Pop Quiz: Who said the following?
“The historian can peg the point where a society begins its sharpest decline at the instant when women begin to take part, on an equal footing with men, in political and business affairs; since this means that the men are decadent and the women are no longer women.”
- Oswald Spengler
- David K. Meller
- L. Ron Hubbard
- [email protected]
ANSWER: 3. Apparently L. Ron thought some Thetans were more equal than others. (Citation.) Had this been an actual David K. Meller quote, it would have been filled with more exclamation points.
“He who laughs last, laughs best!”
*snrk* Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. 😀 😀
Actually it’s “he, who laughs last is one very dumb fuck”.
There, fixed that for you.
Oh my God! Between this and the stuff about WWII I laughed so hard, I nearly peed. Seriously, y’all, I am still wiping tears from my eyes.
The Meller-toad will never see SOFGs (Sweet Old Fashioned Girls) again! Well, I guess our work here is done. I might go bake a pie or something.
Oh… too funny.
Man… I really needed that.
Meller, your sad little dreamworld will not come to be. Women have what measure of equality they have today because they fought for it, and they’ll have all that and more in the future because they will keep fighting it for long after you’re dead.
All you do is whine and fail helplessly against the tide of history, and in the end, you and those like you will fail.
Kirby, why the sad face?..
NWO and Toysoldier; twins seperated at birth or cojoined at the Logic Shield?
I think we need to add the definition of Feminism to the Big Book o’ Larnin’ “Feminism is whenever there are more uppity women on the show than there are men to keep them in their place.”
At the moment, I have the last laugh… 🙁
If misogynists want to marry robots, then it’s a win for women, too. I know there are plenty of men in the world that actually like women that think independently. They’re not throwing us feminist women in any garbage pail.
So, there soon will be robots to replace women. Somehow, I’m not sure how that would be the end of the world for women or even feminists.
The Meller-type men who don’t like real women will be able to live their fantasy life (and I guess, some women will do the same) while the rest of the world can date each other in peace.
Unless you plan on murdering all the women and “manginas” the day that happen, I’m really ok with it.
By the way, if the price to live as a human being rather than a fluffy walking vagina is to be single for the rest of of my life, so be it.
(but so far, it doesn’t seem to work that way)
In the future, men will be able to marry wives manufactured to order.
In the meantime, having to deal with feminists is oppressing David K. Meller, so ladies take your shoes off and get in the kitchen and stop oppressing men! Not being what other people want you to be is an unjust exercise of power. I’m pretty sure Murray Rothbard wrote about it in his book Other-Ownership.
I wonder how it is Meller can say he wants a “real woman”, then turn around and say the only way to get what he wants is for someone to invent it?
Meller still seems to be stuck in a mental rut that says ‘I like something, therefore every other human on the face of the planet likes it, too.’ How fucking self-centered do you have to be to make that leap?
Meller: With people like you in the world I am glad to not be telepathic. Thankfully one need not be psychic to know what you think, because you’ve been (for want a a better word) kind enough to tell us.
Would a “misogynist” be capable of writing the above statement? To ask this question is to answer it!
You are right, and the answer is yes. Anyone, of any stripe can write anything. But nothing in that requires you to like women. There were slave owners (Jefferson springs to mind) who admitted the humanity of their slaves, and even thought them to be, in no substantial way different from them.
Didn’t stop them from oppressing them.
You don’t even admit women are equal to men, that’s what makes you a misogynist, no matter what warm fuzzies it gives you to think of the people you want to degrade being sweet and fluffy.
“When you act shamefully, expect to be shamed, it’s called responsibility.”
This, of course is only true if one is a feminist. A man who acts shamefully (e.g. beating a woman, or a child; or shooting people) has some reason for it, and shouldn’t be condemned, it might even be praiseworthy.
Meller: I’ll probably be dead long before then, of course, but I hope that some of you modern women (or your daughters, who seem to be as bad as youall are, if what I see on college campuses is any indication) live to see yourselves being replaced by “wifebots” or “cybercuties”!.
And then the slaughter can begin.
Yep, not at all hating of women, not in the least. So long as she does just what you tell her to, then she’s, “a woman” and to be loved and smothered.
Let her disagree, and she’s a shrike, and deserves to die.
Debbie: Women like Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace, Admiral Grace Hopper, Rosalyn Yallow… they are mutants: Freaks of Nature. More rare than dancing bears.
Molly: I’d like to see an example of ANY woman being “soft and fluffy”, never mind a historical one.
No, you don’t. Trust me on this one. 🙂
Dracula: Soviet feminism was simply to increase the labor force.
For that matter, so was Rosie the Riveter. That shit was largely tossed aside once the war ended in the name of shunting women out the workforce and into suburban kitchens.
It’s an interesting question what would have happened without WW2, which saw a regression in women’s roles, when it was over. I am not talking about the roles they had during the war, but the roles they had before. Look at films/books/comics from the ’30s. Women had independent roles they’d not have again until the latter half of the ’60s. Something about, “going back to the good old days, before the war” was really poisonous to that.
I don’t know what it was, but it sucks.
For those interested, David K. Meller now has his own book.
What is Meller’s problem with shrikes? They’re cute, clever little birds. Or does he think they’re some kind of fabulous monster?
Yeah, the whole 1950s suburban middle class nuclear family really strikes me as a massive social engineering project designed for the exclusive comfort and benefit of WWII soldiers returning to civilian life. I’m not saying that trying to return to normalcy and bring about prosperity is a bad thing, but what they were returning to wasn’t really there to begin with. And it saddens me that women were basically chucked under the bus in the process.
@Dracula: Yup–and don’t forget that a lot of the suburban development was all about white flight during the 60s and 70s.
When people want to denounce women’s rights as an indication of decline and collapse, they do not have to rely on internet posters or Scientology. There is always Nietzsche:
“Observe the ages in the history of people when the scholar steps into the foreground: they are ages of exhaustion, often of evening and decline; overflowing energy, certainty of life and of the future, are things of the past. A predominance of mandarins always means something is wrong; so do the advent of democracy, international courts in place of war, equal rights for women, the religion of pity, and whatever other symptoms of declining life there are.”
– On The Genealogy of Morals, Third Essay, Section 25.
I’m thinking women get to vote on proper woman things like, does mayo get spread on the men’s sammiches with a spoon or butter knife, when to do laundry vs clean the toilet, and what to bake for the school holiday function, that is if the men folk will still allow public school of course.
Show me the feminist talk show.And no, being hosted by women does not make it feminist. Feminist and woman are not the same thing.