$MONEY$ disgusting women douchebaggery evil women marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny precious bodily fluids reactionary bullshit sex vaginas western women suck

American women: Dumpsters or Septic Tanks?

He may be a raving misogynist asshole who seems to spend most of his free time scanning through PlentyOfFish profiles for women he can insult. But I’ll give Zero Tolerance Man props for one thing: his blog, NO MARRIAGES.COM, is very easy to read.

Not because he’s a brilliant writer with the clarity and grace of a latter-day Orwell. Because he uses such huge fonts, offering those with tired eyes a haven of sorts from the tiny text you find on most websites. The only real trouble is that, reading his posts, I can’t help but imagine him shouting them out at the top of his lungs.

I thought I’d give you some of the highlights — that is, lowlights — from recent posts, in a normal sized font.

On internet dating:

I would compare most American women to septic tanks or dumpsters. The ego of the typical American woman is out of control, especially with the on-line dating sites. they get a few emails from pathetic desperate guys and right away, they are a princess waiting for their dream man.

On lactating women:

The bathroom isn’t good enough to pump out that titter milk for these American bitches? After all, if I’m at work and I feel like busting a nut, I have to go into the shitter, close the stall door and pump away. But now, that isn’t good enough for a woman and her little womb turd!!! …

American women are essentially worthless except as a fuck and dump, so why are we bothering with this shit? Leave the little bastard at home or if the bitch just has to drain her tit, let her squeeze it out into the shitter.

Besides, it’s just another body fluid like the piss, blood, and yeast infections that drain from her overused overpriced PUSSgina right into the shit pot. I’m sick of giving these “ladies” deferential treatment.


On self-esteem:

I am sorry, but unless a woman is here to service my needs, she has no more value than shit in the sewer. …  We should treat American women like the crap they are and work on lowering their self-esteem.

On single mothers:

You wouldn’t  buy a dented can at the supermarket! Why would you choose a single mother? Single mothers are for losers. …

Think about it! …

Her pussy is stretched out from shitting out the kids or she has a big UGLY scar across her belly. Also included at no additional charge are stretch marks and varicose veins for your entertainment pleasure. …

Some of these bitches have 120,000 miles on their odometer by the time their husband (s) or the guys they fucked have put them in the recycle bin where they belong!

On marriage:

You can see these  bitches walking down the street with their noses stuck up in the air with their snooty, snotty grins as if to say “look at me, I am wonderful and if you are a man, you are a pig”.  I wasted years of my life and lots of money trying to please these monsters.

Only a MADMAN would marry one of these creatures.

Oh there’s more, much more. Including a poem. But I’m saving that for a future post.

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Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I mean, I think we USians (hi, MRAL) should be more accepting of masturbation in general. There was no reason, for example, that Pee Wee Herman should have been arrested for jerking it in a porno movie house, for fuck’s sake. There’s a time and a place for everything.

But babies need to eat when they need to eat, and breastfeeding is the best way to do it. That fact that breastfeeding has become sexualized is very, very sad. As a father of two boys, I’ve seen breasts when they are used for feeding many times. It’s definitely not sexy.

13 years ago

so we’re sure Broseiden isn’t joking? i honestly thought he was straight satire but it keeps going…

13 years ago

Dated loads of white western women over 20 years. They ruin your life. Entitled to no end. Wasn’t worth the effort, not one iota. Sorry to say it too, but the proof is there, I’m only sorry it took me so long to figure it out. Many of my white friends moved to Asian women a long time ago, I should have done the same 10 years ago. All of them are happy. I can only think of one friend who is with a white woman who isn’t exasperated all the time. Again, sorry to say it, but those are the facts, and the proof is all the single white woman from my peer group who have recently hit their 40s, single, lonely, slept with loads of men, no prospects, no husband, no children. Bitter, angry drunken. The next proof is that white men are going to non-white women in DROVES.

If you lot think only MRAs notice this guess again, not one of the numerous white men I know who are with Asian women are MRAs, indeed, they probably don’t even know a stitch about MRAs or PUAs or whatever, it has just become a natural evolution.

In a country like Canada it is a perfect storm; the white women are totally brainwashed, spoiled feminists, brain addled by reality television and the like, and too good for any guy who doesn’t drive a Mercedes, add to that mix beautiful, feminine Asian immigrants coming in droves and you can see how this situation came to be.

Sorry, I know you lot hate the truth, but well, there it is.

You quite literally would have to be daft to go with a white woman given these indisputable facts.

13 years ago

@Broseidon: Personally, I’m fine with the no-genitals, no anus standard of public decency. And breasts aren’t genitals, so we’re in the clear.

