antifeminism armageddon evil women homophobia misogyny patriarchy reactionary bullshit woman's suffrage

Pop Quiz: The End of Civilization?

There better not be any ladies down there.

Pop Quiz: Who said the following?

“The historian can peg the point where a society begins its sharpest decline at the instant when women begin to take part, on an equal footing with men, in political and business affairs; since this means that the men are decadent and the women are no longer women.”

  1. Oswald Spengler
  2. David K. Meller
  3. L. Ron Hubbard
  4. [email protected]

ANSWER: 3. Apparently L. Ron thought some Thetans were more equal than others. (Citation.) Had this been an actual David K. Meller quote, it would have been filled with more exclamation points.


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13 years ago

” Except for the ‘OWS’ roaster of billionaire corporate oligarchs”

This is my favorite Meller typo so far. Yes, we roasted then oligarchs. And then we served them with a nice wine-based pan sauce.

Also the idea that Stalin was a feminist is ridiculous even by Meller’s already tragically unintelligent standards.

13 years ago

THE oligarchs, not then. I guess karma is telling me to be less snarky to Meller, since he can’t really help being an elderly fool.

13 years ago

WWII ended in 1945? How is something that happened 25 years later the result of WWII?

13 years ago

PFKAE: The evil seeds were planted then! Don’t you know that?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Peeps, I think it’s time to start “Meller’s History of the Modern World.”


Hitler and Stalin were feminist catspaws whose goal was to allow women to work outside the home.

Every man who married after WW2 is now divorced and paying alimony due to the feminist takeover.

13 years ago

It was the result of the result of the result of WWII. Or something.

13 years ago

For the last fucking time, meller. You need to see a competent psychiatrist and adhere to the medication regimen zie prescribes for you before we can continue this conversation. A few weeks on Abilify should do wonders for your disposition!

See how offensive it is when aimed at you? Next time a woman disagrees with you, consider that the reason might be because you’re an ass rather than we need tranquilizers or have PMS.

13 years ago

Meller, dear, tell me. Is it possible that you can explain WHY you are qualified to explain how women should look, behave, think and spend their lives?
I honestly want to know.

Please, answer me. 🙂

13 years ago

Because he is a MAN baby!

13 years ago

“Because he is a MAN-baby!”

Fixed that for you. 🙂

David K.Meller
David K.Meller
13 years ago

Enaya, because I have some idea of what women were like prior to 1970, the time of the last upsurge of feminism, and even an idea, however indirect, of what they were like in the years before WWI. I have even read some accounts of life in both Europe and America in past centuries, especially the XIX century, and I liked most of what I see!

Modern women STINK! Not all of you, of course. But far too many. Men today have been cheated, I know it, and don’t like it! Iknow of course, that not all women in the XVIII and XIX century were soft and fluffy, and had their household and family’s well being as their primary concerns, but most of them did, and those who didn’t knew that they should have. Moreover, when they could , they taught their daughters to marry and have babies, NOT be lawyeresses, real estate salesmen, engineers and police detectives! That kind of world wasn’t perfect, least of all for poor people, but ours isn’t either, and frankly even rich men with feminists today is a loosing proposition for them.

I KNOW that women can do better, and would if feminists were not f**king everyone over, especially traditional minded women, and the men who love them. Every time you have a chance, you never lose opportunity to celebrate women outside the home, even though the evidence of “hostile workplace legislation”, “sex-harassment” legislation, and other examples of meddlesome “Political Correctness” tells us that you aren’t welcome! You are unwelcome!!
Period!! NOT ONE BIT! Maybe women could be useful and welcome as receptionists, secretarys, nurses, daycare caregivers, pediatric nurses, interior designers, clothing store buyers (although even here, gay men might be better), and other suchlike. Men are at our best with other men, not with grrrrlz–least of all not with grrllz in supervisory positions! Yeech!

How can I make it any plainer? I like sweet old fashioned girls! I don’t like feminists! I am oppressed and persecuted by forcing me to encounter the likes of you everywhere I go! I want my MEN’S liberation too! I know that the changes feminists wrought are probably irreversible and I will never see SOFGs (Sweet Old Fashioned Girls) again. Even if I met one, shrikes like youall would ruin her for me inside of five years. I know that I have a lot of company out there!

There you are, Eneya. I apologise for sounding harsh, but you asked why I am qualified to tell modern women what is wrong with you, at least in the modern woman version, and I have all too briefly done so. I don’t want to be CHEATED, and I don’t want to see fellow men cheated either, least of all by a bunch of misandric (there IS such a word) castrating, bitter feminists!

I am trying to keep this as polite as possible so I won’t go into detail regarding the sexual and emotional effects that you pseudomasculinized, pushy, opinionated, over-educated (or miseducated) women(?) have on the male psyche, but it isn’t good!

I hope that I answered your question.

13 years ago

In other words, no you have no qualification other than you have this rosy eyed view of the past that never existed.

13 years ago

Piss off Meller, you whiny little baby. Oh noes, I has to deal with the existence of feminists! Boo-fucking-hoo. You’re not special, you’re not entitled to get your own way, you don’t deserve shit. Grow up already.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I’d like to see an example of ANY woman being “soft and fluffy”, never mind a historical one.

13 years ago

I am oppressed and persecuted by forcing me to encounter the likes of you everywhere I go!

SO WHY DO YOU COME HERE? You do know the definition of insanity, right? No one is forcing you to come here and spew your nonsense. Wouldn’t your time be better spent trolling Christian websites or going to church so you can find the woman of your dreams? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Help, help, he’s being oppressed!

