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Men Going Their Own Way baffled by lesbians, refuse to believe they exist

Silly lesbian! Girls are icky. Also, you probably don't even exist.

MGTOWers, mostly straight and mostly narrow, don’t really spend a lot of time discussing lesbians. Lesbians, after all, are not only women, but women who like other women — you know, like like. But recently one of the regulars on discovered the concept of “lesbian bed death” – the mythological notion that lesbians in long term relationships barely ever have sex – and, well, a very strange conversation ensued. Shade47 started off the discussion with these, er, observations:

Looks like the super hip lesbos forgot the small fact that in lesbian relations no one ends up paying for sex so it doesn’t happen…

The, “we don’t need men not even for sex.” club isn’t a banging scene these days.

I guess this outcome should have been obvious since you can’t put a hole inside of a hole. I keep trying to picture that and it sends me in a logic loop like a computer tasked with calculating infinity. I just can’t grasp how nothing going into nothing can create the best thing since sliced bread. …

Shade47 is so baffled by lesbians that he refuses to believe that they actually exist:

Do you guys think women are really lesbians or is it just another form of “look at me” attention whoring? I mean they don’t have sex, they don’t reproduce, they don’t achieve financial success like the gay male community does. In fact I’m not sure exactly what lesbians are doing in their relationships. I still don’t believe they are real. In order for two people to come together there must be a very specific purpose and attention whoring is shallow even for women. They usually only shack up for babies and money.

Drauger seconded the notion that lesbians are imaginary:

What do you think would happy [if] you put [two] hateful women in a home together? Bliss? Bitches go fucking shit nuts if some man isn’t giving them attention.

Repeat after me: there is no such thing as a Lesbian, only really confused women. Women are by nature whores that will change their whims depending on the whim, depending on what they perceive society rewarding them for, i.e. whores.

However there are such things as gay men, they are men who have made a defining choice.

Goldenfetus added some conspiracy theory to the mix:

Honestly, I think the entire homosexual scene is about attention – for both men and women. I’m not denying that there are men who are attracted to men and women who are attracted to women, but I do believe the entire ‘gay culture’ was intentionally manufactured to further destroy the birthrate, with the reward for participation being attention and the approval of their elite masters.

Avoidwomen, for his part, not only accepted the existence of lesbianism; he also predicted a big lesbian upswing in the future after more and more men Go Their Own Way:

I expect to see a big increase in lesbianism as more and more men avoid women. We know that women are far more social than men and they really hate being alone, even having cats is considered companionship. As for sex, it’s possible one lesbian couple is a dyke with high T(for a woman) so she pressures the more feminine lesbian for sex and the dyke may actually be paying for sex.

Then he returned to his favorite hobbyhorses: sexbots and “virtual reality” girls:

It will be very interesting to see how much sex men have vs. how much sex women have with their virtual reality computer generated men and women in the year 2020. I bet most men get laid everyday while women try it a few times and not bother with sex anymore when she realizes there’s no money in it. Women will use VR men for his virtual money while men will be with virtual women for virtual sex.

The Great One imagined a slightly different result:

I think that instead of a rise in lesbianism we will see a rise in bisexuality among females.

When females can’t find a man, they will settle for another female (or several pets). ..  These female on female relationships will fall to the side when an available man offers a long term relationship.

Several pets? Hmm. If this guy is right, the future may bring severe cat shortages, sending the price of cats through the roof!

I’m putting all my money in cat futures right now.

Stay tuned for more on MGTOWers and lesbians. It gets even weirder.

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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

How does someone have herpes twice?

Your hatecrush isn’t even medically accurate, MRAL.

(And seriously. Twenty-some partners. No STDs. Condoms, good luck, and a total failure by the justice forces in the universe to make me as icky as I deserve.)

13 years ago

So what if zie does, MRAL? Seriously, what’s it to you? I know your life is devoid of any human contact, but that’s no reason to go ripping on others.

You just don’t care what kind of attention you get, do you? You’re sad.

