Yesterday we met Zero Tolerance Man, a feisty fellow with lots of strong opinions about the ladies, which he posts in giant letters on his blog NOMARRIAGES.COM. Today I’ve got a few more samples of his timeless wisdom and, as promised, some poetry.
American women have this attitude that they deserve a perfect man; a prince on a white horse who will solve all of their problems, look great, and pay for everything. Instead, most will get the shit sandwich they deserve!
American women are just cum dumpsters; sperm receptacles, and human toilets. They have no other value. A man in the USA MUST remain unmarried and must not impregnate these worthless vile monsters we call:
over the hill, past their sell-by date, ugly wrinkled, worthless piece of shit bitches.
Ever notice how horrible the bathroom smells when an American woman get’s done using it? I have a friend who cleans office buildings and he tells me the women’s bathroom is much filthier than the men’s room. The women piss on the toilet seat, don’t flush, leave used tampons on the floor.American women are truly pigs in most cases. That horrible odor you smell is the toxic residue from their bodies and spirit. …
Most American women stink really badly when they take a dump because of their internal toxicity.
American women have personalities similar to the horrible odor they emit
On the relative values of women and toilet paper:
American Women are the lowest slime on the face of the earth. I wouldn’t use one to wipe my ass with. Even toilet paper has more value than an American women. If any of you feminist bitches are reading this:
If there are any men here who are inspired enough by these posts to want to take up the “zero tolerance lifestyle, our helpful blogger sets forth a list of rules to guide you on your quest. Two of my favorite:
* The most you should ever pay for is a drink or 2 to get her drunk enough to screw. Do NOT pay for dinners, concerts, travel, or movies. In the USA, you should only be spending time with women if you are screwing them or preparing them with alcohol for sex. Otherwise, you should not be with them at all.
* Do NOT give women any attention in public. Ignore them like they don’t exist in the supermarket, gym, etc. Do not look at them at all. Otherwise, you will be feeding the ego of these attention whores. Don’t give these cunts what they want. No eye contact!!!! Walk past them like the are garbage on the ground. If they speak to you do not answer in any more than 1 word answers. Walk away as quickly as possible.
Let’s end with some excerpts from a little poem ZTM has written for the women of America:
You’re an American woman
You try to make me see
It’s all about you, the hell with me
You’re selfish, you’re spoiled
you put up a front
You’ve got nothing to sell
except your cunt! …
Oprah and Phil have made you feel
Like you were all that
Even though you’re big and fat
You bash all the men and then………….
you think you’re a 10
But you belong in a Pig Pen!
I won’t spend a dime, no matter how you whine
I won’t give you kids or marry you bitch
You’ll ass rape me in court, you wicked witch.
I kick you to the curb of your rotten loser life
I have the last laugh
’cause I didn’t make you my wife!!!!!!!
I find myself agreeing with one of ZTM’s points: it’s for the better if he doesn’t marry. That’s a program I think we can all agree on.
Oh no, you guys. ZTM called us NAMES.
Dude, ain’t no one trying to talk you into not leaving the country. Do it. Do it now.
Damn, this is hilarious. An actual honest to God tantrum. Do you think we can make him stamp his feet and throw his toys too?
At this point, all I can muster up as a response to ZTMs frothy ravings is to nod and pat him on the head.
Yes dear, we’ll all be sorry. Run along now, the grownups are speaking.
Wow, he got out, like, two screedlets in the time it took me to type out a mediocre Underpants Gnome joke.
These women are so fucking arrogant, that they will never admit that it is their OWN FAULT, and CHANGE THEMSELVES.
why do the dudes who go around blaming women for all of their problems always have this obsession with other people taking responsibility for things
More pathetic shaming language, which is quite funny coming from an American woman, since over 50 PERCENT OF AMERICAN WOMEN ARE SINGLE, WITHOUT A BOYFRIEND OR HUSBAND!
American women cannot find a date, because no one wants to put up with their horrible bullshit anymore. NO ONE WANTS YOU DISGUSTING FAT WHORES ANYMORE!
Hee, he’s whipping out the cat trope! Oh, you big manly suit model, you.
I see I was right about the Asian woman thing. Tell me, ZTM, are you under the impression that they’re all submissive babes just dying to serve Big White Bwana Model Man?
Please, leave the US and never come back. The women will rejoice.
Dude,seriously, are you 12 years old?
As long as my kids are safe from his weirdo, scat loving rapist ways by virtue of their being born in America as opposed to China, I am ok.
I am worried for the women of other countries who may have to put up with him though.
We simply view American women as cum dumpsters and human toilets. We’ll dump a load into you and kick you to the curb. After that we will find a real women in Asia and laugh as you are left alone with your cats! And the “CUNT” who posted above is wrong. I am athletic, 6’2″ tall with a thick head of dark hair. I have no problem getting dates. Would I ever be involved with any of you American bitches? Not a chance. Most of you suck!
It’s like watching someone throw cotton balls at a tank.
Kind of hard to be a whore if no one is buying the services dude.
Might want to invest in a dictionary. And/or a vacation to the Congo.
Men ARE god’s gift to women. Without us, you would have no one to steal money, homes, and cars from in divorce court. Any man stupid enough to marry you will learn quickly enough what an idiot he was for ever speaking with you in the first place. Also, most of you cheap cunts demand equality until it’s time to pay for something. When the bill comes in a restaurant, you sit there like the bill has nothing to do with you even though you just consumed half the meal. Men need to stop letting you bitch cunts get away with this shit. They should demand that you pay your half or you can walk home from the restaurant, you miserable cheap pieces of shit!
More pathetic shaming language, which is quite funny coming from an American woman, since over 50 PERCENT OF AMERICAN WOMEN ARE SINGLE, WITHOUT A BOYFRIEND OR HUSBAND!
i dont thinks this is um… true…
also, does it account for women who arent single but dont have a husband or a boyfriend?
Hmm, if we’re going to play that game, this particular (not American, but Western) woman is both thin and married. So why are your little tantrums supposed to upset me, exactly?
(Apologies for all-caps, trying to speak to him in his native tongue. I’m trying to do my part for non-American women.)
On the one hand, it’s totally cool, whoever you find happiness with — I wish you two kids a lot of luck.
On the other hand, I kind of feel like someone should warn hot young Asian women about this.
ZTM, by “Men” do you mean all men or just men who agree with you a.k.a men who aren’t pussy manginas?
Because if it’s the latter (which I suspect) All I can do is heave a huge sigh of relief. You may not want american women, but american women don’t want you either.
The world has such wonderful symmetry, sometimes.
He’s comedy gold! Busting out all the greatest hits! Call now and you’ll hear:
“We built the roads!”
“We hunted the mammoth!”
“Asian women know how to treat a man!”
“All US women are good for is fucking!”
And if you act now, he’ll even throw in a “have fun with your cats, bitches” at no extra charge!
But, but… he’s hot or something! You should be jealous! I’m telling, you guys!
Ladies, you don’t understand! He doesn’t want to marry you! Aren’t you heartbroken?
Hahahaha, poor wittle baby is upset because men no longer want them. Most white men are chasing after asian women like dogs chasing after meat.
I bet that just drives you crazy, doesn’t it? Seeing a white man with a hot young asian girl, when you can’t even get a date! POOR WITTLE BABY!
Have fun growing old alone with your 10 cats, you worthless whore!
Without us, you would have no one to steal money, homes, and cars from in divorce court.
this is quite possibly the funniest men are better than women argument ever
Actually, I would like to see him try his schtick with some Chinese women I know. He would never recover, most likely.