$MONEY$ disgusting women douchebaggery evil women marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny precious bodily fluids reactionary bullshit sex vaginas western women suck

American women: Dumpsters or Septic Tanks?

He may be a raving misogynist asshole who seems to spend most of his free time scanning through PlentyOfFish profiles for women he can insult. But I’ll give Zero Tolerance Man props for one thing: his blog, NO MARRIAGES.COM, is very easy to read.

Not because he’s a brilliant writer with the clarity and grace of a latter-day Orwell. Because he uses such huge fonts, offering those with tired eyes a haven of sorts from the tiny text you find on most websites. The only real trouble is that, reading his posts, I can’t help but imagine him shouting them out at the top of his lungs.

I thought I’d give you some of the highlights — that is, lowlights — from recent posts, in a normal sized font.

On internet dating:

I would compare most American women to septic tanks or dumpsters. The ego of the typical American woman is out of control, especially with the on-line dating sites. they get a few emails from pathetic desperate guys and right away, they are a princess waiting for their dream man.

On lactating women:

The bathroom isn’t good enough to pump out that titter milk for these American bitches? After all, if I’m at work and I feel like busting a nut, I have to go into the shitter, close the stall door and pump away. But now, that isn’t good enough for a woman and her little womb turd!!! …

American women are essentially worthless except as a fuck and dump, so why are we bothering with this shit? Leave the little bastard at home or if the bitch just has to drain her tit, let her squeeze it out into the shitter.

Besides, it’s just another body fluid like the piss, blood, and yeast infections that drain from her overused overpriced PUSSgina right into the shit pot. I’m sick of giving these “ladies” deferential treatment.


On self-esteem:

I am sorry, but unless a woman is here to service my needs, she has no more value than shit in the sewer. …  We should treat American women like the crap they are and work on lowering their self-esteem.

On single mothers:

You wouldn’t  buy a dented can at the supermarket! Why would you choose a single mother? Single mothers are for losers. …

Think about it! …

Her pussy is stretched out from shitting out the kids or she has a big UGLY scar across her belly. Also included at no additional charge are stretch marks and varicose veins for your entertainment pleasure. …

Some of these bitches have 120,000 miles on their odometer by the time their husband (s) or the guys they fucked have put them in the recycle bin where they belong!

On marriage:

You can see these  bitches walking down the street with their noses stuck up in the air with their snooty, snotty grins as if to say “look at me, I am wonderful and if you are a man, you are a pig”.  I wasted years of my life and lots of money trying to please these monsters.

Only a MADMAN would marry one of these creatures.

Oh there’s more, much more. Including a poem. But I’m saving that for a future post.

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13 years ago

Meller seems to have passed through the flopbot stage and is now accelerating rapidly towards crackerdog. But I doubt he’ll understand what I mean.

I do love a good troll meltdown.

Mr. Kobold
Mr. Kobold
13 years ago

So…is DKM even part of this elite and wealthy upper echelon who can afford super-cop service?

13 years ago

I seriously doubt it.

Mr. Kobold
Mr. Kobold
13 years ago

Last I checked, the current justice system was already doing alright by its wealthier clients.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

DKM, right now I’m on food stamps. I can’t afford *food*. How the hell am I supposed to afford police?

13 years ago

Molly, you’d just have to move or not be in a situation where you’d need police. Don’t leave the house!

13 years ago

Start your own police force? Made up of cute baby hippos?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Start your own police force? Made up of cute baby hippos?”

“This is a stickup! Put the money in the– awwww, who’s the cutest hippo ever? Is it you? Is it you?”

13 years ago

Coming this fall, meet a hungry hungry hippo with an appetite…for justice!

Hippo Cop!

(Only on FX.)

13 years ago

Meller: Bel-Air is just that private paradise you posit. They pay Bel-Air Patrol to monitor. Bel-Air Patrol calls the Beverly Hills PD. The thing is, they both answer to people other than me. The people who pay them (just like the cops who aere paid with taxes).

But they do what the people who pay them want… and what they want is the “riff-raff” (that is people who don’t live there) to be harrassed.

Why? Because they don’t live there.

I wonder how you’d feel if you wandered into a feminist enclave and were subjected the joys of the “private police” you favor. You might find yourself in the reverse of your Gorean fantasies; not to be bent to their will through love and kindness (so that you can enjoy the proper role of a man… cooking and cleaning and farming… slopping the hogs and mucking the stables).

That would be right, correct? They pay the bills, they make the laws.

And since the pay the bills (and you don’t) you can be sure that if the flog you… it will be legal. If someone commits a crime, you can be sure you will be proven guilty… after all the “investigative specialists” know who pays the bills, and it isn’t you.

You are arguing for the golden rule… he who has the gold, makes the rules.

That, or the the guy who controls the guns… that’s the problem with mercenaries… they may decide to just take over… who (after all) will stop them.

13 years ago

And Meller begins to run off the rails.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

What you are describing is much more the barbarous and loathsome system of what we have today, with government (and corporate/mercenary) police forces and–down the road–private armies–imposing their will and robbing the poor to subsidize the rich, than anything that I am advocating. It is those existing and contemporary forces, which have monopolistic authority over a particular geographical area, and are supported by taxes–enforced contributions–rather than as competitive, entrepreneurial, and open ended service providers, which account for all of the abuses, along with others you don’t even mention, that youall cite above.

