Yesterday we met Zero Tolerance Man, a feisty fellow with lots of strong opinions about the ladies, which he posts in giant letters on his blog NOMARRIAGES.COM. Today I’ve got a few more samples of his timeless wisdom and, as promised, some poetry.
American women have this attitude that they deserve a perfect man; a prince on a white horse who will solve all of their problems, look great, and pay for everything. Instead, most will get the shit sandwich they deserve!
American women are just cum dumpsters; sperm receptacles, and human toilets. They have no other value. A man in the USA MUST remain unmarried and must not impregnate these worthless vile monsters we call:
over the hill, past their sell-by date, ugly wrinkled, worthless piece of shit bitches.
Ever notice how horrible the bathroom smells when an American woman get’s done using it? I have a friend who cleans office buildings and he tells me the women’s bathroom is much filthier than the men’s room. The women piss on the toilet seat, don’t flush, leave used tampons on the floor.American women are truly pigs in most cases. That horrible odor you smell is the toxic residue from their bodies and spirit. …
Most American women stink really badly when they take a dump because of their internal toxicity.
American women have personalities similar to the horrible odor they emit
On the relative values of women and toilet paper:
American Women are the lowest slime on the face of the earth. I wouldn’t use one to wipe my ass with. Even toilet paper has more value than an American women. If any of you feminist bitches are reading this:
If there are any men here who are inspired enough by these posts to want to take up the “zero tolerance lifestyle, our helpful blogger sets forth a list of rules to guide you on your quest. Two of my favorite:
* The most you should ever pay for is a drink or 2 to get her drunk enough to screw. Do NOT pay for dinners, concerts, travel, or movies. In the USA, you should only be spending time with women if you are screwing them or preparing them with alcohol for sex. Otherwise, you should not be with them at all.
* Do NOT give women any attention in public. Ignore them like they don’t exist in the supermarket, gym, etc. Do not look at them at all. Otherwise, you will be feeding the ego of these attention whores. Don’t give these cunts what they want. No eye contact!!!! Walk past them like the are garbage on the ground. If they speak to you do not answer in any more than 1 word answers. Walk away as quickly as possible.
Let’s end with some excerpts from a little poem ZTM has written for the women of America:
You’re an American woman
You try to make me see
It’s all about you, the hell with me
You’re selfish, you’re spoiled
you put up a front
You’ve got nothing to sell
except your cunt! …
Oprah and Phil have made you feel
Like you were all that
Even though you’re big and fat
You bash all the men and then………….
you think you’re a 10
But you belong in a Pig Pen!
I won’t spend a dime, no matter how you whine
I won’t give you kids or marry you bitch
You’ll ass rape me in court, you wicked witch.
I kick you to the curb of your rotten loser life
I have the last laugh
’cause I didn’t make you my wife!!!!!!!
I find myself agreeing with one of ZTM’s points: it’s for the better if he doesn’t marry. That’s a program I think we can all agree on.
Pecunium: That’s… that’s effing perfect. I think the application process would be too much effort for the usual MRA, though – and they’d beg for some sort of ‘affirmative action’ in which the playing field is leveled for their IQ range.
CassandraSays–October 31,2011@6:12pm
C–I am not an “angry old fart with lady issues” at all. At least get your posts correct! I am angry old fart with feminist issues! There is a difference, and a big one!
Ladies can be very nice, and I have no quarrel with them. Feminists, on the other hand…
Meller: Any woman who doesn’t think the way you do… you define as not a lady.
That means you have problems with women.
Mostly that you don’t think them human, and want to keep them from having any agency at all. You want slaves, and believe that, should women refuse to become slaves, that killing them will be acceptable, so that men like you can have the paradise to which you think them entitled.
You are half-proud, of this (you keep repeating it, but when people point it out, you pretend you don’t really mean it).
That’s some pretty fucked up lady-issues, dude.
I went to high school with a number of actual ladies (as in, young women who had titles – Lady Elizabeth Lastname, if you are familiar with the conventions of the British nobility), and not one of them would have the slightest interest in interacting with someone as crass, boorish, and hateful as Meller.
A woman who is very ladylike and has excellent manners may not openly tell you that she despises you, old man, but trust me when I say that she is thinking it even as she sips her tea and pretends that you are not boring her with your endless ill-mannered rants.
When I said that I wanted ladies, I meant real ladies–traditional, loving, attentive, compliant women–NOT stuck up, arrogant, narcissitic, self-absorbed, (probably over-educated to boot) opinionated women! We have too many of THEM nowadays already! Maybe they aren’t full-fledged feminists, but they both are cut from the same cloth.
If she has excellent manners like you say, and a sweet and obliging personality, then she would welcome an honest, forthright, and straightforward advocate for–and from—the male sex! She would have no use for the pathetic henpecked renegade who might say all the “right things” to please nearby females, but makes himself, and other men, look like fools or hapless “dagwood bumsteads” who can only think or say what their wives tell them to. (Sound familiar, Pecunium?). Ladies like her would welcome me for that reason alone, I may not be perfect, but I am no renegade male “doormat” who will sell out his fellows for a kiss (or even a promise of one)!
Yeah, Cassandra, what’s your problem? Don’t you know ladies are defined as women who love DKM?
