Yesterday we met Zero Tolerance Man, a feisty fellow with lots of strong opinions about the ladies, which he posts in giant letters on his blog NOMARRIAGES.COM. Today I’ve got a few more samples of his timeless wisdom and, as promised, some poetry.
American women have this attitude that they deserve a perfect man; a prince on a white horse who will solve all of their problems, look great, and pay for everything. Instead, most will get the shit sandwich they deserve!
American women are just cum dumpsters; sperm receptacles, and human toilets. They have no other value. A man in the USA MUST remain unmarried and must not impregnate these worthless vile monsters we call:
over the hill, past their sell-by date, ugly wrinkled, worthless piece of shit bitches.
Ever notice how horrible the bathroom smells when an American woman get’s done using it? I have a friend who cleans office buildings and he tells me the women’s bathroom is much filthier than the men’s room. The women piss on the toilet seat, don’t flush, leave used tampons on the floor.American women are truly pigs in most cases. That horrible odor you smell is the toxic residue from their bodies and spirit. …
Most American women stink really badly when they take a dump because of their internal toxicity.
American women have personalities similar to the horrible odor they emit
On the relative values of women and toilet paper:
American Women are the lowest slime on the face of the earth. I wouldn’t use one to wipe my ass with. Even toilet paper has more value than an American women. If any of you feminist bitches are reading this:
If there are any men here who are inspired enough by these posts to want to take up the “zero tolerance lifestyle, our helpful blogger sets forth a list of rules to guide you on your quest. Two of my favorite:
* The most you should ever pay for is a drink or 2 to get her drunk enough to screw. Do NOT pay for dinners, concerts, travel, or movies. In the USA, you should only be spending time with women if you are screwing them or preparing them with alcohol for sex. Otherwise, you should not be with them at all.
* Do NOT give women any attention in public. Ignore them like they don’t exist in the supermarket, gym, etc. Do not look at them at all. Otherwise, you will be feeding the ego of these attention whores. Don’t give these cunts what they want. No eye contact!!!! Walk past them like the are garbage on the ground. If they speak to you do not answer in any more than 1 word answers. Walk away as quickly as possible.
Let’s end with some excerpts from a little poem ZTM has written for the women of America:
You’re an American woman
You try to make me see
It’s all about you, the hell with me
You’re selfish, you’re spoiled
you put up a front
You’ve got nothing to sell
except your cunt! …
Oprah and Phil have made you feel
Like you were all that
Even though you’re big and fat
You bash all the men and then………….
you think you’re a 10
But you belong in a Pig Pen!
I won’t spend a dime, no matter how you whine
I won’t give you kids or marry you bitch
You’ll ass rape me in court, you wicked witch.
I kick you to the curb of your rotten loser life
I have the last laugh
’cause I didn’t make you my wife!!!!!!!
I find myself agreeing with one of ZTM’s points: it’s for the better if he doesn’t marry. That’s a program I think we can all agree on.
Oh, Meller-toad, your bitter, impotent anger brings a smile to my face and a song to my heart. I think I’ll go hand tat some lace and put off working on client billing until tomorrow.
Bedsores and Loneliness and no more Sweet Old-fashioned Girls!!!! Evah!!!!
Nobinayamu, the ubershrike, venomous to the core!!!!
OMG I think this is the funniest thing I’ve read all day!
I imagine him sitting in his rocking chair, shaking his fist in the air, his knees covered with one of those crocheted afghans.
Holly, want to talk about how ladylike being a nurse is?
Ozy, it’s very ladylike, as it’s long hours of demanding physical labor often involving human shit. From baby-raising to nursing, that’s the lady role: putting on frills and makeup so you can handle human feces.
Being ladylike means that you look and act pleasant and harmless, not that your life is.
However, not to completely whine here, another part of nursing is doing math and science on the fly when there are literally human lives hanging in the balance. You better hope drug dosage calculations and major trauma response aren’t beyond the abilities of a woman.
And yet another part is being able to seamlessly switch between a “gentle yet confident caregiver” persona and a “Stop. Shut up. You’re going to cooperate with your treatment, do you understand me? Good.” persona.
I don’t think DKM wants him a wife who’s capable of the full Nursely Voice Of Terror.
So women are plants’ reproductive systems that vanish when they “give birth” to fruits and feminists are whole plants?
Or by flowers do you mean plants that produce flowers? In that case women and feminists are both the same and women are just arbitrarily favored because they look better?
Of course there is also the fact that many flowers ARE weeds. I’m not sure what to make of that one. Maybe that some women are feminists while being completely indistinguishable from non-feminists?
the way that perfume differs from polecats
This one is particularly bad, because perfume and polecats are only related by their smell, so women are merely a fleeting pleasing sensory sensation, while feminists are independent beings that happen to use an unpleasant odor to defend themselves.
and the way kittens differ from porcupines!