13 years ago

Meller, you know what? I’m going to be very plain. We don’t care that you feel cheated. You haven’t actually been cheated of anything except your unrealistic expectations, and society has no obligation to provide you with either the soft and fuzzy slave girl of your dreams or a workplace free of women. You can yell and scream as much as you want – nobody cares.

Also, you’re terribly shrill, darling. I don’t like men who are shrill. I prefer men to be soft and kind and charming, so you are just as much of a disappointment to me as I am to you. It’s just that unlike you I don’t want you to change – you’re free to be as much of a shrill weirdo as you like in my world. It just means that I personally won’t have anything to do with you.

13 years ago

Meller, why is everything about you.

For all of your rants, all I see is “I want the world to change in a way that best benefits ME and no one else!” You act as if this is a reasonable position, and it really boggles the mind. I learned by age 8 to think about people other than myself, why can’t you?

You say you want soft, fluffy traditional women. Well, some women want to work outside the home. What makes their wants greater than yours? You want to be the head of your household. Why do you then say that ALL men must be the heads of their households, and NO women can be (to hell with egalitarianism)? You want a Sweet Old Fashioned Girl. Quite aside from the fact that many women do not want to be any such thing, many MEN don’t want that from their partner either!

I understand what you want. You’ve screamed it again and again. But why, why, WHY do you insist that the entire would should serve your wants and only your wants?

13 years ago

What makes their wants greater than yours

YOUR wants greater than THEIRS, natch

13 years ago

Molly, I’m wearing soft and fluffy pajamas, does that count?

Meller, have you ever thought for one second about what women might want, instead of what you want them to be. (btw, isn’t that a sign a psychopathy?) Maybe women changed not because evil feminists made them change, but because they were unhappy being treated like slaves, because some of them thought that a life spent raising babies and taking care of their husband wasn’t enough?

Bonus question, if women were happy, why did feminism happen?

13 years ago

Yo Meller! So what do you think of totally awesome women like Grace Hopper, Ada Lovelace, Amelia Earhart, MArie Curie and many many more….are they great women or evil, evil feminazi’s wanting to kill all men?

13 years ago

Meller, now I understand you point of view.
But I don’t agree with it. I never will. Because I don’t hate myself or any other person so much.

I wonder if you think what are you actually saying.
See, if we change “women” with say… any racial ethnicity what you are saying is so gross, appalling, horrible and scary, that I can’t believe you are actually thinking, yet alone saying it. I dare you… please, say that stuff, but about ethnicity/race in public.

I don’t know what you think you know about women in the 17 century… but literally MILIONS of women all over the world didn’t like that reality you hold so dear and fought tooth and nail to change it. Tried to change their position in a society which looked towards them from a little more than a living stock. Have been imprisoned, beaten, raped, killed… for the crime of being women. I tell you, you speak bolocks.

If life was so perfect back then… I give you a request. Go to a place where feminism does not exist in the way it does in Europe. Go to Saudi Arabia and try to live there… as a woman. For three months. Going out, communicating with people shopping, free time, all of it… in each of them you should behave as you are a woman. You should convince everyone that you are a woman and act like such.
If then you still think that the past was better, well, you would prove that living as a female wouldn’t devalue/limit or hurt you and that your point is founded. That actually life without feminism could be fine for a woman in patriarchy as rigid as the one I gave as an example.

See… I don’t understand why you think what goes trough the mind of even ONE woman, since so many women here are telling you in your face that that’s not the reality they want to live in. YOU are not a woman. YOU haven’t lived even a day as a woman. YOU haven’t been raised as a woman, regarded as a woman, treated as a woman.
YOU even don’t like women, seeing them as nothing more than pretty things that can’t do complicated stuff and have babies. HUNDREDS of women say that they don’t want that life. HUNDREDS of women fought for that to change. But somehow you think that you have the right to tell them, to choose for them…
You are disgusting me.

The most repulsive human being I knew before was a person who was so vile, that in person was talking to a jewish lady that she should have died, because she is a less of a human and that he thought her and her family dead… would have been a good step for the human race. He said… many, many things. Some of them were so horrible, I can’t make myself repeat them. But they were very similar to your point of view it is uncanny. That some group people didn’t deserve to have autonomy over their lives, bodies, choices… because they are from part of a group. And that some other group should make choices for them and that it would be better for them, because that group has the (insert-here) superiority.

Congratulations Meller… you managed to show me that you are even worse than that piece of shit.

David K.Meller
David K.Meller
13 years ago

Society has no obligation to provide hateful modern women with your demented vision of “equality” either! Go on with what youall are doing. More and more men (and women who love us) will see youall for what you are, and in revulsion, will set things up, at least legally and politically, the way things were before WWI, and maybe even bofore 1865! There is a law of unintended consequences in human society, and the messes that feminists (and feminism) has made, and is making today, is setting modern women up for a tremendous fall! Sooner or later, feminists will either turn back into normal women again, or be tossed into the equivalent of a planetary garbage pail!

If enough men decide that we want something better, sooner or later, we will find a way to develop it, create it, or discover it. I don’t know what it will be, but a world where modern women could be “replaced with automation” may not be that farfetched after all, especially when the problems of artificial wombs and artificial growth (which are enormous, I’ll be the first to admit) are solved!

I’ll probably be dead long before then, of course, but I hope that some of you modern women (or your daughters, who seem to be as bad as youall are, if what I see on college campuses is any indication) live to see yourselves being replaced by “wifebots” or “cybercuties”!.

He who laughs last, laughs best! HA HA HA HA HA! LOL

13 years ago

But you don’t say anything hateful, ever, do you, Meller?

Again, why do you come here?

13 years ago

He who is dead is unable to have the last laugh, what with the whole being dead thing. Unless you intend to come back as a giggling misogynist zombie.

13 years ago

I’ll probably be dead long before then

A girl can dream.

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