Then it’s true; there really are no ladies anymore.
Somehow, Meller, I doubt Pecunium’s here for the cookies. You’re just a sad old fart who thinks women aren’t people. You’d be a better class of person if you tried to be more like Pecunium.
Why should having manners mean obliging the likes of you, Meller? Good manners dicate that in person one does not call you a sexist imbecile in the middle of a social event – they do not in any way dicate that one must have a relationship with you or cater to your ridiculous expectations.
Good manners also dictate that one does not make unreasonable demands of other people, such as that they transform themselves into soft fluffy pets for your amusement. Therefore anyone with any manners at all will be sure to find you horrifying to be around. You’re not only boring, you’re fundamentally uncivilised.
You know, Meller, in this “paradise” of yours where women have no education or jobs, what exactly happens to widows? And if all the dangerous jobs go to men, then there will be widows.
Do they cling to their love of their husband and, since they have no earning power of their own, starve to death, or do they marry the first man that shows any interest in them?
In this “paradise” that you propose, how do men know if their wives truly love them or if they’re just pretending in order to avoid starvation?
I love the assumption that it’s an either-or situation. The fact that it’s perfectly possible to hold strong individual opinions without being a rampaging misogynist doesn’t seem to have entered into this particular equation – though of course that’s the combination that most women of my acquaintance would actually go for.
That’s a good point. The MRA’s describe relationships as a power struggle, where one person is in charge and the other is a doormat. They don’t really believe that relationships can be based on equality and cooperation. They believe that women control men, and that they need to take the control back over women. I don’t know how to reason with that, because it’s so far from the reality I know, where many straight people form equal partnerships.
It’s actually a rather sad indication that they’ve probably grown up only ever seeing relationships like this and think that this must be the norm. They literally can’t get their minds around the notion that a marriage really can (and, of course, ideally should) be a partnership of genuine equals – which is certainly true of the happiest, longest-lasting relationships that I know.
Which of course doesn’t mean “equal chores” – my wife is a much better cook than I am, so I simply do more of the cleaning to compensate. Which suits her just fine.
Meller – Could you please provide some names, be they historical or fictional, who exemplify or at least come close to your idea of lady, or true woman?
Why should I? Just so you feminists could criticise them, and me,for choosing them? So that you could find fault with delightful, charming, and often quite beautiful women and girls, while justifying youselves as women(?) completely devoid of humor, charm, playfulness, sexiness (except on the grossest, most elemenal level) fluffiness and femininity?
Get yourself another patsy!
My naming my favorite ladies would merely be giving lumps of coal the opportunity to put down brilliant sparkling diamonds, or giving paper the opportunity to attack 24-carat gold!
Meller: She would have no use for the pathetic henpecked renegade who might say all the “right things” to please nearby females, but makes himself, and other men, look like fools or hapless “dagwood bumsteads” who can only think or say what their wives tell them to. (Sound familiar, Pecunium?).
Take a look at how Rutee and darksidecat and I disagree on the subject of religion.
The thing that galls you isn’t that I am “kowtwing to women to get laid”. No, what galls you is I think them to be people, my equals. As such they are entitled to their opions, even when they disagree with me. They are entitled to do what they want. They need neither my permission, nor approval.
When we diagree, they may convince me, they may not. Just as with a man, or a boy, or a deluded old fart who knows not his ass from his elbow, and couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the bottom.
I am always offended when someone calls me a misogynist. I am not a misogynist. I am a woman hater. There is a world of difference. Misogyny is a feminist term to place a pejorative sentiment to whatever feminist wish to attach it.
I simply hate women after watching them over a life of 50 years, after living with them, after working with them, after seeing them cheat on me and my friends, after having false domestic violence calls made on me 3 times and false sexual harassment 1 time, after having my ex-wife cheat me out of the house by sending by FedEx a rush document to me while she was applying for a second mortgage. The document said “I have nothing to do with this matter’ She told me it meant I had nothing to do with the second mortgage. The document was a Trojan horse where I signed away interest and hundreds of thousands of equity in a house. I trusted her. She was my wife. I was a fool. She is a woman. I have been cheated in the internet 10 times by lying women. I have watched them at work. I have heard story after story from friends. I don’t have time to begin to list the crap and bad behavior I have experienced with women.
No, I am not a misogynist, that made up term to vilify any resistance to feminism. No, I am woman hater with episodes and episodes of experience to back up the reason I hate them. I finally cut them out of my life, completely. And finally, finally I know peace and happiness. I have been without them for 2 years and now I know HAPPINESS IS NOT BEING UNHAPPY. Get rid of women, and not be unhappy, therefore happy.
You do realize misogynist means “woman hater”, right? Like, that’s the definition of the word. Also, why are you telling us? Don’t you have better things to do with your happy, oh I’m sorry, I mean your “not unhappy therefore happy” time?
Marky Mint, misogyny comes from the Greek misogynia to describe certain Greek philosophers’ distaste with women (versus their preference for young men and boys). In other words, ancient misogynists called themselves misogynists. So yeah, it’s a huge made up feminist term.
On a separate note, you trawled the internet for an half a year old blog post to moan generalizations about 50 percent of the human population, and you think you’re a happy guy?
Please do tell us more about this