And again, I don’t see your hatred of porcupines. Kittens have claws and teeth and they will use them on pretty much anyone and anything, not to mention they’re predators that have a tendency to play with their prey while it’s still alive, while porcupines are vegetarians and the only way you’ll get hurt by their spikes is if you’re not careful. I don’t see how that fits with the others, actually. Maybe you posted it in the wrong order and you mean that women are the porcupines and kittens are feminists? You should be more careful with how you phrase yourself.
Myoo: BRILLIANT deconstruction of Meller’s miserable metaphors.
*hands you an internet*
Don’t remember talking to you before–but happy to see you!
Thanks, I just can’t stand to see poor metaphors.
Also, I’m rather new at posting here and I don’t post much, so it’s natural you haven’t seen me before.
Okay, ladies, or is it feminists, you win on that one! Nursing was originally a MEN’S profession, and women merely took over in the XIX century. Maybe it was a mistake, after all.
Maybe nursing should return to being a men’s profession, like the rest of medicine, and nursing should be deleted from the list. This would handle both my problem, and Holly P’s.
Happy now?
As far as the metaphors go, I was merely trying to indicate “pleasant” vs. “unpleasant”. I probably could do better next time. Most people, for example, would rather pet a kitten ( if she is tractable and playful) than a porcupine, for example. Most people, I suspect even feminists, would rather emit the scent of fine perfume than that of a polecat, although with most modern women, it is probably difficult for them to tell the difference.
By flowers, I meant soft, beautiful and fragrant entities and by weeds I meant unwanted and destructive nuisances. You can take it from there, I suppose.
Cuddly and loving! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5I5H7EeC8k
DKM: Clerking, or clarking, was also a man’s profession — especially when that big scary technology, TYPEWRITERS, was involved. So what makes a profession go from MANLY to CUDDLY for women?
And I am not a lady, I am a feminist.
And an English professor. Bad metaphors are bad — and if you rely on metaphors or analogies to build an argument, you need better ones–not to mention the fact that the absolutely weakest way to make an argument is by analogy, especially if you then fail to supply any evidence OR if the evidence you supply is inaccurate.
For example, you keep talking about women in cuddly nice womanly jobs as opposed to the women working in factories (male factory owners could pay women and children less), women and children working the hard agricultural labor in the fields alongside men (both the African Americans who were enslaved, and the sharecroppers, black and white, after the Civil war; and today, the migrant workers although that’s changing because the asshole white legislators passed such strick anti-immigrant laws that the workers left states like Alabama and Georgia–and they are losing gazillions because no, amazingly enough, white Americans won’t work those crappy jobs at crappy pay).
So: your arguments tend to be vastly overgeneralized, lack any historical context, provide no evidence or evidence that is wrong (as commenters show you and other trolls on a regular basis), and end with badly phrased metaphors.
You’re operating on an F- scale rhetorically, sweetums.
But that’s what happens when emotion and obsession trumps logic, rationality, and fact.
@Juliejexabel: Great video!
And supports my link to images of “polecats”: http://www.google.com/search?q=polecats&hl=en&rlz=1C1ARAB_enUS452US452&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=AnKtTvrwF8TAtgex683ZDg&ved=0CGoQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=499&sei=%20I3KtTriUOImTtwf24vHYD
Many are cute and cuddly: we don’t pet them because they are wild animals.
But a feral kitten (I ran a feral cat TNR program for yearss) will react the same way if a human tries to pet it — not pleasantly, not cuddely, but fighting for its life (as it thinks).
@Myoo: yes, yes, bad metaphors or other figures of speech are painful, especially when used in support of badly over generalized arguments.
Just finished reading the whole thread and I’m still laughing at ‘anti-poopulants’.
And they wonder why too much education, and the wrong kind of education, is bad for women!
Give me a cute fluffy kitten (NOT a feral, vicious, feminist one), anytime!
That porcupine is, I suppose, adorable, but I still think that real puppies are preferable!
The problem, Meller, is that your definition of “pleasant” is very narrow and has only existed in a certain period of time, and even then, was restricted to certain classes.
I grew up in a country where many modern social ideas (like feminism, not being a racist, not being a homophobe), took longer took longer to take hold than in other more developed countries. Plus, I lived in a somewhat isolated part of the country, which lessened this progress even further. And I can tell you that beautiful, soft, giggling women are NOT women’s natural state. Pretty much every women around here was strong, bulky and wouldn’t take shit from anybody. My (sadly departed) grandmother, along with many other older women could, and would kick your ass if they heard you spout off your ignorant ideas. They had no time to be soft, dainty, perfumed little flowers, because there was land to till, crops to water, animals to care for, animals to slaughter, fences to make, clothes to mend, and more.