The existence of competition, the need to seek willing customers, not enslaved taxpayers–what is taxpaying but ceding (the product of) one’s time and labor under compulsion to one who claims the “right” to “govern” you?–and the necessity of local polii and their member businesses to trade with each other would mitigate continuously and very strongly against such misbehavior in a completely private(ized) economy and society. Even polii whose people are committed to bizarre philosophies would (for starters) have to inform nonbelievers to stay away, and this information would have to be quite universal or else they would find themselves avoided by everyone else for reasons of safety, to say nothing of expensive conflict with non feminist (to use your example) security forces.

As an aside, regarding the above, I rather doubt that unless you as a private individual needed PERSONAL security e.g. Bill Gates, H.Ross Perot, Michael Bloomburg, et al, where you had the equivalent of billions of $$$$ of property to protect, it would be to insurance companies, landlords, malls, and other such large-scale participants in polii to pay for such services, safety being one of the services they could then reliably offer their customers, and would-be customers (we are talking about competitive and innovative FREE markets here, not government, remember) and economic small fry–like us–would pay for these services indirecty the same way we pay for air conditioning in a store on a hot summer day, by buying what they have to sell.

If you still have problems understanding, or questions to ask, you may want to seek out the writing of e.g. Murray N. Rothbard (especially his book For a New Liberty), and on a more advanced level, Man Economy and State and Power and Market, Morris and Linda Tannehill (Market for Liberty), along with som the writing of Roderick P. Long, Bruce L. Benson (especially useful with discussing the provisions of justice and arbitration services in a laissez-faire environment) Robert LeFevre-the Nature of Man and His Government, Walter Block (dealing extensively with the hitherto unexplored matter of private roads, airline routes, tunnels, and sidewalks), and Hans Hermann-Hoppe. I guarantee very interesting and stimulating reading, even if you don’t agree with everything they say! I also think that they can answer any objections more effectively and knowledgeably that I can, since they have been involved with free market ‘anarchism’ longer. Two books which are NOT anarchist but they explain perfectly why governments ALWAYS lead to the situation you gruesomely describe in your posts and you mistakenly attribute to private property and the free market are: Bureaucracy by Ludwig von Mises and Why Government Doesn’t Work by Harry Browne, (who was also the Libertarian Party Presidential candidate in 1996 and 2000)

All of those books (and authors) are available for download or purchase at


13 years ago

I know what happens when one does not have a local police force subject to civilian oversight because I have the sense to pay attention to history before we had such things.

There is a reason we have developed these systems-it is because life sucks without it.

13 years ago

Also, anytime you have a large organization you develop bureaucracy. It is just the nature of the organization that requires it.

13 years ago

Meller: Paying taxes is in NO FUCKING WAY comparable to slavery. Making the comparison belittles those who suffered and continue to suffer in true slavery. You can leave. You can go somewhere where the tax climate is more to your liking. Slaves can’t. So fuck off.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

manboobzers, read–and reread–the above recommended literature before you comment, please. Upon rereading it, enjoy yourselves by talking about it with other students of liberty on blogs and fora like this one. The Mises Institute (for example) has chat rooms and blogs just like this one.

I know how much you are absolutely dying to defend the status quo, despite its manifest defects, but refrain from sounding foolish by at least INFORMING yourself of possible improvements and alternatives!

After you have at least familiarized yourself with the material, I’ll be glad to discuss the matter further with you. Besides, it can be a lot of fun learning something new, especially something that you probably never thought even existed (private property anarchism).

Have fun!

13 years ago

Meller: Yeah, no. You and your reading list can fuck right off.


13 years ago

And if by not reading whatever wingnut bullshit you’re recommending, Meller, I can make you shove of faster, then I’m really, really aggressively not reading.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

A coice from the ignorant: See above!

13 years ago

Meller: You calling someone else ignorant? There’s a laugh.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Of course, I meant to say, “A voice from the ignorant”.

KathleenB-You can always go home and bake cookies…

13 years ago

See, I’m intelligent enough to multitask. I can be a feminist AND bake cookies. At the same time!

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Why aren’t you having conniption fits when I remind you to do something tradionally feminine, like baking cookies? You’re disappointing me, KathleenB! You almost caused an earthquake when I asked you about those poor cupcakes a few days ago!

Certainly if you can even bake cookies, you can read “wingnut bulls**t”, can’t you? Or are you afraid of learning something new??

Molly Ren
13 years ago

DKM, you’re basically saying someone who isn’t a millionaire won’t get robbed? I know middle class people who have had their cars and TVs stolen. Someone once tried to charge a bunch of fraudulent stuff to my credit card (they were probably a server who rang up my bill in a restaurant), and I’ve hardly ever been middle class.

C’mon, you need to try harder than that. 😛

13 years ago

I lost my temper, Meller, because you’re an fuckwit who can’t bother with reading comprehension. And a misogynist asshole to boot.