13 years ago

also if you don’t feed the baby they’ll whine about these lousy bitches and their screaming brats. babies cry when they get hungry.

13 years ago

CassandraSays: He’s a bit shouty, isn’t he? Also I’m confused about the whole breast pumping/masturbation analogy…does he think pumping milk is something women do to give themselves orgasms? Is he picturing them sitting there in the toilet all YEAH BABY while they pump?

This is a common sort of conflation. Lots of people (in the “West”) see breasts as sexual objects. From this they assume that part of breastfeeding is a sexual pleasure (of some sort) for the women doing it.

There is another group that seems to think breastfeeding is wrong because it isn’t sexual; “those women” are “parading their sexuality in public” (to quote NWO) and the men aren’t supposed to react to it. They are supposed to treat it as if the women weren’t flashing their sexy bits at them.

It’s just unfair.

There are also women who seem to have some sort of thoughts on those lines. I recall, when I was an au pair, the women who got upset when my boss was nursing in public. It was never a man who complained to someone and tried to make her, “more discreet”.

It being Calif., where it’s perfectly legal to breastfeed in public; and it’s not legal to tell someone they need to cover up, I’d start packing things up, and she’d declare, with a less than quite tone, that it was 1: legal, 2: proper (as she wasn’t going to starve her child) and 3: the last time she was ever going to set foot in this shop.

And then we’d leave.

13 years ago

Seems like he’s serious. Too bad, it was good satire.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Entering commmonplace observation and (unhappy) experience on one’s blog doesn’t describe stupiidity in any way. Maybe he is quite right, since maybe not ALL modern women are the dreadful beasts that he describes, but (as we know from the recent McDonalds incident, for example) far too many are!

What HAS happened to women in the past few generations? Is the floride in the water poisoning them, are food additives turning them into monsters, or is their nastiness a by product of some effects on their nervous systems, or whatever is left of them, by static electricity and electromagnetic field chaos caused by the electical wiring and current we are all surrounded with.

Whatever it is, i wish a cure for female beastliness and viciousness is found, and publicised, as widely and quickly as possible. It is DREADFUL going through life surrounded by such disgusting shrikes!

13 years ago

didn’t the recent mcdonalds incident involve ONE woman. yes yes that tells us a lot about how far too many women are. lolz.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Yes, DKM, before women started drinking floride (a derivative of flouride, I presume), we never had bodily functions.


What has happened DKM is that women have stopped wanting to be forced to adhere to a standard that obviously is not natural because otherwise there would be no need to use certain things-like threatening death-to keep women in that narrow little box.

13 years ago

<What about peeing in public? That’s not sexual. I should be able to go whenever. It’s not healthy to hold it in.

That’s what toilets and urinals are made for, for defecation and urination. If you’re out in public and nature calls, go to the bathroom. Most people learn this skill when they’re two or three years old. Bathrooms are NOT meant to be dining rooms for babies. If you want to eat meals at public bathrooms, be my guest, but don’t go around telling mothers that’s a sanitary place for breastfeeding.

So it’s wrong if it’s sexual, got it. Question, kissing in public then also wrong? Only if the tongue is involved? What about holding hands?

Why don’t you discuss that matter with your significant other, and see if ze is on board for public displays of affection? It doesn’t matter what I think about it.

13 years ago


The only cure is loneliness, and as I’ve stated above, I have lost count of the women I knew growing up who are now late 30’s, desperate, single, childless spinsters. This is the first group of women to reach their reproductive expiry date who grew up in the shadow of women’s lib in the 70s and 80s.

Sit back and watch, because the Spinster demographic is about to reach pandemic proportions.

Kitty litter and rubber dildo sales are going to explode.

13 years ago

Meller: What wrong is that not enough modern women are possessed of the Kajra nature, like this.

There was a knock at the door.
“Kneel, and grasp your ankles,” he said.
I did so. I was then helpless, bound by his will.
He went to the door and opened it
A slave was there. She was naked, her hands were behind her back. About her neck, tied, was a key, doubtless to her bracelets, and a whip. There were two guards at the portal, but they were those who had been guarding it. The girl had apparently come alone through the halls to the portal, obediently, as I had.
Ligurious indicated that she should enter. She did, and he closed, and locked, the door behind her.
He freed her of the bracelets and tossed them, and the key, to the side. He then removed the whip from about her neck. He regarded her. Their eyes met.
There was a long moment of silence.
“Kneel, Slave,” said Ligurious, defining the relationship between them.
“Yes, Master,” she said.
“Is that the fashion in which I have my women kneel before me?” he asked.
“Forgive me, Master,” she said, and put her head down to the tiles before him, the palms of her hands flat on the floor.
“Lift your head,” he said.
She did so.
“Kiss the whip,” he said. “Again, lingeringly!”
“Yes, Master,” she said.
“Now lick and kiss it,” he said.
“Yes, Master,” she whispered.
He then hurled the whip from him. It slid back across the tiles, until it stopped, at the door.
“Fetch,” he said.