Feminism, this horrible thing you despise so much, allows women to have high-paying jobs outside their houses, which in turns gives them the buying power to get pretty clothes, perfumes, beauty products and other things which they can use to make themselves look good. The problem (for YOU, that is) is that they use these things to make them look better for THEMSELVES, not you, and how dare these women not lavish all their attention on YOU!
DKM: Nothing to wonder about at all! When my father dumped my mother who worked to support his Ph.D. and ran off with a graduate student, I swore I’d never depend on a man for my livlihood.
And I don’t. Major advanced education, own job, and partnership with another women who has a Ph.D. and HER own job.
And kitties. Lots of kitties.
AHAHAHAHAHAH: your worst nightmare come true!
And none of that, by the way, changes the fact that your metaphors are miserable.
And the quality of your arguments F-
Yeah, I often wonder what kind of world Meller is referencing. Maybe he’s idealizing the wealthiest aspects of the 50’s? My mother was raised in northern Michigan and her mother and grandmother (and aunts) all raised, milked, and killed cattle, farmed, helped their uncles fix cars for extra cash and were generally tough as nails. This was in the 20’s-40’s. My father’s side had women who lived in the midwest in dugouts in the late 1800’s and were also physically strong women (and men).
These kittens he speaks of, who are they?
Women throughout history have had to be really really physically strong, no nonsense and so forth. Not kittens. Makes no sense.
Meller’s metaphors for what he wants out of women don’t really make sense. You want someone soft and fluffy who’s also an effective domestic servant? Kittens don’t really fit the bill there. Ever see a kitten do the dishes? If you asked a kitten to cook you a meal, what reaction do you think you’d get? (Given that said kitten understood your language.) Cats, no matter how soft and cuddly they may be, do what they want, when they want, and screw everyone else. Also, they have claws, and fangs, and aren’t shy about using them.
“After all those half-dead mice I gave you that you threw away? Go fuck yourself.”
I’m the first to admit that animals are unsuitable for human female metaphors, but I don’t have anything better at present. There is little doubt that you worthless modern women a.k.a. feminists, being replaced by cyborg (cybernetic organism) lifeforms, once the very difficult problems of self-learning and self-correcting programming, neural-net algorithmic autoprogramming, (simulating human learning and emotional responses, but largely devoid of the hostility, bitterness, and competitiveness characteristic of you dreadful modern women) along with extremely difficult problems in human/robot reproductive biology can be effectively and safely solved. Unfortunately, these technologies are are still the distant future!
“Wifebots” and “cybercuties” will have many of the more desirable features of human females, without the bitterness, male-envy, obstinacy, pushiness and opinionatedness, bad temper, and just plain over-educated, hyperintellectuallized STUPIDITY that feminist modern women display, especially on the internet! The ‘wifebots’ would be able to simulate all of the loving and attentive, considerate and patient responses that a SOFG (Sweet old-fashioned girl) at her best, could bring into a relationship, could access feminine skills in and around the home like the best of the Victorian-era women, along with (hopefully) autoheuristic (self-learning) programs that could perhaps even simulate playfulness, humor, and conversational wit. Even if they couldn’t, they would still be superior to you modern women in their ability to attract and please the male of the species! The softness and cuddliness is largely symbolic, much like the reverse of that Helen Reddy song that sparked “women’s lib” in, I believe, 1972 “I am woman, hear me roar”. Of course, being female, she sung that song in feminine squeaks, not roaring, but the symbolism of course, was there.
Women today are defective in countless ways! I can’t even go into all of them. Yes, some of you can do work that men can do, perhaps almost as well as men could, but who asked you to? There was no shortage of men working outside the home in the ’70’s and ’80s, there was no shortage of men going to college and preparing for professional careers. All you damned feminists did was overcrowd the workplace, create tensions and “hostile workplace” where none existed before; youall clog the courts with divorce and “domestic violence” lawsuits that never would have seen the light of day in better times, you have expanded the definitions of “rape” (so-called) to the absured extent so that every couple practically needs legal counsel (hers and HIS) BEFORE even embarking on a date, much less going to bed together, your flooding the workplace with almost useless and superabundant females driving down male breadwinner wages and raising taxes (to do things like school lunches, afterschool activities,and ‘daycare”) for children orphaned by the feminist revolution, further impoverishing the family, and so on..
As far as buying perfumes, longerie, and and other pretty things, that is one of the things that MEN were paid to do for you, when and if you women would please them! Women don’t need, and shouldn’t have, high-paying men’s positions for that!
As things stand now, you are making life a living hell for normal people, both men and the normal women who love us, and we are on the lookout for something better!
