Yesterday we met Zero Tolerance Man, a feisty fellow with lots of strong opinions about the ladies, which he posts in giant letters on his blog NOMARRIAGES.COM. Today I’ve got a few more samples of his timeless wisdom and, as promised, some poetry.
American women have this attitude that they deserve a perfect man; a prince on a white horse who will solve all of their problems, look great, and pay for everything. Instead, most will get the shit sandwich they deserve!
American women are just cum dumpsters; sperm receptacles, and human toilets. They have no other value. A man in the USA MUST remain unmarried and must not impregnate these worthless vile monsters we call:
over the hill, past their sell-by date, ugly wrinkled, worthless piece of shit bitches.
Ever notice how horrible the bathroom smells when an American woman get’s done using it? I have a friend who cleans office buildings and he tells me the women’s bathroom is much filthier than the men’s room. The women piss on the toilet seat, don’t flush, leave used tampons on the floor.American women are truly pigs in most cases. That horrible odor you smell is the toxic residue from their bodies and spirit. …
Most American women stink really badly when they take a dump because of their internal toxicity.
American women have personalities similar to the horrible odor they emit
On the relative values of women and toilet paper:
American Women are the lowest slime on the face of the earth. I wouldn’t use one to wipe my ass with. Even toilet paper has more value than an American women. If any of you feminist bitches are reading this:
If there are any men here who are inspired enough by these posts to want to take up the “zero tolerance lifestyle, our helpful blogger sets forth a list of rules to guide you on your quest. Two of my favorite:
* The most you should ever pay for is a drink or 2 to get her drunk enough to screw. Do NOT pay for dinners, concerts, travel, or movies. In the USA, you should only be spending time with women if you are screwing them or preparing them with alcohol for sex. Otherwise, you should not be with them at all.
* Do NOT give women any attention in public. Ignore them like they don’t exist in the supermarket, gym, etc. Do not look at them at all. Otherwise, you will be feeding the ego of these attention whores. Don’t give these cunts what they want. No eye contact!!!! Walk past them like the are garbage on the ground. If they speak to you do not answer in any more than 1 word answers. Walk away as quickly as possible.
Let’s end with some excerpts from a little poem ZTM has written for the women of America:
You’re an American woman
You try to make me see
It’s all about you, the hell with me
You’re selfish, you’re spoiled
you put up a front
You’ve got nothing to sell
except your cunt! …
Oprah and Phil have made you feel
Like you were all that
Even though you’re big and fat
You bash all the men and then………….
you think you’re a 10
But you belong in a Pig Pen!
I won’t spend a dime, no matter how you whine
I won’t give you kids or marry you bitch
You’ll ass rape me in court, you wicked witch.
I kick you to the curb of your rotten loser life
I have the last laugh
’cause I didn’t make you my wife!!!!!!!
I find myself agreeing with one of ZTM’s points: it’s for the better if he doesn’t marry. That’s a program I think we can all agree on.
I just get this picture in my mind of ZTM walking into a room full of people having a discussion and starts shouting at a wall. What he’s shouting has something vaguely to do with the overal discussion, but he’s not actually engaged in a conversation with anyone. He’s just…. yelling.
And then he says goodbye to everyone, that was a nice chat, and walks away……
“As to your hilarious contention that ALL Spanish and Asian women will be married to white men — are all the Asian and Spanish men going to disappear?”
I think he assumes that the men in Asia and Spanish speaking countries are merely a polite fiction.
In ZTM world, all light brown countries are populated entirely by women, who are apparently made of sandalwood, like the Houri of legend.
I’m starting to think this ZTM guy has to be a Poe.
I also seem to remember hearing that these hot submissive foreign women start acting a lot like western women once they get here. Wasn’t there a murder trial for a guy who killed his imported Russian wife because she wanted a divorce because he was an abusive douchebag? Foreign women aren’t going to stand for that crap either.
What, you think you’re better company than cats? I doubt that.
Done here. Want to communicate with me? Post on my blog and me and my boys will tear your ass to pieces on my turf (in writing only of course).
Seriously, all we need now is MRAl with his gashes everywhere, and it’s a party.
Oh, big strong internet tough guy. Have fun with your porn and your imaginary Asian girlfriends!
ZTM is leaving! He said so, twice! He will yell at us in multicolor fonts on his own blog.
Don’t you all think that ZTM and MRAL would be great together, bless their little hearts?
They agree on so MUCH!
No, this is fine copypasta if I’ve ever seen it. Amazing. Milkslave could learn a thing or two, if he weren’t off at his incredibly difficult, dangerous, low-paying milk job.
Post on my blog and me and my boys will tear your ass to pieces on my turf (in writing only of course).
Come over here and say that! I’ll… type more words at you! Yeah! And they still won’t mean a fucking thing!
What is there to post on your blog, ZTM?
“Women share many chromosomes with human beings!”
“Happy relationships exist in America!”
“Some people have friends!”
“Everybody poops!”
“Most of you are nothing but toxic waste who offer nothing but a stink hole between your fat thighs.
But I offer cuddles too D=
“I have money and you are broke bitch cunt
I may be broke, but I’m actually happy in life =)
Doesn’t the meat being chased generally end up dead? If so, why exactly would this be something to envy?
Oh man. I’m late noticing this, but you know what’s funny?
Nomarriages.com is not actually a registered domain. It doesn’t point to that blog.
He just figured “.com” is something you put after your name to sound Internetty, I guess.
Holly, look at his layout, font, and color choices. Not the most web savvy dude out there.
Damn, I step away for a couple of hours and miss all the drama! Maybe ZTM can stick the flounce.
He’s just a big meanie-bo-feanie anyway >.>
Does it really make a difference? Someone who’ll say all these things as “satire” is still misogynist as hell.
Well, that was genuinely entertaining.
He’s probably back at the He-Man Woman Hater’s Club all, “Yeah, I went over to Manboobz and kicked some internet feminist ass, lemme tell ya.”
There are currently approximately 150 million women in the US. There are 83 million cats.
Within five years, it is estimated that American men will wake up and begin leaving us in droves, necessitating the ownership of ten cats each.
This will require close to a twentyfold increase in the cat population.
Ladies, if we do not act soon, we will soon face a crippling cat shortage. Cats could reach prices of up to $800 per barrel. And you know they never fill the barrels up all the way.
But there is hope.
As we know, Asia is experiencing a record cat surplus as all Asian women frantically sell their cats in order to buy fart-filters and anti-poopulants so that they can catch the eye of tall, bile-filled former underwear models. We must act now and secure this supply of felines.
Otherwise, the crazy cat ladies of the future will be forced to survive on less than one cat per crazy lady. And that’s just a little TOO crazy.
He will have to reline his tinfoil hat though. I think it is slightly askew.
Why doesn’t ZTM love meeeee???? ;_;
his blog is actually called no marriages.com. because you can have spaces in web addresses now, apparently