Yesterday we met Zero Tolerance Man, a feisty fellow with lots of strong opinions about the ladies, which he posts in giant letters on his blog NOMARRIAGES.COM. Today I’ve got a few more samples of his timeless wisdom and, as promised, some poetry.
American women have this attitude that they deserve a perfect man; a prince on a white horse who will solve all of their problems, look great, and pay for everything. Instead, most will get the shit sandwich they deserve!
American women are just cum dumpsters; sperm receptacles, and human toilets. They have no other value. A man in the USA MUST remain unmarried and must not impregnate these worthless vile monsters we call:
over the hill, past their sell-by date, ugly wrinkled, worthless piece of shit bitches.
Ever notice how horrible the bathroom smells when an American woman get’s done using it? I have a friend who cleans office buildings and he tells me the women’s bathroom is much filthier than the men’s room. The women piss on the toilet seat, don’t flush, leave used tampons on the floor.American women are truly pigs in most cases. That horrible odor you smell is the toxic residue from their bodies and spirit. …
Most American women stink really badly when they take a dump because of their internal toxicity.
American women have personalities similar to the horrible odor they emit
On the relative values of women and toilet paper:
American Women are the lowest slime on the face of the earth. I wouldn’t use one to wipe my ass with. Even toilet paper has more value than an American women. If any of you feminist bitches are reading this:
If there are any men here who are inspired enough by these posts to want to take up the “zero tolerance lifestyle, our helpful blogger sets forth a list of rules to guide you on your quest. Two of my favorite:
* The most you should ever pay for is a drink or 2 to get her drunk enough to screw. Do NOT pay for dinners, concerts, travel, or movies. In the USA, you should only be spending time with women if you are screwing them or preparing them with alcohol for sex. Otherwise, you should not be with them at all.
* Do NOT give women any attention in public. Ignore them like they don’t exist in the supermarket, gym, etc. Do not look at them at all. Otherwise, you will be feeding the ego of these attention whores. Don’t give these cunts what they want. No eye contact!!!! Walk past them like the are garbage on the ground. If they speak to you do not answer in any more than 1 word answers. Walk away as quickly as possible.
Let’s end with some excerpts from a little poem ZTM has written for the women of America:
You’re an American woman
You try to make me see
It’s all about you, the hell with me
You’re selfish, you’re spoiled
you put up a front
You’ve got nothing to sell
except your cunt! …
Oprah and Phil have made you feel
Like you were all that
Even though you’re big and fat
You bash all the men and then………….
you think you’re a 10
But you belong in a Pig Pen!
I won’t spend a dime, no matter how you whine
I won’t give you kids or marry you bitch
You’ll ass rape me in court, you wicked witch.
I kick you to the curb of your rotten loser life
I have the last laugh
’cause I didn’t make you my wife!!!!!!!
I find myself agreeing with one of ZTM’s points: it’s for the better if he doesn’t marry. That’s a program I think we can all agree on.
The guy I had a huge crush on (that is sadly taken -_- ) is an inch shorter than me, which puts him in the range of MRAL. xD
And yet I wasn’t like BOOOOOOO I NEED A TALL GUY xD
On the other hand, I HAVE dated a guy who was 6’2″, and he also turned out to be a misogynist who said “white men have it worst in our society” xD And I stopped dating him…
this could be MRAL’s problem…
Don’t forget the “full head of hair” 😉
I guess that would be the Entitled Women’s League of America, the secret organization that speaks for all women but only issues confidential press releases to MRAs.
Protip: If you only have sex with inebriated people on the point of passing out, you are nearly immune to false rape accusations.
I always hate that. “If you’re offending people, you’re doing something right!” If you set puppies on fire, you’ll offend people, but you’re not doing something right.
Our Hero Zero:
She was a thief, you got to belief, she stole my heart and my cat. Judy, Betty, Josie and those hot Pussycats… they make me horny, on Saturday morny… girls of cartoo-ins will leave me in ruins… I want to to be Betty’s Barney. Hey Jane… get me off this crazy thing… called love.
(I can C&P too)
You mean Brandon?
My father’s less than 6′, and I’m fairly sure he’s gotten laid at least twice.
Moewicus | October 20, 2011 at 10:58 pm
I guess that would be the Entitled Women’s League of America, the secret organization that speaks for all women but only issues confidential press releases to MRAs.
No no, they send those emails to all of us, but MRAL INTERCEPTED them! His rank may just be lieutenant, but he’s also part of the MRA black ops XD
You mean Brandon?
you just made my night XD
MRAL, I have literally never dated a man who wasn’t under 6 feet tall. My first very serious boyfriend was a whopping 5’6”. If I could change one feature about my current partner’s appearance (and he didn’t mind), I’d make him a couple of inches shorter, because then it’d be easier to kiss him without straining my neck. I’m not sure where you got the idea that all women want the same thing and that it is tall guys, but we are seriously not a hivemind.
