Pop Quiz: Who said the following?
“The historian can peg the point where a society begins its sharpest decline at the instant when women begin to take part, on an equal footing with men, in political and business affairs; since this means that the men are decadent and the women are no longer women.”
- Oswald Spengler
- David K. Meller
- L. Ron Hubbard
- [email protected]
ANSWER: 3. Apparently L. Ron thought some Thetans were more equal than others. (Citation.) Had this been an actual David K. Meller quote, it would have been filled with more exclamation points.
It would!!!!1
Sn O. Wy
More proof that Scientology is absolute bunk.
David K Meller! Do i get a prize?
oh damn it’s not him š
This comment doesn’t mention pettables. Clearly not Meller.
Oh man, I was just talking about books that scarred us as children with a friend the other day & L. Ron Hubbard came up. My mom read a lot of sci-fi and she got the “Mission Earth” series out of the library, and since I usually stole her books, I ended up reading a good chunk of it. Jesus Cripes were those books not only just plain BAD but also had a lot of horrifyingly misogynistic sex scenes that scared and confused me at my tender middle school age. (In retrospect they were scary and confusing for pretty much anyone with a functioning moral sense.) Has anyone else read those things? Ugh, you guys.
There’s a synopsis of the plot at wikipedia. Looking over it again, I almost feel like this must be where NWO got all his ideas from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_Earth_%28novel%29
More proof, if you need it, that Hubbard was mad as a hatter.
“More proof, if you need it, that Hubbard was mad as a hatter.”
At least we got a cool dance out of the Hatter, though (if you’ve seen the so-so Tim Burton movie).
L. Ron was a nuts’ nut, all right. I have to recommend the fabulous (And freely available!) Hubbard bio, A Piece of Blue Sky
Especially the segment on his Magickal adventures with Crowley-aping physicist Jack Parsons.
My family just spent a week in a house owned by a guy who, as it turns out, is a Scientologist. We know this because he had a copy of Dianetics prominently displayed in his living room, signed by his auditors (“Congratulations on getting cleared!” “It was so much fun auditing you!”), and he left some Scientologist tracts behind for us.
Oh my lord, is that stuff badly written. How did Hubbard ever survive as an author before his much more profitable career as a cult leader? It’s some of the most stilted, convoluted writing I’ve ever read. I did, however, appreciate the helpful tips in the Scientologist tract “The Way to Happiness,” which included “Brush Your Teeth” and “Don’t Murder People.”
I’d be a rubbish scientologist then, because killing people with my stinky breath is what makes me happy.
LHR left his wife to take the fall for him and be sent to federal prison while he fled the country after Scientology destroyed hundreds of thousands of governments documents after infiltrating, bugging, and breaking into the IRS, FBI and federal and state government offices. To this day this remains the the largest domestic infiltration of the US government: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White
So that, and the fact he was a UFO cult leader that used child labor, locked kids in chain lockers, tried to order the deaths of a dozen ex-Scientologists and ruthlessly went after journalists who reported negatively on the organization …In my opinion doesn’t really make him an authority on civil society.
I’m in the process of being treated for cancer at the moment. Had the surgery, started the chemo and I’m going to the hospital tomorrow to talk to the radiologist there about possibly needing radiotherapy, so that comment of Meller’s makes me so angry I have no words to describe my feelings towards his insensitive, callus, malevolent bullshit.
Shaenon, one of my favourite podcasts, Read it and Weep (a bad book podcast – they started with Twilight and it was downhill from there) did 3 episodes on Dianetics. It did sound really terrible – not just as a religious/scientific work, but as a piece of writing.
Zhinxy, thanks for the link to that book! Now I have something to read today!
“It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I FEEL FINE!”
Completely irrelevant, but today there was a poll day in my country and while I was idly waiting for my turn to vote (thank you feminism!), I realised that next to me there is a priest. We started chatting and it turned out that he is a freelance exorcist… no joke. I even got a business card from him. Basically… I met John Constantine today. Isn’t that awesome?
P.S. Scientology is crap.
Freelance exorcist, remains me of the ending of Beetlejuice.
I want to be a freelance exorcist! That sounds awesome. Is there good money in it?
No idea… I have his business card though. You want? š
P.S. If trough it one can meet Angel-Tilda Swanson I am all in. š
Freelance exorcist?
Philippa, I wish you the best. I hope everything goes well for you.
I feel the same as you about that hate-filled quote. My sister is suffering through a third episode of cancer and she’s one of the kindest, most loving person I’ve ever known. I wouldn’t wish what she’s suffering on anyone, not even someone as full of hate as Meller appears to be.
No clue š I suppose… freelancing somewhere else?
Philippa: I’m so sorry. Chemo is awful and DKM’s comments really are incredibly spiteful.
Philippa, I am so, so, so, so sorry.