13 years ago

You know what I think would be an interesting question to ruminate on, since we’re going to go off topic? How many friends does Mr. Al have? Oh, that’s right. He already told us. The answer is two.

How about this? How many women would have sex with Mr. Al? Oh that’s right. We know the answer to that one too: Zero. That was too easy.

Okay, I got one. How many people has Mr. Al helped in any way this week — made their life easier, given a friendly smile to, wished a pleasant day to? My guess is none. I bet that every personal interaction that Mr. Al has is as stupid and unpleasant as the ones he has online, through absolutely no fault of the innocent people who have to deal with him.

Oh, I know. How many times has Mr. Al been to see his therapist lately? I’m guessing zero for that one too. How many social events or extra-curricular activities has Mr. Al been to since school started? Zippo on that one too.

Mr. Al, you’re a hot mess of a man. You really sure you want to start talking about who’s “fucking gross”?

13 years ago

What Mr. Al fails to realize is that the problem is him.

13 years ago

@MRAL – I’m assuming that you, like most other MRAs, continually whine about not getting laid enough because women aren’t horny enough.

So of course, when you finally do spot a woman on the horizon who likes sex in any form, you call her a giant whore? Wouldn’t this make her and all the other women in earshot vow never to fuck you, thus making your situation even worse?

I mean, maybe if you tried for more of a positive approach to horniness in women, then women would feel more encouraged to follow whatever desires they have, instead of stifling them due to a fear of being slut-shamed. Some of those women might want you. Everybody wins.

I thought you were the gender of logic.

13 years ago


Does anyone know if it’s the kind of smut that is campy and fun, or if it’s the kind that is sexist and homophobic and infuriating? Considering how 50s it looks I’m sadly guessing the latter.

It’s the first, but it pretends to be the second to get past the censors.

13 years ago

@Bee: Right on. Plus, he does not seem to understand that there are treatments and cures for many of the STDs (I’m a bit ignorant of the current state of treatments since I gave up having sex with men in 1982), but there is NO CURE for his ignorance, prejudice, bigotry, and general cluenessness.

What’s sad is that social stigmas around STDs have resulted in many people in the 70s and 80s not taking precautions or getting treatment.

13 years ago

Does anyone else think it’s weird that these guys show up here posting with a bunch of sex-positive women? Women they profess to hate?

It reminds me of so much of all those homophobic evangelical men who all turn out to be doing blow and fucking gay hookers on the weekend.

13 years ago

MRAL, I note that you are not posting in the thread in which a whole bunch of us pointed out that many women do not care about height or actively prefer short men, but are instead choosing to spend your time perving angrily over Ozy’s sex life. Why is that? Does it honestly make you happier to focus on “someone, somewhere is having sex, HOW DARE THEY” than “Hey, it turns out that a large portion of women do not actually care about men being exceptionally tall! This logically means that if I were a kind, pleasant, entertaining person, some women would probably want to go out with me, even though I am not exceptionally tall”?

I mean, I’m sure Ozy’s sexy and all, but I’m not sure what zie did to make gleefully imagining the supposedly wart-ified state of zir genitalia THAT much more interesting than the prospect of being able to get up close and personal with the genitalia of someone you actually like if you just, y’know, act like a human being.

13 years ago

But, MRAL, I thought any woman was hot as long as she wasn’t fat? Ozy is quite skinny; how can she possibly be gross?

13 years ago

At this point, I am pretty sure MRAL is a Puritan, because of his fear that someone, somewhere is having unauthorized fun,with few consequences.

13 years ago

I mean, I’m sure Ozy’s sexy and all, but I’m not sure what zie did to make gleefully imagining the supposedly wart-ified state of zir genitalia THAT much more interesting than the prospect of being able to get up close and personal with the genitalia of someone you actually like if you just, y’know, act like a human being.

This is just jealousy. Ozy’s probably one of the regular posters that’s closer to MRAL in age and he’s furiously jealous.

Nothing to see here.

