Pop Quiz: Who said the following?
“The historian can peg the point where a society begins its sharpest decline at the instant when women begin to take part, on an equal footing with men, in political and business affairs; since this means that the men are decadent and the women are no longer women.”
- Oswald Spengler
- David K. Meller
- L. Ron Hubbard
- [email protected]
ANSWER: 3. Apparently L. Ron thought some Thetans were more equal than others. (Citation.) Had this been an actual David K. Meller quote, it would have been filled with more exclamation points.
No, Pecunium, Meller has no problem with this, it is certainly NOT an “all-or-nothing” outlook which you allege,
So women who want to do what they want to, and not live lives of soft and fluffy compliance are all right with you?
And it’s just fine if they share their views with other people. who may then decide to agree with them or not?
Glad to hear it.
Meller, how on earth could feminism fit up your arse when your head’s firmly in the way?
As an official Evil Feminist let me just make it clear that I do not want to shove anything up Meller’s ass*.
(* Or down his throat either, but that’s at least a familiar metaphor, and less confusing in context than the ass one.)
Though I suppose he should get his prostate examined as needed… But that’s not really a feminist or anti-feminist position, I think. :p
irstly, Rothbard was discussing the Korean War period, when the “old right” was dying out when he made the statement you think was a cutoff from the left for all time
When he made the statement I thought was WHAT? How on earth are you getting that???
Sigh. I’ll get back to you.
The least you people could have in some feeling of human empathy for the hatred, frustration, and anger that Rothbard et al. must have felt at their contemporary New Deal left for their treachery and Betrayal before and during WWII! He discusses this, and why when the HUAC, the FBI, and later Joe McCarthy offered them a chance to “get even”, they jumped at the chance. If you would have kept on reading, zhinxi, you would have found that later on, when the right resumed and intensified its warmongering, Rothbard was the first one to abandon them, bag and baggage, to the extent of even campaigning AGAINST GOLDWATER in 1964!
I KNOW! Are you just trolling me, or did you really miss my entire point THAT wide? That was the whole point of my use of the quote!! He came to admit that he had made a grave error because of the indignities suffered at the hands of the liberals in power, and later regretted it, becoming an ally of the New Left.
My point! THAT WAS IT. What are you on about? Are you really this confused?
He’s trolling you. xD
He HAS to be, right? He can’t be that lost and clueless?
Okay Meller, trying to communicate one more time. Roderick Long’s Libertarianism and Feminism – Can This Marriage Be Saved isn’t a book, just an essay. Read it and get back to me. It shouldn’t take long at all. Here’s the link again. Even if you don’t read it, I’m going to be summarizing from and quoting it in the future, so you might as well get a grounding in it, even if it’s just to tell me “IF YOU’D READ IT, YOU’D REALIZE…” 😉
I have read Rothbard’s opinion on feminism. I have read most of Rothbard’s opinions on pretty much everything. Most of them more than once. Please believe me. :p
zhinxy: He HAS to be, right? He can’t be that lost and clueless?
Care to put some money on that?
I’ll cover, “That lost and clueless”, but I’m willing to give you odds.
Pecunium: I’ll cover, “That lost and clueless”, but I’m willing to give you odds.
Huh. Hmmm.
I have to pass on betting. But I may just pay you anyway depending on how he reacts to Long and Johnson on feminism. (Hee! Long/Johnson! I just realized the juvenile joke! I’m either slipping or getting mature, neither of which idea appeals to me!)
Someone may have gotten to this before me, but I wanted to point out that L. Ron Hubbard had things to say about the evils of homosexuality that would have made Pat Robertson pause and question whether he was being too hateful.