I am not even going into court ordered and government mandated “affirmative action” lunacy and its appliction to male occupations like armed forces, police and fire departments, skilled manual (MANual) trades like welding, carpentry, plumbing, masonry, HVAC, and so on, along with women infesting law, real-estate, business and finance, and for that matter, although here it probably doesn’t matter, being so rotten that it is hopeless anyhow–politics, courts, and regulatory bureaucracy!
Men are not going to be quiet about our dispossession any longer!! Where there are one or two voices of protest today, there wiil be hundreds next year, thousands the years after that, and eventually millions! The collapse and bankruptcy of the current rotten NWO system, combining as it does, the worst traits of both capitalism and socialism, which feminism has such a symbiotic part, can only help the eventual replacement of youall in the end!
Even if I don’t live to see your replacement, or eradication, by cybercuties, wifebots, “ladyborgs” or whatever the post-feminist woman is called. I know that it is coming! Happy obsolescence! Sic Transit Gloria Mundi!
Ooh, I’m not so sure you’d want that, DKM. Isn’t being constantly outwitted by other humans enough for you, without subjecting yourself to constant verbal humiliation by AIs as well? (And surely programs that could simulate humor and wit would have to be written — or at least tested — by someone with humor and wit? I’m not really seeing any MRAs bringing that to the table…)
Maybe you should just glue a fleshlight to a Furby and call it a day? 😀
DKM, you do realize that “manual” comes from the Latin “manus”, meaning “hand”, as in “labor by hand”? It has nothing to do with men. Fun fact: manus is a feminine word.
Avoiding raping someone is pretty simple: just don’t have sex with someone when that person doesn’t want you to have sex with them. This can usually be seen through tones of voice, moans, active participation in the sex, wiggling, saying “yes, yes, fuck me now”, et cetera. If you are very concerned, you can set up a safeword, such as “red”, “aardvark” or the old favorite “safeword’, that will stop the sex immediately if either partner utters it.
The same for avoiding domestic violence. Don’t hit your partner unless your partner wants you to. Done.
My girlfriend is loving, patient, considerate, attentive, skilled at feminine things, playful, witty and funny. She cuddles a lot. She’s also a badass butch polyamorous feminist with short purple hair, a tattoo and a bunch of piercings. And, you know, hyperintellectual, well-educated, opinionated, obstinate, pushy and bad-tempered (at people who deserve it)– because all of those things are not mutually exclusive! 🙂
Women today are defective in countless ways! I can’t even go into all of them. Yes, some of you can do work that men can do, perhaps almost as well as men could, but who asked you to? There was no shortage of men working outside the home in the ’70′s and ’80s, there was no shortage of men going to college and preparing for professional careers. All you damned feminists did was overcrowd the workplace, create tensions and “hostile workplace” where none existed before
DKM, you could apply that rant to any other group that was unfairly denied access to paying jobs.
“Black people today are defective in countless ways! I can’t even go into all of them. Yes, some of you can do work that white men can do, perhaps almost as well as white men could, but who asked you to? There was no shortage of white men working in the ’70′s and ’80s, there was no shortage of white men going to college and preparing for professional careers. All you damned civil liberty groups did was overcrowd the workplace, create tensions and “hostile workplace” where none existed before.”
“Foreigners today are defective in countless ways! I can’t even go into all of them. Yes, some of you can do work that American people can do, perhaps almost as well as American people could, but who asked you to? There was no shortage of American people working in the ’70′s and ’80s, there was no shortage of American people going to college and preparing for professional careers. All you damned Immigrants did was overcrowd the workplace, create tensions and “hostile workplace” where none existed before.”
“Non-Christians today are defective in countless ways! I can’t even go into all of them. Yes, some of you can do work that Christians can do, perhaps almost as well as Christians could, but who asked you to? There was no shortage of Christians working in the ’70′s and ’80s, there was no shortage of Christians going to college and preparing for professional careers. All you damned non-christians did was overcrowd the workplace, create tensions and “hostile workplace” where none existed before.”
Do you see the problem here?
Ozymandias42–30 October 2011 @1:24pm
Rape and domestic violence allegations aren’t often false and they don’t require extensive legal protection, at least for innocent and victimized MEN? Fine, O42–Now tell us all about Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny!
Tell those innoucuous feminist definitions of “rape” and “domestic violence” to the hundreds, if not many thousands of men falsely accused, and even more falsely convicted, of those so-called crimes. Whenever you have a he-says, she-says situation, I don’t have to tell you how all that is needed is a few tears, a bit of torn clothing, and maybe a bruise or a few little cuts, which could come from anywhere, Modern Woman superbitch then morphs into poor innocent Polly Pureheart victim, and then TV and newspapers get into the act, racheting upward in public hostility toward the alleged perpetrator, and the male is legally (toast) months before his so-called “trial” begins, unless, maybe, if he is extremely lucky and well connected, and also a millionaire or a celebrity or something!