a feminist.
I wish your treatments cause you no more discomfort then the time taken away from daily tasks Philippa and that your recovery is swift and assured.
If none of the women on manboobz.com support the mutilation or the castration of men, least of all, for laughs, then nothing I said was meant for them, and David Futrelle made a mistake in posting it on this website here. My post was–and is–intended for those truly horrid feminists who INDEED support the castration or mutilation of men, and find it funny, whether manboobzers do or not.
“A woman is not automatically a feminist.
Some decades ago, a reporter asked a noisy but rather honest and patriotic Senator (as politicians go), who was investigating communist penetration of the government:
Senator McCarthy, how do you KNOW a communist when you see him?
the good Senator replied “If he walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and flies like a duck, it ain’t no sparrow”!*
The same consideration applies perfectly to feminists. If she sounds like a feminist, writes like a feminist, and appears on a feminist blog, she’s a FEMINIST! She is certainly no sweet old fashioned girl!
*Okay, I threw that last one in gratis, he actually simply said, “…it’s a duck!”
Meller: There are very few people out there who think that mutilating ANYONE is lulz worthy. The joke was in horrible taste, it shouldn’t have been made and the people who made it should have apologized. But to claim that ONE JOKE means and ALL WOMEN think it’s fine and shiny to cut off a man’s dick is quite a leap. That would be like… like claiming that since some men rape, ALL MEN think rape is fine and shiny. We all know that’s not true.
“I hope that you girls find these consequences as hilarious as I do when you annoy me with your next women’s health campaign against cancer!”
Yes, we can clearly see that you address your hatred specifically to the evil person who support castration
“Maybe women don’t strictly speaking, DESERVE cancer, but it will be hard for me to stop laughing at them …
Isn’t the thought of cancer-ridden women going under the knife amusing?”
Again, not very specific. It sound almost as if you meant it for every woman with cancer. But obviously, that’s someone else’s fault for not understanding this deep defense of men’s rights and dignity.
I hate men and I which them to have their dick cut off.!!!11! (of course, I only mean men who would be evil enough to laugh at all the women with cancer. So, not you Meller I guess)
And McCarthy ruined the lives of many people whose only sin was joining a political party. That doesn’t sound very nice to me.
I remember when I first saw that Sharon Osborn clip. I remember feeling horrified and disgusted. I remember the resultant uproar in the feminist blogosphere against Sharon Osborn. I remember thinking “Not I or a single feminist I know thinks that cutting off a man’s penis, or joking about cutting off a man’s penis, is anything other than a deplorable thing to do. And yet, I am sure that down the line, the manosphere will point to this as an example of why feminists hate men.”
Sometimes I hate being right.
Yes, there were some feminists who said “This was terrible, and she shouldn’t have done it, and I don’t condone it…. but I understand how it could have happened.” Many other feminists, including myself, maintained that that was a pile of horseshit.
(Pop Quiz part two! DKM, what do you think about the occurrence of domestic violence?)
Raoul, that was downright poetic, and completely hilarious. +1 internet.
The problem with your “walk like a duck, quack like a duck,…” example, is confirmation bias. If you think feminists are all men-hater, you will identify everything hateful toward men you read as feminist, then you will use it as a proof that feminists hate men.
Men-hating women exists, i don’t doubt that; that doesn’t make them feminists.
And Mac Carthy? That’s your good old fashioned man?
Not when that “political party” had the destruction of their country as its primary, if not only goal! Not when that “political party”–as you so innocuously call it–was the permanent and ongoing representative of an enemy which was, in the common understanding of time, dedicated to incinerating the rest of us in a nuclear war!
How would FDR supporters have responded to Nazi (or Japanese) domestic spies, or even vocal supporters, if Hitler had developed the Atomic bomb first, say by late 1943? That was our situation then with America facing a nuclear armed Stalin, when McCarthy was “not being very nice”.
So, Meller is in love with fucking McCarthy (who is one of the biggest pieces of scum ever to open his mouth), and hasn’t bothered to look into scientology, by his own admission, but is perfectly willing to jump to massive conclusions (it doesn’t take much research to discover scientologists are rabidly anti-psychology and anti-pschiatry).
Ah, McCarthy, a man so reasonable what it took to take him down was…airing his own speeches, unedited, on television. No surprise you think he’s a kindred spirit Meller.
DKM thinks that the Red Scare mad a lot of sense…
…why am I not surprised?
OMG, Meller, how many brain cells do you lose to stupidity every day?
And McCarthy and HUAC ruined plenty of people who had nothing to do with Communism, or were friends with Communists, or who thought maybe Marx had a good point about some things. People lost their livelihoods over a grudge, or a quote taken out of context, or because they were curious about different forms of government. These are not the actions of a good person, Meller.
Me and my boyfriend love the site! Thanks for taking the depressing edge off of misogyny and making it as lulzworthy as it should be.
I hardly consider a society to be an advanced civilization if it doesn’t have the concept of basic equality and equal rights between all of its citizens. Yet some MRAs and pretty much all misogynists continue to claim that civilization has had its downfall due to us no-good feminists! How dare we take away the glory from men?! Who do we think we are, actually contributing to society and choosing what to do with our bodies and lives?!
I still don’t understand why seemingly every society or “civilization” has been or is still full of misogyny and wants to keep at least half of the population powerless. When, how, and why did it start?
Oh, Meller. McCarthy? Really? How old are you?