13 years ago

I suppose I’ve never really understood being jealous of something that you’re not even trying to have. It’s like saying, “It’s not fair that other people have jobs and I don’t just because I’ve never applied for one!” or, “It’s not fair that other people speak French and I can’t just because I’ve never attempted to learn French!” I get being sexually frustrated, but it makes no sense to say, “It’s not fair that other people are in sexual relationships and I’m not, just because I refuse to be even vaguely civil to members of my preferred gender!”

MRAs are weird.

13 years ago

Being an ignoramus should not be ground for moderation per say, but harrassing behavior definitely should be.

13 years ago

MRAs can’t seem to wrap their heads around the notions that many women like sex, possibly because they are selfish sexists (a group that is generally notoriously bad in bed) and therefore women generally do not enjoy sex with them.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Polliwog – It’s more like “French is a filthy language spoken by dirty people, and I wish I could learn it, but I’ve never attempted to learn French!”

There’s two different layers of WTF in there.

13 years ago

I don’t know why I respond to these things like they’re actual valid theories with my own experiences but whatevs. I don’t think most people are 100% heterosexual, probably not 100% homosexual either, it’s more acceptable in society for girls to experiment. I know it’s not a groundbreaking theory, I think if it was mainstreamed sexualized for guys to get it on with each other men would (openly) experiment more to. I guess I consider myself hetero because I’m just not interested in romantic relationships with women but I have tried sex with another woman (and went out of my way to do so) and I’d do it again but theres a good chance it just might not happen again since I don’t really see myself going out of my way to do so and don’t really sleep with people unless i’m at least kind of dating them usually. Anyways yes MRA’s go ahead and make your theories it’s certainly not some conspiracy going on though.

13 years ago

I’d like to point out that my ex who has had a grand total of 3 sex partners now has herpes and I having had over 70 has caught nothing. Condoms work MRAL, but you have to use them and you have to use them properly.

13 years ago

Lyss you could always say your more hertro-romantic. I know there ate people who sexually attracted to the opiates sex but like romantic relationships with the same sex and they use the term homoromatic. =)

The asexual community uses romantic at the end instead of sexual as well to refer to any romantic but non sexual relationships they want/have.

I also don’t see why the MGTOWs are upset even if women who live together romantically have sex or not. What the fuck does that even matter? So what? Why is a romantic relationship less if there is less or no sex involved??

13 years ago

Are* opposite* sorry auto correct on my iPod is nutty.

13 years ago


I don’t think it’s unusual and agree that sexuality, like almost all behavior, is on a spectrum. The human brain is far too nuanced for its many machinations to be broken down into even categories.

It’s why despite identifying as a hetero, cis, man, with male equipment I can recognize, “huh, that’s an attractive man” and have a pretty good idea of why said man is attractive.

Of course, you’d have a hard time convincing these guys that there was anything spectral about their sexuality.

13 years ago

MRAL, you never took my offer for a measuring contest. That is what you MRA’s do, right? Measure lengths of things? Objectively of course.

My school could totally beat up your school.

13 years ago

The thing about “two holes going into each other” reminds me of that south park episode where Mr. Mrs. Garrison is a lesbian. “I don’t even understand how two women would do that…unless they sort of scissored or something.”

NSFW, probably

Personally the only time I ever thought of female genitals as “holes” was in the seventh grade, and I was informed otherwise not soon after that.

13 years ago

Everybody, MRAL’s just engaging in some scientific speculation. Everybody knows calling people giant whores on the internetz is how you do science.

13 years ago

yeah that works for me 🙂 I always nod and smile at the “I’m straight but I’m not an arrow” saying I don’t even know if that’s exactly what it’s meant to say but it sums up how i think of my sexuality. It was only part of their theorizing up there but like just kind of trying to illustrate that there’s not always some huge mystery to women’s sexuality or why they might sleep with other women it’s possible that they just want to and it’s not to impress a man or some shit. Also I just think it happens more often that women who identify as straight will openly hook up with other women because it’s more or less accepted.