Also, you may have heard of a dude named Tom Cruise. he is 5’7”. Are you actually under the impression that the average woman watching Top Gun or Risky Business in the 80s spent those movies thinking, “Ew, that guy is HIDEOUS! I definitely would not go out with a guy who looked like that”?
My boyfriend is 5’10”. The guy I dated before that was 5’8″. Before that? 5’6″.
(Whoa. I did not notice this pattern. The guy before that was 5’11” so it’s not like I’m scaling up each time…)
I feel sort of silly offering “proof” that guys under 6′ can get dates, the way I’d feel if I was called upon to prove that some dogs are brown.
Don’t think about it as offering proof. xD Think about it as giving MRAL an example and seeing how his stubborn world view handles it, and what hilarious justification his brain spits out 😀
I wish you’d been around when ZTM was spouting off about how Asian women would fulfill all his needs because they’re all submissive little things who don’t give their men any lip and possibly also don’t get old or poop.
…Not that it would have changed anything, but it would have been funny.
I still wonder if these idiots have actually met any Chinese women at all, ever.
NRAL, google “How tall is Brad Pitt” and prepare to have your mind blown.
(Spoilers: He’s 5’11”.)
Also joining the never dated anyone over 6 feet bandwagon. My husband is about 5’10, I think. It seems plenty tall to me, because I am only a couple of inches taller than Snooki.
Ami, I think your existence made ZTM spontaneously combust.
@Pervocracy YES! Me tooooo D:
I missed the Ami signal ):
@Bostonian I’m a Chinese woman! 😀 They will prolly be disappointed by me xD (or all their stereotypes will be confirmed cuz of the way I write xD )
@Kristin I suspect MRAL’s angry suspicions are confirmed by the fact that no women 5’5″ and below will date him, and it MUST be because everybody wants 6 feet men. IT MUST! They can’t even settle for a guy 4-10+ inches above them! xD
For the record, my dad was 5’5″… and he managed to have kids…
It is just that I know so many Chinese women who do not suffer fools like these at all. Like I said earlier in the thread, my former boss would have swept the floor with this loser.
I have just discovered this page through Pandagon, and have spent a few days reading through the archives – magnificent!
As a solicitor (Australian) who works in the field of family law, I deal with these lovely creatures all the time, although many aren’t as poetic as this young man…
Can’t wait for the next entry.
I’ve seriously dated two men. One was 5’9″ and the other was 5’8″. I am also 5’8″.
Admittedly most guys I’ve hooked up with were taller than me, and I do have a preference for tall men. One guy I hooked up with was a head shorter than me, but I think he was sexy.
You see, preferences are just preferences. I have a lot of preferences, and many of them are mutually exclusive (I like really skinny guys and I also like really muscular guys). Being short might preclude you from some women being interested in you, but certainly not all.
What will preclude you from most women being interested with you is bitterness and resentment towards women as a whole, and extreme disgust for their bodies.
@Bostonian XD Oh god, I’ve dealt w/ my share of Asianphiles too… they’re SOOOOO CREEPY… and hilarious! 😀
It’s hilarious that if you put together a lot of the exps just in this thread,it turns out that most of the guys ppl are dating are… around average xD 5’7″-5’10”
oh the long suffering MRAL.. cursed by god…. if only he too was of average hei- oh wait…
I am already dealing with weirdos leering at my 10 year old girl. I’m a little touchy about it, as you may guess from some of my redacted posts.
Hell, I married a guy who’s under 6 ft tall. But then again he’s not white, so I don’t suppose MRAL cares.
@Bostonian 🙁 *hugs* *glares at creepoids* >:O
@CassandraSays MRAL has weird things to say about non-white men xD For instance, he thinks it’d be easier for him to get women if he were Asian or Latino b/c the height thing would scale,and a 5’9″ Asian man would be perceived as taller than a white male, and so he would be an Asian alpha (or something xD )
Also he discounts Asian and Hispanic men from average height charts… in order to push it higher so he’s not average.
Why does this guy’s writing remind me so much of the guy from Boycott American Women?
Also, as the owner of a cleaning company, I have a decent amount of ancedotal evidence about who’s bathrooms really are dirtier.
If I had a 10 year old girl and caught some creeper leering at her, I’d probably gauge his eyes out.
What I’m saying, bostonian, is that I admire your restraint 😛
Oh, since we’re sharing, my boyfriend’s about an inch shorter than me. My first “real” boyfriend was too, as was this stone cold fox with great ink, a shaved head, and a wonderful dog, who never asked me on a second date (before I met my current partner). I’ve also dated lots of guys who are taller than me (in the 5’11”-6’4″ range), because, as a taller woman, I’ve had a lot of weird experiences with short guys who, in one way or another, weren’t interested in me because of my height.
So there you have it. Women date short men too.