That’s your idea of good literature, and a model for male/female interaction.

13 years ago

Broseidon: I’m not sure why you keep trying to make obviously less-than-apt comparisons. It is fairly obvious that the female equivalent of a man masturbating in public is a woman masturbating in public, the female equivalent of a man urinating in public is a woman urinating in public, the female equivalent of a man kissing someone in public is a woman kissing someone in public, and the male equivalent of a woman feeding a baby (and possibly briefly exposing some portion of her chest) in public is..,a man feeding a baby (and possibly briefly exposing some portion of his chest) in public. Are you legally permitted to feed babies in public? (Hint: yes, you are.) Are you legally permitted to expose some portion of your chest in public? (Hint: yes, you are.) Why, then, would you waste your time and ours on idiotic comparisons that you simply can’t be dumb enough not to realize don’t work? No one, male or female, gets to masturbate in public. Everyone, male or female, gets to feed babies in public. What exactly is the problem?

13 years ago

Please jum in a well David Meller.

13 years ago

Right… But why should my horniness wait until I get home when I can relieve it on the spot? It’s a natural, beautiful act and only prudes are against it, I say!

So you are making an equivalence between feeding an infant (a thing which needs to be done, lest the infant suffer) with having a wank.

Are you trying to tell us that someone (other than yourself) is dependent on your having a wank in public? That without you having that wank some other person will suffer?

13 years ago

Maybe “floride” is the American spelling of “fluoride”? 😀

DKM’s right about the “shrike” stuff though — I totally hate it when I’m just going about my business and some random woman stakes me onto a tree branch to die. Really ruins my whole day.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Fun fact: males can lactate! Obviously it’s easier for people with post-pregnancy hormones, but with enough nipple stimulation, anyone can feed a baby from their chest!

And I have no opposition to any of them doing it in public.

13 years ago

Meller: It’s also DREADFUL going through life surrounded by men who think I should be at home, cooking dinner and pumping out babies. I’ve learned to keep my headphones in and bury myself in my Kindle, then I don’r have to deal with it.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I like how the MRAs have latched on (ho ho) to the breastfeeding issue as the one thing here that’s sort of vaguely defensible. All the other shit that he said–well, they can’t disagree with it because that would break the sacred bond of MRA honor, but it’s just invisible.

This, for example, is really not up for public debate:

I am sorry, but unless a woman is here to service my needs, she has no more value than shit in the sewer. … We should treat American women like the crap they are and work on lowering their self-esteem.

So instead of trying to defend it, go for the one thing that’s still somewhat controversial in modern society, then just sort of murmur “well, the guy does have a point” about everything else he said.

You guys really will defend everything if you think an MRA said it. (Is this guy even an MRA? I think he’s just a garden-variety misogynist.)

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Yeah, the sight of my wife’s breasts while feeding–with nipples red, raw, and sometimes cracked, engorged to twice their normal breadth and three times their normal length, and leaking milk–just didn’t give me a boner. She was in so much pain and discomfort that we switched to pumping early on for both boys. This was less painful for her, but the sight of her nipples being drawn and stretched into the pumping cups–like, well, a milking machine–was also decidedly unsexy. Obviously, YMMV.

No slam intended against nursing mothers, BTW. I’m just reiterating the very non-sexual nature of breastfeeding to me, having seen it close up. All kudos to my wife for enduring it as long as she did, for the sake of our boys. I doubt I’d have lasted as long.

13 years ago

Captain Bathrobe: I think my sister was overjoyed when NephewB decided he was tired of that milk shit and wanted real food. Seriously, he just stopped nursing and would only eat the… cereal stuff. They ended up having to get really creative with the soft foods to make sure he was getting all the nutrients he needed, but he’s doing just fine now. Happy as a clam and wanting nothing more than for Aunt Kathleen to chase him around. No matter how much my hip hurts, dammit, he wants to play!

13 years ago

Having babies or taking care of them makes you a bitch. Not having babies or wanting to take care of babies makes you a bitch. Yeah, what he really is trying to say is that he thinks all women are evil bitches, no matter what they do.

13 years ago

I suppose we are, darksidecat. I think about the things I want in life….love, kindness, friendship, a dedicated partner who helps parent our kids and engages in consensual pleasurable sex with me, decent pay for the jobs I work…sometimes I’m so ashamed of those desires for….ugh….equity! How did I get so twisted up? Why am I like this? Why can’t I be normal????

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